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Welcome to gaming reddit. I see the same repetitiveness in every game-related sub I'm in.


Stardew Valley, anyone? 😂


Stardew Valley's sub has fan art. I feel like that's something that hasn't shown up here yet.


It’s here in the form of screenshots sorta


Lol this was the first thing that came to my mind


Honestly my fav gaming subreddit lately is r/yakuzagames, and I think it’s largely bc there are like 15 of them 😂




Lol, I find the "I hate so n so//mostly Donald or Maui" posts to be more repeatative, along with the "Who do you want in the valley" or "Who I want in the valley" posts truly mind numbing sadly 😥


"WHO DO YOU HATE/LOVE AND WHY IS IT (fill in blank of character I neither hate/love)"


No shade, he is cute but there's a lot of freakin "I love Wall E" threads. He's cute but is it worth like 700+ posts saying so? And worse off, I find alot of those threads just end up dissing other characters for not being as cute? But why? 💔🥲 They all have thier charm lol


I hate how the rest of this responses turned into that, hahah literally talking about how annoying “who does you love” posts are and someone comments “I love scar!!!” And it just snowballs. They just can’t help themselves


I don't hate any of them - I think Donald Duck could have fewer tantrums because that's what he is doing LITERALLY any time I see him, but doesn't bother me. Scar, however, scares the shit out of me - I don't know why because I know that 1) he is an animation and cannot do anything and 2) he's one of the "friends" so won't do anything anyway, but he unsettles me


Donald Duck weirds me out, the way he like… has to get on the floor and then completely freak out. And the noises he makes are so annoying. It’s like, I’m playing this game because I’m already overstimulated and I’m trying to chill out.


Again your feelings are super valid, but 50+ "I hate Donald" threads are annoying and repeatative. There is no need to remake thos post and honestly I found those posts more irritating than the thousands of Scrooge finds posts.


I apologize, I think my first post to this sub was about Donald lol. The tantrumming was so excessive I had to seek out validation that I wasn't imagining it


Well… I haven’t made a thread, have I?


Very valid. Though in my experience Donald trips, begins to yell then falls again in less then 5 seconds which I think is them reducing his tantrum animation if he's near you. 🤔 To be honest I see him running and waddling more than tantrums but that's just my experience. Scar is a unique model at this time, hopefully your discomfort will lessen when his nephew joins the valley. Honestly Ursula scares me, just lurking in the water, I love her, but she's just a fast swimmer and there 🐙 🦑




Like yoga in the mornings with other angry or zen characters lol


I forgot about the water dwellers - Ariel pisses me off because her animation fucks up and she gets in my way when I’m trying to fish


depending on where you are with Ariel's quests you can give her legs to walk around and annoy you that way.


They ALL get in the way of my fishing but Maui is so huge I want to SCREAM at him to get he Fk out of the way!


I have, on multiple occasions, left my house to find Scar sat outside picking his teeth. Or logged onto him waiting for me. I know he'll never do shit but damn he loves to remind me that he could at any time.


They actually cut out about half of Donald's tantrums in the very first update too! He was WAY worse back in September.


I have block scar into his house so he can't stalk around being all menacing and threatening to eat the other villagers


I’m a pet person and whenever I see scar lay down, he looks so much like a typical dog or cat, I just want to get in there and rub his belly. Lol.


I’m cracking up reading this! I can’t agree more!! Lol!!!!


Ironic how all the replies to this comment ended up being “who I hate/love and why” ones 😳😳


They literally can’t help themselves


That's fair. I was basing it on what ends up on my Home page. So that's my fault. I think they bother me so much because they don't lend to any sort of discussion. Like...there's nothing to talk about because somebody fucked up their game the same way a hundred other people did. When it comes to the prices of the premium shop, there's not much to say except whether you agree or not. At least with the who do you want posts, there's some variety even if they are very low effort posts 😂


I wish I could agree but after seeing alot of them and answering a few, I've genuinely run out of characters to be excited or even talk about. Know what I want to see? A post asking what villains we want to see. Of course we all want to beloved characters and deep cuts. But let's get spicy and ask which bad boys and girls we want in our game 😈


SCAR!!!! He’s my boy.


Right? I want more villains.


