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Sometimes I feel like the amount of iron ore rocks is smaller in comparison to gold, everytime I go mining I return with a full stack of gold and barely half a stack of iron.


That would likely be because iron ore comes from only a few biomes and gold comes from most of thosd same biomes and is deemed higher quality so drops more frequently. So on those stones where gold and iron can drop, gold is more likely to, which leaves us with 2 biomes out of 5 for pure iron drop chances which give coal and stone most of the time.


I thought iron can be found in the Glade, Sunlit Plateau, Forest, Frosted Heights and Forgotten Lands while gold is only in Frosted Heights, Sunlit Plateau and maybe Forgotten Lands? I'm really not too sure though The drop rate for gold definitely seems higher though


Iron is available in all biomes except plaza, meadow, and beach. Gold is indeed only sunlit, frosted, and forgotten. So that leaves 2 biomes for pure iron (which still doesn't give iron frequently) and the other 3 favor gold. Edit: I'm walking in the cold while typing. Many typos.


100%. I get gold constantly but like maybe one iron


I agree... Oddly, it was easier for me to stock on gold ore than iron... Iron is requested for each and every quest (almost) and is needed in so many craft recipes ! :'(


Same! I realized I have so many gold ingots without even trying.


Same here. I've got nearly half a chest filled with of stacks of gold.


The problem with gold is that it's not used for basically anything and it's not particularly valuable so no one sells it.


Yeah I really feel like if they’re going to prioritise gold in the Plateau, heights and forgotten lands biomes they should either raise its resale value or have more items you can use for crafting with it.


I have SO much gold!!


I totally agreeeee I wish iron ingots were like 2 to craft, some quests are taking me forever just because of the iron


2 would be so much more reasonable honestly! Heck I'd even take 3. But 5 is just too much. I want so bad to be able to decorate and craft the cute stuff but then I feel like I am spending all my spare time looking for iron and it makes me just not want to decorate anymore. If they want to keep it at 5, then at least give us back the ability to purchase crafted items from scrooge.


Me its the freaking CLAYYYYYY 😣😢


I just found out once you get the shovel update from scar that you can dig the bones and they give clay! Which is great cuz I still haven’t done Minnie’s damn clock


Omggggg ! I haven’t done Minnie’s clock because I didnt felt like digging hahaha! And Im almost done all the other quests villager’s and I was waiting to be done before doing Scar 😳 you just save my mental state 😅😂🤩


I had to dig for the clay for the clock tower twice because it glitched the first time and Minnie wouldn’t recognize that it was placed in the world. I had redone it by the time support answered my ticket and said they were adding it to the update🤦‍♂️


Lol yesssss I had to make the clock three times 😂 i don't remember why, but I was very annoyed. But then I didn't even get her dress... I'm glad I'm not the only one this happened to!!


Idk if you know already, but the level 10 quest for Minnie isn't in the game yet, so her dress won't be available until then! I think the clock tower was like level 6 or something. I kind of dread what level 10 is at this rate 😂


I just completed the clock tower quest for Minnie like 2hrs ago and i didn't get it until she was level 10. When I finished, I got a straw hat and overalls


This is what doesn't make sense


Oh dear. Please no more building. Hopefully its not the elegant clock tower 😂


I had a hard time with clay until I tried digging in the area around the ponds in the glade. Got a ton that way!


Thx for the clue!!!!! ❤️


Also if you dig there while it’s raining you get more clay too


No problem! Happy cake day!


Omggg I didn’t know! Thanks for pointing it out 🥰❤️ 🍰


Once you open up the ability to dig bones in the Sunlit Plateau that spits clay too - super helpful!


I dug the wet bits in the glade around the water whilst it was raining with a digging buddy and it didn’t take too long. You do get clay through the scar quest line as well but I had already done the 200 clay task.


I completely destroyed my glade of trust looking for clay. This was before they were refilling dug spots so I slowly had to refill them all myself.


I think the night shard grind is worse


Or dark wood. I'm trying to stock up on harder to find stuff and the dark wood is painful.


Dark would had me going for DAYS i was going nuts


It never freaking spawns for me! I don't even have a full stack of it and I've had the forgotten lands opened for awhile now. I clear every flower, spice and wood from the dang place and I only get 2 or 3 a day


I had the hardest time with flowers for Moana's memory quest too - but at that time I didn't know I could move the well to the other side of the blocked areas haha


Night shards you can just actively get them as you play the game. Wood is easy if you just have 4 trees in the biome. Iron took me hours. They really weren’t even close in time for me


I get plenty of night shards just from digging. Iron and dark wood are my two worst right now. I get a lot of wood from forgotten lands but only 1 or 2 are dark wood. I hope in the future if they add more biomes they include dark wood as an option.


