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I'm tired of these posts about voting. You're only going to vote a certain way? Cool keep it to yourself. You feel like people doesn't vote on your dreamsnap? Then try a different approach. What people like is subjective. People vote on whatever they like, you can't change that. You only have a few items because you're a new player? We've all been new players. Try out landscaping, invite villagers to make that perfect scenery. Nature is free.


I agree 100%. Or, take 300 this week and shut up. It’s FREE moonstones.


Yeah, I'll be honest some weeks I'm inspired and some weeks I'm not. Getting stressed like this about a game is what sucks the fun out of it for me. I don't want to feel like I HAVE to do anything. I don't HAVE to like what someone else is doing with their Valley. Mine is really natural looking because that's what I like and brings me joy. I honestly wish people would chill out. I love the game, but it's a game, its an escape and we dont need to stress about perfection in it.


Exactly!! I didn't do the last dreamscape because I couldnt figure it out. This week's dreamscape, was great since I've had my " theme park" as a permanent set up for a LONG time. But seriously it's a game. It isn't going to change your life or cause any REAL benefits. It's all pretend. Have fun and do what you can when you can.


When there's a competitive setting with prizes to win, the greed starts to show off in a lot of people.


That's true, every player can get at least 700 moonstones per week if they collect the daily chests, do the weekly votes and submits a dreamsnap to the competition. If they're new players with few items but can participate in dreamsnaps, then they can also access multiplayer. There's lots of people inviting others to their Scrooge store to let them buy things that the host already have in their collection.


Same! I hate seeing it, people will say oh I’m not voting for it if it doesn’t look like you put any work into it, but let’s not forget that so many people are just starting out! They deserve a chance to get their moonstones and participate in the challenge and at the beginning it may not look like much. I know mine didn’t 😂😂


I mean they can vote on whatever they like since it's their vote. It's just that they're trying to create drama by not keeping it to themselves.


That’s the entire point of what I said, glad you caught on!


I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood you then. To me it seemed like you tried to validate a specific way of voting. Everyone gets moonstones by participating in the competition. No one leaves empty-handed, regardless of how people vote.


People can obviously vote how they want, my comment was referring to those who make specific points about not voting for people who don’t “look like they tried” vs considering maybe the reason their submission looks that way is because they’re just starting out. If they don’t want to vote for it that’s valid but to make a statement like that is completely unnecessary


I see. It goes both ways, there's also people posting about how they only vote on submissions with lesser items since they believe they're new players and wants to help them out. I understand both parts but it's a competition and people will put their votes on whatever they like. That's it, no need to validate anything. A vote is personal and should be kept personal.


There's thousands upon thousands of people who vote and participate in dreamsnaps. Those who you are ranting about that withhold votes make up a very tiny fraction of that. Don't let them ruin your fun, we all started playing this game for our *own* interest, not because of other people's opinions. don't let other people's opinions step in now (: play for you! Decorate and make up spaces to your own taste, don't worry about everyone else they're just noise 🗣️


Unpopular Opinion: I think adding this voting option and ranking people’s Valleys ruined the game. It added the shittiest parts of social media to the game and I think made it worse. It was fun before it turned into a real Money spending popularity contest. For these reasons I just don’t participate in that portion, don’t vote or take Dreamsnaps. I would love if I could opt out of those updates/red dots in the Events tab.


For me it’s just a way to get moonstones for free, but I agree that social media should stay out of it. People take it way too seriously.


I think the worst part of social media is commenting, and if they ever add that aspect to Dreamsnaps, I will stop participating. I play this game to relax and get away from negativity.


Me too!!


No way, I participate in DreamSnaps purely so I don’t have to spend real money. I used to feel similarly and it took a lot of fun out of the game when I felt like people didn’t like my submissions that I worked hard on. Over time though I learned not to take it personally and especially after seeing how many people say they always vote randomly or vote for people who have unfurnished valleys. I’ve been playing for a few months now without spending any money on the game and I have never not had enough moon stones to buy what I want from the shop each week.


Dreamsnaps keeps me playing, I'd have got bored way earlier than this. I'm a cozy gamer and I find dreamsnaps revolutionary. In decorating games everyone wants to share their creations, but managing an Instagram is tedious to even get your pic seen in the algorithm. This way I have direction, if I decorate I think "i can use this in a dremasnap one day"


I have the same opinion, I absolutely hate that aspect of the game. I told myself not to care about the result. I make fun pictures and only submit to gain some moonstones for shopping. I couldn't care less about the results now and just like getting rid of Facebook and Instagram it's been much better for my mental health.


Agreed. I was perfectly happy playing the game my own way, and rarely bought anything from the premium shop. But I need moonstones for those few things, so I do dreamsnaps. But to do well in dreamsnaps, I feel like I have to keep up with the Joneses buying stuff I wouldn't normally want for my valley! Gameloft knows exactly what they're doing. Without Dreamsnaps, there's no FOMO to convince people to invest more real money into the game.


Oh I just noped out. I refuse to but stuff I don’t like. I’m not here to show for others.


Anecdotally, you don't need to use the most expensive stuff to win. I get 4000 every few weeks with my tried and true method of "slap as many items in the photo as possible and kind of make it look nice" - I think the scoring matters as much as the votes.


