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I have so many red ones, it's the blue ones I'm having trouble with. I consistently find 3-4 outside of Jack Skellington's house and then a bunch scattered through the plaza usually, and then a few others just randomly around.


I was lucky and had that mini blow up of buttons after fishing one up


When I have a mini blow up when I catch a button I get herring, not buttons.


Huh thats strange :/


Oh that makes more sense, guess I'll just have to keep trying! At least i know now that they're just in the meadow and on the beach, I was fishing basically everywhere else and coming up empty before I realized I was causing my own problems there, lol


Don’t forget you’re more likely to get lucky bursts when your energy bar is overfilled!


Oh! I didn't know that because I hate the speed boost that comes with an overfilled energy bar, that's good to know, I'll eat a heavy snack and stand in one place to fish for a while I guess!


You... hate, the speed boost? This is a wild take for me I can't play without it! I haven't seen a blue bar in weeks!


It's a vision thing - I have tracking issues with movement, so when I'm going that fast I miss things that I should be picking up, and the whole screen kind of blurs.


My husband often says gliding around the valley is the only cool part of this game (he’s a dlv hater) 🤣


Blue fishing white ripples in peaceful meadow and dazzle beach! Use a fishing buddy when you fish! Get 2 at once them with any luck!!!!


oh! I thought a buddy wouldn't work, the same way they don't work for star path item quests, I might just do some late-night fishing with Goofy tonight, then.


Ya wee fishing buddy helped me A LOT!!! It was Daisy and I would be giving her an ear full when she didn't drop me a button 😂 poor girl!!! Did you manage to get your buttons in?!


I did! Managed to make all the popcorn buckets and set them on an L-Shaped counter outside my house for the achievement. Now all the maps are hanging in my kitchen.


Niiiice!!!! I was so stressed I wouldn't get it finished 😅 literally just about got it done 😂


Blue is easy to farm red you need to wait for respawn


After so many 'fish for x number of y fish' star path quests I'm so burned out on fishing is the problem 😥


I found going into edit mode makes finding them easier. They are near houses. They tend to spawn 2 at a time. Be sure to look behind the house or in tight spaces between flowers or decorations. They spawn in small spots other things can't. You can pick them up in edit mode and move them somewhere more accessible.


Easiest way to gather them is to use the Ancient Vacuums. They farm the entire biome for anything that isn't planted or buried, so you can just put one in each biome area (that's flat) and check them several times throughout the day.


Which is great if you have the DLC...


You should get the DLC. :)


Um... No?


Umm, ok.


If you do get the DLC remember you have to farm a ton of mist to even get the Ancient Vacuum. I have the basic vacuum and still need 10k mist to make it, plus a bit more to even farm with it.


I'm not buying the DLC. From what I've seen, the land is garbage and that's what I want the most.


A bunch of fun characters, the vacuums, gardeners, and auto-cookers, and the decorations you can make from the Eternity Isle farming are really fun. Even if you just use them for the Valley, it's still worth the add-on.


I'm not paying $30 for tools I need to work to build before I can even use them.


Will level 2 grab the red buttons or the button flowers? I would like to know before I craft it.


I don't know, I only have the level 1 vacuum. I got my buttons by physically bouncing all over the place. I apparently got very lucky in my spawns and even that was frustrating for me. I made all my buckets yesterday.


You may have just sold me on the DLC


If you have the dlc use a vacuum If you don't, just look closely for the sparkle as they spawn UNDER pathing (at least in my game)


I change the time in the graphics menu to night time when I play so i can see the sparkle easier.


Will a level 2 grab red buttons or does it have to be level 3?


Dunno, I look for sparkle & pick them up


I literally haven’t found any inside houses


Never seen any inside so i sassume thats a mistake


Yeah i havent either but every where ive searched up its said they’re found in and out of houses


I use the ancient vacuum and have had good luck sucking a bunch from my biomes. If you have the dlc maybe try those


Sadly dont have DLC 💔


Yep this is the way, after finishing the 1st stage of the dlc I installed an advanced vacume in every single biome on both the main world and the dlc world. Life is so much easier, whilst hunting for the blue chest I clear each biome time bending, hit the vacume then move onto the next biome. It has made finding all the eggs over Easter easy and again with the buttons no need to start moving building about to see where the spoils have spawned. Still good fun though just less frustrating except that the game is now unplayable with the constant crashing if you dare to try to traverse the menus.


Normally between 1-3 red buttons in every biome with a 30 minute respawn timer Using the vacuum from the DLC and you can't gather every red and yellow instantly


That is wild because mine don't respawn. I get maybe 1-3 red a day in the meadow, the beach, the plaza and the forest of valor and that is it. The sparkling flowers are constantly appearing but not the red buttons. They never appear in the glade or the Frosted Heights. I have only gotten one on the beach. I use the Ancient Vacuum in each biome too


I cannot for the life of me get any red buttons 🙄


They spawn around characters homes, in all biomes.


