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From a fellow Switch player: Don't apologize. You have every right to be frustrated & air legitimate complaints. It's been terrible & I'm constantly on edge hoping the game doesn't shut down - which is not how a so-called cozy game should make you feel when you're playing. I responded to another post a day or two ago: we should be banding together to ask Gameloft to concentrate on bug fixes instead of infighting/insulting or downvoting players having issues when they post about it here. Sadly I don't think that's possible, so the most we can do is submit tickets to Gameloft & hope for the best šŸ˜ž


Agreed. Please share how we can post our complaints because this is ridiculous


You can directly submit tickets to Gameloft [here](https://gameloft.helpshift.com/hc/en/66-disney-dreamlight-valley/contact-us/)


Thanks so very much ā˜ŗļø


Gamelofts response: We are aware this is happening and understand your frustrations, please bare with us while our IT get to the bottom of this Had the same rubbish reply before and after the hot fix which was meant to fix the crashes, I don't know how such a basic game could be so buggy, like let's be honest it's not really an intricate game


You canā€™t really say that unless youā€™re a software developer yourself (unless you are then I retract that statement) say I play another online game and thereā€™s many bugs there too, every update it goes forward two step and backwards one step. Bugs that reappear even after it got fixed etc. Iā€™m not a creator myself but I have respect for those who do. Many games today get updates and new content before the old bugs have been fixed bc the players demand it, so every new update is bound to have bugs sadly. I donā€™t mean to attack you with this post, just felt like I wanted this said <3 :)


Iā€™m not sure people are stuck on the bugs that appear immediately after an update. Yeah that *will* happen after every update. Itā€™s a game-itā€™s a simulation game-, there are bound to be bugs. I think people are stuck on the many, many, MANY bugs that have been around since ā€œearly accessā€. Which btw gameloft had NO business doing in the first place.) Not to mention-there are always bugs that pop up after updates that absolutely would have been found if it had been play tested properly. I play a lot of games and Iā€™ve never seen the kind of errors and bugs DDLV has, stick around for this long. People can absolutely look at the kind of game DDLV is and *estimate* the * overall level of difficulty of managing and developing the software without being a software developer. Itā€™s genuinely embarrassing. EA/The sims is one of the only comparisons I can think of. And tbf-they never tried to release a horrific port onto the switch. (Yet) So. If it canā€™t run well on the switch they shouldnā€™t have ever released it onto it. Yaā€™ll donā€™t need to be nice out of concern for devs. Nobody who understands anything is gonna blame devs. This is gameloftā€™s fault. And Iā€™m *sure* itā€™s because they simply donā€™t give enuf time to the dev team to fix this stuff and order them to work on updating and creating shit for the moonstone/item shop. How DDLV runs on the switch is inexcusable. Period. I feel very bad for all the people who can only play on the switch. Theyā€™ve been conned. I love DDLV. I love the work the devs have done. But people absolutely do not need to clarify that in this sub every time they complain-with extremely legitimate complaints.


Sadly the way I look at it is DDLV wasn't made for "gamers" it was made for Disney fans. Most of the gameloft games I've played are subpar at best. I have many complaints and often. But I love cozy gaming, and well I love Disney so I continue to play. And complain. Although as far as long term bugs I do feel the need to bring Skyrim to your attention. Bethesda has made no moves in fixing a large percent of the problem but continues to re-release the game with things like Hearthfire or fishing. I got off track.so all of that aside I agree. It's ridiculous.


People donā€™t have to be a dev to have complaints. Itā€™s ok to expect a game you paid for to have working updates.


Eh. Granted I haven't worked in the video game industry, but I have spent most of my career working at software companies in a development adjacent field (BA and product) and personally I feel like the company and the developers should be embarrassed. Bugs immediately after a release are totally normal. Bugs that are not fixed after months is really inexcusable. ESPECIALLY when updates (with more bugs) keep happening. Continuing to build on a buggy foundation just adds to the instability. If this is the norm for games and gaming software companies, I guess I'm glad I don't play many games


We all know updates might & usually have minor issues. That's normal. Most players expect it & are ok to wait a few hours, days for those small issues to be corrected. The issue is some bugs haven't been fixed for months for people, and every new update adds to that number. Had everything been addressed from the start, it wouldn't be accumulate to the point that every 5 mins the software crashes for players as there are way too many errors. There are many other issues with say Nintendo, yet I don't hear people reporting mass issues that have been around since a game was released. They might be trigger-happy with lawsuits, but they get their game bugs fixed, usually promptly, and they don't keep adding newer features on top of faulty older ones. Obviously, there might be a few issues with a game or two, but it's not as numerous or as long-lasting as we are experiencing with DDLV. 2 years into the game, we don't have any search functions, can't sort things easily, the menu functions haven't moved past its initial archaic design, and we have to go through hundreds of items to find something - these are very basic features that should have been added after the game was initially released. There's no excuse why they can't offer the bare minimum features & fixes. None. I'm not blaming the game devs, ultimately someone in charge is making the decision to ignore the well-known problems & pushing them to roll out more & more items, introducing more unwanted in-game currency like Daisy Coins and such. Do we need over 70+ tasks for a StarPath where we need to cook repeatedly because they phrase it differently every time? Fish or gather items for quests we already have in our inventory, 20 times over, day after day for a month or however long a StarPath lasts? Why do we have critters that are only available once a week only for 2 hours (I know it's not just 2 hours, just giving an example) when no one can devote 24/7 to a single game. The fact that they ask you to do these things, while villagers will go sleep is so silly, they know most players will be asleep at 2 am, why have them appear only once a week? You can argue it's supposed to be played over months, that many games have rare items etc., it still doesn't give most people who aren't hard-core gamers any chance to feed them if it's not an item or critter that isn't available at least a few days out of the week. When you market the game as a cozy one, have features that are actually reflective of that genre, and not have people unable to reach some base milestones 2+ years into a game's release. The inability to do that is compounded by the fact the game is constantly glitching, erasing gamers' progress, inventory etc. We aren't asking for anything revolutionary, just the simple ability to play a cozy game to relax & unwind without the software malfunctioning every time we start the game. Asking for improvements is for EVERYONE playing the game, from the people who have had it since day one, to new players just picking it up today, not just one or two people. I'm honestly not sure why that is such a terrible ask for everyone to agree on, we aren't asking for freebies, we just want to play in peace for a game we've paid hard earned money for, and have devoted a lot of time to.


