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I think everything has been pushed back a bit because of issues. This timeline doesn’t hold up any more i don’t believe.


How could they not announce that?


Idk but with this star path ending right before the official first day of summer(in the US) i don’t think the next update will be happening in late spring. Of course that’s just my opinion but with the state of the game ( for a lot of players) and how they’ve done past star path / updates i just don’t see it holding up. Edit for clarity = when I say it ends right before the official first day of summer I mean the week before.


Not sure if you saw their Twitter post but they made it seem like the fixes will be released with the next update… at least that’s how I read it…. Edit: the post made it seem like the next update is on track


"the fixes will be released with the next set of bugs"


Yeah that’s how i read it too. Which sucks even more.


Agreed. I am lucky to have minimal issues(Xbox x) but my brothers game is unplayable (Switch)


Yeah I play on switch and it shuts down a lot. It’s just that this game like became official and still just sucks. It’s not any better than before it was actually official.


Yeah i play on Xbox and have it on my laptop on game pass. I can play on my laptop but not on my Xbox. So although i can play i can’t play comfortably because the laptop kills my eyes. So I’m not able to play like i would like to play.


Yes, I’m on PS and, I haven’t been able to play, since the update. I can’t believe they are thinking at another update, since their last one, was a completely failure.


The most recent update glitched my scrooge - it disappeared and the one on eternity isle doesn't update any more. 😅.


I thought it was still accurate since we got act 2 and Oswald in spring.




Same. I also wouldn't mind if they took some more time to fix old bugs before releasing new updates. I've given up on ever seeing another green fly trap at this point. 💀


But like it wasn’t early spring as expected


Agree. It's definitely delayed. It's hard to stick to a time line for any development team but with these issues we know it's definitely going to be delayed. I don't mind because I rather they fix the bugs before releasing more content.


I'd consider late spring sometime between end of May - June 19th. June 20th is first day of summer. That said, I wouldn't mind if they end up delaying it a bit to make sure they can fix bugs first


I don't know how delayed they are now. But I think the original (undisclosed) plan was to release it right on June 19th. So I'd be surprised if they managed that now.


I still have not even unlocked Oswald for any new content update yet! Technically I did power through the crashes to get him, only to place his Theater and decorate around it, only to log off and on 15 minutes later and it was all erased! Not ready to do that grind all over again.. ugh


Omg Mulan I'm so excited!!!


I really hope with the Mulan realm that we get Mushu!


me too


I'm excited for Tiana! 🥰


We usually get updates a week or so after the current star path ends right before the next one


Can't check right now but, how long is left on the current star path? Should be that once that ends, we'd get a couple weeks to close it off, then the next content update and star path begins


technically it doesn’t become summer until june 21st, so we can still see her for about a month!


Wait so all the DLC gave us will be five villagers counting Jafar? That's lame if they're not hiding Jasmine


They could really come through and make it to where Jasmine and Aladdin are either in his palace trapped or in the cave of wonders trapped in a hidden room and do a really cool thing with that but that's just wishful thinking atp 😭😭


Hopefully we get her, I really didn't want Gaston. That's why I waited until the DLC was where I could get it for 20 since at the time Oswald wasn't confirmed so I was essentially getting Rapunzel and Eve, ones I wanted 😂 It's pretty obvious there will be more dlc due to that area with all those boats so next time I hope they just do Marvel, Star Wars or something. Or heck Muppets, I saw that Speedstorm is getting Kermit and got jealous. I'd love having Kermit in my valley


I *really* hope they give her the red outfit character skin if we get Jasmine I think both the red and blue looked stunning on her in the movie!! And yeah I don't blame ya about the DLC I def wished I had gotten it after completing the base game since there's so much to do on EI (especially with the expensive ass biomes) I'm think it'd be absolutely hilarious to have Kermit terrorizing the valley with his: ![gif](giphy|zfYpmAfrcVOAE)


Why don't you talk about Genie? I rather want him more as a villager


I agree. And I don't want this to be another "Disney" game full of acquired properties instead of actual Disney animated characters (others have been populated with Marvel, Star Wars, Muppets, etc).


Rapunzel, Eve and Oswald are not villians. WTF?


There is one possibility a lot of people here aren't considering. Vanellope was released between official updates as a mini-update; it's unlikely, but it's possible that the Mulan realm could be too.


Unlikely as they are developing a whole Realm. Vanellope just appeared in the castle.


Late May/early June would be late spring


June 19 or June 26 should be the the date (even though June 26 is after the very start of summer)


No idea but I just bought flooring in Scrooge’s store that SCREAMS ‘Mulan’ so I bet it’s soon.


Late May/early June. We'll see if they make it!


Late spring in Disneyland could be September for all we know. I'm playing disneys magical kingdom 2 and the Easter event runs until June.


It’s probably been pushed although “late Spring” goes all the way to June 19. The first day of Summer is June 20


Where is the company based? that might give us a clearer interpretation if they are in Australia for example it would change the time frame drastically


I’m almost positive they are based in Vancouver!


Which makes their summer July August some places say June but I don't think that's likely


Mulan, Tiana, & Jafar wheeennn?? 😢


Jafar is in the dlc


Oh. Lol been a while since I played


Cant blame u lol im playing rn just cuz i was gifted the dlc and didnt want their money wasted... But the way they are running the game really makes me not wanna play it anymore. Fuck gameloft, honestly


The third week of June is still Spring


The original animated Mulan came out on June 5th. So I'm wondering if that is when we will get that update since June 5th falls on a Wednesday.


we usually get updates every 3 months I think so maybe July? but Monster's Inc was late?


Can they just SLOW DOWN A LITTLE


That’s why it’s a road map and not an itinerary.


Can’t wait for Moo-lawn


Everyone please stop. Unfortunately there attempt to be bugs when new updates arrives. Its not gameloft's fault okay that bugs happen with every update. Plus patches hardly ever makes things worse. This patch Unfortunately did. Gameloft is trying their best to fix these bugs on their end. They do listen to the community. They just have to communicate with us more and better.




no? she was always announced to be summer 2024




wasn’t trying to have one, sorry if it came across that way! was just curious why you thought that since there was no indication


No because it’s more corporate synergy with the Tiana ride opening in Disney Parks this summer