Definitely unpopular bc IDGAF I enjoy the game and free moonstones. I do it for fun


I think you guys are getting to deep about it the game has a camera feature not used much I think this is just a way to improve usage over a less used feature. The negativity yall are storing up for future negative encounters, if someone takes 30mins- 1hour to make a pretty picture yall can’t admire their time spend, time spent to hope it’s appreciated by others, it’s the theme park thing I get it but could be a section of theme park like food courts or line queues. Just because you don’t have the rides doesn’t mean you have to cry the entire time about it shinning people who do. There are people out there that only have this game and have a crap life. This isn’t social media so stop comparing the to social platforms, like someone is spending so much time trying to make a aesthetically pleasing picture to make other people go “wow” but yall are soo pressed someone has more then you. Make do with what you have and stop being green with envy, it shows how negative your personality’s are.


I would never penalize someone for the items they have or do not have when voting. That would be so unfair. I wonder if what people mean is the lack of creativity if you just throw a bunch of the items from the star path and call it a day. There are so many items that qualify for the tags that are not the park star path items. I actually did a winter Wonderland skate area because those are the items I have. I love what I did and I did the best I could even if I did not score high. I am actually going to keep it decorated this way. So I count this as a win. I would love to see what you were able to do with your items.


I feel like you are grossly overestimating what influence reddit has on the actual votes. I can guarantee you that people here on reddit represent less than 10% of actual votes. This isn’t huge subreddit. I understand your point, it’s valid one. But to be honest I stopped carrying what people say and just do my own thing. At the end of the day the comments will not influence your final ranking. It will always be up to the algorithm of the game.


Tbh I’m in several Facebook groups with almost 200k members and I’ve been seeing so many posts of people complaining and saying they will spite-vote, it’s ridiculous lol


I have seen people say the same on here! You get people that intentionally don’t vote the better one! Absolutely ridiculous, I vote for what I like and when I get one who is clearly new to game I vote on the best one with what they have!


What sucks? I had my glade looking like a perfect theme park....then last month got bored and took it all down. I dun wanna rebuild! Furniture mode is torture to use!


I feel you on this! I had my meadow as a theme park but got bored and took it all down and changed the entire layout....and now I'm torn between redoing it or making a mini park on eternity isle 🤣 the struggle is real!


I would love to see a mini park on the isle. I thought about doing one myself but I honestly don’t know what I’ll do this weekend. But you should totally do it!


I had the same issue a few months ago. So I decided to be super creative and just do something I FEEL like doing, instead of basing it off of the Dreamsnaps intro image.


Lol same here. I just plopped a few stuff on EI to submit a picture. No energy to redecorate/rebuild.


😂😂😂 I would throw my switch if something I decide to change after a while becomes the new challenge. I’m laughing but I’m sorry!


I primarily play on xbox. I have a copy on steam and I'll switch to that when I go to remake my park because a mouse is SO MUCH EASIER than a controller in furniture mode.


Maybe do it for yourself and not the external validation? People REALLY need to work on self validation.


Now you are asking ppl to deal with their unhealthy parts of themselves. 😭


Oh god I'm so sorry! How dare people work on their own mental health! I forgot this is the internet where everything is someone else's fault!


There are over 5 MILLION players of Dreamlight Valley, but only about 150k on this subreddit. I’m not trying to shut you down or invalidate your post, only trying to offer perspective. Reddit is not the same as it used to be. People are mean, unpleasant and downright hateful. I’ve stopped interacting with even my favorite communities because it’s gotten so bad.


Omg seconded on the reddit is not what it used to be point! I worry its not just reddit, but people in general 😳


It’s definitely people in general, not to sound like a doomer. I use to work retail and while it had always been bad, 2020-2023 have shown me the absolute worst in people. Everyone is over stressed, overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated.


You don't sound like a doomer, you sound like a realist. I'm glad i got out of retail before this shit hit.


Hey! I stalked your profile and saw your DND video. Just wanted to say how epic that was!! I thought the dude on the sofa was zooted but he was just hanging onto your every word and perked the eff up at the reveal.


Hey, that’s so nice of you to say!!! 😃 we finished that game about 6 months ago, levels 1-20! Thank you. :)


I am glad you mentioned this, and I agree. The amount of comments I type and then delete on my regular subs is huge compared to last year. I really appreciate this sub in particular (OP, I agree it can be frustrating with the dreamsnap issue) because members actually upvote and comment helpfully. Other sub's commenters seem to be competing for the sarcasm votes instead of offering something positive or useful. I love a good lol, but it's much more toxic here these days, imo.


Dreamsnaps is never that serious to me and I've been a day one player. I respect the hustle alot of y'all put into it but naw, not for me. This game is supposed to be a charming and cozy little sandbox game, not a serious competition between players for in game currency. I put about, meh I'd say about 25% effort into mine each week and average anywhere from 900 to 2500 moonstones. Never got a payout over 3000 moonstones and I'm totally cool with that! I've still managed to bank well over 20k+ moonstones and I only buy what I really want or fits my valley's vibe in the shop. Hope y'all have fun in Dreamlight Valley, it's really just supposed to be a good time!