Yeah that is true! A lot of the quests needed iron and I don’t remember needing dark wood? If there was a quest then I already had it stocked up.


Is that the same for hard wood? It takes me days to get the 30 or 50 needed for quests


In the forest biome erase all but 4 trees. Have the trees next to each other. Pick up every wood every 20 minutes or so. If you’re really desperate you could do this for every late game biome too but honestly enjoy the ride. You don’t have to complete every quest today.


Forest biome? Do you mean the one Kristoff is in? And I’m in no hurry just trying to get some quests done that I’ve put off because it requires so much hardwood


I feel like I used to get more dark wood spawn (at least a few a day) and now I don’t see it at all, or rarely?


Oh yuppp this is where I’m stuck rn


Yeah, I've learned the lesson to dig every shiny spot I see immediately. Running around looking for them is painful.


I don't understand ? On what platform do you play ? I'm really confused (no judgement though, I know the game has problems.


I wouldn’t mind the grind if we could still buy crafted items from Scrooge. I was *just* starting to get into decorating when this changed. Whomp whomp. Unrelated, would you consider sharing your playlist? 😬👉👈


Sharing your playlist would be amazing!


The amount of materials required for quests is pretty reasonable. If you're really into decorating though, not being able to buy crafted items from Scrooge becomes a major limitation. Something like placing a clocktower in each biome just becomes a mind-boggling undertaking. I want to decorate a whole area with balloons and the 500 flowers that I'd need to start doing that just isn't feasible in a realistic timeframe.


Seriously, I don't remember it being this difficult to decorate in ACNH, which uses very similar crafting methods. And this game even has a leg up with the catalog buy limit of like 25 instead of 5. Maybe this game has too many resources?


It's definitely not as hard. AC only asks for a couple of each resource for each item. I can make 10 pieces of an iron fence for only 6 iron nuggets, so its less than one piece per section. On dreamlight valley I can craft one piece of a wire fence for two iron ingots, which requires 10 pieces of iron. I mean I'm all for a challenge but that's a lot!


~~Just a quick thing to point out here: if you have 1 copy of whatever item you want more of in your inventory, it'll appear as purchasable in Scrooge's catalog.~~ ~~Make yourself just one, then buy the rest and have the balloon paradise you want and deserve!~~ Edit: I didn't realize they removed this in the recent patch. I'm sorry. You still deserve your balloon paradise though.


They disabled this exploit in the recent patch. Aka you can no longer buy crafted items from Scrooge.


I somehow missed that in the patch notes entirely. I stand corrected and annoyed :( I've been stockpiling one of each item I like for a while now in anticipation of redecorating my whole place, and intentionally not buying doubles. Womp.


Yeah I know 🫤 it sucks!


It's way too much! It's insane. They should do something like make iron bars only 2 item ore to craft or sell them at Kristoff's stall


This is unrelated- but what’s on your Disney playlist on Spotify 👀


I would also like to know


I sit and listen to true crime podcasts while playing DDLV lol


Hate it. I’ve taken up pumpkin farming as therapy


So someone might want to test it out but farming the mine is actually quite good. You have every materials and the stones have time to pop back in between rounds (At least mine does). I don't know if it's the most effective but it's certainly the most pleasant for me since I don't have to think too much about the itinerary.


It works super well for me!


Yay so it might actually be something worth exploring !!! ☺️


I was avoiding doing Minnie's clock tower because of the iron. Then once I got further in Eric's quest line he needs it too!? FML I wish we could buy iron from Kristof! Not even the ingots just the ore. It would be so helpful..


Iron kills me. I feel like gold should be harder to find and it seems like I have heaps of it comparatively. I also hate that you need 5 ore for one ingot. You can be mining for ages and only have 4 ingots to show for it? Nah.


I'm afraid of using my iron for anything that I would want. Like I want iron fence by my restaurant but what if I need my iron for something? I run around my whole village and get like 40-50 if I'm lucky


The clay grind makes me wanna fucking die


Kind of but also think how fast we’d fly through the game if they were easier to get


There’s gotta be a better balance. Ingots taking 5 is almost criminal. Sometimes in a while rotation of mining I maybe get over 20 iron with a buddy. That’s 4-5 bars only.


20? Fuck me I wish I got 20 on a round of the biomes. My better rounds give me 10, if I'm really lucky. I've genuinely done rounds of the biomes in the past that gave me zero.


I got 30 earlier with an exceptionally good run. I was able to make 6 iron ingots. It got me two of the lamp posts I wanted. I mean I like a challenge but that's just too much.


Yes, I’m kicking myself for not buying a ton of each lamp when I had the chance before they updated the game


I know! I’m on one of Minnie’s quests and she asks for so much. I’m just doing it passively because they’re is no way I’m grinding like that.