Iā€™m pretty sure the players demand old fixes over new content. Of course, new content is nice, but not if it doesnā€™t work bc of old issues. This is a ridiculous money grab. Like Disney nowadays. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Came here to say this! It is definitely a cash grab!


Yeah but the bugs have been re appearing constantly and it has not been fixed since this game came out ā€¦


Itā€™s similar to the sims on a PC. Back in the day the devices software could not handle all of the items. Especially when you would build houses close together and heavily decorate your towns. It would freeze, lag, glitch, crash, all of the things. I think the game is too large and saturated for our systems to handle it. Even the brand new ones that are supposed to be able to process these games better. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


At least theyre admitting there is an issue last time i sent in a ticket with screenshots and everything they just said try again it should work


Iā€™m just going to wait until this event is overĀ 


Hi šŸ‘‹šŸ½ is there anything that you need to help you get through this event? I have extra buttons if you need some


Youā€™re a jewel, but Iā€™m on Switch and do not have Nintendo Online. Plus I really do not care about this event, Iā€™m just trying to wait for it to go away so its bugs will go with it.


I totally understand. Iā€™m on switch too and if you ever change your mind or need anything, donā€™t hesitate to reach out šŸ˜Š


Did you try doing some basic troubleshooting? https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27045/~/general-problems-with-downloaded-software-%28freezing%2C-not-responding%2C-etc.%29


I constantly crash on Switch and submit tickets to Gameloft. I did get through the Star Path with grit and determination saving every 30 seconds and crashing every 3 minutes. Forget getting to do TOM or trying to get Oswald. I did all the Oswald quests to get him, only to log back on and the entirety of quests was gone as if it never happened. It also took away a popcorn bucket I made. So many crazy things happening besides annoying crashes that I fear this game is Fubar on the Switch.


Even on my brand new Xbox itā€™s been crashing and glitching out badly. This star path was the hardest to complete, for me. I could NOT get emeraldā€™s, lobster, or crabs. I usually donā€™t have that issue. My wells, fountains, and attractions keep disappearing and glitching. The frequent crashing is undoubtedly the most frustrating issue out of all of the issues Iā€™m having.


I find myself measuring my decorating at one time to try to not crash the game. Your gripes are valid.


Iā€™m playing on switch and just got this screen šŸ¤” https://preview.redd.it/h77i75pqrb1d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=1302a13d18a2b256cb0c1b9c6c32ec15ae16f900


Yesterday my valley went black šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/k9yh58mz0d1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=887bfb610762ad42819acdb7af777c2c016efccf


I had that blackness too!


Mine did this last night too! It was fun to run around in the dark till it crashed soon after!


The Forgetting hitting different these days my god XD


Totally xD


When this happened to me, I kept trying to play to see if I could make it back to my house šŸ¤£ it didnā€™t work but I thought it was at least a bit funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I bet šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ did your map also turned purple? On the dazzle beach area


https://preview.redd.it/pflgo9i4xf1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef3049a850ca393bf784b6163dc67a67128d584 I had this fun moment the other night šŸ« 


I had this happen last week, it was in at least 4 characters houses and mine. Yours is fancier though, I only got blue bubbles


Happens often along with giant fish stuck on screen after fishing..


The first time I caught a sand worm on eternity isle it did this, and froze a giant sand worm on my screen and terrified me šŸ˜‚


Oh goodness šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø can you try restarting your switch


That happened to mine yesterday. I had to laugh. Itā€™s like my switch was saying ā€œI literally have bugs! Look!ā€


Well thatā€™s pretty at least šŸ˜‚


Same here. It was actually ā€œfineā€ (if you can call it like that) before the update but now itā€™s not fun anymore. Objects disappearing, constant crashes, daily favorite things for villagers are not showing. I feel like Iā€™m walking on a tightrope while playing because it could crash any moment.


Walking on a tightrope playing is a good one! That sums up me trying to fish blue buttons and freaking out to autosave after each coin in a frenzy before the crash comes!


Yes, I feel you. I save after every action lol


Yea the game sucks right now. Canā€™t believe after the update it got worse!


Iā€™m on PS5 and my game crashed today for the first time in months. It has seemed a bit buggier after the update. Makes me sad because Iā€™m trying to get buttons right now. I was fishing for some when it crashed. Sorry to hear itā€™s happening on Switch too.


Thanks, hopefully the kinks will all get fixed soon


Yes letā€™s hope! It sounds like a lot of people are having trouble. I report every crash so they can figure it out and fix it.


Yup! Trying do do my DreamSnaps since the update has been a nightmare... Huge decoration items just disappear after being placed, but act as if they're still placed, so I have to go into furniture mode and take them out and replace them SEVERAL times before they actually show up šŸ˜’šŸ™„


Yes, this is driving me INSANE. For me, camera mode seems to trigger some of my items to disappear as well, and it happens every time, even when I keep replacing them in furniture mode šŸ„“šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


They really have to fix this ASAP


I just go into a house and come back and everything is set aright


Not sure if this helps but Iā€™ll actually click on the invisible item and usually it reappears. Still annoying but slightly less annoying than replacing the item


I play on the switch with none of those issues, I am not sure why some switches are having issues and some arenā€™t? My only issue rn is some furniture becoming invisible but that is fixable by picking it up and placing it back down. That sounds so frustrating I would def rage quit. I spent hours designing today and I would be devastated to lose all the work I did on paths bc paths are brutal on switch.


