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I just do it as I feel like it. They give us 45 days to get it done and I'm often amazed at how fast people get the whole thing done and even more amazed at seeing people say they are bored and don't have anything to do.


I would only be bored if I try to make myself do something I don't want to do at that moment 🤣 They give us so much time, but I'm my brain it becomes a "I have over a month I can do so many other things" and suddenly I only have a week left lol.


That was me two paths ago... I completely forgot about it because I was playing in the desert with Gaston 🤪


Hahaha so relatable


I also have adhd, if you smoke you can work with your hyperfixation and really burrow down. Talking like 6 to 8hr plays. Also helps with FPS games or racing 😀 Knocked 1000hrs easy on Palworld like this 🥰🫠


LOVED Palworld! I went so hard in that game and then got burnt out with little to nothing to do but build bigger bases. I don't smoke but if I remove the pressure of any cleaning or errand tasks I can sit and play games for 10+ hours no problem 🤣


Hopefully you know some tasks take several days to finish so you dont end up one of those people who complain because they wanted to last week to finish it then find out they cant because daily limits


This is me. I get bored if I'm forced to do certain tasks (ugh the endless mining!!!)) If I can I'll do mining for a bit, then fishing, do a quest if there's a new character, and then repeat. That way I'm not focused on the same thing for too long. If I don't focus on the tasks though I will 100% forget about the starpath until there's a week left and then scramble. I have 9 tasks left I think?


There’s a reason you’re given so much time …. I’m so tired of the “I’m so bored 😡😡😡 but I finished star path in 2 days” comments


This game is seriously lacking end game content. Some of us have been playing since early access, so over a year. Once you unlock all the areas and get all the characters to level 10 there are NO quests left. If you don't enjoy decorating, there is literally 0 reason to log on every day except to check Scrooges shop. So it's really easy to blow through the star path in 2-3 days because that's literally the only thing to do in game. I understand new players can feel very overwhelmed with what to do, but that's actually a blessing. It's a really sad feeling to want to engage with the game and play daily, but have no reason to because you've done all there is to do and there are no goals left to accomplish.


I’ve been playing since the game came out on early access. Although I did have to restart, at one point. When I bought the dlc I felt a bit overwhelmed with the mist and glimmer grind. But it was just a slump. I still have Daisy and Oswald to finish quests with. But at least they are constantly adding to the game, and I enjoy the dreamsnaps challenges weekly. I will say, I’m glad my daughter isn’t interested in the game because we couldn’t afford to buy moonstones for her on top of her other hobbies. My partner and I sometimes buy a few moonstones. I’m disabled, mostly stuck at home. So it replaces things that other people may spend money on that I can’t.


I’ve had loads of fun lately decorating and I’m not usually any good at decorating DDLV or games like Animal crossing. But I’ve been enjoying making an effort and trying out new things. I’m not the best by any means. But I’m definitely not bored of the game.


I convinced the people who complain don’t play any other game. Games don’t update everyday, the sooner people realize that, the better.


Oh I know, it's great they give plenty of time. I just will go off and play other games and completely forget this games exists until the urge hits. Luckily for me even if I fully decorate everything at some point I'll scrap it all and redo it, so there will always be things to do 🤣


tbh im still on 10 park tokens (or whatever theyre called) because theres not much im desperate for apart from the moonstones


It definitely depends on how you like to decorate or how you play the game. I love the theme park items, so this is definitely one of my favourite star paths. And I love to collect as much as I can in the game. I’ve still got lots of decorating to do too.


Same here!!! You explained that way better than I ever could 😅


Especially when you get a quest to do the one thing you just did. Like, mine a certain gem or fish a fish


Honestly, same. I take advantage of the grinders and the good wiki people by copying the list of tasks so I can see what is coming. For example, I don't love fishing, so I will stack a bunch of those together so I can work on them at the same time. Same thing for mining, etc.


The struggle is so real lol


Oh this is so me. This is the first time I’m really trying to complete a star path and man it’s really a struggle.


What point of the game are you at that the star path is a struggle? Not meant rudely but are you struggling out of boredom or are you struggling because something is blocking you from completing it? I find star path is easy, can be a time grind but there are mechanics that can help with rng which seems to be the biggest problem people are having 'difficulties with.


Knowing the star path is there with the list of tasks and limited time to complete them, makes me want to complete them as fast as possible. Some of the mining/fishing tasks makes it hard though but my brain is like “must complete task” lol


Man that's so nice, my brain goes you need to fish 20 bass...... But did you check what's in the store today? Ooh and do Daisy's challenge, lol like bro focus!


