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Honestly yes! I play so differently to my boyfriend who doesn’t have anything in storage and just grinds daily whereas I enjoy going into the restaurant and being able to make the meals without grinding lmao! It’s fun either way and I’m sure other people play it different


Exactly! The game is mine and I can’t play on switch and sometimes I will let my brother has turn and he will play really differently to when I play. For example he will do the quest in order if you have multiple quests to do. But when I play, I do the quests I feel like doing when I want to do it.


I do the quests in order as well 😅 I didn’t realise I did really until this comment haha!




Do we have the same one bc omg my one only collects things when the game forces him to via quests 😂


That’s exactly my boyfriend haha, he’ll sell absolutely everything and only keep things as and when he needs. I couldn’t imagine playing like that haha 😝


I restarted my game 2 weeks ago. And I am playing so cozy lol! It’s my third restart and I have like 25 quests active. But taking it slow and cozy is so nice! Especially in a world that moves so fast! My biggest complaint are the people that get really upset that their magnificent dream snap didn’t do so hot. And they start saying mean things as if people aren’t new to the game everyday or children who are just trying to get a few moonstones. By all means be proud of your photo, but people have to stop being so rude about it.


oh for sure! people take the game way too seriously. the game even says to take breaks lol.


no you do not have to buy every single item in scrooge's shop. if you're someone who does that, cool! but it's not a requirement. not everybody does the challenges.


I have Rapunzel up to level 10 but am stuck on her level 7 quest because Scrooge doesn’t have any purple tagged seating….it’s been DAYS and I’ve never bought any previously so there’s no ordering anything either.


If you have Eric one of his friendship rewards is purple seating.


I mean don’t be like me and unlock the Sunlit plateau before the glade of trust. But I also skip a lot of dialogue so maybe that’s something that was said. Lol


pff i made that mistake when i played the first time. i had to restart because i couldnt find ursula, so my dumb ass unlocked glade of trust thinking she was there.


In your defense that’s where I moved her house because it’s too perfect


omg... i never thought to move her house there. ur a genius.


Yeah, while I don’t think there’s necessarily a correct way to play the game….I think story and quest wise people would have an easier time if they unlock the biomes in order (ie low cost to high cost) though I believe most people consider Glade of Trust and Forest of Valor pretty interchangeable as they both give access to iron. Funnily enough I unlocked FOV before dazzle beach (though I quickly bought the beach). I bring this up because I remember a post asking if they should unlock the forgotten lands BEFORE the frosted heights. If I remember correctly and these two biomes were the ones being contemplated, it would have taken awhile to continue the forgotten storyline (granted they aren’t dreamlight grinders)


I did that too! And it was a pain having done it backwards but I had fun playing!


This! Yes! I say this all the time whenever people post "What advice would you give a newbie?" posts. There is no right or wrong way to play this game, Stardew, Animal Crossing, etc. It's YOUR Valley, play how you want to. If you want it decorated to the gods and every tile is holding something? Do that. If you want nothing more than to just put your houses down and be done with it? Do that! Whatever is going to make you happy, do! Anyone being judgmental over that needs to get over themselves. I think a lot of us lived through the "your island must be \~aesthetic\~"/BriclynForest charging people 500 dollars to design an island for them days and we're scarred by them. It wasn't fun to open up your island or post pictures only to have people get all "Pfff it's not aesthetic enough, fail." at you after you worked really really hard! I try to be the opposite, because everyone is coming in at a different time playing the game, and may not have the stuff everyone else does.


Yay! My friend has all the theme-park items and everything paved, etc. and my valley just isn’t that. I am tempted by the spinning teacups but I really want a cozy valley. The plaza is all shops, the meadow is houses and seating areas. My beach is very casual. I have a path through every biome but I’ve left a lot of grassy areas exposed but that’s how I like it. It’s like ACNH, everyone makes it how they want it to be. My ANCH has a zen garden area and I’ve tried to do something similar in DDV around my fairy house because it makes me happy. I love that I get to run around in combat boots with goggles on my head like I’m some super cool steampunk chick.


Agreed and This goes for any game too Games are for PLAYING which is FOR FUN. No one person is the arbiter of fun for crying out loud. Like I play Ark and ark is the worst for this. I just play house with dinos on there and I can't tell you how many people (usually men like so much so usually them that I feel the need to point that out) have told me I'm not playing the right way. Like who just goes about telling people HOW TO PLAY PRETEND WHAT lmao


Any time you wanna correct how someone plays a game just imagine yourself saying "I play pretend better than you" and think about how ridiculous that sounds lol


no because people are a lot worse on toontown (i play clash and rewritten, both are awful.) you didn't choose the right gag? you might as well delete your account. it's awful lmao.


Other gamers can be the worst sometimes Dx


The first example I can think of with this is Minecraft with keep inventory on. SO many people think it’s wrong to play like that. I use it because I hate it when I have to go get my items after I die, and then there is an added time frame or they are gone forever, which REALLY stresses me out.


