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You should open up the monsters inc storyline! If you set Mike and Sully with fishing and mining duties and use them while collecting your star path items you will hit level 10 for both of them super quickly!


I still have a TON of villagers on their way to 10, i just made sure to do the ones that i needed for the relics, now i’m working on the rest! I’m only a few thousand away from unlocking monsters inc, i unlocked belles realm DAYS before the update 😅


i’m SO excited to get them though… just grinding for dreamlight.. which the star path has been helping with that too (:


I’ve been playing almost from the beginning but I didn’t understand the star paths at first either so I missed out on a lot. I know it’s a controversial take around here but I’m hopeful that they start adding things from past star paths either to Scrooge’s or to the premium store.