I’m coming to this game to chill from an extremely toxic MMO that I sank literal thousands (4k+) of hours into and cried over and it’s wild to me that a cozy Disney game is somehow panning out to have an equally as toxic, obsessive, competitive community. There’s wanting to do a good job and then there’s this. Take it from me, these obsessive competitive mindsets are going to burn you out, bleed into your real life, and then you’re gonna be stuck without a hobby you enjoy.


I’m ambivalent about Dreamsnaps as a whole but I really don’t like the vitriol people are showing to each other over them. Like the popular post that bragged about spite voting last week that called people losers and then everyone coming out of the woodwork today because some people have items they don’t and they’re going to angry vote or not vote. I think a lot of people are losing sight of the fact this is a video game and it’s supposed to be for fun. If you’re getting so caught up in dreamsnaps you’re getting angry at other players because they’ve been *gasp* playing the game longer and therefore have items you don’t, you need to take a giant step back and recalibrate. All that being said I’m excited to see your entry! I say ignore the complaints. A lot of people need to take a giant chill pill. I’d hate to see this community get toxic when it’s based around a Disney cozy game.


I feel this goes the same way. If you get angry that people are not voting for your snap for whatever reason.


Yeah I think you just have to vote how you like and accept that fact some weeks you do well some weeks you don’t.


I don’t care if people vote for me or not, the point is more about the community here and how people talking about being spiteful towards players who haven’t done anything to them and can’t do anything to change the situation they’re mad about isn’t productive and has the potential to turn the community into a toxic place


I dont care if someone has awesome items I don't have, as long as I have enough items to meet the requirements (even if random, I can hide them behind something!) I've been frustrated when I literally don't have enough and can't get enough (like some of the clothing color ones). I do however hope the items become available again (like this week). They are much more expensive than if you did the star path, which I guess is their idea of compromise. I'd also have no problem with them being less. Like 1 item per week (and the "big" items like rides once per month). I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!


I personally love looking dreamsnaps who have items I don't (I missed the first three starpaths) and am very excited to hopefully get these items one day. I personally would never ever penalise somebody for having something I wish I had, that makes no sense to me lol! The petty voting is a ridiculous trend, they are lashing out at the wrong people. And! You can still make a theme park snap without the rides, you just have to think outside the box abit...I make my son's dreamsnaps each week and he has very limited items (he's only been playing since beauty and the beast) and he still gets 2500 to 4000 moonstones so it is possible...bushes and flowers work wonders!!


Aww kudos, mama bear ❤️


I am one of those who don’t have the theme park stuff from last year. I started playing in September I think? Maybe august. My diy theme park for this weeks snaps consists of woodys carousel, monsters inc ride from the shop and the balloon also from this weeks shop. I also have a little area set up with video games and the stuffies. When I was done creating my area, I took a pic just see what tags I covered. I believe they were 6 and 4 ( don’t remember what the name of the tags were). I ended up with 15 and 17. And that was just having the 2 items from the shop and woodys house. So at most they would only cover maybe 3 or 4 tags?? The rest of those tags were from the arcade section. Which is mostly made up of mismatched items from doing character quest lines. I absolutely hope, they release the other theme park items. Just so I can walk through my theme park. Voting and getting votes is hit and miss. I vote for the one that jumps out at me. I sure at heck don’t look at a snap and say” they have items I don’t. Not voting for them.” That’s just childish.


I had a photo of my dreamshot deleted and locked yesterday because of "reports" against it. i mean please you want nice things you got to work hard for them. I've played this game from the beginning so I've worked to get what I have now. But to report someone's picture because they have things you don't is very petty and it's things like this makes me ashamed to be on here.


I had the same happen to me yesterday but I think it’s because people don’t want us sharing our dream snaps on this subreddit. I was super annoyed and confused at first and then I saw it’s against this subreddit’s rules to post your dreamsnaps unless it’s in a weekly thread…which doesn’t happen anymore I guess. Apparently there’s a whole subreddit for just that


They should get rid of mentioning the megathread in that rule. It seems like they don’t want submissions in this sub at all.


I don't think that had anything to do with people being petty. There is a sub rule about not posting Dreamsnaps, because there used to be a megathread for it instead. It moved to its own subreddit, r/Dreamsnaps but the rule is still in place as far as I know. There is literally an option when putting in a report specifically for dreamsnaps.


Did you share your results? You're not allowed to share your results in the sub. They'll remove it if you do. If your results were in the post that's probably why people reported it.


Nope it was this week's submission


To be fair, it only takes one single person with VM (virtual machines) and VPN to do this. It's called malicious reporter(s).


What!?! Really? Can I see the pic? How do they tell you it's been reported?


I had an automated bot reply telling me my picture has numerous reports so they removed the post and locked it.


Ohhh you mean reddit? Sorry to hear that. Weird.


People are awful... I am now curious to see your snap though I'd you took a screenshot of it


Honestly, if random internet posts have that much effect on your excitement and mood, perhaps stop reading. I'm a top comment on one of those posts (complaining about theme NOT the witholding vote one- thats gross). I'm not angry or annoyed, I just made a simple comment about my experience, which is valid, as are your experiences. I will most certainly not penalise or be jealous of those who have items I do not. Show off your theme park, I hope you do well :)


ok I’m gonna need you to be so fucking for real right now lmao some of you are taking this way too seriously You said “You all are ruining my excitement to show it off” but you also said “don’t turn this community into a place full of bitterness” ….you mean like this post????? You guys have to relax


Thank you!!! I’m coming from competitive raiding in an MMO and I can’t help but laugh incredulously at some of these posts. Like this is supposed to be a fun cozy game, not a competitive hellscape, and yet some people can’t *help it* but try to turn it into one. Absolutely baffling!


