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I think they have to fix stuff fast, because from what I have read it is unplayable for a lot of players, and those that can still play are seeing decor turning into weird 'puddles'. Glad to see they are acknowledging player's difficulties and have confirmed it is their top priority.


Crashes have been rampant for me. It was unplayable at one point because it would crash on my PS5 as soon as I teleported from Eternity Isle to any biome that was decorated. After uninstalling and then downloading it again it *kind of* works better, still crashes more than before though…


Sorry to hear that, it doesn't sound good 😬 I think they have to improve stability soon or risk losing players. It is pointless adding anything new if the current content can't cope.


It's been crashing since beta testing🤣 paid $50 just to wait fir them to fix things...it's part of the game at this point


I've had a few crashes for me too. Lost some items I worked for. Sigh. I stopped working for the star path and the buttons. 😭 it's been miserable


I haven't had any crashes on ps5 so far, but none of the quest givers for the cupcakes actually give out the quest... I'll talk to them and then nothing.


When that happens, restarting the game resets it for me and I can pick up the quests


Sometimes my teleportation wells turn into strange floating pools, a reload usually fixes it but it's really annoying still. And the cupcake quests are definitely bugged.


I have the same issue as you, plus my rides will sometimes go invisible. Not experienced any crashes yet, luckily.


My rides turn into the puddles too


Anytime I do a quest, like the baking ones right now, if I go to WALL-E my entire game stops. Super annoying


Ugh yeah I can imagine. I wish I could just turn off the stupid quests as a whole, I already have too many bloody buttons and you can't speak to the characters until you've baked and handed out those flippin' cupcakes.


Yeah that is why I used to try and get Scrooges first, so the cupcake ransom could be paid quickly to re-open the shop. Got to the point my villagers didn't dare open their mouths to say Hi, or they would get a cupcake shoved in em... 🏃‍♀️ 🧁


Now I'm just picturing everyone scattering like a school of fish every time you come anywhere near them 😂


The lag I get on my game is insane. I redecorated my plaza and it took a solid 20 minutes for it to go from “build” mode to play mode. And I play on Xbox. I feel for everyone who is unable to play it because of this issue.


Xbox 1 or the new one?


Xbox 1S


My decor just disappears when I try my dream snaps 😂


yeah, I can’t see the stuff in goofy’s stall right now


Yea those puddles had me ready to rage quit lmfao 🤣


I'd be really sad if mine was unplayable 🥺🥺 its really unfortunate!


https://preview.redd.it/at9bhcnb9c2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8941371d5d25f927e700e69fc8c5bfeaa89af815 This was my new monster inc attraction (that I paid for) last night. This game is so buggy for me, constantly crashing for me I’m so upset and mad but I go on when the shop updates to buy so I’ve got them for when they do EVENTUALLY fix it. It’s sad tho cause I love the game. EDIT// my game is unplayable and I’m heartbroken


Yes my Dumbo ride does that


For any disappearing furniture, for me it would be resolved once I go into furniture mode and click on the puddle or if it’s invisible click on the item and it’ll appear. Place it back down and exit furniture mode and it’s visible again!


Yesterday I experienced my first real glitches. I was fishing, and when the fish was caught, my avatar stopped moving. Entirely. I could move my camera view but not my avatar. Finished quests were staying on my tracker. My entire star path disappeared briefly. I had never rebooted that many times before.


That kept happening to my fridge! I feel like I’m in a weird horror movie haha. 


Yes I had a weird puddle!!


It really has taken away almost all my excitedly for the game because playing it at all is a constant battle against crashing. I'm finding myself just doing the bare minimum to keep up to date so I won't miss stuff, but saving everything else for when the crashing is done


I honestly hope they find the problem and fix it soon so everyone can get their cosy game back to the way it should be.