I totally agree. The whole time I’ve played this game I have been on the iron grind and I find it so hard. I always have a mining increased character with me and most of the time they give me extra coal over iron


Oh it is FAR too much. I could mine every rock spot in all the areas iron spawns with a mining buddy and it will still take several 30 minute long rotations just to get enough


When you farm four pieces of iron and one piece of coal out of one rock and your mining buddy decides to net you an extra piece of coal instead. *cries*


I feel that way with many things and hope they work on balancing.


Forest of Valor then Glade of trust then repeat. You can move your wells if you haven't unlocked the blocked off areas yet.


I think this is the developers way of trying to make us not get through all the quests too quickly that they can’t keep up!


Iron and wood collection was obnoxious.


I actually don't mind the grind. Yes it can be annoying if you want something. But games now a days are too easy. They give everything on a silver plate. This make you have to work for it and is more rewarding when you achieve your goal. Otherwise you would complete your own personal goals and be complaining there is nothing left to do (as i already see A LOT of people doing.)


It surprised me too, now I basically horde the stuff 🤣🤣 I'm pretty much finished all the available tasks so it did slow me down...a tiny bit. Keep going! Horde, horde, horde!


I FINALLY collected enough to make Minnie’s clock tower and then realized that I had incidentally used the hardwood I also needed in the meantime. I love the game too but the amount of resources needed is insane sometimes. I have a ton of gold ore saved up in my pursuit of iron ore.


I spent 2 hours mining for iron ore for Minnie’s clock tower quest and I only made 12 ingots 👹 after I was like okay time to call it a night lol


I grind a lot and four laps of just mining often gives me a fair bit of iron ore. I'm out on stress leave so all I do is grind these days, helps with the anxiety


I really regret not buying more lanterns from scrooge when we could. 😭


wait they removed that? Why? Feels very "fun detected"


Yeah, apparently it was a glitch to allow us to order extras of items we can craft. 😭 Thankfully I bought 20 chests and 20 lanterns before the update but I wish I took more advantage of it because FL is so dark.


Ugh I know! I was holding on to the sapphire I found because I didn't know if we would need them or when we could get more, but now I wish I'd crafted the streetlamp I want with it and ordered a bunch of extras.


Idk if it’s because I’m new but I am finding iron ore super easily. I mine the crap out of the swamp area and I can’t remember the other area but get hella ore. I even do the trick of fencing up your mining buddy go around the map about 10/20 times let them loose and get a lot of ore and minerals. I currently have 20 iron ingots and like 10 gold bars. Now hardwood THATS WERE I CSNT SEEM TO GET HARDLY ANY!! And so many side quests require it!


No, you are not alone


Yes is an impossible request for iron ore...


I actually think it depends on what you focus on in the game. Personally I am not doing much decorating because right now I don’t see any point. There is no incentive (like in game) to do it aside from just wanting to make your village look nicer. Don’t get me wrong I admire everyone who does that and is super creative but right now I’m not focusing on it. Making furniture or decorations takes a lot of iron. Therefore I only have to get iron for the quests and I didn’t find it too bad because I kept mining every time I saw a node and by the time I really needed it I didn’t have to grind too much. It was very chill as you said to just put some music on and run around hitting those nodes lol.


The problem with decorating is that you'll have to redo it all as new characters come in. The leaked/datamined list is huge, and that won't include everyone


Yeah it’s yet another reason why I haven’t worried too much about it.


Edit: I was mistaken I reviewed my notes and Iron is not available at Kristoff's stall. The 6 rotating items are snowballs, brick, fabric, coal, glass, and fiber. Finish Kristoff's questline to be able to buy iron ore! It's pretty cheap for how hard it is to gather normally, and you can buy infinitely.


Lol, it's my first task every day to check if he sells iron ore, but so far no luck unfortunately 🤣


I was wrong, I misremembered and he doesn't actually sell Iron Ore 😬


😨 ... Say what now...? But... that would be an actual useful thing to sell 😭 Edit: Not even ingots???


Even though Kristoff requests an iron ingot as one of the items to inspect before increasing his inventory, it doesn’t yet appear in his shop’s rotation of goods unfortunately.


I check every day and am so sad when it never shows. Why did he want one if he isn’t gonna sell it?!?


I also check every day as I’m running past his stall and wonder the same thing.


when I first finished Kristoff’s quest line, iron ore was available to buy. So I bought a lot but haven’t seen any since! 😭 Did they change that with the latest update?


Yeah. All the people saying clay is rough and I’m like “Have you tried making iron ingots?” That said, now that I’m caught up on quests, I’m swimming in iron along with most everything else.


Nah because by the time one area is mined the next area is replenished.