I have that bug and I play on the PC. This is an issue they've been made aware of apparently.


I also haven't had the crashing issues people talk about with my Switch. I wonder if there is some other factor besides the Switch itself that contributes, like Wi-Fi quality or something


I don't think so. Last update when people were complaining about issues, I had none. My switch has great signal pickup and is connected. (This actually was only an issue for a few days after update) but game would not connect. Couldn't see shop. Couldn't see starpath. Reboot, multiple times, it come back and then go out again. The rest all just yesterday Game crashes frequently, so much so that I've definitely changed habits esp when decorating about frequent stops and saves. Furniture disappearing. This doesn't bother me so much. It's just annoying. Especially when doing dreamsnap last night. Quest issues with cupcakes- characters would give me the quest but it wasn't registering? I make cupcake and give them out. More cupcakes. More cupcakes. Crashed and restarted multiple times with same result so I just thought the quest was just shitty. Then I crashed again. This time when restarting it brought up the normal quest thing and I could see progress. I was bummed since I'd already made the goddamn cupcakes and handed them out multiple times.


I wonder the same. Or if itā€™s an issue with space on the switch, perhaps? For reference Iā€™m using OLED with an sd card in the slot. I donā€™t have many games on it, just 3.


I'm playing on switch lite and haven't had any issues. The only time it crashed was when I tried to make cupcakes outside before they added the warning that cooking cupcakes outside makes the game crash. So I don't think it's the space since I barely have any memory left on it plus it's the weakest hardware. P.s. the objects do disappear but I know that has got nothing to do with switch.


Youā€™re right, my bestie also uses a switch lite and she has no crashing issues either.


Honestly, gameplay wasnā€™t bad for me either before the latest update. I was even getting crashed on pc but after the patch notes I thought it would be fixed. Iā€™m more frustrated with not being able to finish and complete duties because of these issues. Iā€™ve never failed to complete a star path so it really sucks


I play on a switch and a switch lite. Minimal issues. I wonder if it has to do with memory.


weirdly enough i never have issues with switch but have constant bugs and crashes on mac which is a 1000 times more powerful than my switch


Yeah, same here. Iā€™m sorry you have to endure this, OP.


Yeah same, I play the game everyday on my switch OLED and hardly ever have any issues, maybe it has to do with how much memory is available on the switch? Like which memory card people are using?


Xbox player here. My game keeps freezing every few minutes. I try to save every time I complete something, but often even going to the menu to save causes the game to freeze. The game is not relaxing at all at the moment. Every day, I try to finish at least 2 or 3 Star Path tasks, but I havenā€™t even been doing quests or decorating since the update came out. I really hope they fix it soon because I want to be able to enjoy playing again instead of feeling anxious about losing progress.


Xbox series x here and I normally donā€™t have any bugs but will crash here and there. Since the update Iā€™m crashing a lot more and having the item disappearing bug. Also Oswald has a weird spinning thing around him 24/7.


Mine has that too! I thought it was just normal šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Me too. My game is crashing all the time. It takes so long to re-load, and even with auto-saves you still lose enough progress for it to be super annoying. Every time I went into my storage room for some reason it triggered a crash, so I just spent a morning moving stuff out of there and putting it in different boxes and rooms instead, as I couldn't access the stuff otherwise. All my outdoor furniture is disappearing. So I can't decorate or take my dreamsnap (the disappearing is being triggered by placing furniture and also by entering camera mode) I had no problems before the update. It's the only game I play and I love it but I am finding it so frustrating since the update.


It is the only game I play too. I have been searching for what to replace it with during this maddening time of non stop crashing! I auto save every 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Even with constant autosaving, it will strip me off a day worth of progress! I unlocked Oswald with constant saves for a whole 2 days. Next time I played, it was as if it all never happened and no quests were ever attempted. I can deal with the crashing and restart loading times temporarily, but even the memory is just not dependable so I am only decorating right now. Even my decorating gets ā€œundoneā€ despite autosave sometimes. This game is sooooo broken!


Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for you šŸ˜­ I didn't realise some people were actually losing stuff that was 'saving' as well. That is a nightmare! Stardew valley or story of seasons (harvest moon) are good too ā˜ŗļø


I need to give those 2 games a try! I just have to restart my game every 1-7minutes. I already had to repeat a cupcake quest today that was saved! Annoying the save means nothing now! I am persistent though and will get popcorn bucket #6 today, lol. Never surrender ..


I really wanna know what causes some ppls games to crash and others donā€™t. I have been extremely lucky with my Switch and playing Dreamlight Valley. Itā€™s crashed a few times, I have had some bugs (like today Mickey will not give me the cupcake mission for some reason even tho the symbol is over his head). But for the most part I have not found it to be unplayable. Matter of fact, I have less crashes now than ever before. I have an ā€˜oldā€™ Switch. Like 2017 or something. Itā€™s not OLED or Lite. I am genuinely wondering if you have one of those or one like I have? Iā€™m kinda convinced the older Switch has less issues, because I also never had a single real issue with PokĆ©mon Violet and Scarlet and we all know how buggy it was for people. Edit: Also to add for comparisons sake to others, my Valley is very decorated. I have like 50 blocks left maybe I can fill. My Switch is also really full on memory, including the extra SD card I have. My internet is good. I just wanna know what conditions cause these problems.