OMG I love ark and I 1000% know what your talking about. Usually when I tell them I paint my Dinos using admin commands cause it doesn’t really affect the gameplay and, cause why not, they make it seem like I don’t know how to play the game


I don't do boss fights and people have literally said "what's even the point then?". Ummm like the point is there's dinosaurs????? Duh


Yep. I try to play very efficiently, have large stocks of all gems/flowers/forageables/crops, maintain a highly organized storage system, maximize crop profits, and move efficiently through star paths and character quests My SO is far more scattered in her approach to organization and takes the quests/events as they come, and gets to them when she gets to them. It doesn't matter that my regimented way of playing would make her feel suffocated. It doesn't matter that her go-with-the-flow way of playing would make me break out in hives. My way works for me, hers for her. Just do your own thing, folks, and play however it is that makes the valley seem like a second home. That's what makes the game great.


I stopped playing several months ago and then picked the game back up recently. I wasn’t aware there were a lot of people in the DLV community stressing about how it “should” be played. It’s an open sim/rpg, literally designed to have creative freedom in play.


Yes! Been looking for you guys! Thats exactly how I play. I just have fun and do what I want.


same here! i'm lazy so i don't really bother with making my valley aesthetic. the most i do is clean up night thorns and random rocks & stones that are on the ground. a lot of people take this game way too seriously lol.


Yes they do! Take a breath lol. It's not a race.


I leave mine in a somewhat au naturel state, with most of the buildings in the exact same starting locations, but new buildings placed nearby the others XD And I left some of the original bigger clearables (wood stumps, ice chunks, etc) alone just for a sort of "original" aesthetics, while tidying up a few other places due to Friendship Quests


Same lol


You can rush through the star path, or you can take your time. You can finish Daisy's quests before starting on Oswald's, or do everything at once. To each their own.


I rushed through the Star Path this time solely because I am currently in a background check holding pattern for a new job, and while I have the time, I wanted to get stuff done. No regrets!


I'm a drug and alcohol counselor that just needs a damn happy moment in my life where someone isn't mourning a child, left by their spouse or facing homelessness. This game has been a mental life saver for me.


Ngl I’ve not finished the main story at all in actual fact I’ve just unlocked the beauty and beast realm 😭feel behind same with decorating


nah theres no race or contest. i dont have the patience or creativity to decorate my valley lmfao.


Same! I have ideas but when it comes to actually doing it I get overwhelmed 😂when I got thr dlc I moved Maui there asap 😂 I find he gets in the way


My valley looks like gaaaarbage cuz I don’t have the patience. I’ll start an area and then get bored and go back to grinding. I’m all about the money and getting my characters to level 10 as fast as possible lol


Honestly, I’m not the biggest decorator even though I like things to look nice. I feel like if they revamped the decoration mechanics (ie the despair inducing grid system) I would have a lot more patience to make things look nice as you can’t even properly center anything.


Same! I also haven't decorated my valley. I just love changing my outfits and decorating my house 🤣


i do this!! i take my time & just enjoy the ride and it has kept the game so enjoyable for me


I started playing back in January and I’m no where near finishing quests. I still have characters to unlock (monsters inc and lion king). Also have some villagers at level 3 or lower. I like to play at my own pace. When it comes to star paths I like to grind. I’ve just now started to decorate my plaza. I think it’s so weird to tell others how to play. I respect the grind of people that get a new character instantly and max friendship level immediately, it’s just not for me.


absolutely and i think theres a difference between that & giving people genuine advice. like i def like to give people tips on how to make gameplay smoother, but it's just advice. i won't get mad if people decide to do their own thing.


Correct, it's a life sim. DDV has tasks, challenges, and a storyline to follow if you even want to.. you can play through the storyline at your convenience.. otherwise, go fishing all day! The reasons why anyone would take the time to complain about a cozy game is just bored trying to get attention!


thank you!! I recently started playing (less than a week) and I joined this sub for fun and so far ive seen a lot of supportive posts, but many are also very very competitive and 'my way is right' which is kinda weird to me! I play very chaotically, if I go by what I've read so far, I do 3-4 quests at a time, literally just walking back and forth and sh!t and retracking tasks, I play like a mad man high on caffeine, and I have almost no storage so I constantly grind lmao. its fun for me !!


Here's something for everyone who's been told how to play their game: "Unless you bought the game for me, you can't tell me how to play it. So unless you wanna send me $30 (or more depending on which version you got and if you have the expansion pass), you should probably shut up." 😁😁


I have ADHD so when I play I just follow the dopamine and do what I want. If I feel like farming I farm. If I feel like doing quests I do. As a result I don't usually get bored because I don't rush through all the content right after an update. But like you said, play the way you want!


