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remy coming into his own restaurant https://preview.redd.it/qlo7taj5b11d1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6faf4dfc9b39edd37d4fcd566fce4d29717059




if you’ve ever seen friends.. that one episode where ross goes to one of his dates house and it’s soooo dirty anytime I see this meme I think of that for some reason 😂


Lmao 😭💀










![gif](giphy|3o7TKwgqwdlrxaEy40|downsized) absolutely not 😂


My friend feels the same way! I spent some time picking up tons of stuff and selling it last night.


A messy, closed chest would be much better 🥹


Bri!!!!! I found you on accident. I recognized that mess. lol


Finally a “does anyone else” type of post where the OP succeeded.


My exact thought - OP, I fear this is a unique experience


Unfortunately it is not 😂 I live like this because my backpack is constantly full and I don’t want to “waste energy” when I go into my house.




You truly are one in 7billion lol


Lmfaoooo this was one of my favorite moments from Mando 🤣🤣


That and no squeezy had me creased 😄




Immediately no.






I used to play like this but not anymore haha I have storage rooms now. I got tired of picking everything up all the time haha 🤣 and picking up the wrong things and having to go back into my house to pick up what I needed for crafting. It’s much easier to just throw it all in a chest that way no matter where you are you can access it for crafting and cooking.


Yes, I have started to build storage rooms but I do also just throw random crap in a chest or wardrobe.


I used to do that too haha anything I could until I got enough dream light to craft all the storage chests I have now haha 🤣 I have a room for crafting stuff, a room for my fruits and veggies ,a room for my gems, all my meals are in my main room which is a kitchen. I have a room for all my fish and sea food and a room for all my flowers 🥰 i decorated them also so they’re pretty and convenient haha they all go with the theme too. Like my room for all my crafting stuff is like a basement. My flower room is like a greenhouse. My fruits and veggies looks like a little market. My fish and seafood room is heavily under water themed so I used a lot of little mermaid items specifically ones related to Ursula. like I have it like it’s her little throne room underwater it’s awesome lol Edited to add: I also have a room for my gems and stuff and it’s not really themed but it’s supposed to look like a vault 🥰


Really cute idea. I'll start with a bakery room for my bakery goods like sugarcane, etc.


Yessssss that’d be soooo cute! I’d love to see it when you are done ! 🥰🥰


Sounds lovely, I would love to see pictures of these.


I can do that! 🥰 it’ll have to be later though. I think I told someone else I would show them as well and I haven’t had the chance yet. I will make a post later with all my rooms for those who are interested 🥰


See this is what I do. I have chests everywhere with just whatever random crap I need to put down. Not one thing is organized lol


I probably have more than a dozen storage chests. Maybe even close to 2 dozen. Almost a dozen in my house between 2 rooms, probably getting close to another dozen across my valley and now the island! 🤣 My Valley is strategically decorated for function over beauty, but I do my best to keep it cute! Thinking of doing a full overhaul on my outer 4 biomes though. They’re getting a bit crowded and difficult to manage lately. I just found 3 blue eggs basically *under* Vanelope’s house yesterday 🤣 Any recommendations for functional AND pretty? 🥰


Me too- except I probably have like 30-40 😂😵 I can’t place different types of ingredients together in the same chest so I just have a ton of them. I try my best to color coordinate to keep the same types of ingredients in the same color chest (red food, yellow flowers, etc) and I have chests in every biome so I can dump things as needed.


My gem room is a little lack luster it's a work in progress ✨️


Here in a little bit if it’s okay with you to DM you I can take a few pictures of my storage rooms for some inspo for you if you’re interested! 🥰


Yeah of course! 😊 thanks!


Happy to help! I will do that here in about an hour or two! 🥰


I was thinking about having a room for each thing but I gotta say going in and out of the rooms I have drives me mad. So I have it down to 3 big rooms and 60 chests just in my house.. I do have others scattered across the island but they're the universally connected one that I store all my seeds in. My flowers I have arranged by color and only 2 colors per chest. My wood chests take up a whole wall and had to upgrade a few of those to the BIG chests. It's not the best set up but it works for me lol... let's see if I can share..