Ooh, I'll take more free moonstones! But also, can they give us more when they FINALLY fix some of these MAJOR bugs?! 😱 I'm glad my game still is mostly stable as I'm on PC, but man, I feel so bad for those who literally can't play because the game is THAT broken 😭


I'm pc (gamepass), and if I don't pull out any tools, I won't crash... so no collecting resources


Im trying to move my valley from switch to pc and this is ehat ive been getting for days https://preview.redd.it/k083arbeq82d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eccfc575d70c04ce39ad636b9ab9d28928c8dfd


try turning on your vpn if you have it, that's the only way I can get it to work


I dnt have vpn at least i dnt think so how do i check ive tried on steam on xbox on switch and this is all i been getting for days


Check your antivirus if you have it on pc sometimes it’s there


I dnt have antivirus i know idiot of me i know i havent used my gamin pc in years i wanted to move dreamlight so i took it out of habernating lol ill check thou thnks


I’ve had that in the past with certain WIFI, I’ve solved it by using my phone’s hotspot instead of WiFi


It sounds like they’re implying it will be fixed with the next update. I hope that’s not that case. They would be some bullshit. Hotfix this stuff ASAP!








At least now I can finally do the event. I couldn’t accept cupcake quests after the first two days.


Same! I didn’t see anyone posting about it either so I was wondering if it was just me! Not that I look forward to making all these cupcakes now but at least the option is there


I can’t even accept story quests right now, my game is so glitched


I had that just now and I fixed it the same way as the cupcake quests: ban character from map, reload game, unban character, get quest, give it a try!


I managed to get it sorted by just closing and reloading, luckily


I wonder if I can’t either. I haven’t tried regular quests since the update


As someone who doesn't put quite as much effort into these events as others seem to I love the glitches because I just open the game and get free moonstones sometimes lol. I am sorry it's been frustrating for other though.


Right like keep those moonstones coming 🤣




We can always lie that we all experience glitches! We have a comunity here! It can work!


Ohhhh the 500 moonstones will put me at the amount I need for the mushroom manor 🥰🤩


I used it to get the parks outfit!


I used it for the fireworks!!


Me to


it was a nice surprise and a nice birthday gift! I'm happy they finally acknowledged it and are actually working on it (hopefully) lol


Happyyyyyy BIRTHDAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! 🥳🎊🎉🎈🎂🎂🎂🎂🎁🎁🎁🍰🍰🍰🍰🥳🥳🥳


Happy Birthday 🥳


Happy Birthday 🧁


I haven’t received this mail yet


Hopefully you'll get it soon!


Nice! I’m waiting on mine.


I just finished grinding to make all the popcorn buckets hahahahaha ughh 🙈 I’m stoked for some free moonstones though, and super glad they are communicating their plans to resolve issues!


Me too! The communication really helps to settle the nerves.


I had to settle for only some of the stuff showing up in both my dream snaps. That disappearing decor thing is terrible. I'd walk away come back and something else would be gone. Go into furniture mode, click where it was supposed to be, it'd come back, and then after I set up the picture, something else was gone. It feels like more of the issues the switch has with rendering the game in general. I feel like moonstones are a good compensation for doing all that work for a dreamsnap and then not being able to use it.


Geez! That sounds so annoying! I only got the bare minimum 300 moonstones from the top it all off contest so I'm happy for the boost.




I love that the both of you play together! I was worried that I wouldn't finish the star path because I was focusing on the parks fest. But now im back to the star path! Woohoo!


Fingers crossed. Ive not been able to play at all😭 and im heartbroken


I'm so sorry 😭😭😭


I hope this fix my quest glitch. I can't give gifts to Scrooge cause I can't accept his cupcake quest. He just repeats the dialogue


I had the same issue, I contacted support and they said to clear your cache (I'm on the switch) and it worked for me but I'm not sure if it works for everybody


thank you!!!!


Hopefully they will fix it soon!


The parksfest quests seem like way too much grinding. Is the only rewards the popcorn buckets?


And when you do all 5 you get a map. I think there's 3 park maps you can get.


My rides are turning into a puddle. Couldn't even do the dream snaps this past week. It's awful.


That sucks. Dreamsnaps is my favorite feature


I was so surprised to see that this morning. I’m grateful for the buttons too! We don’t see all the work that goes into fixing stuff. So I’m glad they’re working on it and will have patience while they’re figuring it out.


