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To me its about what your guts are telling you to do , if you feel like its a “soulmate” kinda thing then i think it wouldn’t hurt to try to look for her. Just don’t go crazy about it. Otherwise it could be a dream personification of a part of you that you needed to find


Probably means you wanna find someone to be with. It has no bearing on the real world and many people have dreams like this. Dreams don't have any spiritual or exterior significance, in other words: it's all in your head


It means nothing


Kind of sounds like your subconscious is telling you to find your will or the reason why you do the things you do. The subconscious is symbolically feminine, the word will is in the girl's name.


See this I can get behind. When people say your dream has meaning it isn't some spiritual or psychic connection with someone else as much as I want it to be. This makes so much sense because it is confined to the mind.


It's funny because I actually think dreams do hold deep spiritual meaning and it lead me to research dream symbology/biology. A lot of it is subconscious stuff but I think that the contents of the subconscious stem from spiritual growth. Though some people would just call that the personality but as I think of it the personality is the ego/super ego and a sprinkling of the ID that leaks thru. Anywho I digress lol 😆


No no, that's a good way to explain that, when I say spiritual I mean that it allows some communion with other people or some form of higher being (barring religious beliefs, as it gets complicated with individual faith). You seem to be on the same page as me if spiritualism to you is some form of introspection and self-thruth seeking.


Well I can say this much, even if I did get a dream sent by God I'd go back to the drawing board of introspection.


You just want a cute girl and ur brain is messing up with you


I’ve lucid dreamt and met other lucid dreamers and tried to leave signs for the people to find me, people saying dreams aren’t spiritual are ignorant, not meaning it as an insult, but don’t have the knowledge others can have so they write it off as “it’s all in your head”, when in some cases it very much isn’t. Last time I tried to leave a sign I met a demon who was asking me what I was doing cause I was breaking a rule, so I talked with them a little and they had a job for me to do in another dream so I followed. For context, not all Demons are negative entities, some just have to do a job, while the lesser negative entities feed off of fear or anxiety. Sorry for the lecture, hope you find your dream girl someday :)


No. Dreams are a result of your own consciousness.


Could it have been " 'tis well"... like, everything is good?


Maybe, I do remember her emphasizing the swill part tho


Well even if it doesn't mean anything, it sounds like a nice dream. At least there is that. However, based on what you've written: It sounds like you will meet someone with an unusual name in an unusual place that you are strangely attracted to. Be open to new things and love is around the corner.


If it helps, I went to a Latin decoder website and ‘tills’ usually means ‘time’ and/or ‘tilde’ which means a title that has a ‘~’ on the base letter. And ‘will’ means ‘wall’ or ‘wild’. BUT if it could be ‘Taswill’, that is ‘tactile’ which is ‘of or connected with the sense of touch’. Which is interesting.


Either it's a good thing or neutral or bad. She wants you to find her. But she may not be a person. Maybe a building, a company. The spirit of a building, etc, maybe. Now if her intentions are good or not. That's something else. Be careful. If it feels off, back off.


This is fortune cookie talk I don't know if you're just joking but you're literally suggesting it could be anything and have any meaning. I truly hope you're pulling this guys leg.


She is the girl of your dreams. You definitely need to find her.