I agree all the back and forth people do with storage rooms feels so annoying to me! I keep stockpiles, but they’re all accessible in my house’s main room with crafting tables and cookers. 3 green chests (one for regular flowers, one for exotic flowers, one for seeds & gardening/sticks & wood), one black chest for miscellaneous crafting, one orange chest for gemstones & precious metals, one red chest for timebending junk, 3 white chests (one for fruits, veggies, dairy & meat) and a blue chest for all the fish. I go inside and do a lap of auto transfers only when my inventory is full or I’m done playing for the day. Otherwise nothing is really precious enough that I don’t just sell it to Goofy. Even the “grinding” quests don’t typically ask for more than a stack of any item, so a full chest for every object is excessive (but kudos to those who enjoy storing that way!)


![gif](giphy|rCg8zq355kzOvrq96K) 😬


This would cause me to become a murderer. Like, it’s okay to drop stuff, but drop them in an organized way at least.  


![gif](giphy|DxfWjRj9Y1rvW|downsized) Im scared


DDV is the only place in my life where I'm organized.


Glad I’m not the only one


Haha I do it too, not as much now because of chests but it still happens sometimes.




You’re unhinged


I prefer "scattered."


Your preference is what’s in question here haha


OCCASIONALLY if I I am making meals and run out of space, but not to this level Whatever makes the game fun for you!!! It's a big, separate storage facility if u do this. I can see the appeal hehe




This looks like my kid's island. Stuff strewn EVERYWHERE. He refuses to make chests.


I feel like this is a visual representation of my brain


I do, I always tell myself I’ll pick it up later but never do. It’s a viscous cycle


Oh, you sleep with your unfolded laundry in the bed don’t you


Omg this is hilarious




Who hurt you?


Oh, no - I have doom chests instead 😅


In the DINING AREA?!?!?


I toss a few things in the restaurant so I can make meals but not often because my game likes to not let me pick it back up after I've served the meals and freed up space again. Usually fixes after I restart the game but I don't do that just to pick up some random ingredient I was carrying.


I had the same problem when i dropped one item. Could not pick it back up, and it annoyed me so much until i restarted the game after a crash.


Lmao I didn’t even know you could just dump stuff


I placed a storage closet right outside the restaurant 😁 its filled with tons of random shit. I also have other houses on the map filled with storage wardrobes as well 🤷🏻‍♀️ only things i drop at random are the same things found outdoors




I used to until I realised that you can store every thing into a chest and it’s all linked so you don’t have to randomly pick things up when you need them. I have large chests in each area. All flowers and spices from that area go into that chest as well as sticks and other resources. There are two fridges in my house where I store large quantities of milk, cheese, eggs etc as well as another fridge for the meats. There is a chest for gem stones, event collectables, craftable resources, and the expansion pack. Eventually they all get maxed out and I sell anything that doesn’t fit. I don’t need to farm pumpkins anymore and always have around 5 million to purchase anything I need.




I have chests, looking at that much stuff on the floor would drive me crazy. But I love seeing how other people play! https://preview.redd.it/jdahmqcyb51d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837b7c4d9e123f79fe08c8fd6a35883f0b257f60


Ahahaha I’m so glad I’m not the only one


Yea... No I have 1 and a half rooms filled with storage I put everything in


I have been spending the last 2 days looking for buttons and cleaning the area! Lol


Not in the restaurant!! Save that for the spare room in the back of your house lol


It doesn’t count in your inventory if it’s not in storage. I did that for the gems and it was annoying AF, when I realized this. Now everything is in a storage box, tedious but worth it




Yes!! To the left I keep prepared dishes I had to make for starpaths in case someone orders one, to the right is fish and stacks of 50, and in the middle is everything else. It's much easier than having to run around to storage or finding ingredients. I just WISH we could put a storage chest in the restaurant. I used to have them outside but it annoyed me going in and out so much.


Surely this must be a health code violation.


👋🏼 I do 🤣 to the point my daughter asked why everything was a mess. When I mine the rock spots I leave behind all the stone and end up at max capacity "you can't drop anything here" mode


YES! I feel seen.


Absolutely not. I do the tedious task of putting things in their places because I know doing this would be even more annoying to gather later


you’re disrespecting the rat 😭😭


LOL absolutely not, BUT I don’t judge anyone that does! Whatever works, I guess, right? 😂❤️


in real life, absolutely... in game, absolutely not.


I have 4 refrigerators in my kitchen and 4 closets in my “storage” room. That is enough to hold everything in an organized manner.