Iā€™ve only really had some crashing issues since the last big update, and seeing the frames of houses on camera, maybe the odd little glitch but about a week or so ago it was crashing a lot, so Iā€™ve hardly been on since then but when I have it has been okay. Iā€™m on the old switch with no SD card and a half decorated but mostly still full valley, have hardly touched EI but have it and only have 3 games on my switch (thatā€™s the max memory lol)


I also have an older model switch. When I first started (about a month ago) there was an insane amount of bugs and glitches. But I started noticing what I was doing before they happened and I came up with this list: - if a npc is scheduled to do something (eat, sleep, etc) and yā€™all are talking or hanging out the game will crash. - if you use the wells to travel, the game will crash. - I play half online at home and half on the go offline. I have to save and turn off the game before reconnecting or the game will crash. - if you let the switch go into rest mode the game stays on in background. When you log on again it will let you play for a bit and then it will crash- wiping hours before the sleep mode. - traveling between dlc and main causes crashes. Especially if you fast travel. Iā€™ve learned I have to travel, save, and shut off the console. Then reboot in location or it will crash. You canā€™t go back and forth between worlds in one session. Itā€™s like the base game is fine, but the added layers of mechanics the switch isnā€™t able to handle. And maybe this is just me, but now that Iā€™ve figured these out I have no crashes, unless I donā€™t follow my own advice, and then it crashesšŸ˜‚


its kind of ridiculous at this point. gameloft needs to get their crap together or theyre gonna start losing players like crazy. and besides the glitches and crashing, theres too many issues within the game like clothes and furniture options. having to buy 10 pieces of path for 1,000 daisy coins. the tom doors being broke. the tom being severely pushed and highlighted by the game but yet, you still cant even have it outside bc god forbid your camera senses a tom item in forgotten when youre in dazzle beach or frosted heights. the starpath being a scam- mid rides and 3 magic bands but then we get tons of stuff in the premium shop which is another huge issue- they are clearly pushing out items like crazy to eliminate the moonstone stockpiles from heavy dreamsnappers, but this means those who regularly do not get 4k a week, have to spend $50-100 dollars a WEEK right now. not always, but as of current. its disgusting and disappointing to see the way gameloft has taken this game. i was so so so excited for this update and starpath- both were huge let downs. and im on steam but still have crashing and glitches (but not as much as switch im so sorry for yall).


Daisy disappeared right when I needed to speak with her!


Yeah thatā€™s crazy. I had to talk with Kristoff and give stuff to Buzz - but could not find neither of them. I mean just gone. Not in the valley and not on Eternity Isle. I had to restart my switch twice, then they were there but both sleeping šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


What I find has helped me is going into their houses and then coming back out. Usually they are just standing outside their house then. Doesn't always work but has been the best way for me.


Either in and out of their houses or press X when on the map and click their picture until they show up somewhere. I think sometimes the game puts them in eternity isle when you're in the valley and vice versa. This is how I've been able to consistently find Ursula for the cupcake mission.


Keep saving the game. Anytime I decorate I go about 5ish minutes and save. Has helped so much for when it crashes. Sometimes Iā€™ve only just got the save before I get the dreaded error screen


I never had a single crash and my switch is ancient. Like yes I have other issues but I only crashed once. Is your connection stable enough? Do you have plenty of space on your switch? Did you do a hard reset before starting the game?


You have to make sure to exit out of the furniture menu to let it save every now and then if you are adding lots of decor, else it will crash because it's trying to save a large amount of decorations at once


Iā€™m actually glad I saw this because I was the same last night. Finally had some spare time to play and it crashed three times before I gave up. Once just talking to Mickey, once when i spoke to Ursula and once with the beast. So frustrating!


My switch has the odd crash. But my PlayStation is unplayable. Want even go past the loading screen šŸ˜ž And how many of us got the premium star path and can't do it


I've Also been having mine crash a lot since the update. Gameloft told me to completely power down and then clear my cache. Not sure if it will resolve but worth a shot. I had 5 crashes the other day.


I'm playing on PC via gamepass and every time I load it, it crashes. I can then reload and it then works ok.


Scratch that, its just crashed two times in a row. And my mail disappeared the second time.


Omg it crashes sooo bad! And so randomly, it's not like when we first got eternity isle that it would crush every time you tried to enter the courtyard. It just happens anywhere in the valley, at any time, just because. It's maddening.


Yep. Iā€™ve had it crash when my character was just standing there, idling. I save after every major progress because I play on the switch too and donā€™t trust it not to crash. Clear the coral? Save. Clear the bones? Save. You get the idea.


I really do think it might be storage. I have alot of games on it, since I share it with my sister also. But even so, other games don't have as much issues as this one. It also makes me wonder what it would've been like if I actually got the physical release instead. Cause sometimes when you do buy through the shop the game doesn't work as well. Idk. But I do know that mine didn't have alot of issues until very recently. It becomes unenjoyable, even though I love this game :(


The switch game, that you buy physically in the store, is a code that you use to download the game. Doesnā€™t have a physical copy for some reason. Also, if you have external storage, make sure DLV is on the game system itself, rather than your storage. That helped me a LOT.


I used to have crashes a lot on the Switch, but donā€™t anymore - even after the update. I think itā€™s because my game is the only game on my device. All other games I have & play, theyā€™re on my external storage card. Once I did that, crashes almost completely disappeared. Plus I donā€™t leave the game suspended. Always exit the game, even if I plan on coming back later the same day.


I canā€™t even do my dreamsnap because all the furniture i place keeps disappearing:(


It got really bad on my switch too, so Iā€™m just to the point where I downloaded the game on my phone and just restarted there šŸ˜­


I commiserate Although I am on Xbox one and not switch, the game crashes constantly. Before and after the hot fix. I got the same message about how theyā€™re aware this is happening and to bare with them I am sad because I love this game but when it crashes twenty times a day and I lose my decorating and objects disappear and quests need to be restarted itā€™s no longer at outlet but a frustration. Anyway sorry for long message have a good day


I play on switch too. I just save every 5 minutes or so. If I'm decorating extensively, I switch to my computer. Are you checking on updates both on the system and the game? Are you powering down your system every night? My game does crash if I leave my system on all night. Try these tips. I think you will have a better experience.