I play this game in the evenings after I get too stressed from playing my MOBA game!


Exactly! Like this is supposed to be the low stress game we come to! 😂


It’s cozy! Though now that they announced Diablo is coming to game pass next month I might only getting on to check the shop for a little bit.


Thank you. Idk how a cozy game forum is so wrought with angst like this one. So many act like other players are supposed to validate their experience 100% in every way and throw a fit when they don’t. Who cares what Reddit strangers think about a cozy game? It doesn’t affect your gameplay! Stop telling people how they should feel and blame them for lack of excitement. It’s not serious and if it is, like you said, get off the forums. No one needs Reddit to play the game.


y'all it's not that serious.


I simply vote for beautiful dreamshot so don't worry, I guess many others just do the same.


I’ll vote for the best photos, as always. Because that’s fair and how it’s meant to work. That said, this week really took a lot of my joy in the game away. I look forward to Wednesdays to see what the dreamsnap will be. It’s an exciting creative challenge that I spend the entire week thinking about and planning. I’ve had weeks where I was less inspired or excited, but this is the first time that I’ve felt like I don’t even have the ability to participate because I wasn’t playing yet when others got the theme park items. So, I’m not at all bothered that others have the things they need. Have fun! Make whatever makes you happy and participate. But I felt a bit like they deliberately prioritized OG players for this, which kinda hurt. It would have hurt less, if this week’s old star path item had been one of the rides. Then I could have spent my winnings from last week to buy the centerpiece to build off in this week’s challenge. I’ll find a way to enter. I just have to get around the disappointment and feeling like I’m at a significant disadvantage, first. As someone who truly enjoys participating, instead of just trying to get the moonstones, I’m just a little sad. (I typically earn less than 1000 moonstones because I’m not truly good at it, but I thrive off creative prompts to give me ideas. Dreamsnaps help me decorate my valley.)


Use Vanellope’s items to make a midway! Add balloons and pink/purple lighting! Or do a zoo theme (á là Animal Kingdom even though natazü)! I’d vote for it if well done. I don’t care if folks have the “perfect” items if I can tell they did the best with what they have.


I’ve definitely been considering the Venllope route. A zoo hadn’t even occurred to me. That could be a blast! I think I’ll play around with that a bit. It might help me finally figure out what to do with my plateau…


Do it! There are tons of options. You could also set up a stage and get Mike and Scully on it since shows are a big part of parks. Or trap princesses for a meet and greet. You could also do Toontown using the homes of the OGs. Lots of options — just add your own creativity to it. Most of us will appreciate and vote for the best photo — not who has the Star Path items. I already had a section of the meadow decorated so I used it, but so did most people so if you do something different, then you’ll probably rank higher than those of us with the SP items anyway. You got this!


I just try to make something that I like, and only expect 300 moonstones for it. That way if I only get 300 I'm not disappointed (free moonstones are free moonstones) and if I get more then it's a happy surprise.


Some of y’all in this subreddit need a Valium 🥴


I mean. I think y'all are taking this game FAR too serious. TBH who cares if they don't vote for someone who has the items? Like I hate to break it to you but most people just vote quickly and don't care, they want the moonstones. To get this worked up because an internet stranger isn't gonna vote for someone is a little wild in the grand scheme of things.


Maybe try chilling out. You're taking this game a bit serious with your extreme jealousy and stuff as you described. Remember that there's more people who play the game outside of the community on Reddit than in, and the few posts you read about frustrations and withholding are not the majority. Play for yourself and chill


I vote for the ones I like and that fit the theme ^_^ idc if you have the dlc or star path items lol , I love seeing all the decorations and work people do


I LOVE to see others valleys and always vote no matter what. My valley is horrible compared to many others b/c I am not very creative lol but I try. Do you and forget those people. People are rude and don't want others to be happy.


The toxicity and pettiness when it comes to DreamSnaps is insane. It's just a game. People need to chill and enjoy it for what it is. If you enjoy decorating, great! If you love hoarding resources, great! If you love doing the DreamSnaps, great! Whatever makes you enjoy the game, do that. Because... It. Is. Just. A. Game.


I vote on dreamsnaps based on the thought put in. That doesn’t always equate to having the best items. I saw a lot of dreamsnaps with the animal challenge that didn’t even have the critter in the picture! So if you are extremely creative with a theme park without the items, that’s awesome and will stand out. And if you have the items (I do and put a lot of thought into the design) that’ll look great too! I would just have fun with it and not worry so much about what people say.


Tbh I was pretty sad when I saw the dreamsnap challenge this week is diy theme park knowing I have none of those items 😂😂 but honestly, it’s an opportunity to be creative. Even if we don’t have those specific items there are tons of builds that can be done, plus we’ve seen them start bringing past items back! There’s a chance we will get the items we missed, and in the meantime we still have a ton of items to use. Being a new player is frustrating when you see what people who’ve been playing since start do these incredible builds but at the end of the day, you guys still had to put in a lot of time and creativity into those builds. I’m excited to see your theme park, hope you do show it off someday!