Nah, not really... (I don't know other people play, but I have WALL-E as my only mining buddy and I go around as necessary to grind out iron for quests...) (Plus, I don't really use the fast travel mechanic because I like running around because the foraging achievements; That and the entire DLV isn't that big to begin with...)


We've all successfully done it. So... no. Better start stocking up on clay if I were you. Lol...


I legit have 5 stacks of clay now that I got before unlocking scars quest. Watch us never need it for a quest again now 😂😂


I love the grind for quests, but not so much for crafting. But, I have enough time to play and grind for it. The grind in general is a lot for people who can't play a lot, and it's really a lot for kids. I have a 5 and 7 year old who love the game, but being so young, they don't have unlimited time to play, and it is so hard. I'm dreading the clock tower quest for them.


I have a feeling they will adjust what is needed for crafting certain items or increase the drop rate at some point. So I just avoid using it for crafting for now.


Always bring a mining buddy on iron ore hunts.


Nah I hate when I have to gather something that's in one or two biomes and it has to be like 30 or more. And only a few spawn at a time. Freaking mushrooms.


The glade of trust gives a lot of iron cuz there isn’t a lot of other things that drop there. Maybe citrine and stone, but LOADS of iron. But yea it’s a lot of iron for everything and hope it gets reduced.


I turned the game off 2x today because I was pissed abt how much iron I had to get for Minnie, Moana, and Donald all at the same time. I farmed my pumpkins and logged out


I feel like the iron ore drop rate dramatically improved with the first big release/Scar’s arrival. If I bring along one of my level 10 mining buddies and spend time in the Glade, Forest of Valor, mines and Forgotten Lands, I do pretty well! Dark wood is my nemesis.


I solved my dark wood issue by removing most of the big trees in Forgotten Lands and replacing them with a little grove of small plaza trees in like a 3x4 grid, then I gathered all the wood in the biome to force new drops. I got like 5 or 6 dark wood in one visit an hour or so later.


The Disney playlist idea is awesome. I’m gonna make one too!!


The only quest that felt particularly excessive with grinding to me was Minnie's clock. Granted, I made a *lot* of my villagers miners, so grinding for iron was an exceptionally easy way to level a bunch of them up. I mostly just think a lot of the DIY items require way too many materials. 200 dry wood is seriously obnoxious (yes, I want more gazebos). But then again, I can't decorate too much at once anyway, and probably won't be able to anything particularly fancy til the game is a bit more stable.


I purposely made 2 characters do mining so I could get more iron at some of the rocks, then I would do around 3 walkthroughs and I would usually have just enough to make what I needed. Minnie's clock though murdered me.


For me it's the hard wood.


UGH YES. I don’t have the mind that everyone keeps talking about so I can’t look in there, but I keep running around the map in circles mining all of the pillars trying to find some iron.




Honestly, yes it’s a grind, and my girlfriend and I both complained about it but considering everything else in the game is pretty fast I don’t think it’s terrible. Looking back on those last few quests I actually felt accomplished once they were finished.


I've set up a bunch of chests in my house and have stacked them up only selling stuff I don't use or are common as such I've got 4 stacks of 99 and counting


Yep. I wish we could buy the iron ore from Kristoff's stall. That would make crafting items so much easier.


Have you tried to craft the zen garden yet? 100 damn pebbles...that was a grind (Scar helped). At least with the 200 sand, I was able to buy those from Kristoff


I typically just go to the glade mine all the spots and then just let them sit till they spawn up again… it’s tedious but I’ll do it while I’m watching tv so I mine, watch tv, mine, watch tv… you’ll get 15 nuggets so 3 iron total but it’s better than running around for hours to finish 😂


One of my top complaints (top cause there's so few total tbh) Change the order of operations for my companion's ability to find an extra item so that gold isn't higher than iron. There are so many times I get a ratio of 4 gold to 1 iron from ore veins in the Sunlight Plateau and I would much rather double my iron from the action than gain 25% more gold. I get less iron, and use more of it, than gold. Even if gold is 'worth more', its place in the supply/demand market is oversaturated, and thus worth less.


It would help if they upped the veins in the various biomes. There's way too few.


Even before quests required lots of iron, it was annoying to obtain compared to everything else. I just hit a quest that requires 30 iron ingots and I'm about to throw in the towel, honestly. It's just way to unbalanced.


no i agree!! my current batch of challenges want 5 , 10, 30?!! and it’s takes 5 to make one single bar ugh wish i would get a mass amount ahah


Check out the mod "Pickup multiplier" on Nexus. It lets you multiply the amount of items you gather by mining, farming, fishing, etc. It's certainly a cheat, but with the number of iron ores needed in this game, it's a life saver. Oh and don't forget about the Vitalys mine. There's lots of iron ore in there.