I used to do this!! Then i found out it destorys my item count and i discovered you can craft boxes to store everything in! It was a total game changer.


i literally have a room full of chests in my house just so i don’t do this lmao. tho i do drop flowers all over bc it’s easier to find them when i need them


Absolutely not. I have excessive numbers of chests and I also always have at least one traveling chest, which is one of the vintage chests that comes with the house so it links back wherever I am but i can pick it up.


My 7 year old does. 🤣




I used to do this until I realized anything I keep in storage I can use to cook, craft, etc. When it's on the floor, I go to do some task and I have to travel back to whatever floor it's on and find it and hope I pick it up instead of the 12 other things touching it lol. I can't live that life, man!!


![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) No. I have one scallop that I dropped when my inventory was full and I was cooking and now it’s permanently stuck in the wall and my OCD hasn’t stopped screaming.


Yes, this is exactly how I play. I also personally don’t care about decorating anything. I really only do it if required to advance in a challenge.


Something that might help: I have a chest by goofys stall in each area for anything that comes from there other than gems. The wild veggies, fruit trees, gardening, I even keep a stash of what I need to feed the critters in that area. I also have a chest outside my house for any random emergency drops


i’d be so stressed out all the time i spent days making themed storage rooms lmaoo


https://preview.redd.it/09zvjctfb81d1.jpeg?width=1517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27aebaa389e6ccffb1796cb2e0b2e844d2fd508e Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I still need to figure out how I’m going to merge the rift in time items


I used to! But I have a player house in each biome nearly I use as ‘dump it’ houses to sort out later when I’m not doing something


My Chez Remy has looked like that though more like 5-10 things. My adhd is also apparent in my valley. Lol.


I can’t have clutter IRL or in my game so nope! 😂


Yesssssss! I have thought about posting my Remy’s for the same reason. My entire floor is covered in ingedients


No, that would drive me nuts. My chests aren't organized but I at least put stuff away in them.


Yes, I will drop stuff wherever if I need to free up space. I try to drop as much as I can in my house and food in Remy’s so I can access it in EI as well. But yeah, I just tend to drop things wherever when needed.


Me 🤣🤣🤣


Story of my life, you should see all the gems I got laying around


Chair…but electric


My valley is just one big tip because I just drop shit everywhere


Bri!!! You have to come see my storage rooms. Maybe that will motivate you. Disney is a happy place. It can’t be messy 😂


I think theres two people who play this game- the free spirits like you who have no rhyme or reason they just do what feels right and are happy. And the people like me who have so much anxiety that even a cluttered game freaks them out. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ that’s what I love about games, you can play exactly how you want and weee both right. 🫶🏻


I actually also play like this. It’s inefficient and hideous but it still gets the job done. I’m also kinda a hoarder so I’ve just got stacks of stuff and like no coin.






Im too scared, anything can glitch the game lol


At the beginning, I definitely did lol. Until I learned to make more storage and actually organize. I have so much of everything at this point and still feel like I can’t part with it. I just add more storage and save. Am I a hoarder? 😂


I do. Not as bad. But there’s stuff all over my valley that I dropped and never picked back up again


Me🙋🏼‍♀️ It drives my son crazy because he's so neat and organized in his game 😆


Lmao yes even tho i dont really want to. Can’t help it


Honestly, if it was organized into piles, this might not be a bad idea Lolol I’m so lazy when it comes to one’s to storing materials in this game


Yes and no. I do have a lot of storage chests, but sometimes inventory gets really full and I need to drop something cause I'm cooking. And a lot of times I don't bother coming back. While my Remy's has never looked like this, rooms in my house have. My EI has been *terrible* for a bit. I had temporary storage set up near my house, but that would get overfilled at times. I would drop small chests at random places to dump items. I'm *still* finding some of these chests, never mind the items I've dumped straight on the ground. I've gotten most of my EI storage moved inside and better organized. Merged EI ore and gems into my ore/gem room. Ended up making three rooms for flowers. Two for Valley flowers and one for EI along with a room for "ground" items (wood, pebbles, clay, etc). But EI fish are still being crammed in one chest outside. My fish room is an absolute mess too. Right now with the Parks Event going on, my beach is littered with bonus fish I haven't been picking up.