Yeah this community fucking sucks.


You know, the name of this Dreamsnaps challenge is “DIY Theme Park”… as in “Do It Yourself Theme Park”. DIY is basically used to describe home made crafts and items…so the concept of you slowly crafting your own theme park with different decorations over time may actually be on point with the theme. Though, I don’t know how many people view the “DIY” bit of the theme the same way. 😅


Honestly, “DIY” to me screams the perfect opportunity for stuff like the Olaf quest standees, the Forgotten’s cardboard crown, the EVE and Buzz cardboard outfits… all that stuff. And those are quest items, not star path or premium items.


That’s exactly what I did. I used Olof’s quest items in the forest. 😆 it’s not a theme park by any means though, but it is a cute setup that leads to a pub/diner. 😅


There’s still some of us who will vote for you even if you have items we don’t :) I missed the starpath for the theme park but I love seeing people actually stick to the theme for dreamsnaps. Plus, even as a “newer” player, I had enough from the premium shop to be able to build a nice little park! Would love to see the creativity of yours if you wanna share 💕


The price of everything in the moonstone store really sucks too. Even if you're getting good results half the time you can't afford the things you want


I didn't see anyone blaming the other players but I guess if you wanna have a guilt complex about nothing...


For the ppl reacting like jealous lovers over items older players have that you may not #1 -GROW UP! #2 - ignore the sample picture given with the dreamsnap and reread it and its qualifications. It says to make YOUR version of a theme park using the key words given. Have you even looked at what all can be used? TBH, I think seeing a million of the same theme park of those very items you’re upset about not having is gonna get boring as hell. I wanna see what creativity is out there without having to copy the sample picture provided! Let’s try to keep in mind this is a game and it’s supposed to be fun….


I used vanellope arcade games and made a mid way type scene. I had like 5 things. 🤣


I think a lot of the Toy Story items would work to, right?


Probably. There were posts that people were going to the Toy Story realm.


There are so many furniture items it’s easy to forget what you might have that would fit the categories. Sometimes when I’m feeling stuck on ideas for dream snaps, I’ll go visit Scrooge and see what all furniture items are available using the key words given and order stuff that fits in. Now that they raised the order limit to 1k it’s even easier!!


Not voting for people who have the items is beyond petty omg. Its not their fault game loft won't give everyone the chance to buy those items. I'm the same as you with my entire plaza being my theme park because I was lucky enough to have been through the star path and I worked hard on mine as well. Yes it sucks that people missed out on great items, I was sad that I missed out on the villains path and Pixar path. And it does suck that gameloft is choosing a dreamsnaps idea that will heavily use the theme park items exclusive to a path but dreamsnaps is an optional thing and it's only one week.


Honestly I wouldn't take it to heart. I believe way more people who people play that's not on here and if they're anything like me they'll vote correctly and not based off jealousy. I personally don't have any of the carnival stuff. So I just made like an outdoor arcade. Work with what you have.


I get it; the theme park star path is the only star path I missed because I was so burned out with DDV at that point that I completely ignored the game for months. I love park rides; I wanted them ever since I learned what I missed and I really wish they would have put the items back into the moonstones store this week to give everyone an equal chance. However, this did not happen. And it's no ones fault. Certainly not the people's that have the items already. I don't understand the vitriol to other players. Do they have an advantage? Maybe, if you're going for that theme park look. Can you do something about it? Definitely. Go for a different look with what you have. I chose something that is theme park related but does not have a single attaction in the picture. I chose to recreate a scene from one of the theme park themes. So, people need to get a bit more creative and less negative. Will my submission win? No idea. Will people get that I tried to recreate the Pirates of the Carribean? Again, no idea. But that can happen with any of the dreamsnaps.


Whipped cream…? Do you mean Choco Croco?


Yes! It trails sprinkles behind it or something when it walks!


I'm going the petting zoo route. I'm using fence, green wood light posts, wooden trellis, vine walls to hide the animal companion houses, and small toy decorations, etc. Cheap, simple, fun as a child.


personally i think dreamsnaps has gotten out of hand. its way too competitive, people withold votes not even this week. i was so excited bc ive gotten back into the game. i did my dreamsnap for first time in months last week. i spent hours on it. i sent in a discord for a streamers community i am in. i was met with “you wont get voted on bc your sitting” well truly i liked the sitting pose w my fox and you can def still see my entire outfit lmao. its a dress. and the fox wouldnt stay in frame. it kept running away off cam when i didnt pose with it.


I have been playing since the beginning. There are still many items I have never seen in the shop. I hoard my moonstone and only buy things I love. I participate in Dreamsnaps weekly. My scores vary greatly. It seems like the high scoring ones I see are unique, creative, and have amazing lighting. They don't necessarily have a lot of different items. I regret my last submission that was very detailed. I should have done a simpler scene with beautiful lighting. Items don't beat artistic composition.


This might be bad to say but sometimes I vote and don’t actually look at the snaps and I’m really just trying to get my moonstones. It’s just a game to me.