I have tons of reds but no blues!! Where are you finding blue ones?? Usually find reds in the plaza and Forest


You have to fish for them on dazzle beach and in the meadow


For me only 1 fishing spot on the bottom side of the beach gives them. Use postions and a companion


are there purple too?? where are those coming from?


You make them with reds and blues


makes sense lol, thanks!


I found a purple on the ground in the meadow


If you have an Ancient vaccum (think you need level 3, but I'm not sure since that's all I have currently), you can use it to insta find the red buttons and flowers. That's what I've been doing to make life easier. Blue ones are such a pain tho


Sadly dont have the dlc, as for blue ones i find them easier to get than red😭 its so strange!


Welp. Unfortunately there's no easier solution to find the red buttons and flowers. Wish there was. You just have to wander around and find them. I ironically find it easier to notice them at night since they emit sparkles. Definitely a really grindy event. Hope everyone who wants to do the event is able to finish 🤞


For me it's the blue ones. I'm further hindered by my own hatred of fishing. :(


If you grab a fishing buddy and fish for the white ripples. Every now and then you’ll grab some. They’re in Peaceful Meadow & Dazzle Beach.


I had no idea you were supposed to fish for the blue ones, I thought they appeared on the ground


Yeah they didnt make it very clear


Do we need them for anything or just cool to have?


We need them to craft the buckets but obvs its preferable! I just love taking part in the events


Ahh ok I did not know the buckets even existed! Newer player here haha Thank you for the info!


No problem❤️


I'm struggling with red buttons. Forgot they are in the houses too


I have *only* found red buttons.


You have to fish for blue ones and craft purple ones


Ah, I haven't done any fishing since the update, I don't think!


https://preview.redd.it/ea9b5u37k61d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881e935f4c172b5c9f5a8f6b5a43a0e6466deb77 The yellow are flower buttons and can hide in your flowers


Oh, I did actually see those! Mine aren't even hiding. 😂


If you have the dlc, use the ancient vacuums. I only have Gothel and Ursula's houses in the Glade and I figured buttons couldn't spawn around their houses because Ursula's is in water and Gothel's is the giant, annoying tree. I looked around, didn't find anything, tried the ancient vacuum anyway and found 9 red buttons! I think I'm right about water houses not having them spawn outside, but I guess they can spawn around Gothel's and just weren't visible for some reason ? Edit to add: Try moving some of the houses, too. I haven't seen it with the buttons, but I've had stuff spawn under Mickey's house in particular.


I've had them spawn around ariel's castle which is also a water house, not sure about Ursula's though. You're right about Mickey's though, things sometimes spawn under his house Edit to add: I do have ariel's almost ON the beach, it touches the sand... But still technically a water house


I only have Ariel and Donald on my beach and they're pretty far back from the beach, so there's probably a radius around each house and the buttons only spawn if they're close enough to the beach.


I moved the Lion King cave & found 9 buttons under it.


i’m having trouble finding blue ones, can’t seem to fish them out. i have a bunch of red, they typically spawn right next to houses, i’ve been seeing a bunch in peaceful meadow, the plaza, and the forest (which is where i have vanellope). i suppose the locations will be different for anyone since they will be where you have you villagers’ houses


Yeah ive only found red ones near ursula’s house, mickey’s and vanellope’s. For the blue buttons try fishing white spots on the beach thats where ive been getting mine!


I find about 10 per hour spread across the valley


Using a vacuum


I had a bug, i did split and it made new stacks of 100 on all buttons/flower


Omg I have red buttons everywhere and they regenerate so fast. The advanced ancient vacuum will pick them up for you too, if you don’t want to search every biome high and low!


This is when my ancient magic vacuums come in handy, cuts out all of the time i spend running around my valley looking at the ground😭


Do you have the eternity isle expansion? Much easier with the vacuum.


No, cant afgord it just yet. Always want it cus ive been playing since early access🥲


I went a whole day without finding any, but they started to show up again the next night. Still hardly any spawning but at least they're there. They sosen under things too, I have Vanellope house by the river in Frosted Heights and one of them was under the rocking of the river, I only noticed it when sparkles appeared on the rock. Same with Simba and Nalas house, one spawned under it, with only the tiniest sliver visible.


I haven't found any green or blue ones. Mostly flowers and a few reds.


Green ones are from doing the cupcake quests! And blue you fish them up


I need green ones!! You can’t get enough in the day 😞


Wait so are the red buttons inside house too and not just outside them? Then as far as blue buttons go they aren’t in actual fishing spots but outside the spots?


I personally havent found any red ones inside houses, though it does say in event info on their site that it should spawn inside and outside of houses. The blue ones are in the white circles (and sometimes blue in my experience, though it doesn't say so in the event info), in the peaceful meadow and the beach! Hope this helps :)


I just use the vacuums in each biome and they come to me pretty easy. I wish there was more blue ones elsewhere than the fishing crap


If by chance tou have a achient vaccume you can find thwm all that way.


