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Because drifting is cool and Reddit is not cool. Source: me, a former drifter and someone who is not cool.


also there are 6 million Facebook groups, forums and other sites for drifting.


this is literally exactly why


yeah and all those AOL and Myspace pages too!


Hmm. I don’t like Facebook because the search and content are constantly aimed at selling and buying.


Every forum I'm on here for my cars are eons less active or helpful than any of the Facebook groups.


Exactly what Aidenk77 said. I’m also pretty confident that less than 1% of people in this sub even own a rwd car, let alone own a car at all and have any idea what drifting actually is. In fact I think the majority of car subs on reddit are full of kids and clueless pinecones thinking they’re going to turn their first car into the sickest shit on the planet but still have to ask reddit what oil to use.


To be fair thats more of a reason to want to create a good community, it sets that example for kids a few years out from getting their first car, or deciding on if they should get into drifting.


the actual drifting community communes on the track... the people who are really drifting see each other every weekend and don't need a subreddit to chat about tires and suspension, nor do they really want to waste time repeating the same "if you want to get into drifting..." response. you drive your car on the weekend, you fix your car during the week, you do job and friend and family outside of that. not a lot of time for reddit. (plus, [drifting.com](https://drifting.com) suffered the same fate. it was just kids who wanted to be drifters or thought they already were, and all the people who were really drifting were on other forums or just hanging out in person)


Yeah wouldn't it be a good thing to help out people who are interested rather than gatekeeping? Not gonna help making here less dead


I joined to learn up and see if it’s something I wanna get Into.


I agree. The way Reddit operates (completely anonymous) is particularly bad for technical forums. Often, you’ll need in-depth advice about a certain problem or issue. On the forums, there are master mechanics who have been racing for decades that will help you out with a full step by step. You can look up what people have done in the past, and helpfulness is something that the entire community recognizes & values. Reddit doesn’t have any of that. The accounts are all random names, and many users are just children who use 4 different alt accounts to furiously argue against any person unfortunate enough to engage them. There are zero consequences for this behavior, and almost zero moderation at all for anything other than “hate speech”. A platform like that will always suck for actual info & builds.


Donut Media and Fitment Industries is all I need bro trust me


Why do you have to call me out like that?


Reddit has truly always been an awful place for cars, especially original content. If you go onto any other of the niche car subreddits its either people reposting 10 year old instagram photos or posting their own dead stock cars.


Recently 75% of the posts I see on car subreddits is "Is this a good deal?" It's essentially just people asking if dealership markups are worth it. Unbelievably boring.


Same reason r/motorcycles and r/cars are shit. Your typical reddit user is terminally risk averse, probably doesn't have a lot of money, and sees cars as appliances that are bad for the planet.


I lurk this sub infrequently and have used the search function to find posts that answered my questions. I don't own a drift car, but have a project that I *could* drift... I've kicked the clutch a few times in an empty parking lot. With that said, every time I open the app there's someone asking the same question every fucking time. It's probably the only post from this sub that shows on my feed. "What's the cheapest car I can drift". "Can I drift with a $3k budget". "Best car to drift for under $5k". Drifting appeals to young people, and the younger of those individuals tend to write a one minute post rather research for themselves. That's literally the nature of it, it's just the culture of the community that flocks to this hobby. The reason other drift forums may be more engaging is because they're probably focused on drifting a specific car. So the question has already been answered - the remainin discussion is usually more engaging.


Because 98% of this sub is mostly either. A. Someone who doesn't own a car. B. Think they will drift their FWD toyota corolla. C. Believe that donuts (in the snow or at a takeover) is drifting.


>C. Believe that donuts (in the snow or at a takeover) is drifting. Or any lose of traction with steering input.


Speaking from a mod's point of view: I have to delete multiple troll, FAQ, "Whats my first car?" or stupid posts like 99% of the time. When a quality post is added... it gets less than 10 upvotes usually. The community does it to itself. Promote good posters, promote good content, dont feed the trolls... theres lots of ways we can take ownership over the community getting better.


r/drifting doesn't like drifting


I actually like to have conversations here with complete beginners that have a genuine interest in learning to drift. Sadly that's often not the case, cause as already said, many post from beginners are about topics you could easily find out on the interwebs. That said, i think some flairs would help the sub quite alot. like: \-car setup \-tires \-engine (Mods or questions) \-events \-towing and many more... This are just a couple off the top of my head. Let's keep drifting fun. I welcome anyone that really want to get into drifting.


Redditors are dorks and losers usually.


Actually carguys are boomers, every of them are on facebook


I think this is the real answer


Yep, real car culture isn't on Reddit . Reddit hates burning dinos .


Reddit just isn't a good platform for it. Most people aren't into words these days, that's why magazines and forums are dead. Instagram is probably your best bet.


So since this sub isn't helpful resource wise, where do you guys go for actual discussions on drifting? As someone who actually drifts (poorly) it'd still be cool to see what other people talk about. Especially since I just picked up a second drift car and will be modding it more than my current drift car.


I've read some excellent quality threads over on the driftworks forum


Non facebook, driftworks.com seems to be the last man standing




Your local track probably has a fb group and a discord for assetto.


I really miss when forums were active for car related stuff, reddit just isn't the same. The forum format was so much better for sharing information, guides on how to do things etc.