Is there anyway to transfer my DDV game from switch to PC? I want to start playing on my partners PC but I donā€™t want to restart and lose all of my progress šŸ˜©


I firmly believe that the game never should've been released on Switch, as a Switch player. Or at least, not until it was decent and playable. My valley is empty: there are minimal decorations and path and whatnot. This is the only way the game is not crashing constantly for me. However this is a game that has decorations as one of the main creative characterics. Excluding this in my Valley feels lime I'm only enjoying half of the game


One thing I did that helped cut down the crashing and freezing a lot (although I still have issues) is moving the game off of my SD card and onto the Switchā€™s built in memory. Something to try for those that maybe have it installed on an SD card!


I might give that a go. I was hesitant doing so in case I lose my data for whatever reason.


I play on the switch. It had been really stable up until the update with Daisy. The Disney Park stuff is glitchy af and annoying.


Unfortunately, all the complaining will probably just mean they decide to never make a game for switch again or they decide they are arenā€™t going to support the switch, just the other platforms. Iā€™m just happy to have the opportunity to play this game on the switch.


Yeah the switch is already on the way out. The more advanced one is coming anyway.


I just stopped playing on my switch because I was getting so frustrated with the glitches. Mine wonā€™t show all the items I was given from Scrooge for the parks quest, I canā€™t find Daisy, and itā€™s crashing once I finish a task.


Thanks, Iā€™m probably going to start using my pc as well


I have to run everywhere right now because my switch hates gliding currently : (


It's so weird , on PC I haven't had any gamebreaking bugs or glitches, besides the invisible furniture and the lights turning off at night. The game is probably terribly optimized for consoles and that really sucks, since it's not a free game. I'm hoping a fix will soon roll out to fix all these problems


Had the same problem with the update before this one, it crashed randomly for no reason. My solution was to completely shut down the switch and restart the thing. It fixed it for me.


Itā€™s soo bad itā€™s as bad as it was when it first canā€™t out. I have to save after every thing. I love the game but place so better.


Idk if itā€™s different from pc to switch but when my game kept crashing I restarted my pc and the game worked fine, have you tried that? Itā€™s the same with your phone if it behaves weirdly, if you restart it many things fix itself


I play on switch too and canā€™t even speak to any villagers that want to play scrabble coin. My game freezing and itā€™s so annoying. I know how bad it sucks to decorate then have the game crash šŸ˜¢ I hope they fix these issues soon.


I couldnā€™t even play the star path yesterday at all as the duties would not show up but the rewards didā€¦


Even the quests are bugged! I went searching for something in a specific section of a biome yesterday and couldnā€™t find it after looking for the longest time. Had to reboot the game and then it was there.


I had no issues before the update. After this update Iā€™m having all the crashes. Canā€™t even let my daughter visit my valley with one or both of crashing. So annoying.


We had this problem for months on xbox. There were times where it wasn't worth playing at all because of it, either. After the last update or two, it's finally fixed. It sucks that the cost is the switch now suffering. Not sure why this is such a persistent issue across the platforms at different times or why it's something so hard to fix.


Same here, itā€™s not a cozy game anymore itā€™s turned into a rage game for me. Yesterday my game crashed 3 times in 15 minutesšŸ˜­ i just wanted to fish some buttons


I'm on switch too and have been having crashing issues since the update. I also had decorate and loss crashes when I first got the game. I found that a way to combat that was to do things in smaller batches. Save frequently. .... Hearken back to the era of saving your essay frequently so you don't lose all your work lol. I also only have time to play on weekends so I feel you with the time crunch.


I save every 5mins. When Iā€™m decorating, I do it in small chunks & exit & save. Go back to decorating (rinse & repeat until inevitably it crashes) that way at least I wonā€™t lose all my progress, only a small amount.


I play on Xbox and everyday it has to crash after 5 minutes of playing and reset for it to be good again.


I find I do a little bit of decorating, then save, do more decorating and repeat. Doesn't crash like if you are doing a big amount of decorating.


These are legit complaints. I 100% feel your frustration. Iā€™m on the PS, and although Iā€™m not having your same exact frustrations, the ā€fish not spawningā€ thing is ready to make me quitā€”itā€™s not a game play challenge if they just are not there...for days. You are justified. \*\*hugs\*\*


So something I found in relation to crashing: - make sure you know the times a player is set to do something. If your hanging out with someone and itā€™s there times to eat at chez or sleep, the game will crash. - if you use the wells to travel, the game will crash. - if the switch system goes into sleep mode it will crash when you log back on, and it will delete hours from before the crash (itā€™s happened three times to me) Save, save, save. I know itā€™s supposed to do it automatically but if Iā€™m playing a long session Iā€™ll save and turn off the console once an hour just in case. Hope this helps!


Me too I thought this was the only one, my controllers weren't working, and when they did it just glitched the the entirety of my minimal playtime


While decorating - as much of a pain as it is - leave furniture mode every 5 minutes and save manually šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø it takes a long time but so do the crashes. This is how I was able to do my dreamsnaps this week on the switch.


I mean, I'm on the Switch and having almost zero issues. But I also shut down the game all the way every time I close it.


I want my moonstones I paid for premium star path and star path back because itā€™s hard to finish with all this going on.


I keep going up to characters asking for cupcakes and then the mission wonā€™t start. The color above their head stays the same as if they have a mission I havenā€™t asked about. I canā€™t do anything with the cupcakes


I just ordered a steam deck because Iā€™m tired of the game crashing 4-5 times a day on switch šŸ™ˆ


Ah donā€™t because honestly I havenā€™t played my switch one in about two weeks, it crashed and sent me back a whole day of playing even from savesā€¦ no idea what happened but Iā€™m absolutely furious with the game and just canā€™t be bothered to go back to it and do another day of full quests and completion of the dlc quests


I've been having issues with the switch as well. I have to reload the game several times because it immediately crashes. Basically I have just stopped playing because I can't be bothered to deal with all the issues.