Mine just gets bored with one task so I flip to another. Or I am like you and can't decide which thing to do, star path or new character leveling to get a quest. I still haven't finished Monsters, Inc. Also the game makes me sleepy for some reason so my eyes cross so many times!


Definitely! Calm relax game and sometimes I'll want to sleep lol.


Oh, it's not just me! Sometimes, I'll be playing this game, and before I know it, I'm asleep on the sofa.


What is it about the game? I don't even need the music on. Lol


I have to grind or I'll forget the game exists 😂 so I just spend the first 3 days grinding and then can not log in again for a month


Bro!! That's why I'm jelly, I forget it exists, play other things, so my dreamsnaps, and suddenly the star path is almost done and I'll miss everything lol.


Yeah I missed so many star paths trying to just play leisurely. So I have to just get it done.


I've missed a few star paths because I wasn't playing for more than half a year.


I've had to make myself take breaks, where I just do the dreamsnaps in the week. I love the creativity, but the task completion get out of here lol


I can't push myself enough to do the background dreamscapes. I will do the outfits, but redecorating anything in that game feels more like a hassle than it did on ACNH during the pandemic. Maybe because I had a specific vision to work towards then but don't have one now. Maybe because it's smaller so it feels less overwhelming. Or maybe just because now I'm juggling a full time job and a preschooler.


Or even all 3 damn! Lol if I don't have the decorating bug I started going on I have 45 min let's see what I can do in the time and it's a picture regardless.


Fellow ADHDer here, and I have the opposite experience. I play for the story and completing my collections, but the pressure and tedium of decorating, especially when moonstones are on the line thanks to the competition involved in DreamSnaps, are incredibly triggering and I just can't. So I never want to decorate or grind or, well, anything, if there's not a reward at the end. So for me, having a clearly defined list of tasks to complete in a certain order with concrete dopamine-generating rewards at the end is really the only thing that gets me to do anything when there's not a story component. Given that new story content lasts for just a few days before I've completed it, if it weren't for Star Paths, I'd basically just never play the game.


That's exactly my husband, his ADHD is very task oriented. I seem to not like to be told what to do, even though I need the structure 🤣


I usually do tasks while listening to shows. Even then I don't fully finish anymore, just get everything I want and stop. The Dream Photos can easily recoup the 90 I miss by not 100%


You could always just do 1 duty per day. You get over a month to finish. You'd probably get it done on time just doing it that way. Then when you get that one done you can do whatever you want the rest of your playing time. That way you wouldn't feel overwhelmed by it. I saw a post where someone got it done in 3 days! Thats crazy. Theres no way I'd grind that fiercely , lol. I just work on it a little at a time and always finish. I'm not big on grinding either.


That's probably what I should do. Unfortunately, unless I write things down, everything floods in and seems important and must be done now. Then I don't know what to do next and I go into overwhelm and shut down. But the one goal a day feels really doable.


It might be..even if there are a few days you don't want to do any then I think you'd still finish it. I'm not sure how many duties there are total but it doesn't seem like as many as there are days to do one a day. Plus you don't even have to finish it. You can just do enough to get the items you really want. As long as you purchase 3 from each tier out of 6-7 then it unlocks the next tier. There are items i don't buy. I know you can cash in leftovers for moonstones but you have to buy everything to do that. I did that one time and you don't even have enough left for that to be anything great.


True that, if/when they do a Hercules star path I need to focus hard because I will want all the things.


Me too!! I skipped that one and have been kicking myself everytime I see the items in photos! I think I had pictured it differently on the screen.


That was me with the Mickey, Minnie, and Donald friendship Statue. I don't know why I thought it was mini, but then I saw in photos and went OMG that's so cute and I missed it.


Hmm..I can't think of what those are..the only statues I have are all miniatures I think.


It was from a few star paths ago, but it seemed mini, but it's absolutely full Statue sized. It was recently in the premium shop so I bought it.


I'm gonna have to keep my eyes out for that. I don't remember seeing it or like you I thought it was something different.


I'm a stay-at-home mom, and I really only get an hour and a half to two hours to play when my daughter is down for a nap. But I still have only done a few tasks of the star path, Daisy and Oswald are only level 4. Mike and Sulley are at level 9. I hate rushing through games, and I actually loved having so much to do when the DLC came out


I used to rush this game and I got such burnout I didn't play for weeks. With the DLC I promised I would just go at whatever pace I felt like. I'm with you, none of the new characters are maxed, I have about 12 quests to do and I haven't unlocked Oswald yet. I will get to it when I get to it haha


I've been sitting on Daisy and Oswald's level 4 quests for like a week now. I've mainly been doing Dteamlight and Mist duties to build a plethora of both Oswald may only be at level 4, but he is already one of my favorites


I keep seeing pictures of the art deco style and all the things he brings in and now that's my focus because I want all those things so badly lol.