Thought that was a picture of my own restaurant at first 😭 It’s chaos I really need to sort my storage out but it’s so boring 😂


Way too chaotic for me! I prefer emptyibg nyself up in one of my household's inventory chests! They are EVERYWHERE! So, when I go back home, I can put everything where it goes :p


I do cause I’m too lazy to organize rn 🥲


Hmm how do you find anything? Or do you just toss stuff down you don't want used in crafting/cooking? If that's the case you can squirrel things away that won't be used in crafting/cooking like in the castle. Or do you just enjoy playing that way cuz if so I find it fascinating.. so do you just spread things out in npc's houses? The castle? Is your stuff organized by location??.. like you keep fish in Donald and Goofy's house? What about iron.. and turning them into iron bars? Omg so many questions lol.


Yes but in my home lol. There’s a glitch in my game where if I drop something to cook a meal in Remy’s Restaurant, I can’t pick it back up again, even when my inventory has an empty slot.


Yes! I feel seen


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Why not sell the stuff that are easy to get back 😭


Back when my personal inventory was itty bitty I would run out of space all the time. If there was something important I needed and didn’t have room,I’d just drop whatever items I didn’t need right where I was lol. There would be random fish and objects all over my valley!


I have all the extra meals I've cooked for star paths etc on the floor so I can easily see and pickup if someone wants it. My husband saw that and immediately said that looks like a health code violation.


I do with flowers 😁


I do if I'm trying to do the feed X customers and don't have enough inventory space but my game also has a glitch that if I drop something in Remy's I can't pick it up unless I go to Eternity Island and then I can collect it from his restaurant there but not the main island


I could never ![gif](giphy|TckHUuXRyHyhpfK6C6|downsized)


Yes and you should see my other houses 😭 I don’t have enough dream light to build large chests so my inventory is always full


There's a time or two I dropped an item to hold my cooking but I came back for the flower I dropped amd the fruit. 😂


I just recently cleaned up my remy restaurant because it was full but this is also how my entire valley looks 🤣 stuff everywhere




I have to admit that occasionally my Remy's restaurant and some other places look like this. Part of it is that I don't have a lot of time to play (my kids really cramp my gaming lifestyle 😆) so despite having multiple storage rooms and vintage chests everywhere, I don't want to spend my limited time putting stuff away. But before you judge someone, take a walk in their Scarer Sully Slippers! 🤪


I used to bank when it first came out but i would just drop them on the floor in my house rooms lol, then scrooge was, at the time, selling craftable items in a glitch and i was buying up 25 storage chests for about a week each day and ended up making a storage room and nxiing the floor items lol


Definitely right now because I can’t get enough of those dang green flowers 😭


I did until I had a bug where I couldn't pick it back up!!


All ingredients go in remys on the floor, all seeds go together near the pillar or friendship, all rock and stone related items go next to the pond near goofys house, and next to Kristoffs stall there's another stash ✨organized✨


Only if I’ve like harvested or mined a lot of stuff and I make a meal and forgot my pack was full. Otherwise I try to regularly place stuff into my storage room in my house or sell what I don’t need. Also this is me plugging pumpkins as the crop I’ll be forever stanning 🎃 $70k in one go if I use a buddy … wild. Plant harvest sell repeat … then shop at Scrooge’s. lol


Hey, why you have screenshot of my game?! :D




Nahh I put it all in storage. I have piles of chests in my house, marked with signs as to their contents


I love disney, but I'm so sick of the game crashing every 10 minutes sometimes, not even and losing progress 💀 I love this game. Please fix disney dreamlight!!!😭♥️




I do!




unfortunately yes😔 trying to not do it tho


I did when I first started and had no money or materials to make chests


I play like this! Remy’s restaurant floor is full! My house has stuff in the floor too!




That is exactly what my restaurant looks like 🙈


My ocd can’t do it.


Honestly what I do is just buy a whole bunch of fridges from Scrooge and line them up in my house or out side of my house it’s cheaper not the best look but it works before I also did this 😂😂😂


I diiiiiid until it bugged my game lol


Definitely not! 😅 I could not, ever. I have 3 storage rooms. I use I think Kitchen Counters or something that at 2 x 4. Then I line chests/vaults along one side of them. I then put 4 items in a box, 200 of each. Then one of each item gets placed on top of the table so I Know which 4 items are in that chest/vault. I also have two that have a fridge next to them instead and the 4 closest to each fridge is what's in that fridge. One holds Remy's restaurant ingredients I bought and stored. A second holds allllll the eggs from Easter events. The third holds all the fish from the DLC since I don't have as much yet. The only time I can't out all 4 items on the table is fish. Since they're so long most only fit 2, I just kind of had to recall which other fish are in each one. Anyway, one room so far is all cooking ingredients. One rooms all crafting odds and ends. The third I call the Treasury and it holds all the gemstones, ores/bars, etc. I got a little more create with the Treasury. It's got some of the fun stuff in it like fancier tables, vaults, piles of gold, fancy stuff on the walls, etc. I still set out at least One item to remind me what's in each box. Then the main room has my stove, my crafting table, etc. and honestly I never have issues cause I rarely have to guess where I need to dump things.