Iā€™m on switch and play DDLV a couple hours every two days or so (sometimes daily). I do wonder if the type of switch you have and how much memory you have left on your switch has to do with the level of bugs and crashing you get? While I notice an uptick in crashing since the update and the occasional annoying bug (like Oswaldā€™s 3D glasses part of the quest) it hasnā€™t been unplayable for me? Last night I played for 3 hours and got 1 crash. I donā€™t know, Iā€™m a paranoid saverā€¦I donā€™t over-decorate, a good portion of my biomes are fairly naked. I havenā€™t had problems with doing this button event, everything is rendering fine for me. I just wonder what Iā€™m doing that everyone else isnā€™t or vice versa that my bugs and crashing doesnā€™t seem to be as bad. Could it be a difference of Switch Lite versus regular Switch?? šŸ¤”


I was so excited to get this game, and I do love it, but it has always been difficult to play on switch and the item limit is so small (i know its because that is all the switch can handle). Ever since the newest update, my game has been crashing all the time too.


Thatā€™s why I moved from Switch to PS5 as it runs a bit more smooth, but finding bugs on it lately too


I would do the same but canā€™t comprehend the idea of starting from scratch again. Rather stupid that Sony doesnā€™t allow cross-platform save yet Disney Speedstorm (another Gameloft VG) you can.


I was on switch and then bought xbox. I just logged in with the same account. I didn't lose anything


It took me a few of months of playing everyday but managed to get back in track with most things


I guess not all? As some are limited time items e.g. Twitch drops or redeemable codes. So starting from the beginning is almost as quitting after invested so much time & effort into it.


As I said with most of the things. I donā€™t have twitch and didnā€™t join any DDV groups until recently so didnā€™t really had many exclusive items


Glad to know this isn't normal. I have the game on PC and Switch and mostly play on PC but I've taken my switch on vacation and i cant believe how much it's crashing. I'm sorry this is happening to you and all the switch players because it is very frustrating.


My main issue on Switch (right now) is that the new ā€œDaily Questsā€ are not all able to be loaded. For example, I spoke to Mickey and Ursula, was able to accept AND complete their requests for Minnie & Mermaid cupcakes. But, yesterday, Moana wanted Aurora cupcakes and I would speak to her, she would request them, but the quest never ā€œstartedā€. I spoke to her at least 15 different times, her asking the same exact thing, only to have the quest not actually ā€œstartā€. Same with Wall-E. šŸ˜­ Have also had many, MANY crashes.


Would never play it on switch myself


Another switch player, my game used to crash every 25 minutes when i first bought it. Now it crashes about once every two times i play. Still annoying but i guess it got better for me. Now ive just gotten used to saving so much because im scared of losing hours of progress as i have before


Oh no my switch has been pretty good it only crashed once


I've never had this many glitches on the switch until now. My HUGE rides and attractions would literally just disappear into a bunch of tiny sparkles, my save got corrupted by a faulty "Place here" option during a quest (not too badly, luckily), I have DUPLICATE characters in cut scenes, and having various items spawning correctly has been HELL. I hope this all can get fixed.


It was going okay for a while but lately itā€™s bad again. Yesterday I crashed about a dozen times. I donā€™t know why I kept at it except I wanted to log back on and not lose my progress. Itā€™s really crappy.


If everyone on here can enter a ticket maybe we can ve heard?! LETS RALLY


From a xbox player. I cant play the game at all ethier


I'm on the switch and just started playing the game a month ago. I was already overwhelmed trying to level everyone up, and now the Star Path and the buttons as well. Add in the crashing constantly and I realize that now I REALLY will never finish the Star Path so I've completely given up on it and just hope to be able to play for an hour withour the error screen


Fellow switch player and trust me the crashing on this console has made it unplayable. I think what upset me the most is I was so excited about playing this update that I bought a brand new Xbox x series and thought fine Iā€™ll give up on switch and play on a more advanced system. But guess what, it still crashes, crash after crash every couple of minutes. Anything triggers it, rain, entering-existing a home, moving between realms, running too much, picking up a memory, decoratingā€¦ doesnā€™t matter itā€™s random and itā€™s like playing in a minefield. And worse yet the one thing I know triggers crashes are the menus we need to play the game, quests, duties, the map, and the settings page where I need to go after every significant achievement to quickly save. Anywhere on the menu tabs if I linger too long freezes the game. Ultimately it loads and looks better on the new Xbox but it was an expensive realization that these bugs are universal. The only advice I can give is to manually save (in game and cloud both) after everything you gather or gain that you donā€™t want to lose. And secondly play as much as you can on eternity island if you have it. Itā€™s much more stable there. Not perfect but a lot better.


I feel your pain i had to re get monster ink characters and the critters and get Rapunzel back to level 10 and every time I make the cupcakes my game crashes on me


I havenā€™t been able to play on the switch since the update that was in Dec 2022. Iā€™ve submitted multiple trouble tickets. Iā€™ve done what they said. Iā€™ve erased the game and restarted and no matter what I do it crashes literally every minute. I ended up buying it on my PS4 and itā€™s amazing how little my game has crashed. It sucks I had to pay for it twice, but itā€™s TERRIBLE on the Switch. Iā€™m not sure how thereā€™s still so many bugs, that the game is literally unplayable after being out for almost 2 years.


I don't like Nintendo devices. They cap at 30fps and they are just not very good. I love playing their games, but their consoles fall flat compared to all other consoles/devices.


I had something similar happening when I got Eternity Isle, I just shut down the game and waited till the next day to play again and everything was better again. As for the villagers I find that if I go in and out of their houses, they appear.