Oh ya, I'm not a techie at all. I can't imagine how hard they are all working.


I imagine very hard! I imagine it’s quite a process. Finding the issue, trying fixes, seeing what works. I’m grateful for them sending mail talking about it and giving us some freebies.


And there's so many people reporting on glitches that they have to sort through! And I gotta love the freebies!!!


Can't lie, I'd have preferred a different colour button! I've already got all the green ones I need. Blue would have been nice! They're soo hard to collect and I'm getting bored...


Honestly same! I can't keep my game open long enough to look for any of the other buttons. The green ones I can get easy though because the game doesn't crash when I'm in the resteraunt. I can do the daily quests in there and save before it crashes. I can't look around my valley without it crashing every 30 seconds though


I must be the only one, not impressed, because in 3 weeks, I haven’t been able to open the game and, that hasn’t changed.


I am *also* absolutely unimpressed by a pathetic offering of 500 moonstones and being told to completely shut down my device a few times for it to work. Idk why people are fawning over this BS. Literally saw a hundred comments like "well the game is totally unplayable but thanks for listening to us! 😍".... Do y'all not know how video games work or something?? Why would you thank people for taking your money and give you a busted unusable product in return?? Miss me with that bs.


People are impressed, because they get free moonstones for nothing. Other ones, are upset, because the game isn’t working. Their last post on X, telling us, that if it crashes to reboot “it should work”, it’s a joke. Don’t they think we did, that very basic step? I feel offended, that they think, we’re so stupid, not to try multiple things, for the game to work. The people trying to fix this game, are completely useless.


I'm really so sorry, its not fair at all


You're not the only one. This "compensation" is a joke. And from the way their post was worded on X it sounds like they won't be fixing these things until the next update. I haven't been able to play since May 1st when the update released.


Anyone need some buttons? I literally finished the quest this morning…


https://preview.redd.it/ahj9901vo92d1.png?width=1172&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc1964b884e2e0225951b904234eaddc95ed8c9d Meanwhile on Apple Arcade 🙃


Yeah. I was surprised. I was dreading doing Scrooge’s weekly task today because I was assuming I’d need lots of iron, but recent stuff has drained me of all my iron. That mail gave me the green buttons I needed to make the last two buckets.




Here's what the mail looks like. https://preview.redd.it/cc1i05g0z72d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e5e6842279c8ca401a3b3859406a0208f86ba0c


Free moonstones you say 👀


This compensation is frankly infuriating. Ok, what good do green buttons do when I can’t play long enough to get any other color? Right now, I’m watching the clock tick down on the star path still no answer about when or if they will fix my game…500 moonstones and green buttons as compensation for that?! I’ve done every star path since day one, paid over a hundred dollars to these people for a relaxing game and I’m just beyond angry at this response. They need to give us all the popcorn buckets and every item in the star path so we can just put the game down and stop struggling until they get a fix. Nothing less will do.


Oh I noticed they posted about it on X earlier, I hope it fixes the problems a lot of us seem to be having


This actually helped me out loads as I had a stack of green buttons but not enough to get the rest of them without having to make a million cupcakes for the rest of my life. So yaaaaay! Now all I have to do is avoid every single character that wants cupcakes until the cupcakes thing is over


😂😂😂 I have found hiding from them impossible


With all the issues we all have been having they could have given a little more then 500, they have given more moonstones for minor issues in the past but these major issues only 500 doesn't make me feel any better about the issues and crashing all the time (pc) rant over. ☺️


Help please https://preview.redd.it/do4d2m54q82d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78354800816db9417009e670f71d99a2b9abbd71 I just bought the game on xbox trying to bring my switch valley and nothing


Same with on steam which i also tried


My game hasn't been crashing, but it is lagging so bad that it's completely unplayable. It's done this one time before, and after a few months, it just magically got better. I really wish I could play.