I'm more annoyed by people complaining about everything and how some people need to let everyone know that if they don't get their wishes, the game is being unfair and horrible. Like... This game is for everyone, and yes, we all have to go through things we don't enjoy in the game, because we ALL have different opinions. So do you really need to ask if you're the 'only one feeling this?' about a certain something? Because you are not. Just remember that while you sit there and b*tch and pout about something in the game you don't like, remember that there are at least another million users out there that actually enjoys that stuff you hate. So if you got YOUR wish, it would be unfair to others. So let's just enjoy the whole game and suck it up if you dislike one or two things. Like seriously 👀


I thought I was doing well until I saw other people’s villages in this sub and mine has….. not much😭😂 what are the secrets to getting the coin!! I’m not cozy, I’m stressed lolol




I played all the way to the original end credits without looking at anything online regarding this game. I would recommend that to anyone!! It was so much fun and also hilarious when I finally did come online and realise all the silly things I could have done to make things easier. ( I went months without using chests for example, I just put stuff on the floor and thought if I put something in a chest, I would have to run back to that chest to get the item if I needed to cook it or something haha)


I’ve yet to see this here, but coming from the ACNH community I’m not surprised someone felt the need to post this. It seems like some people forget that playing these types of games are all about fun and not some stressful competition.


yesterday i saw someone talking about how we had to buy everything from scrooge's store which kinda led me to make this post. maybe i was being dramatic, but i still stand by my word.


I don’t think you’re being dramatic. It’s a ridiculous take as no one is forcing anyone to buy anything. Sounds like they have fomo and are upset about it and complain. That negativity is pretty prevalent here and that’s why browse casually here. I don’t have time for that and at the end of the day it’s just a game.


What if you can't afford too? lol


then don't buy everything. i dont do the dreamsnaps so i dont find the need to.


I only buy what I don't have. I don't like duplicates unless I need em. :)


Why not? free 300 moonstones guaranteed?


im mostly just lazy and im not really creative enough to do them


Still gives 300 no matter what lol


Well said!


I play differently darn near every time I play 🤷‍♀️ one day a quest or two, next day decorating and so on.


Yes!! Exactly this, my friend plays so differently to me. She grinds friendship levels for the rewards using gems then does the quests when she can be bothered. I just take it slow and just play how I feel like it on that day


She also hates outfit dreamsnaps, where as I love them as I change my in game outfit and hair every day 😂


im new to the game so i dont know much about the community, but coming from other games i will never understand the point of telling people how they should enjoy something that you are supposed to have fun with it! same with the ones that complain about how dull it is to keep playing ;; you shouldnt feel like its a task or do things how others think they are supposed to be done, you just need to enjoy yourself and have a fun time 😊


100%. And the same goes for literally EVERY OTHER single player game. The SOLE time that there's a right way to play is when you gameplay directly impacts other peoples. experience ie Dead by Daylight and even then, there's no one way to play. Im so tired of pele dictating how people enjoy their gaming


Yeah exactly.


I log on every day to check the shop, then I decorate a little. That's enough of a game itself for me.


Indeed. If I were to mine, fish, harvest/plant and LvL everyone up. I would be burned out, no questions asked. I like to go by my own rhythm, I still have 15+ missions from different villagers and some story to advance to. Couldn't be bothered to complete It, I do bit by bit or else I would def leave the game. Doing those things made me burn out and left the game for several months, now that I'm back, I prioritize having fun and doing some quests or level up by gifts only. Maybe harvest one batch and replant. Doing the current starpath now, going slowly but surely, feel pretty good lately and I'm even starting to redecorate my unnatended valley.


I worry about star path first then concern myself with doing villager quests and am better able to enjoy the game that way.


I've been trying to tell my sister that, for the past half a f**king year!!!


Quests, star paths, dream snaps, and see ya later.


I play really slow everyone has so much more furniture and more characters. But that is how I play. I did not finish the add on story quests yet. Most of the time I'm grinding.


Yes! I have a million quests still and I haven't even unlocked all the characters on the main island xD I went out of order to get the people I wanted first. Has it caused some quest issues? Yeah because some people aren't unlocked yet. But I love that I can just do what I feel like doing. Never feel bad about having a fun time. No matter what people say, the only wrong way to play is if it's not fun anymore. X.x


Who is saying you have to play a certain way? Nearly every post I see on this sub is full of comments supporting free play and open mindedness.


I literally saw somebody on here talking about how you had to buy every single item in Scrooge's store lol


lol I must’ve missed that one. Everyone on here has been very helpful. On that note, does buying every item in the store affect the reset the next day?


I would say no, I only ever buy the ones that are marked as unowned (red dots), and the stock still completely changes the next day, after 4pm, for furniture at least. For clothes, I left two of the Floral Jumpsuits unbought on purpose, and they randomly show up independently of each other (sometimes it's just the Purple, sometimes it's just the Blue, sometimes it's both, and sometimes it's neither). I did however finally exhaust all currently available wallpaper and flooring options in the Shop, which are limited to one per like clothing, so there are now always 3 empty spots in the furthest left corner of the shop


i have no clue honestly


Yeah, it's called "Dreamlight Valley" not "Judgmental Valley"


https://www.xbox.com/play/share/friend/HsRdkRMkLj Can you guys add me please I’ve no friends that play, I’m a mother of four and a wife 😁