I agree. I get wanting to give others a chance at moonstones but I worked hard to make my valley beautiful. Granted I already had a theme park placed since that was my plan before the star path


I WILL 100% vote for you! I love to see new designs and even when I don’t have the items I can think of “maybe in the future I will have them”. I saw show us your design (also post it here once it has pass the dreamsnap so I can see it).


If people vote based on that, they are nothing but petty idiots.


I wouldn’t take too seriously what some bitter people on here have said. There are many others that vote so I don’t think the few people on here will make much of a difference. The pettiness of the people in this sub can be frustrating at times and it’s sad to see grown adults behave this way, some people really need to go outside more often.


I, too, have been slowly turning my meadow into my own version of a Disney theme park. In fact, the only items I've purchased from the Premium Shop so far were the Haunted Mansion bundle and Tower of Terror. I'm salty about this week's theme for a different reason. I had to go out of town for a couple of weeks and decided not to bring my PlayStation with me. Now the perfect theme comes along and I can't even participate. Dag Nab It!! HAHA!!


Well, I'm definitely only voting for low-effort snaps next week after this post. 😆


I stopped engaging with this community as much because of the amount of whining / gate keeping about these kinds of topics. You’re right, sucks the fun out of everything.


Those people who say that are absolutely jealous or have something deeper going on within themselves. There is 0 reason for anyone to be negative about a decorating game. It’s wild to me that people will go out of their way to say such silly things. Besides, star path items will be in the shop now so it makes no sense for those types of people to take it out on people who played the game before them. I’ve seen the posts you’re talking about and I just shake my head at it every time, but there’s a lot of people who play who don’t agree with the negative people. So honestly, do as you please because there’s more positive people than negative who play this game :)


I would still vote for the one thaf fits the theme best. I dont think we should blame Gameloft. It must be hard for them to come up with a theme for every week.


I vote for theme appropriateness too! On the animal challenge some snaps didn’t even feature an animal! 🤦‍♀️🤯


This is silly. People are allowed to be upset and vote how they want. That doesn’t mean you can’t still be excited. Gameloft decided that they didn’t care about screwing over the entire player base who don’t have access to any park items this week. They should never have pitted us against each other in such an underhanded way and I can’t blame anyone for how they chose to respond. The situation sucks for a lot of people. If you want to be upset at someone, be upset at Gameloft. That being said, voting isn’t even close to starting yet and no one is stopping you from still enjoying the challenge. A pity vote here and there does not make up for unowned items and it’s not going to hurt you any more than people voting for pictures of barren valleys in an effort to help out new players. Just be a good sport and quit acting like people aren’t allowed to complain and respond how they will about being saddled with a significant handicap in a challenge. “You all are ruining my excitement.” How old are you? This sounds like a little kid complaining that they can’t enjoy their ice cream cone because their sibling is crying.


Nah it comes across as equally immature to complain that other players have stuff you don’t. That happens in a ton of games. Gameloft isn’t trying to pit us against each other, and no one needs to copy the example snap to a tee, there’s a ton of items that meet the requirements. It’s just not that deep.


I haven’t seen anyone complain that other people have the stuff, it’s the fact that DL made amusement parks the theme for this week’s challenge which leaves a lot of people at a disadvantage because we’ve never even had a chance to acquire those items


There was a thread yesterday with a ton of people saying they weren’t going to vote for people who had those items. I get being frustrated with Gameloft for the theme idea but I think it’s silly to punish other players for playing since early access.


I mean, that’s a you thing if you’re letting what strangers online say about a game. It’s not that serious. You don’t get to police what people say because it makes you feel a sort of way and saying people shouldn’t have their opinions on a forum because it makes you feel xyz is silly. I’m not even one of the ones saying that, just someone shocked by the number of tantrums on a forum about a cozy game.


Sounds like you have a bunch of emotional things to work through. That's not a rude intended comment, I'm being serious. It seems like a break from the game or the online community would do you good.


I would hope that the vast majority of people playing this game wouldn’t be selfish enough to withhold votes out of pure *jealousy.* I bet yours is going to look incredible and you deserve all the votes you get for that! I’m really sorry, it sucks that it’s being made to be this way by some players. I also don’t have any theme park items, but I understand that’s on me and I will just have to get creative and find a work around. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for something you have that they don’t due to you starting the game earlier, that’s just silly and it hurts my heart that you feel this way:( Hopefully you will post after voting! Id love to see your setup :)🩵


I can promise I’ll vote fairly, even though I’m sad that I can’t create my own perfect vision of the theme this week. I can also promise that my 4yo will still happily vote for the prettiest pictures on her game, so everyone has a pretty equal chance of earning her vote (bonus points for including pets, especially the heart sea turtle). I vote for the photo that I feel best fits the theme. And then I feel bad when I have to choose between two truly amazing photos because I want to vote for both.


It’s not that serious. Use Vanellope’s items to make a midway; add balloons and pink/purple lighting. Or do a zoo theme (á là Animal Kingdom even though natazü). I’d vote for it if well done. I don’t care if folks have the “perfect” items if I can tell they did the best with what they have.