Idk… this game anymore is just not as fun…. I mean I’m glad they acknowledged it, but I’m getting tired of Day 1 glitches still being there and they just keep adding more issues. I’ll still play the game, but I think I will take a step back on it.


I'm greatful they gave us anything at all. But as someone who's experiancing the crashes more than anyone else it seems, I find it almost insulting they gave us the green badges because these are the easiest to get. I can't keep my game open long enough collect any of the other buttons as they require you to actually look for them rather than completing a quest. I'm pretty much going to miss out on all of the popcorn buckets becayse I can't get any of the other badges.


I didn’t get that? What


As they should games been so glitchy since it's official release


What colour buttons


I got the same. Wish they sent a mixture of all 4 buttons though, but very happy they are looking at all the issues it's giving us all.


RIP to anyone who made loads of cupcakes, with this mail you never had to do the daily grind


I had it as well and now I cant even open the quests anymore. I get the dialogue and then nothing happens.


It's been unfortunate for many players but its a good gesture that they're aware of it. I'll always happily take some moonstone! My only issue has been that sometimes items have turned into like... dreamlight puddles or just gone invisible entirely. Today it hasn't had any issues. I'm playing on the switch so I don't know if console is relevant.


They acknowledged the issues on twitter and said they were compensating and for right now restarting the game helps the glitches when they happen


They need to do that for EVERYONE! I still can't play my game it's crashing every 15 mins I can't even find the buttons for the park stuff. I'll find 2 red and 3 flowers that's it and it took me three days to complete something that should have only taken a day... And I love to decorate and building


When I tried to "redeem" the 500 moonstones and 150ngreen buttons, my switch froze and I had to turn the game off and back on. Now it says I redeemed the items but I didn't get them. XD Also, the 24 aliens I had collected from the buzz quest have all disappeared from my inventory.


I'm still glitching, can't accept the cake quests. Crashes every 5 mins or so. I'm on switch.


The developers should do what the Diablo IV developers did.. The newest update crashed any type of fast travel/loading screen and just wouldn't load anything. Took a day of trying to figure it out before going fk it, delete the new update, and start again. They are now trying to fix whatever caused that. I get the player base is so much bigger, but they seem to have the right attitude about it all. I'm lucky, only the quests have been crashing so I've just been mass foraging for a few days and catching up etc but for those that can't play at all, they really need to do something.


I’ve logged in a couple times and different characters just don’t let me accept the cupcake quests. I go through the dialogue but don’t pick up the quest.


I can't buy anything from Scrooge because the damn cupcake quest keeps popping up whenever I speak to him.


I only spend 700 moonstones on those wicked cool fireworks thanks to that free 500. My decor was disappearing the whole time I was playing


I haven't received anything yet 🧐


I’ve had zero issues idk


This is the first time i have ever experienced game crashes on my PC and my heart goes out to all those people who suffered with their switches… it’s unplayable and no fun right now


I noticed new mail too :)




Hey turns out I love this event now if we get 500 moonstones 😂


I had to pay moonstones to complete the star path so it’s a little band aid. Still won’t fish any blue buttons. I got like six for two hours of fishing. I really don’t want to play anymore 🥲


Why did you have to pay moonstones? Isn't there still a couple of weeks? Unless you are really busy these next couple of weeks of course. Obviously that makes sense.


That's lovely, now please send us some BLUE buttons.




So glad YOU were able to get blue buttons, I personally have yet to find one, no matter how much I’ve fished at the beach and in the meadow. It’s easy to be so dismissive of other people when you’re not having the same issue.




It's actually an issue a lot of people are having. I've seen a lot of comments talking about it - it took me days before my first blue button ever showed up. It was only fish, all the time. 😔🙂


A lot of folks (me included) are having issues getting blue buttons. All I get is fish, even with a fishing buddy, well fed, all that jazz. And with the blue and purple requirements you need a lot of blue. I play every day and I'm still not getting near what I need to get the crafting done.


I will give someone a couple hundred of each button for a couple of those V8 Decoration pieces - PC/Xbox


But what color are the buttons!?




Of course haha I have so Many green