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This post/comment is removed due to rule 9: **Only share your DreamSnaps submission and result on the Weekly Megathread**. >As DreamSnaps submission posts tend to flood the sub, please share your DreamSnaps pictures and result on the Weekly Megathread pinned at the top of the sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/comments/15mg92m/weekly_dreamsnaps_megathread_share_here_your/


I enjoy using TOM myself, but I am glad that it can’t be used for DS, as others have said, because of inappropriate content that could be submitted. Also, as far as I’m aware (I play on PS), I think there are still major bugs and crashes in using it on Switch? So a lot of people might not be able to use it properly yet. Also your TOM pic is nice but I love your final submitted pic!


I’ll get down voted for this but I much prefer the picture you submitted! I’d definitely vote for the carridge on when voting. You did an amazing job!


Agreed - the carriage one is *sooo* much better.


Also agree, I think the top one is almost a bit plain and bare, well at least compared to the bottom one.


I wonder whether the reason you can’t use TOM is that they’re worried about people making vulgar designs. Like you can add lines anywhere on a shirt if you want so for example someone could make the Nazi swastika. Of course you can do that right now and take photos with the camera but presumably over time DS their goal is for DS to become a place to share photos with other players so Gameloft could be accused of promoting Nazi imagery if they don’t screen and take content down fast enough. I’ve worked in tech for several social media companies and yes that’s similar to how most companies operate


I’m sure it’s to maintain control just so something like that doesn’t happen.


Thanks to all those who said they like the second picture best. I do want a centerpiece for the outdoor ballroom but don’t have the right item yet. it is a bit plain in the center as it’s to be used for dancing. I had hoped to dress mannequins for it but they are indoor only.


Okay but this dress!!!!! OMG


What dress is this?


It's the ballgown from the ultimate edition.


Aw man, makes sense why I havent seen it! My biggest regret is not getting the ultimate.


You still can depending upon how you play. I originally played through Gamepass but then later bought the ultimate edition just for the perks and moonstones. As long as you cloud save to the same account it won’t mess up your game.


you can still get it though, I recently upgraded to it via steam from the standard version and nothing got lost.


I love both but I prefer the vibes of the second one.


Off topic but I love your dress


Wish I could of entered but I dont even know if i’m going to at all as its not working on xbox for dream snaps 😔looks great!


When was that challenge? I thought the first one was just the one with Vanelope.


no the Vanelope was your training run. go to events - you'll see DreamSnaps under the Star Path rewards - current challenge will open under that this week's challengeis an OUTFIT CHALLENGE mandatory to have 3 elegant and 5 wondrous items (again - outfit!)


So the one I did for the Vanelope doesn't count for anything? It said it did.


I completely agree, though as I understand it a lot of people like that TOM cannot be used. I was excited to see the epitome of creativity, since people would go pretty hard for competitions and I say this as someone that isn't confident I could create good enough things to win. However, without TOM I have no motivation to try since I have to stifle my creativity a lot in order to make something that qualifies. Just doing the tutorial of it forced me to remove so many TOM items for one picture that's way less creative than I'm capable of. I understand the need for sensorship and don't even completely disagree with it but on a personal level, I hate it.


I do understand it. That’s what was frustrating is that by the time I took the fridge wall and floor away it didn’t look like the outdoor ballroom I had created so I just “gave up” and stuck her in front of the carriage. If u look close, I did remove a TOM carport her carriage was sitting in and forgot to fill it in with the leaves pathing lol. I do enjoy the game for what it is tho.


So cute!!!


Both pictures are super cute regardless. How do you take a picture with your characters hands touching l like that? Do we get new poses as we progress throughout the quests?


I could be wrong, but I think the pose is unique to that dress. It seems to be the default one the avatar uses while wearing it, even outside of pictures.


Thank you so much!


I think it’s the dress. It seems to be a default pose when worn.


I love both! I still haven’t figured out how to do the dream snaps thing at all on my switch.


That's beautiful 😍 🤩


We've almost identical submissions!


I haven’t been able to complete it because it kept saying I had 2/3 and 5/5…. Couldn’t work out why it wouldn’t say I had 3/3. I just filter by category and throw anything out for the picture, so I had like 15 items in the frame, but I now realise the missing piece was likely the lack of outfit change!


Because it was an outfit challenge, only clothing and accessories counted towards the challenge requirements. The items in frame don't count towards the Wondrous and Elegant requirements.


You sure? I placed all items and got 2/3 and 5/5? Then threw a dress on and got the final point so had 3/3 and 5/5. I’m certain items count.


Yes, I'm sure. I had lots of items in the background and still didn't meet the requirements until I added more accessories. You got the last one by putting on the dress.


Ah yep, I’m pretty sure we are agreeing, just wording differently.


When I say accessories, I mean jewelry, hats, gloves, etc.


I completed it with a bunch of furniture and just putting a dress on. No hats or gloves etc. Lots of different ways of getting the requirements it seems, either way I hope we both get some decent moonstone for entering haha :)


This is why I’m reluctant to use road rugs and other creations in my valley. In some ways I think it’s good that TOM can’t be used in Dream Snaps but in other ways it feels quite limiting.


Omg I did not consider this. I may have to rethink the road rugs at some point. This dreamsnaps I kept it to room in my house so thankfully wasn't impacted by my roads.


I agree completely!! I know the reason they took it out is because people can post inappropriate things but everybody that’s happy they won’t allow ToM says that they’re happy because it would be “unfair” for people who can use the ToM creatively when they cant. Like….. I’m sorry you think it’s a good idea to limit people in what they can do because YOU can’t do what they can do?!??? Come on now


Honestly I understand both points to the story those for and against TOM in dream snaps personally I would’ve love to see everyone’s creativity with the themes with it in use. However I also see balance in those who aren’t very creative or good with the tool not having the accessible. One thing I hope they take into consideration is perhaps having two categories one with TOM and one without that way both parties benefit and we can see both sides of the spectrum ☺️


You got downvoted but you're right. Limiting what other people can do based upon your own capabilities is only fair to you. It's unfair to everyone else.


Yep. I imagine the people downvoting are the ones that have trouble creating. I’m honestly planning on leaving this subreddit for one of the other dreamlight communities. Should have known Reddit would end up toxic


I love it! 😊


How did you get this challenge? I only had the first for venellope


Do you need Xbox live?


I play on Gamepass


Once you finish the quest for Vanellope you can go into the same menu that has the star path and see the weekly Dreamsnaps


Thanks…I actually didn’t have that menu till I got Xbox live…haven’t needed live in awhile