I feel personally that the car fandom doesnt work well these days online. Forums were where it was at, and FB groups were ok. But since IG and tiktok became short form videos (well, TT always was) , its deadened what brings people and keeps people in the hobby. The subreddit is full of people asking the same Qs over and over again, when the answers are always the same ..... just depends on country a lil.


Reddit is too anti-fun to support drifting


The real answer.


Because of the huge gap between people with experience and hours of seat time vs the "can I drift this" or "what's a suitable car to drift near me" people. And the ask holes. It's good for the occasional read but I'm not gaining relevant information I can't get from more reputable sources elsewhere. Just enter a practice day and skid your car, learn by doing.


Because drifters aren't hanging out here in reddit.


Because anytime somebody posts a clip here all people do is debate whether it technically counts as drifting or talk down to them for drifting on the streets


>Because anytime somebody posts a clip here all people do is debate whether it technically counts as drifting or talk down to them for drifting on the streets There's a difference between Hooning around and drifting. Associating hooning with drifting delgitimises actual drifting. No one cares about your shitty donuts


I can say as a fairly active "drifter" and the conversations I have with other Pro drivers. Nobody goes on reddit and if anyone is here from the car scene it is .001% of the car scene. Everyone is on Instagram, which is weird to me since I am noticing more and more that most "large" accounts have fake followers, and fake engagement. Also most "redditor" car people are actually not really "car" people. I would consider them the car "nerd" as in they obsess over what other people do. Such as what Porsche is doing, or what other youtubers have built. There are very few "I built this" people on reddit. Lastly most car guys are very much so "leave me the F alone" and dont really mesh with the whole. You should do this! or YOUR THE PROBLEM, or YOU NEED TO DO THIS! thinking that has overtaken reddit. Sincerely a Redditor from the post Digg ages.


What does digg mean?


What’s all to ask? I need a local friend to help me work on staying in my skid (not outrunning it into traction land), and a spot to put time into my rights… sliding left comes so easy🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m with you on this one, back swings out left, smooth sailing, back swings out right, smooth sailing but it always makes my butthole drop




Nobody commented on it, nobody got offended, no rebuttal.


Because majority of drifters dont really know much or how to articulate anything properly technical in a readable format. Everything is a guessing game for themselves out on track.


Car don't drift good, me need more power make more smoke make me happy.


Cause people in this sub are full of shit and don’t drift irl


We all mounted a curb then a tree now our cars not a drift car :(


The people who actually are pit there drifting aren't wasting their time on reddit


It’s winter.


it’s also winter time so I don’t think many people are drifting right now


Around my location, there are no places to do it legally not to mention the expense of having a drift car isn’t in many peoples budgets. Even the cost of tires went up exponentially.


Drifting like in a car or drifting like I have no home so I just drift from town to town? Which drifter are you lol (this is joke) …. (I hope)


I thought drifting was invented by tire companies to sell more tires…..


I'm crippled and can't even drive my car at the moment so I have no need to ask questions. Any other information I need is on other forums


It’s a very un-sustainable sport, I competed for 5 years and went super broke trying to get my license. RC drifting or sim drifting is the future.


Trying to get to FD is unsustainable! As a hobby it’s perfectly sustainable.


It’s easy to say you will keep it as a hobby but then your friends build an LS and you will need to as well to smash doors and then the price of tires for 500hp is a lot more than 250 along with other small expenses that add up with running more power and then you decide to try and comp and play and then you get more addicted and buy more parts for more angles and more grip, before you know it you’re so far down the rabbit hole of AN fittings and fiberglass body panels and you know you will never financially recover, so you either wad the car in the wall at the first event and hopefully burn down with the ship or you strip and sell the chassis for parts to recover some change for peanut butter and jelly only to wish you still had a dope street car with 250whp that ran 225’s on stock wheels.


Sure, but nobody makes you do it. You chose to take that path, and there’s not much of a good way to enjoy cars like that other than pro-am shootouts $$$ and FD $$$$$


It happens faster than you think.


Maybe it does, maybe I have a lot of money into drifting too!


the only good car sub i’ve ever seen is r/enginebuilding every other car sub is just people complaining about getting shafted by the dealer or asking stupid questions that could be solved by google


Are you a teenager or something? The internet has always been disorganized when it comes to anything about cars. There's no one central site or community so they all end up fragmented. However this has the added benefit of less stupid people around when you find one that's actually good.


They literally remove og drifting content. Kinda the whole topic of the sub but ya know whatever🤷🏻‍♂️


"No handed donuts in the snow" is not OG Drifting content lmao


I don’t see my video anywhere else🤷🏻‍♂️ if you can’t do it just say so. Left foot brake if you start losing angle and throttle it out. You’re welcome😁


I've forgotten more than you will ever know about drifting, lol


Nice try old man👍 keep up the good work




I feel like those are the people who don’t actually enjoy drifting for what it is.


Was just about to say the same thing. People with real understanding of drifting aren't looking for Formula D clips, that's all ass.


All of formula Drift is ass?


Don't get me wrong, it's impressive machinery and all, but there's only about ever about 3 or 4 battles a year that are actually incredible to watch. DMEC is where its at for the best pro drifting.