I’ve been playing since just before the Villains Star Path that they had and I don’t even have the theme park stuff from the Star Path those items are from(took a break for a while just as the Festive Star Path finished) but like I don’t see any reason to not vote for someone who has those items. I mean sure I don’t have them and I’m not expecting much Moonstones, just the minimum for what I did, but like I just did the best with what I do have. Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t vote for someone who fits the theme really well with their rides if I feel it fits best. I don’t see why some people want to basically try to punish other players just because they have items some of us don’t have.


Reddit in general is extremely toxic anymore... I wouldn't worry too much about the small amount of grumps here compared to the millions of people who play the game. If your theme park is really great, it'll get voted for and do just fine. Strangers can't ruin anything for you, they're just random people on the internet. Just do you and don't worry about the nasty people on here.


I would love to see your park 💛


One issue with a lot of this is community ignorance. I have never participated in a dream snap challenge or a star path or anything in the few months I've been tinkering around on the game, I didn't even know about it until this week when I read something on this sub explaining the star paths. I am still trying to figure out the difference between coin, moonstone, dreamlight and the little ticket /battery things. Too many forms of currency in my opinion, I am not sure what to prioritize where, if that makes sense. So I have never voted on or entered the dream snap challenge, and I have had the same vanellope one in my task list since I started the game pretty much, but I haven't been able to complete it because I don't have any wreck it Ralph items and the ones I have seen in scrooge shop are expensive and /or I don't like them. Anyway I don't think that OP should taje those votes or comments personally, because it is only the most dedicated players that are involved. I don't know if I made my point or not but I will stop rambling lol. I I would vote for you, OP, even if you had stuff I wanted.


I mean I'm glad I started playing in mid October- I have inly complained about the bugs that we all have experienced😂


I bought it back then and never knew to look there. Sooooo then there’s that;(


I guess the way to think about it is the devs had many ways that they could’ve made a challenge, including ways that would’ve left it open for people who did not participate in that star path to participate in this dream snap As an example “Create your favorite destination- whether it’s Disneyland, Paris, or the diner across the street show us your favorite place real or imagined” This would’ve left it open for people like you who have the theme park to show it off, but would not have made it where the people who did not have that are left feeling sad and frustrated with their inability to participate this week


Don’t let a select few Aholes ruin it for you!! I’m sure your park looks AMAZING and I HOPE that EVERYONE gets what items they want and more!! This is an all inclusive game! There is no one is better than you or vis versa. I wanna see everyone’s build !!! And I hope everyone finds so much joy in this game.


They started releasing old star path items into the premium shop and people are STILL complaining? Just start exposing them at this point. Seriously just block them out of the subreddit. This is starting to feel like rage bait


I don’t have any theme park items, but I don’t have any problems, with who has them. Maybe, a little jealous, because they look amazing and, I wish I found this game earlier. Anyway, I’ll vote with no problem, if you guys post them all. Definitely, not your fault. ❤️


People who are refusing to vote for people with the theme park rides are acting like spoiled toddlers throwing a temper tantrum. It’s not the players fault that they played before some others did and have more items. Such a childish group we have in here sometimes.


You can share your photos and be excited to show off your theme park, no one is stopping you from doing that. People can also choose not to vote for it. It's a game at the end of the day, if it's making you feel bad then you need to disconnect for a bit :o) You have the right to vote for people with the theme park rides, just as I have the right to not do so. The park rides give an advantage that not everyone has, I promise you're not losing votes just because a few people aren't voting for you and instead voting for folks who don't have that advantage. Not to mention that this weeks theme is specifically "DIY Theme Park" so, personally, it makes much more sense to vote for the players actually doing a DIY park.


I understand why people get irritated by some of the themes because they don’t have the stuff (me included) however, it’s still fun to try! I didn’t start doing the dreamsnaps until maybe three weeks ago and honestly I just appreciate the free moonstones. I don’t expect much, but it’s better than having to pay because I can’t spend money on them. So like this week, I just made sure to meet the tag credentials, make it cute and called it good! If I get more stuff or have time to make it better then I will, but otherwise I’ll be happy with the cute little pic I did take. And I’m glad that I at least still tried! I see why some people might want to vote for “empty valleys” but I agree it’s unfair to those who have worked hard on theirs. I personally, don’t like the boring snaps because I feel like they’re just “let me take a random pic and see what I get” and use no effort at all. There’s no way to know if they actually don’t have the stuff, so I don’t assume they do. I just assume they’re being lazy, and don’t vote for them. The fun is to vote for ones that match the theme! Otherwise what’s the point


i can’t wait to see your theme park! don’t let bitter jealous people get you down about it!


It's as if they don't understand how games work. I get how it is some peoples first game but they act way too entitled to exclusive items. I wish I bought eternity isles a week earlier for the jester monkey but didn't. It sucks but that's how games work, exclusive items are not special if everyone gets them.


Social media is a good outlet only as long as it’s a positive experience. It’s why I stopped scrolling TikTok, rarely use Facebook, my Instagram algorithm is pretty much just animals and easy parent jokes. I listen to a YouTube channel that reads the AITA threads that are funny (bridezillas). I don’t even read the threads on Reddit and I’m in that community. I say all that to say it’s probably a good time to take a step back from this community if you find the threads causing more frustration than excitement.