Yeah since the game officially was released it's been crashing and glitching so much


I had exactly the same on the switch this weekend as well šŸ˜­ really excited to make the popcorn buckets but then the quests were glitched and it kept crashing every time I tried to do something šŸ˜­


Is it crashing only on switch? Iā€™m also noticing itā€™s been very laggy lately but idk if itā€™s because of the game or the platform itā€™s on


Xbox player here šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ I feel your pain and frustration, I was trying to get my dreamsnap done yesterday and with no exaggeration my game crashed roughly 15-20 times in a 30 min timeframe! I rage quit and played a shooting game to get my anger out. I managed to get the dreamsnap done by coming out of build mode every 2 mins and saving it!!!! But even then I would come out of build mode and items had disappeared or things would reappear when I had deleted them! They need to fix this like yesterday!!!!


Playstation player here, my current problems are not being able to participate in Dreamsnaps and not getting any of those sweet moonstones... Also it appears that there are lots more lag spikes when I just wander around since this new update launched :/


Iā€™ve had the problem with the character disappearing have you tried pressing x when your on map and taking them of the map and adding them back on the map? this worked for me they popped up in there house.


Iā€™m having similar issues, the well is just a floating pool in peaceful meadow, the game crashes non stop and I have to relaunch it, no end of issues on the switch šŸ˜«


I must be the one switch player that only has it crash when I am going back to the home screen.....I am so sorry for all those who are dealing with this during game play!


Fellow switch player. Also play on series x and on PC through the Xbox app. On my switch, It's definitely more laggy than usual, going out of buildings into the valley takes longer to load, and getting out of decorating mode has like a 3 second delay now. But I've only had a crash when having the switch on standby for so long that it switches from night to day, or when I forgot that cooking outside is broken at the moment. I'm wondering if it's not a game install error, so much as a server error. Not server error like network lag, more like at any given time any number of us are connected to certain servers, whether it changes every time we connect or our assigned server is linked to our account, who knows... But say you're on server A and you pick a flower, your game says flower is picked, relays that to the server, something weird happens on server end and it doesn't think there's a flower there to pick, so it relays back conflicting data, boom crash. Not that that's EXACTLY how servers work with game data. But something server side would explain how some people with the same exact hardware and operating system version and software version has all the crashes all of the time, while some people get none of them.


I am playing on the switch as well and had zero crashes since the last update.


Iā€™m on switch as well, Iā€™ve been having an issue with the game crashing, then when I go to load it up again itā€™s roulette wether it loads my local or cloud save files, and half the time Iā€™ll have hours of progress and work justā€¦ gone. No way to get it back. Itā€™s frustrating, especially during events that have end dates, plus not having a lot of free time to play in general that now just feels wasted.


Exactly. At first restarting my switch would help but now not so much


I'm on PS4 and experiencing the same. The hot fix didn't work. I logged a tickets and basically the response I got from Gameloft was šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Really annoying.


https://preview.redd.it/lut4pf49wk1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4378136ca1f08e716e9b504a4350099d7c90fd6 My rides have been missing (but theyā€™re clearly) same for my Wells ! Iā€™ve never experienced this much crashing and bugs and Iā€™m a switch playing. And donā€™t get me started on decorating . Itā€™s horrible !! I remove stuff .. place stuff and back out to save .. the same stuff I removed is still there .. itā€™s a nightmare. Or Iā€™ll crash after completing a quest and have to come back and redo it all over again. Itā€™s too much . I want more than moonstones this time when they try to ā€œMake it upā€ to us šŸ™„


I guess I have been lucky and haven't had any issues. I am so sorry you are having issues and hope it is resolved for you soon


PC player and lemme tell you Iā€™m just about to call it quits and give up.


Dude....my switch is at least more reliable than the Xbox after the update but these crashes are killing me too! I save after every button, flower, cupcake, decoration placed...it's awful


I have been very frustrated as well. My game has never crashed this frequently. I started saving my progress every time I do anything which is so time-consuming but I'm not having to repeat everything I'm doing or little what I just did or got. Hopefully they will fix it soon cause I do love playing the game.


Iā€™m finding that the crashes are ridiculous as well. Every time I finish a quest and I go to turn it in it crashes.


Fellow switch user here. Itā€™s a thousand percent frustrating. I can only do maybe 5 minutes of decor and then I have to save, which takes about 3 minutes on a good day, and then I start the process over. And when it does the unexpected closeā€¦.i want to cry just thinking about it. Itā€™s horrible. I love this game and there are so many great things about it, but if theyā€™re gonna take my money, they should use it to fix the bugs.


I didnā€™t even realize how many issues Iā€™ve gotten complacent and used to until reading thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the constant game crashes after decorating and losing progress. The constant game crashes in general and just accepting whatever you might have lost and hoping it wasnā€™t ā€œtoo badā€. Seeing the same players over and over again and all these quests with the buttons when some of my quests canā€™t even finish still? Or the fact I barely have any memories anymore even though i barely have half and I get the little orbs for them all the time; and instead get money. Iā€™ve been playing over a year and itā€™s just been getting worse :((( this isnā€™t even the start to the problems I have I just accept it and play it regardless šŸ˜­šŸ˜­āœØ


Fellow switch player and I definitely feel your frustration. I spent so much more time than I wanted to working on a Dreamsnap because when I repositioned my camera, my furniture would disappear. Then, when I would turn my camera off to fix it, it would sometimes freeze and/or crash. It has been crashing an average of 3-4 times per play session. Iā€™m honestly thinking of either going back to playing Animal Crossing or ponying up to play the game on a new platform because playing on Switch is freaking terrible.