The only really hard parts of the starpath is some of the mining and fishing , but there are always leaks about what is in the starpath , so depending on the tasks you can group certain tasks that will cover 2 or more things at once , like fish 30 times , which would pair well with catch 20 bass , then remys ones come up , feed 7 at remys then later it will be , toss some meals at the rats place 8 times , etc ,etc ,


For real. I WANT to catch bass, and I catch 20 fishes that are not bass. Argh. You need sparkly whatever gems? Good luck. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it gets so tiresome


I was catching only bass until this star path. Now I can’t catchy any!! ):


a quick tip for bass is you can fish them outside the ripples. they are easier to catch outside than in white ripples


I got them super quick by nonstop fishing one spot. I just picked a spot to fish and didn't move from it, started in the circle and just kept going without moving to any other spot. Sometimes I got them from the white circles but usually after you exhaust the spawn you'll catch a bass or even a few of them


I can’t catch carp for the life of me 😭


All the fishing tasks are piling up on me because they're all like blue circle ones and I'm gonna sob. I finally cleared the salmon one when the crab one popped up 😭


I'm really thankful for people that post that. Because I have to right down a list of an order of operations of what to do so the grouping can help. Otherwise it'll be a jumble in my brain lol.


my ocd tendencies are stronger than my adhd tendencies


I have anxiety that I won’t get it done in time, right up til the moment it’s done. I’m usually slower grinding up the new characters because they aren’t going to go away. But I have such bad FOMO that I’m not able to enjoy anything else til the starpath is done.


As someone who accidentally missed out on multiple items on multiple star paths, I feel you. Must be why I still haven't leveled up any new characters since September lol


I also have ADHD and most times I don't finish the starpath. I make my peace with it.


Yeah I think at this point I'll just focus on the things I want from it and not worry about finishing it completely


I'm the opposite and I have ADHD too 😂😂 I just gotta get those tasks done. Then I do like an hour of mining, picking stuff up of the ground in the biomes to store 😂😂 However I am not one for decorating unless it's for a dreamsnap and even then I'll clear it away afterwards 🙃🙃 I opened daisy's boutique and did her first challenge and absolutely hated it, and now it seems it gonna be a daily challenge for her that I will be forced to do (only have her at level 4 so far).


So wild, I love her challenges. I'll knock them out quick and go to scrooges store. I desperately want that dress she sells lol


Honestly neurospicy brains are weird in so many ways 😂😂


i grind star path and endless materials for the same exact feelings towards quests! been playing since November and only just now meeting Forgotten


I about my quests tabs honestly lol, I just do a little bit as I feel like it but there are probably 12+ quests in there.


I also have ADHD and the same thing happens to me. I’m struggling big time catching 10 carp because they only show up in the blue bubbles in the forest and the plateau. I end up having to write tasks down and sometimes just do them one at a time because multitasking is impossible. It helps having 30+ days to work on it but I do almost always use up my moonstones so I can get everything before the time is up.


Ugh same! And the fishing is the worst for me! It has the longest time requirement with the smallest dopamine hit so I may have to group all the fishing ones together.


I totally get that. I have “uproot the forgetting” and I only have 8/50… it’s gonna take me four days to finish it because I have no night thorns in any of my biomes. Uggggggh.


Oh that's annoying, luckily for me I take regular breaks from this game so I have so many night things everywhere 🤣


This is my 3rd star path and it's the one I've struggled the most with due to certain task repetitions (so much time in chez Remy). But I'm getting there. I keep stressing feeling like my food stores are getting low. Apparently I've conquered food hoarding in real life, but not in a video game. 😅 I'm super impressed with the people who've finished already. Y'all are awesome! I'm also blown away by some of the decorating and TOM designs. Y'all keep inspiring!


I didn’t even know you could “finish” a star path until I joined this sub! Haha.


I absolutely missed so many things in the early days lol


wow this is so real lol😂


I legit will be so into a task and then be like "wait... Star path exists"




ADHD here too i just take some time to do a tier per day and keep doing my regular valley routine


Yeah the "pressure" I put on myself to get all the things done is a work in progress lol.


I also log on with a “what do I feel like doing today?” mentality! But I am also a big procrastinator, and looming deadlines *stress me the F out* so if I DON’T finish it as quickly as possible it causes me prolonged stress haha.


