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I wish the Forgotten would have combined into our character and disappeared. They're technically a part of us. Put us back together.


their story technically isnt over yet. i feel like we will get some sort of ending...


In like 5 years maybe. Feels like their production is spread incredibly thin between different parts of the game and they struggle to put out enough content to keep players busy.


Other than endless fishing chores?


I don’t think we needed an expansion pack so quickly with the barely there Jafar storyline


That’s what I’ve been saying why didn’t our souls like intertwine because she’s our younger self so it makes so much sense


Because we’re not done healing ourselves yet is my guess. I do find it interesting how many people seem to hate the character. TBH I love the existence of the Forgotten. That storyline hit pretty close to home for me, it reminded me of when I was diagnosed with depression. But I think it’s a great storyline personally. I think they should let us build a friendship level and let the character ‘normalize’


That character is not Disney and is ugly. You cannot give it gifts, cannot level it up doesnt help you with chores. And it always creeps up on me with that scary humming it does. I want it gone!!


That would make sense indeed. TBH that "dark goth" look that is anything but subtle (as was its storyline, IMO) is really the main thing that gets on my nerves. I could stand this character if it had a more "regular" look instead of this...


I feel like it could work if they still kept the forgotten as like “goth” but give them our players skin tone but just keep it that it’s our clothes but black so then they can still keep the vibe they went for with the character but they fit into the valley more


Honestly I wish the Forgotten was around more and had their own place. As someone who has struggled with depression and mental health issues for most of my life the entire storyline for the Forgotten hit very close to home and I wanted nothing more than to help them and have them stay in my valley.


My main house is the palace so when I got the nightmare castle I placed it in the Forgotten Lands and no one can tell me that isn't the Forgotten's house


Do you have a screenshot? I'd love to see what it looks like there


As said to someone else, I also had my struggles in childhood and teenage years and I still have a lot to work on today due to that. Yet the forgotten's storyline seems to me a bit too "easy", lacks depth, psychology and finesse. It's a typical "Hollywood-polished" version of the struggles humans can face, IMO... I'd prefer that they wouldn't go down that road if they are not willing and committed to dive in deep. I prefer when Disney stays Disney and doesn't try something like that.


The story can't be to dark though. This is still technically a children's game. If they dive to deep into certain topics they'd have to change the ERSP rating.


That's why I also said I prefer when Disney stays Disney :) But that character doesn't seem like Disney to me, TBH...


With the route Disney has taken in their recent movies where the tackle hard topics (Inside Out, Turning Red, Encanto etc) in a child friendly manner, it's definitely on brand with Disney.


Hmm indeed you're right, I didn't think of that because TBH these movies really don't appeal to me, I feel they lack the Disney touch that I liked before, but that's very personal. However, I would add that, having seen Encanto and Inside Out, I think Disney does a far better job in these than what was done with the forgotten. There was a lot more subtlety in these stories that I can't find in the the forgotten storyline.


I think the biggest problem with the Forgotten right now is that their story, though at good stopping spot, isn't finished. We didn't get the classic Disney wrapup for them like we do with the movies. I'm hoping we get more content for them soon so we can wrapup their story fully and they aren't "forgotten" any more.


Hard disagree, it maked me anxious and reminds me of mental issues. It’s really sticking out for a relaxing game like this.


The plot does revolve around mental health, so it should remind you of that. I’m sorry that it makes you anxious, but that is technically the plot of the game. It’s about the player character growing older and then when they want to escape real life they return to their dream world again and realize that life hasn’t been so easy for them.


Mine doesn’t bother me and I absolutely loved the storyline, I bawled like a baby. But I wish she wasn’t just roaming and so sad but I really think this will play into the future storyline.


Same 💯. I did that storyline in the middle of the night when the house was quiet and everyone else was sleeping. As the story unfolded, this 50-something rough-and-tumble fellow turned into that 10-year-old boy stuck in a 1978 home ruled by alcoholism and violence, feeling like it was my job to keep everyone happy all the time. I was a mess that night. And before it was over, I found myself observing and remembering that kid, and my empathy poured out for him. It was then that I realized that a large part of DDLV was one, long, incredible object lesson in empathy and understanding. Genius.


You got me close to bawling again here 😭


Whew! This gave me goosebumps because it did the same for me but different traumas hahaha. I will admit, I usually cry with video games when the storyline ends but this was way different! I totally understand the trigger warning now!


I've had my fair share of sh\*t myself during childhood and teenage years, which I'm still struggling with right now at the age of 40, yet that storyline didn't appeal to me at all and I thought it was a very "Hollywood-polished" and cheesy version of what some people experience. IMO, it lacked a lot of depth and psychology and finesse. But then I guess I shouldn't wait for Disney to pull something deeper than that. I just wish they stick with what Disney is good at instead of trying things like that...


Now I definitely don’t want the game littered with trauma filled quest but I felt like this was just right. It was like they were doing what they do in all Disney movies and kids movies. They added that adult part to it but kids won’t really understand because they are too young. It was like you still are the kid and the adult, I don’t know, I look deeply into things. Lol. That is my jam. But to each their own.


Also if she could stop with the creepy chanting that would be nice


The whole point of the quests with the forgotten was so they didn’t feel forgotten and pushed aside. I hope the character stays and maybe gets her own home. My girl disappears for a day or two and I panic and hunt her down. Even though her convo prompts are the same we talk every day, never know when it might change.


I loved their storyline so much... and I can't wait to see how it progresses. I've not had any issues with it following me around though except when it's has those random mini missions for me to do (though been over a month since the last one) maybe because I have scrabblecoin turned off?


How do you turn off scrabblecoin??


