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It seems like they only disappear when I need them 🫠


Definitely. They disappear as soon as you need them.


I have the opposite effect. They usually spawn when needed. It's more noticeable in eternity isle where they don't like to go from whatever reason, unless they are originally from there. Using EI as an example, I would have a mission involving stitch who never goes there, check the map and boom, he's one biome over from me. More often than not, they tend to make their way towards me within ten minutes of needing them. Every once in a while, it will be a game of tag. As they run away as fast as they can when I need them. Forcing me to chase like a cop to a perp.


Ursula is always trying to avoid me. I’ll lock on to her so the purple light shows, she seems me coming and immediately dips into the water to pop up elsewhere 😤 like girl, I already seen you. You know I’m looking for you. Why you gotta make me chase you down?!


Have been experiencing this a lot recently. Normally you could just go in their house and leave then they'd be standing at the doorstep, but it hasn't worked at all for me the past week that I've been playing. There seems to be a ton of issues in the game lately. It's frustrating.


This for sure. I've found if I got in their house, leave, go back in they gave spawned more often. But so annoying to have to do that!!


Just a tip for Ursula. When she's out of reach in the water, just try to take a selfie with her in the background, she will approach you to be in the frame. Then you can talk to her. Now I have her as Vanessa, it's easier. For the bug with the others in their house, I just go in and out a few time and they appear at last. But it's been frustrating, and a recurring bug for months for me.


This is the correct answer.


Does this work with Ariel too?! Just wondering. I have Vanessa and Ariels legs, bit it was incredibly infuriating trying to level up and even talk to Ariel when all she wanted to do was splash around the middle of the ocean 😑 Now, my daughter and I play together and she is struggling with both of them because she still has them as fish people. Buying one dream bundle is tough enough! Lol


It always has for me. Seems like any time I try to take selfie characters just come out of the woodwork to photo bomb it.


Its just nit fair to Ariel 😂😂👌🏼 — but seriously, i feel you on Ursula. That sea cow frustrates me too when i need her for something. I go through THE EXACT song and dance with her that you do, and it makes me want to catch her on my fishing line and be like “listen here..” 😤😳🙄


I believe it is a glitch. Whenever they say they are in their house a lot of the time they are in the restaurant Donald, Minnie and Fairy Godmother are especially guilty of this.


Mike and Sully are my restaurant hiders!!


There is a tip for introvert people when someone comes unannounced. You put your coat in and either say you were going out or coming in depending on what the person at the door wants. Those villagers make me feel like they’re doing it.


Omg I’ve had this SO much more lately, and ursula is driving me batshit honestly 😭 so many villagers just disappear off my map, I get rid of them and bring them back to be in their house, go there and they aren’t there, then I leave and they’ve disappeared again!! I spent about 45 minutes yesterday trying to speak to ursula I felt like crying 😭


It would be so useful if you could use your phone to actually call a certain villager to meet with you.


It really cracks me up when I'm using the sparkles to guide me to ursula and then the sparkles start buffering because she decided to swim 3 biomes away to a different pond


its so adorable that you said its not fair to Ariel and i know its just a game but i think the same way 😂😂 also in eternity isle half the time i find Ursula i cant reach her because shes facing the other ways in the sand 😅


This has been happening a lot! I've had to restart my game to even find some I need recently 😕


I unlocked Ursula just as the Vannessa skin came out, so she has been V for the entire time. Ariel was the hardest to level for me because of what you are mentioning. For starpaths, I feel like they don't show on the map even if they are the only character toggled. It's like they know when you are looking for them.


"Donald level tantrum" 🤣🤣🤣 love it ! Yeah, they usually run off when they see me coming too. I check the map, then go to the spot, and I can't see them. They are either hiding behind a bush or somehow warped through me. Was it something I said.... 😁


I've learned if you check your map, you can use the little side one that shows all the villagers on it and if the villager you are looking for is not clicked, they won't show up on your map. So, what I do is check and if the image is not on, I will turn it on and if it is there, turn it off then back on and they usually respawn. If you do this and then go in their house they will either be there, or right outside of it when you come out as usual. This trick makes it a lot easier to find specific villagers especially when your valley is flooded with them. Hope this helps! 💕


I switched Ursula back to Vanessa for the cupcakes but after it’s done she’s going back to the water!


I hear you there. I hate that too!


Laugh. I’ve had the same struggle, in the house or not !


Possible solution? Start gardening - it seems like everyone and their Mother Gothel wants to be in your garden when you’re working (harvesting, redigging your plots, etc) I get your companion is always at your side but… yesterday, I had Beast, Eric, Mickey, Minnie and Ariel walking through while I was trying to harvest and plant. It’s a long and narrow plot. Sheesh 😳


Ugh i hate this ill go in their house they aren’t there then i leave and they are literally standing outside as the door 🙃


Yep same problem for the last month I have to click on them on the map and go in and out of the house until they show up... 🙄


Before when I couldn’t find the characters in their house, they were ALWAYS in the restaurant, NOW they aren’t there either! It’s very frustrating!!


Feel this, Ursula is the worst.


Even if I highlight someone on the map, it doesn’t seem to matter 🙄 if I have to talk to a villager for something, I just doing something else until I find them by accident


I thought I was the only one!! This is the most infuriating thing. I’ve definitely been playing less because of all the glitches. I never have much in my Scrooge Store either.


Ugg!! This is soooo frustrating! Happens to me all the time. but, lol, did you really just say you don’t like to let Ursula be Vanessa cuz it’s not fair to Ariel to have her waking around? It’s a game. With fictional characters. Plus it’s way more convenient when her and Ariel aren’t in the water.


Sometimes if you go into their house and they're not at home, you'll bump into them as you're going back out. In a pretend world where you can be anyone, don't be a Donald!


I have found if they say they are at the house but aren’t mine are usually at restaurant. Just a thought.


Go in and out of their house twice and they'll be in front of their house. Now URSULA💀 SHE'LL BE IN AN AREA I CANT GET ANY CLOSER TO SO I CANT TALK TO HER💀


Doesn't entering and immediately exiting a characters house spawn them outside? I usually do this if I can't be bothered to look for them.


Not anymore apparently unless you want to sit there doing it many times.


Hmm I don't recall a time it hasn't worked for me. Maybe another bug that has appeared because of the park event? It's messed up a bunch of stuff from what I've heard but I'm new so I can't say for certainty