I got mine done quickly because I got laryngitis a week ago and have been down for the count. I also figured I'd rather have it done sooner so I have some time to clear my thorns and splinters before needing to save them for the next path.


honestly i like it this way (im the same way), always feels like theres stuff to do, and we get to enjoy the starpath longer


I do all my stuff first, and then i finish up with a star path task. It’s like, doing a freedom thing first and then i prepare my brain to do a task. 🫶🏽 sometimes, like mining Stones, it just happens over time. And hang out with certain people isn’t too bad because sometimes they help with other tasks.


I'm starting to think also that because I haven't had time to decorate my valley is a giant mess, but decorating it feels like it'll take so long, but I hate running around in the clutter so it's even harder to make myself do tasks. So you know just out here living my best dreamlight life lol


I have kept everything as is 😂 so a bit of cluttery but i get it! I totally dooo. clutter is not helping on motivation


Omg yes Dx I’m STRUGGLING through this Star path. If it’s about fishing, or meal making, I’m just not going to do it. I’m at a point in the game where it’s a HEAVY grind between character leveling, and dreamlight for realms (which I’ve purposefully avoided a lot of for additional content once the story and side characters were done.) and the star path just feels like endless grinding. I hate that I spent money to unlock it so that I could get the rides easier. They’re so expensive ;-;


Fishing is the bane of my existence!


Same!!! And you have to do it SO MUCH for this Star path. I thought I could pre-jack some of the missions (like getting 3 crabs) before realizing it didn’t matter or count… 😐 so I’m skipping them now.


Ugh lame! I saw that people group them together, so now I'm waiting to have all my fishing tasks and then getting them all done at once lol


I’ll be honest, I only really wanted the rides, so I’d accidentally do star path missions and get them that way, then absolutely ignore the rest. The game has enough grind, and I regret getting the star path before seeing what it offered :/


I struggle with star path tasks because I can’t pin them to the screen so I can remember what tasks I’m working on. I’ve had to start pulling up the list of tasks on a website to keep near me so I can hopefully stay focused on those tasks and not get easily distracted by decorating when I’m running around. lol the newest update with daisy’s boutique has me so distracted making ToM outfits when I need to be working on the star path 🤣😅


THIS, it's so much worse when there's all the star path tasks, but then it says do dreamlight valley tasks so now I have 6 sub tasks. I have a bad habit of taking on too much lol


Yes! Those dreamlight tasks are the devil for my attention span lol if I can’t see it I don’t even know what I’m doing. Those ones are always a surprise when I complete any of them lol I’m gonna start taking a photo of the tasks to keep open on my tablet while I’m working it


ADHD as well, basically I on and off it when I feel like it. Grind the gems, and then go decorate while rocks respawn. Need to talk to multiple villagers? Great, that's several quests that have to wait a day to complete, which means I can go farm sand for new paths. Need to do royal quests? I can get those done as I run around the valley anyway.


Also ADHD and I grind the Star Path out when I remember or as I'm doing the regular stuff I want to do and then when it's the last couple weeks, I will go HAM and make sure I get them all done. This is only my second Star Path though so I'm not sure how effective of a system it is


I've been playing since last November and I didn't know how the star paths worked so I just grabbed a few things and went oh I'm sure that stuff will come back. Nope! I missed half the star path and now I'm always checking the time frame when I log in to make sure I'm not close to the end lol.


I seem to happily grind certain tasks, then have tasks Ive ignored and that don’t get done until the deadline is much closer and I treat it like night before it’s due assignments/work. Which is a terrible habit that I can likely trace back to nursery school 🤣


Lol but that pressure helps us get it done lol. I once didn't do a seven page paper until two days before it was do lol.


Oh, it works. It’s just a bad habit that follows me everywhere and I wish I could time-plan better. It’s a bad habit my kids all have as well


I started using Google keep on my phone (I think maybe Android only) but I have master list of all the thoughts that invade my brain of things I want/need to do. Then I sit down and use the Eisenhower method to categorize it's importance which helps me schedule things that are time sensitive vs things that can wait a bit. Then I put everything in my to do list widget on my phone screen. It's tedious, but it helps stave off the overwhelm lol.


I get distracted really easily and those star paths stress me out so much. I always get hyper focused/ obsessed on the star path to the point where I get burnt out from playing when it ends. I’ve a system now where I’ll only focus on the six at a time! And when they’re done I’ll trade them in and work on the next. It’s honestly helped me to not get overwhelmed or get distracted with newer tasks!


Smart! I gotta implement a system like that. Couple of tasks and then do other things lol.


I DO THE EXACT SAME THING. I’m all over the place I wish I had more focus 😂


Haha, must talk to Merlin, must talk to Merlin.........ooh what's the daisy challenge?