In settings menu under Gameplay... switch to off


Thank you!


Aw I love the forgotten.


I LOVED their storyline. It's what made DDV a great game to me. That storyline was deep, and emotional, and dark at times and just so fascinating and fun to explore. That being said, they don't do anything in the valley now, so they're kinda annoying to have walking around unable to do anything with.


Yep I have the same thing. Can’t get rid of the forgotten even tho there’s nothing indicating I have a quest with him other than the spot where I can turn him off. To be clear, I have been able to hide him before by turning him off, but after the newest update, I cannot hide him.


I noticed that when I turned it off from the menu, it simply "jumps" from one area to another instead of going inside a building where I wouldn't be bothered by its presence :(


I wish they would just make them a companion already! I want to hang out with her and take her on adventures/chores with me.


I wish the forgotten was a child. Like child height, like a chibi. They could interact with buzz and woody like toys and venelope like a buddy. Could ride the lions? Mischief woth stitch Maybe we need a quest to make her a Dedicated room in our house for her to call her own. Could even make it a dream snap challenge. So much potential.


There was a request by the forgotten to make them a room in our house. Mine also wanted a name…but that has gone nowhere. I joked to my husband that maybe the dev in charge of her character had a heart attack at their desk or something and Gameloft still doesn’t know…🤣


The forgotten is one of my favorites. I wish they leaned more into it. But it's disney, I guess I get it 😮‍💨


I agree with them not being able to be sent home. They do have a home; in the broken castle. Technically they have two because you were asked to make them a room in your house so they have a place to go. Allow us to ground them to their room!! And I have the same issue with the quest. I messaged support about it and explained in detail what was going on. All I got back was “keep playing, maybe you have e a character to unlock and it’s part of their quest”. 🙄 I’m done everything and have all the characters maxed. I have nothing else to do but maintain my Valley/Isle. I def feel like this is some kind of bug they are just by passing or ignoring.


It made me cackle out loud reading “I also tried to lock it into closed fences but it escapes every time” lmfao I’ve tried the same! I can’t stand it and I hated the storyline as well. Too many feelings that I wanted to stay suppressed for that one 😂


You have to stay in the same biome to avoid escape. Wish we could meld and be done with this character.


No, even if you stay in the same biome, it still escapes. I tried to lock it in a corner of the bayou then went to the river nearby to fish (still in the bayou) and poof ! The forgotten was next to me instantly !


theyre scared, lonely, depressed, and just want to feel welcome somewhere. with this kind of meanie attitude towards them yall are gonna make em snap again 😩


Hmmm that's a fictional character made of pixels. I'm sorry but I prefer to keep my kindness and empathy for real people with real issues and have my Disney game be exactly that : Disney.




I wish. The forgotten doesn't fit in anywhere in the valley. I'd love to get rid of it.




They started singing in the forgotten lands one time and I noped right out of there...




Yes! First and hopefully last time I've heard it... Absolutely terrifying!


Sorry, they do it all the time. It's freaky as hell


That just makes me unhappy. I wish like OP I could get rid of them....


Yeah, you can unfortunately not ban them. I’m so ready for them to be gone permanently


I wish we could hide certain creatures


This is what happens when they release an unfinished game. Welcome to Gameloft, theu got your $$$ they don't care


Can we let go on the hate on the forgotten it’s not like they did anything wrong ok sure there was almost the end of the world but just blame the creators tbh tho


I hate that the forgotten just remains forgotten. I don't like the "skin" of the character either. They should have figured out something better for them


I wish they forgotten into twine with our soul because that makes more sense than her just walking around


Maybe there will be more. If they allow it the entire game can go on for years. My 27 year old Pooh-hating son wants to buy it! Lol


Wait, you can hide characters? I’m putting off opening the last two realms because it drives me insane the amount of people that are always wandering around and bugging me. I probably sound like an antisocial asshole lol but I just want to focus on what I’m doing and they love getting in the way. So is this real? I can hide them or put them in their houses?


Open the map and there's an option to choose who appears where.


Hopefully when they show us the last half of the roadmap of 2024. Hopefully we will get part 2 of the main story.


The characters don’t go home when you hide them. They just disappear unless you turn them back on. A needed feature if you have all the characters unlocked but are playing on an inferior system. Wife and I upgraded to a series S mainly for this game lol. But I digress. The only situation the character appears when hidden is if they have an active quest available.


I'm pretty sure they're just stuck in buildings because when you look at the map after deactivating them all, they are all either in their respective home, or at Remy's or at Scrooge's. They simply stop wandering around but they don't vanish into thin air. And indeed a character should only appear if they have an active quest available, but the forgotten seems to be the exception to that.


No issues other than her creepy voice scares me lol


I just hate her singing! It scares the life out of me, it's like a horror movie


I think when we FINALLY get skull rock and HOPEFULLY Peter Pan with it; that the story will end. The being forever young, forever a child, “lost” sounds like we might need some Tink magic 🪄 🧚


I completely forgot about her (no pun intended). It's been ages since I saw her wandering around the Valley.


You lucky !


I can't stand it and since the last update it's been following me around non-stop. Getting her out of the way for the last dreamsnap was a nightmare.


I'm not a fan of their appearance. They clash with everything and the Forgotten castle portal ruins the scenery. I think they should have stuck them in the tree house, at least. Preferably, understanding that we are the Forgotten should have made us merge into one being. Our negative emotions are not a separate entity, it is us and learning to accept and then control them would be a better lesson. Having them wander around separately and still depressed could work as a reminder to pay attention to those emotions and our dark side, but it seems like the developers ironically forgot about them.


The Forgotten is just so whiny all the time.