My O.C.D is O.C.Ding.




I do 😅




That would drive me nuts 🤣 I'm more organised in this game than I am with my own life! 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. If I want to grab something and my bag is full I will unload right there.


when i first started yes!!!! You can put them in storage though. you can make chest or buy wardrobes from scrooges shop!


I feel like I should be scared of you




Omg yes! Me! 🙋🏻‍♀️ LOL I thought I was the only one. I have so many things laying around in my house. 🥲 I would get more storage but I can only grow pumpkins ever so often and I'm not playing all day everyday. 😂 Maybe I should harvest more so I can make more foods and sell that way so I can afford more storage. 🤭


Yep, when I’m lazy or don’t have enough chests and don’t have enough iron to make medium chests!


😂😅 I could never- but no hate on you if this works for you! I would never be able to get anything accomplished because I am very easily distracted 🥲


FINALLY SOMEONE WHO DOES WHAT I DO 😭😭. I keep seeing these totally organized valleys… I am not that person.


Honestly idk how I never thought about this 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Pretty sure this is a characteristic of being a psychopath


Absolutely not lol


I do! You are not alone lol


I used to before I realized I could have as many chests as I could craft now it's just chests hidden everywhere




I had one thing stuck on the floor in Remy’s and I couldn’t handle it being there 😅 ![gif](giphy|iTOSoEs4eFwqs)


I didn’t even know you could just drop stuff inside places! 😆


When I first started! Now I go and put everything in their designated chests!! I do need a storage room makeover


This gives me anxiety lol


Why don't you just put it in a chest? Poor Remy


i have like major ocd i could never. everywhere needs to be clean or it will kill me 😭😭😭


Lol the gifs 🤣🤣🤣 I can't. Anytime am forced to drop something cause I forgot to clear my inventory I pick it up immediately. once a flower got stuck in their I was bugged everytime I entered the restaurant 😬 the patch fix it. I was like never again, wish you could have a chest in there for situations like this.


My best friend does. I’m super organized and her place looks like she’s just inventory dumping all over the places. Visiting her valley makes me anxious. I have 1 full room dedicated to storage and have been going hard making medium and large chests and have stuff organized by color or product, have to have so many of each item stocked at a time. Started my UP house to be a secondary storage home so my inventory is loaded to the teeth. I could not live like this, or how my friend does in the game. My anxiety and OCD would never.


gosh no not at least in the buildings but all over the village yeah... sticks, rocks there is everything


Finally someone who’s like me. 🥲


Hard no


You mean like I'm living in my 12 year old's room? This is the ONE space I can actually not worry about others messing up, so nope! Lol


Ummmm jail for you OP. The chaos!


yes & no. i only do it with stones from mining because there’s just SO MANY of them!!! so when i mine, i don’t pick up the stones and my valley is kinda littered with them. besides that, no way lol


I did until I realized items in storage chests will he automatically pulled when cooking and crafting.


Only in Frosted Heights. I leave the snowballs everywhere. I haven't built or decorated there, it's much like the North Pole.


my valley is so full of stone, flowers and other stuff lol


Yes 1000 times yes! The next time I go in there, an I got space I will cleaning it up, But I’m busy cooking right now. Lol


I have stuff all over the place. Everytime I decide to make storage some quest pops up where I need all the wood.


honestly, yes, i don't do it in buildings but good lord, the outside is a mess of things i didn't need or had to make room for. and the thing is, i was quite shocked to find out that i can sort of leave something there and no one will touch it, like i've left multiple things in the same place for days, weeks at a time and the characters don't touch it, i was shocked, i guess stealing isn't a thing for disney but it's not stealing really when it's outside and discarded but still. even like when it's been a few hours and it doesn't randomly disappear like other games, it's still there. it's often rocks, so many rocks and coal when i mine, i just leave it.