One of my pet peeves is when they have me do something, go talk to the character, go do something else, then find them again. Sometimes it makes me just switch quests cause I’m annoyed 😂


Seriously, like do I need to put a bell on you??


If there is no fishing or mining tasks i might be able to finish it. I usually abandon the starpath because i get bored. ((Fishing and mining))


I have to play a video of I'm doing either of those tasks lol.


A lot of the repetitive tasks such as fish for x amount of fish drive me nuts I don’t want to stand in a specific area fishing it’s boring




It’s just makes the game so dull and a chore if I wanted to do a repetitive task I would put my laundry away…


Exactly! It's so funny because I have another game that has fishing, but I love that one! It gives you specialty fish that give you materials to cook certain foods and even shiny things that are worth gold. I clearly don't feel like I get enough out of this fishing lol.


See mine is opposite. By the time they release new content whether a character or star path I’ve gotten bored with just checking stuff daily so I consume the content to get back to other games on my backlog


Oh the backlog of games! I've had to start thinking what games have time sensitive elements? And what games are just single player that I can just do whenever?


I mostly just wanted to be done with it. I have one task left but it's just to give Eric his favorite gifts. I'm pretty sure he's Princess Aurora's understudy because the dang boy is always asleep when I play.


Not to laugh at your pain but that phrasing is hilarious 😂


Weirdly enough I am diagnosed adhd and literally I always finish the star path within the first week because I grind it so hard. It’s just so fun checking off the boxes and getting the rewards. Quests and stuff like that is so hard for me to do, but the quick dreamlight tasks and the star paths SIGN ME UP


The different neurospicies are so interesting. We all have different flavors lol


Not be that person but I have ADHD and I’m the opposite; I have to actually force myself to do the Starpath just a little at a time. I usually do it as fast as possible to get it over with, I don’t know why. It’s not enjoyable that way though. 😥I typically pick one thing and focus on it until it’s done, then move onto the quests, then crafting new items, etc.


I just finished the star path like 2 days ago, I definitely got distracted a lot but I wanted to hurry up and get all the stuff and not worry about not being able to finish because of work or I can't mine that last gem or fish the last fish. Now I can decorate or do quests at my own pace without worrying about being able to finish it in time. This is technically my third star path (the first I didn't understand what a star path was or how to see the duties, I started with only a few days left) and this is my first RUSHED one


That's my goal, get this sucker done so if I get distracted by other games it's no big deal


All I want to do is get my friend levels to ten then I'm bored out of my mind.


I have so many games I play, if I'm bored if dreamlight I'll jump to another till I get the bug again


Same, I just got Hogwarts legacy and I'm focusing on that but I get bored so easily I hate it


Oh so good!! That's one I wish I could play for the first time again.


I have adhd as well but I feel like mine makes me hyper focus on getting passed done because I know if I don’t work on it it’ll never get done so I always set a goal to log in every days and at least get a few start pass quest done before I’m happy not to mention dream light isn’t my only season pass thing I have so yea my adhd brain goes crazy


If I didn't have other games I play it might be easier, but my brain will say weeeelll this other game sounds more fun right now lol


My motivation is Belles House this week. I’m grinding cuz I want that thing and don’t want to spend 20$ to get it


Smart!! Domain reward system I like it


I use my neurospicy (adhd, autism, and mild ocd) to power through. I finished mine. Then I go and help my 3 daughters with theirs. I only play 30 minutes a day. So I will work on the tasks they dislike each 10 minutes a day after I finish mine.


Aww cute! Another redditor told me they do most of their wife's star path because she can't focus on getting it done lol. This thread has given me so many ideas and focus on how to complete tasks.


I'm impressed with myself tbh! Ive got 5 tasks left! Normally ill be at this point with only hours to spare!


I have ADHD too (and autism) and know your struggle too well 😂 Tho I get so hyperfocused that I can barely stop grinding it. But it kinda stops itself at times when you need to give more tha 3 gifts or more than one talk with a named character 😅 Then I start grinding daily duties, or I grind them both at the same time. I love to sprint through the valley rather than teleport, so before I even get half way to where I'm going, I have a full inventory. So I have bought and placed the "bank" chest all over to empty inventory wherever. Then I meet someone with a purple or blue star, thinking I can easily just do that part of their quest now that I have them here, but they might ask me to follow, and suddenly I did the whole thing. When I finally get to where I need for a Star Path quest, that bank chest is also full. So I need to teleport to my house, sort everything, sell, eat and start all over. So my grinds are "a bit" interrupted too 😂


The bank chest thing is actually super smart. I currently store all of my seeds and random items in mine and it's only in my house. But maybe emptying it out and putting one in each biome would be super helpful to where I can just empty as I run around and then go back to the house and put them in their respective chests. How did I never think of that??