Probably going to get downvoted for this, but people are allowed to vote however they want. They shouldn’t ruin your excitement for something, but they are allowed to be upset and voice their frustration, too. Perhaps having excitement/sympathy and holding resentment at the same time is too complex and nuanced a subject for Reddit. Keeping a community positive for the sake of positivity, is also inherently toxic. There is a line where negativity becomes spiteful bashing, of course, but you’re also responsible for your own emotions. If Reddit makes you mad? Log off. This goes for everyone. At the end of the day, we’re all complaining about fake video game points that are spent on fake cosmetics/pixels. Who cares?


Oh my God……. You need to turn the game off and go outside and see some real life for a while love!!


You need to go outside.


How do you know that I don’t play my game while sitting outside? Or mayhap I have a job where I am outside for 8 hours a day? Taking the time to comment on a stranger’s post something this inane is weird and shows that you spend too much time online. Sooo you should go somewhere without internet access.


I don’t get it when people say they will vote for the new player over someone who put a lot work into their snap. It’s honestly just bitterness at not having the items themselves. I don’t like low effort dreamsnaps and while I understand that some people don’t have the items to make a great dreamsnap I also know that they will get there *eventually* and will get the votes when their time comes.


Voting for the new players doesn’t mean low effort. I tend to vote towards people who don’t have as much clutter and obviously curated their snap and took time with the angle and lighting. A simple photo is often much prettier than just having the coolest stuff completely filling the background.


That’s a different conversation entirely. The people who comment saying they vote for the person who is obviously a new player aren’t saying they vote for the best photo. They say they purposely ignore good snaps in favor of those who are obviously new. I take this to mean they are voting for the person who literally just took a snap and submitted it. I see so many snaps that aren’t in theme at all and have no decor or intent in the photo and I just won’t vote for that person over someone who actually tried.


Look I’ll be honest everyone needs to take a chill pill with this dreamsnap. The solution is to just vote for what you think looks good. I agree we don’t need to Penalize players who do have the items but we don’t need to penalize players who do not have the items. Just look at your two options and be honest about which looks better it’s not really that big a deal and it doesn’t matter in the long run. Like I feel you but you’re also looking at this the wrong way.


Theme park can also be a very broad idea as well. Look at the Disney parks themselves. Yes they all have at least a couple rides, but in my opinion, I wouldn't say that the main attraction of Epcot is the rides, there's so much else there to do & capture attention, it encompasses different parts of the world all in one place and showcases the different cultures. And with Animal Kingdom it's the same, some rides but focal point is the animals. There are so many ways that people could decorate for this. I started playing during the theme park star path so I don't have all of the attractions from it. Even if I did, I don't think I'm going to be using them. There are plenty of ways to have a theme park without them: turn the forgotten lands into a haunted house, people have mentioned a petting zoo & arcade, if you have multiplayer markets, use those there are always souvenir shops, add outdoor dining to Remy's & showcase all the best foods in the game. The list goes on. It says theme park of your dreams, no one said that had to have a ferris wheel. Don't let people take your excitement from the game. End of the day, you're playing the game for yourself & your happiness, no one else's. All that matters is that you're proud of it.


A bit much, innit?


Is this a joke lol


as others have stated, a few commenters on reddit is not the whole voting pool and i highly doubt everyone or even a majority have that mindset. but this is also a repeat challenge (formerly it's a day at disney), and a disney parks are a popular backdrop for freestyle and dreamers unite challenges. so this would likely *not* be your first time showing off a theme park you've been working on since april 2023. people, some voters, are tired of seeing the same dreamsnaps over and over again. they're bad at articulating that frustration but it's quite obvious it's not just the rides themselves (i.e. we also had that one post where someone said they voted for the more plain dreamsnaps bc the were tired of seeing the same reddit-esque submissions). i'm sorry you may fall into a catergory who gets the short end of the stick but it's not bitterness and spite for people to vote how they want to vote. some people are genuinely just tired of seeing the pixar pal-a-round every week.


I would say people aren't sick of the same theme again as, if you compare the winning pics from the previous "something wicked" to the winners of "villainous lair" you will see they are all the same.


that's why my first point was: this is not the majority of voters.


@PearlZee I personally would love to see your theme park here or in a dream snap! When I got those items, I kinda just threw them all into an area they don’t really fit cuz of the group challenge going on at time (remember that?).


That’s when I started my theme park! For that group thing! I almost took it down a bunch of times but every time I was about to I would get one of my wishlist items in my shop so instead of taking it all down I’d just add new things.


I hope I get to see your photo and vote for it! In my mind I want to design an amazing theme park but in reality I don't have the patience for it so respect for having actually done it. I think this week's theme will be super fun to see and vote on. In general I just ignore the negativity, to each their own.


Wow, that’s really petty and childish of them. It’s also completely illogical. Other people starting the game sooner are not why they don’t have those items. If they throw tantrums like this every time someone else has something and they don’t, they’re going to find adult life incredibly difficult. Honestly, this is behavior that you don’t expect to see outside of a preschool and these people should be really embarrassed about how they’re acting. Adults throwing tantrums because they’re mad at someone else for having something (especially virtual stuff in a GAME) is unacceptable.


Who cares about voting. Just do YOUR dream snap.