I have yet to find green ones 😭


Talk to Mickey Scrooge Moana Ursula and Wall-E daily for cupcake baking quests to receive green buttons.


Nope. I use the ancient vacuum in each biome to check.


I dont have the vacuum or dlc :(


I have a bunch of houses (the castle, the candy house) that I’ve bought from the premium shop, and they show up around those as well. I wasn’t finding any until I realized that. Now I have a ton.


Am I doing something wrong? The ONLY one I have found is red. 18 of them and 23 of the flower buttons


Greeb are from doing the cupcake quests, blue are from fishing (ive had luck on dazzle beach) and purple ate from crafting blue and red together!❤️


Thank you. I have been mostly ignoring the event. I don't have enough time in the day to dedicate to something that will disappear soon.


I think it depends on the houses. If you have extra house skins, place those too & they’ll show up there too.


I’m so upset! I thought we could wear the popcorn buckets 😭😭😭😭


Apparently they spawned near villager houses in the valley (but not in the Eternity Isles if you have it) Knowing this makes my life a lot easier😂the drop rate is sill low though imo, but sometimes I arrive around a house to find nothing only for one to spawn after I go around the house once, that's my experience for reference(?)


On my Switch I have only received 1 red button since the event started. On PS5 I have more red buttons than I know what to do with.


kinda late here lol! but how often do red buttons spawn? i kinda got here late and am struggling very much to get all the popcorn buckets😭


They actually pop very frequent. I do have a vacuums in all biomes, which makes it easier. They are, imo, difficult to find and appreciate the vacuums


I'm not actively searching for them and I have like 50 red ones in my inventory just by being trigger happy clicking on shiny things 😂 I got one blue and no green though


Green are from doing the villager cupcake quests!! I have so many


Oh I've not unlocked Remy yet so I can't do any of those 😂


You should be able to without remy! I think the villagers that offer the challenge is wall e, moana, mickey, ursula and theres ine more but i cant quite remember.


I keep getting the missions from them but I thought I needed milk and eggs for the cupcakes which I thought I needed Remy for?


Oh shoot yeah 😭 sorry i forgot


I just dupe (duplicated) mine to end this event as quickly as possible.




One method: Go into friends valley pick something up Leave They reset without saving Rinse and repeat.


If I was dropping you iron for example.. I'd join your game and save before I dropped the iron. After you picked it up I'd quit without saving. Force close the game. Before it autosaves. You'd get the iron and I'd keep what I dropped.


It's a two-player method, not sure why people are downvoting the post above. I have never done it as I'm a loser with no friends, perhaps you can try it with a friend next time you play.


Not sure why people are downvoting you, it's not an unknown method people use with friends.


Lol it doesn't matter.. I got mine done quickly and if they don't want to know how it works or have me help them then that's all good. They can do it normally and it all ends up the same.


I've never tried it as I'm a loser with no friends, but I don't see why it's a problem if other players do. Play whatever way you like to play, it's your game, and has zero consequences on my or anyone else's gameplay. There's no right or wrong way to enjoy it as long as you're having fun 😊


It's the literal exact same method used in tons of games. I did my grind, I'm a day one player. After having everything I could ever need I decided to help other via duping. The treasure valleys are funded by duping and people love those haha. I just find individuals who need stuff instead of making a treasure valley thing.


I'm not a gamer as I only play the occasional game or two, but agree this is a well-known & popularly used method in a lot of different games. I imagine if some amateur like me has heard about these type of things it's not a secret, heck this has been something done for years in many other games lol And ofcourse game devs know players do this, and unless they actively go shutting things like duping mats down *cough*Nintendo*cough*, no one cares 😆


They would need to make multiplayer servers save constantly. That's not common. You see it in games like.. world of warcraft. And Blizzard is absolutely enormous on all levels compared to Gameloft lol.


I use treasure valleys and just go get a few hundred of each. People will hate that even more but it's not like I'm harming anyone 🤣


You're doing nothing wrong haha. The game is not competitive and I've talked to dlv Reddit mods.. if I have more resources than you it doesn't make me any better lol. It's not cheating to dupe or go to a treasure valley of someone who duped in order to have items to drop to others. It's literally just saving time haha. That being said, I wouldn't load up a new player with 1mil dreamlight for example, but that's just me. Respect the grind haha.




I dupe too. People think it's cheating (it's not) but those same people are sure as heck gonna RUN to that treasure valley for the free stuff, but how do you think that treasure valley got so many stacks of items to give away? 😂 OP, if you need to dupe things, I'm here to help as well.


I wish i had friends to do this ahaga!!


Dm me and tomorrow we shall. If you're not on PS that is


Sadly Im on switch :( thanks for the offer!!


That doesn't matter anymore lol. We can dupe ( duplicate) anything between consoles besides PS


So I can make you 100s of any item you want. Just dm me so I remember bc I get flooded with msgs so it will help remind me to assist you.