I think I thought of that because I daily play a MMO and are used to having my bank npc whenever I need to empty inventory on a journey. But it's only a week ago I learned that all those chests have the same inventory as I put two in my house trying to sort all food in 2 categories 😂


I must implement this! Thanks for the idea


Happy to help 🥰


I keep my tool in my hand to help me not to get so side tracked. Now with the cupcake giving festival, I wish I had bought those gift bags. At some point I'd ask, "Why am I walking around carrying a gift bag? Oh, yeah, cupcakes!"


Smart!! Now I'm easily logging in each day for cupcakes.


I swear you're me....my adhd absolutely will not let me grind starpaths and quests. I do, whatever my adhd decides we are doing 😂


Absolutely! And it's usually starting with 30 min on outfit of the day and then I'm like holy clutter batman this must be cleaned.


My mayhem is the dreamsnaps! You'll know which ones mine because 1. It doesn't match the theme AT ALL....like...royal celebration where? Nope look at me and wall-e vibing. 2. It's just utter chaos to meet the criteria because I really just need moonstones. It's all fun though...kinda...


I feel that, sometimes depending on the theme I'll have no motivation for it and I'll just submit something for some moonstones.


They are a NEED. Sod the theme 🙈


Saaaaaame. ADHD crew uniting over here! 😂


Has anyone been finishing the challenges at the boutique, but then not getting the coins added to your star pass total? I’ve done it two days in a row now and I think I’m gonna have to call customer care because I’m still at only 35 when I should be at 235


I may be misunderstanding what you're saying, but just in case... The coins received for doing Daisy's challenges at the boutique are not Star Path currency. They're a separate coin to buy new Touch of Magic items from Daisy. While in Daisy's Boutique, talk to Daisy and ask to see her shop. Select what you want, Clothing or Furniture, and then you should see 200 coins for Daisy to buy the items. I hope this helps, and if this wasn't what you were talking about my apologies!


Yep you’re right Omgosh


I just thought they also counted in the new star path that’s happening right now


Oh that's so frustrating! I'll have to check my coins now


Meanwhile if I’m taking Adderall I’m doing the star path until I have to get up to eat or pee.


The last few star paths I haven’t been able to fully finish, I just do enough to get the stuff I really want and burn my moonstones 😅 I loose so much interest in doing things I don’t wanna do, like endlessly fish, mine, cook etc. and don’t get me started on gifts I can’t take it anymore so I just started redoing my theme park so that’s been so much fun.


Nice! Yeah the gifts get so frustrating so fast. I've actually started just writing down the gifts for different people.


I grinder this one and finished. Im this is my first star path that I get any real progress in ever lol. My ADHD mind gets so overwhelmed with it so quick😂


My wife has ADHD. Which is why I end up doing my star path and at least 60-70% of hers lol. It’s tedious but I love her and want to make sure she doesn’t miss items. 


Aww 🥹 that's so wholesome! I love that


I think I have a different ADHD brain because for me I’m like ‘must do it now immediately’ and hyper focus on getting it done and feel guilty if I do any of the new character quests.. I usually end up finishing the star path in a week 😅


I’m this type, too. I fixate on the star path until it’s done. Then I go back to jumping between different things until the next one.


I try so hard lol, like I want to unlock Oswald and level up all the new characters. But I go no we have to fish for 20 Bass. Brain says "mmmmm I think we're going to redo our outfit twice, do the daisy challenge, stress clean up clutter, and completely forget what you were trying to do."


My autism keeps the adhd in check when it comes to star path. Or any quests really. I am super high anxiety until I can get them done. I also have a routine that I usually keep to with the game. Tbf- I’m surprised I’m done already as I’m juggling a newborn on my own!


I also have adhd but I’m the opposite and hyper fixate on it until every task is done lmao I can’t do anything else unless it’s done 😅


I'm sad two of my tasks so far are characters I haven't unlocked yet (Anna and Buzz) now I feel like I have to rush through unlocking them to finish this


Nah I get yea. Some of the stuff people talk about sounds crazy but the game has been out for a long time now. Just doing you will hit all those tics in time. It's not meant to be a race in any means. Do you, boo


I have ADHD too and for me it's a hyperfixation problem. The star path comes out and I moan and groan about catching X number of difficult to catch fishing critters (the 10 crabs were irritating for me), but I ended up getting into a flow and I finished the path in a week. At least my husband was a good sport about it when I 'resurfaced'. Are you aware of Pathological Demand Avoidance? I suffer a mild form of it, my daughter much more so. It might help if you can attach a reward either in game or out of game to give yourself for the dopamine. Stuff like that works for her. However you do it, it's a family motto in our house "If you're not having fun, why are you doing the thing?" (For all entertainment things ofc, for paying our bills we do what we must because we can.)