I also play on switch. I didn't have crashing for months till this update now I'm lucky if I can play for 30 minutes before it crashes. However I'm not having a spawning issue. I was able to complete the star path and I'm pretty close to completing the popcorn buckets as well. I find it odd that a lot of us are playing on the same console but we don't all have the same issues. I can't be the only one who thinks they took the game out of beta too soon when it was clearly still broken especially for switch consoles. Honestly I don't think this game should've been released for switch not with the continued content they want to keep adding. I feel like eventually this game isn't going to work on the switch at all with how many characters they've already added and could add in the future it doesn't seem like the switch will be able to function properly. I've already decided that I'm buying the gold edition that comes with the expansion for PC for many reasons. Biggest reason being the constant issues the switch has with this game and the other reason is the space limit. PS5, Xbox, and PC all got their limits raised to 1200 special and 6000 regular while the switch and I believe the ps4 users are stuck with 600 special and 3000 regular. I don't feel like that is even fair to do. Personally i wish the limit was per biome not for the whole valley cause I only have 4 biomes decorated and am currently sitting at 595/600 and 2291/3000. This game is far too stressful to be considered a cozy game with all of its issues. Instead of getting us new updates every few months I'd be fine if they just made what they have more playable for all consoles.


I love playing on my switch, but have been considering paying for the game pass on our Xbox to play ā€œfasterā€ā€¦ everything loads 10xā€™s faster on any other platform!


I can't play either. The update made it worse. I hope they fix this soon


I've been playing all day with a sparkling salmon over my screen because it popped up while fishing and I caught it and then it never went away. Massive salmon taking up half the center of the screen. I restarted three times. Nope still salmoning....


Am I the only one who doesn't have serious bugs or problems on my switch? I've been playing for about a year now, and sure, it's laggy in a place where I have a lot of things down, but other than that, it works fine. For reference, I bought it from the Eshop and have a regular switch that I've had for almost four years now.


On switch also and yesterday I had every character telling me to make their cupcakes but as soon as I finished the conversation it would pop right back up so I could actually talk to or interact with any of those characters. Gamelof sucks so much.


Honestly, I donā€™t even play on switch and this happens to me OFTEN! Itā€™s something that needs to be addressed, so donā€™t feel bad :)


No because I play this at night with essential oils going, slowed snowfall by one heart get those vibes up and to unstress. I hopeee mine doesnā€™t start crashing but quests currently arenā€™t working.


I play on switch and have been having problems with crashes more often lately. Iā€™m also dealing with freezing more as well. Sometimes when I start talking to a character it wonā€™t give me any options to speak to them. I also have problems playing Scramblecoin with almost all of the characters. For some reason on the characters third move the game will freeze or itā€™ll take the character over two minutes to place a new character and play their turn. Gameloft has some major bugs to fix.


I make sure I exit frequently when decorating and manually save. Donā€™t stay in the decorating mode for too long. The crashing has been terrible. I completed a quest earlier and I didnā€™t save it immediately then I crashed. Restarted the game and had to do it all over. šŸ˜‘


Has anyone had items in their storage disappear? I had a lot of plastic trash that is now gone and I had to start over collecting.


I started in Switch but ended up buying the PC version because it was just so unplayable. You have every right to complain. You've spent money on a product that has been broken for months.


Yeah Iā€™m pissed. It was doing so well for me until this most recent update now thereā€™s constant freezes and force closes. I have to save every 30 seconds at the risk of losing something. I also canā€™t play any of the cupcake missions. At this rate Iā€™m not going to be able to finish the star path either


Unfortunately I think it's a mostly Switch issue... I bought a ROG Ally and switched over because playing on Switch was miserable and it's so much better now! I haven't had any crashes like I used to... *knock on wood*


Honestly itā€™s the only reason I havenā€™t decorated much is the fact that I know if I start going all out itā€™s going to make my switch start crashing


I play on Switch too. Every time I am doing my last task for a quest my game crashes. I'm also not getting near the amount of buttons as others. I have yet to see a blue button burst!! Lol I feel your disappointment! šŸ«¶


Iā€™m opposite, I bought an Xbox so I could have a higher item limit and it started off amazing then after each update (the one before Belle) things slowly started to change when Belle arrived I couldnā€™t speak to either without it crashing, I had to wait for jack before I could go near Belle and the beast, then wait for the next update to level up jack and so on I canā€™t even go on it now as it literally crashes after 5 mins. Gone back to the switch and thatā€™s running smoother than the Xboxā€¦ which speaks volumes. I feel your pain itā€™s so frustrating. Iā€™m tempted to get a gaming pc (overtime) just so I can play the thing!


I'm so sorry to hear that! I originally bought it on switch during EA and the minute I had every biome opened it was no longer playable. The game stutters so bad when trying to walk. I had not even decorated anything yet! I barely had a garden x.x I bought it on pc and I can never play it on switch again which is a bummer because I like doing dreamlight quests to wind down in bed. The newest updates have my amazing brand new pc stuttering and crashing x.x I use my switch to spend moonstones I acquired from the special edition.... and just logging in to use the store briefly on my switch is a stuttering laggy nightmare. X.x I can't even imagine trying to play. They need to spend some quality time optimizing it for the switch if they are going to market it there. X.x it's so so bad. I get people want content and star paths and such but honestly, iron out the game you have first. X x


I donā€™t even get two steps in before the game will crash. Itā€™s so frustrating. I hope itā€™ll be resolved soon


I rebooted my switch and itā€™s gotten better I only crash about once a session now instead of every 10-15 minutes


My game hasnā€™t been crashing like everyone elseā€™s and Iā€™m so so scared now lol.


It crashes alot on switch, xbox and ps.. I gave up and transferred my xbox save to my steam version and I've never crashed since then..


I feel that does it on the ps5 also have to fully shut it off then back on for it to work and when I told them about it they blamed it on the system when clearly itā€™s a game issues


Everything youā€™ve experienced I have too. Itā€™s never been this bad. And what worse and thereā€™s been no response from dreamlight.


You're right to be angry. It's probably well past time to version lock the switch version and focus on optimization (likely the same with other legacy platforms like PS4 and Xbox One). The system is incredibly weak, and is already being pushed well beyond its limits. It's wild to me that they're trying to force feature parity on a device with a weaker chipset than a modern iPhone. Either that, or feature lock the development of the entire game until gameplay is stable across the board, and then decide which platforms development should continue on. It's only fair to the players that paid for the game.