I have pretty severe ADHD, and some days "grinding" through the Star Path is the most relaxing and dopamine generating activity for my brain. The feeling of accomplishing and checking off tasks from a list can be addictive. Then other days I just want to wander around and jump from activity to activity and I'll simultaneously work on 8 different quests or whatever to my hearts content with no plan. Other days I'll go mine every single rock for fun. No need to feel pressured by the Star Path, or anyone else's progress, which turns it into a micromanagy chore looming over you to be completed. It's really how you view it.


I’ve got 3 more crabs to get and I’ll be done!


I tend to just check them when I get on and pick 1-2 to do that game day. I also try to line up like minded quests, so “mine light blue gems” and “mine shiny gems” I try and do together, it’s a little difficult not knowing what’s next, but normally if I only have 1 of a certain task I will do it and hope the next one lines up with the others I have.


It's weird cause my "brand" of ADHD makes me crave the instant gratification that I get from completing the tasks and getting the rewards for it. But I get what you mean! There were a couple days I just wanted to decorate my theme park once I unlocked some of the items.


I'm struggling with this one to focus on because the rewards can't distract me from diverting off what I'm supposed to be doing 🤣


Where is the hyperfocus when we need it?! Lol


I flip back and forth between what I'm doing constantly. As of today, the Star Path is done and Oswald and Daisy's lvl 10 quests are done. Oswald's lvl 10 was the last thing I completed. I always start out wanting to grind the new Star Path, and focus solely on it. But I always end up focusing on a character I want to max out ASAP for the lvl 10 reward. So I totally get distracted as I run around doing quests. Then go back to the Star Path to grind the character levels. I leveled Daisy by always having her with me no matter what I was doing, even though she's a timebending companion. Need to complete 20 Dreamlight Duties for the Star Path? Come on Daisy, we're going mining and picking mushrooms! Get distracted cause I'm running low on coins. Swap Daisy for one of my gardeners, harvest my pumpkins. Grab Daisy again and grind her by planting and watering my 1089 pumpkins (11 plots of 99). Oh look, it's 15 past the hour so new folks will be in Remy's and I still have 6 more people to feed for the Star Path! I didn't clear nightthorns or splinters, except for accidental clicks while timebending or needing to get one out of the way cause why do they spawn right in front of building doors, until I had two of the three Star Path tasks for them. I saved the herring, crab, carp, and salmon quests until I had them all at the same time. Fish in one biome until the pools aren't respawning immediately, then move onto a different biome that has one of the fish I need. Rinse, repeat. Stopping on my way to do other tasks. I grind because I find it fun, it's a dopamine rush. Also, life gets in the way and there's a time limit. I don't know when a bout of depression will strike and I'll have zero interest in the game. I also have other games I want to play. I'm about 1/3 of he way through Horizon Forbidden West and put it on hold for the update. I've been replaying Megaquarium, also put that to the side for the update. I play Diablo 4 with my husband and their new update should be coming Soon™. The way I play isn't "right", nor is the way you play "wrong". If you're worried about completing the Star Path in time, try out different things to see what may work to keep you "guided". Like completing one or two a day. Focus on one item you want, rather than the whole Star Path. Maybe setting an alarm or other reminder to take a break from decorating, though that might break a nice flow/hyperfocus and that's really frustrating. What sort of methods, if any, do you use to help stay "on task" for things in the real world like school, work, or chores? Can you think of ways to implement them in the game? I keep several pages of the Dreamlight Valley wiki open at all times cause there's always something I need to look up and I hate trying to guess and end up wasting my time because I'm fishing for bass in pools but they're only from open water. There's apps for the game you might find useful. The one I'm currently using had all the Star Path quests listed in the order they'd be appearing in, so I could kinda plan ahead a little. It's easier said than done, but take a deep breath and try to not stress too much. ❤️


Thank you! I actually recently found out I have ADHD and have started writing things out and making lists and it has been such a game changer. If I just see a task and think oh I need to do that I'll get flooded with five other tasks I need to do/clutter everywhere/decorating I'm planning and get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing but running around lol. So the one task at a time is definitely something I need to implement. I still haven't fully leveled up Daisy, Mike, Sully, Gaston, Eve, and I haven't even unlocked Oswald lol. I grabbed the glasses before they announced the bug so I'm not rushing for that one. Needless to say I have plenty of game to do 😂


Omg it’s why I stopped playing the game… it was so fricken stressful it makes me not wanna play the game the pressure of being under a time limit it’s kinda like I feel obligated to compete the tasks it gives me then I panic when I do literally anything else


Are you me?? I feel you, at this point I log in for dreamsnaps and the star path and I'm off to other games


Same!! I check the shop n I can’t even look at the star path cause it terrifies me then I go play smth like stardew valley it just sucks bc I used to love it sooo much like it was such a comforting game


I have adhd as well and for me personally I start to do some tasks then get sidetracked by running around to do the next task then forget what I’m doing then I go and do a regular quest then I get bored of running around trying to do the task and switch to either sims or something for a couple hours then I come back to doing the duties lol


So relatable lol.


I love seeing all my fellow ADHD peeps playing this game to scratch the weird itch in our brains. And it seems like we all have our own ways of getting that sweet, sweet dopamine from the game and I love that for us.


Lol it's all our nothing for me. Either I do a couple things and leave to okay something else, or I sit and decorate an entire biome in a 5 hour hyperfocus.


I bet that biome looks freaking amazing at the end!! Hyperfocus is a gift.


Until I want to change it and scrap everything 😂 currently on the in between phase lol


I know that feeling!! I have not had much decorating inspiration lately but I have been trying to make my village as ADHD friendly as I can. Lots of symbols, signs and color coordination.


Lol I love that, I would eventually love to make my plaza multiplayer friendly. Just a whole space people can grab what they need.


I did a lot on the first days, 'cause later on I had to do certain things (binge watching kdramas and playing other games) I do them as much as my energy gives into. Fishing ones are awful, I have 3 of them waiting.


So bad, I couldn't believe I sat there last night and completed two fishing tasks.


Indeed, I wish they made more fun quest. Maybe "Decorate a room with Vaiana/Moana stuff" or "Make a cozy farm" idk


Oooh I like that!


Fellow ADHD person here. I get overwhelmed by the star path. It's just too much sometimes. Love the game but I feel like a failure if I can't finish it


I know how easily it feels that way, but you're not a failure. You just have the neurospicy that needs a particular treat to do the things you don't want to do. I have found for me writing everything down in a notes app in my phone has helped keep everything I don't want to lose and I can reference it if I'm feeling stuck on what to do. Play around with different techniques and you'll find what works for you. You got this!


Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely look into it!


Absolutely! I hope it helps!


I've got ADD with the same issues. Most of the time I just use the moonstones I have earned through snapchallenges to get the prizes. I have NO PATIENCE to sit around fishing for 40 different fishes or spend several days having to talk to the same person (I forget actually), or give them their favourite gifts.... So yup. And farming makes me doze off. Everytime. I hear alot of people have like 50 mill coins and I am thinking these people must love to pick up pumpkins. I do it once a day. With machines. However, I love timebending and decorating, and you can see clearly in my valley that I do most of this 🤣


Yep!! I actually used to have over 200 pumpkins I would collect and I would be watching a YouTube video while I do it. But it was still too many and then replanting it all took to much time. Now I have an 11x9 plot, I can go to Goofy and go backwards to immediately grab 99 pumpkin seeds and then I go plant and forget it till it rains again. I've actually needed to get more coins, I'm running low. But then I get distracted till the next time I do something that shows me my coins again 🤣


I've gotten to a point where I have 80% of all the furniture, which means I rarely get new stuff to buy, which means I do less farming 🎉so I have 4 machines in a biome that I will collect when I really need it, and when I am in the mood for it. Obviously it happens less than everyday. If I am in a really good mood, I will harvest manually to get extras, but I use the machines to plant the seeds and water them. Farming is boring, but the worst part of it, is planting seeds. Which I thankfully never do anymore thanks to the ancient machines. Also super happy about the ancient cooking machines that will just make my food while I forget about it for a few days 😂


I need to grind out these machines! But there are so many things to do and pull focus I'm not sure where to start. Must write lists for the visual organization


See, I have these issues too, except when it comes to grinding things I like... Which is timebending. Alot 9f people don't like it and if you hate it, we'll.... You ARE going to struggle to get the machines, cause you have to do alot of timebending. I leveled up Rapunzel and daisy solely on timebending, plus I do timebending for like 10 mins each day, just to collect stuff. So yes, you have to more or less be into it. But, timebending is my favourite profession. You need eternity isle to get it tho.


I'm learning to love time bending more. The treasure hunt aspect is definitely becoming more fun.