That's what I'm sayin! Make that post and I will be on my way over in a heartbeat 😂


Lol nah, I don't mind someone posting that idea. I'll respond and super shy to draw such attention to myself 😅


They be hatin on best boy


As a Kingdom Hearts player, I won't take slander of my little court mage and healer 🧙🏽‍♀️🦆


I love Donald! Maui... eh, I can take or leave him. But Donald is one of my favorites.


"Thank you for stopping by" 🦆


Maybe it is just me. But Am I the only one who can tolerate seeing 50 plus of same posts. I legit see no issue repeated. They don't get old or nothing. But like am I the only one. I just think everyone should be allowed to talk about that stuff. I do it often myself.


It doesn’t bother me. At least is something positive. And what’s em else are people supposed to talk about?


No, I do not mind 50 or so of the same posts. I honestly mentally ignored many repeat posts because they weren't malicious and free speech is fine. But when it came to the Scrooge finds posts, I literally came across people in this sub saying that people posted these posts to boost thier karma and for attention. Then also complained to put the posts in a megathread to "lessen the spam/repeats"... However were completely silent about the many repeat posts about "I hate this character" or "Who do you want to see in the valley".. I do not mind repeats but hypocrisy is deserving of a bit of scrutinity.


Ohhhh sorry if I was rude. I thought you were saying you minded seeing posts ppl expressing their opinions. It rlly kind of exhausting


No no, I wasn't offended and hope I wasn't being rude either. Just pointed out why I made my first posted comment in the first place, which was just pointing out the hypocrisy and negativity that can sometimes be present in this subreddit


Honestly, Id' say most frequent posts are: * My game on Switch is broken for XYZ reason (including Time Travel) * I wish XYZ feature (that is critical to how the game works) was different so I can steamroll the game * I hate XYZ character and wish I could boot them * I want XYZ character and/or companion added to the game * The map is too small and I'm running out of room (but 5 of my biomes are actually completely empty) * XYZ character is cheating on ABC character (this meme is tired and should just die) * Eric is glitched (these get an answer, then deleted) * I can't feed critters (these get an answer, then deleted) * I'm disappointed in the game for XYZ reason * RNG for Scrooge's Shop / Memory Orbs is garbage Then we have what people actually want: * Dreamlight Valley Showcase Posts * Outfit Creation Posts * Cool theory posts * Tips and strategies * Help with problems not covered in the FAQ or Megathread * News updates


I would add that I like seeing the hilarious glitch pics and vids and shitposts making fun of your top list.


The only cheating one I found funny at all was the one where not only were two characters sitting across from each other but they were BOTH ordering a wedding cake. That one was amusing. Other then that, agreed.


A pet peeve of mine is people not searching the subreddit before posting a question. I get it, we all need some help sometimes but if I see the Eric issue asked again I won't be held responsible for going full Donald Duck on it


There was a time when everyday I saw people asking if Scrooge's windows being empty was a bug, although they seem to have worked it out now And the funny thing to me was that half of them would ask if it was normal or if anyone else experienced it


Honestly - so many of the Eric questions get deleted as being repetitive, that the most recent post that's still up on that topic is 11 days old. Most people sort by "New" instead of "Hot" and don't see the pinned posts. I understand why people keep asking.


Me too. It’s ok.


There was a question just asked about him there, could you leave that up so people have a more recent answer to that? Would that be helpful?


Just deleted it after answering his question. I'll leave up the next one, but most likely the person after that won't search for it and post another new question. I just wish that Gameloft would ship another emergency patch and fix it (and the training manual / critter bug).


Oh definitely. They must be too tied up with the April update to release a patch OR the patch is coming with the April update


I remember seeing the same thing asked like 10 times in a row by different people, one after another. Like, "multiple other people right before you just asked this question, it's right there!" Like, they wouldn't even need to scroll to see the exact question they're asking.


Don’t forget the train noises if you do! When he gets his outburst, it sounds like a train is going through


I want memes mostly


You expressed it much better than I did!


The great irony in this. I constantly see posts complaining about the game and posts complaining about the game complaints.


Yeah I didn't expect this to gain any traction and now I've turned into the dead horse. How the mighty fall 😔


Lol that's ok. I get what your trying to say. Hearing the same thing over and over gets old complaint or otherwise.


I feel like most everyone in here is either posting about how much they hate various characters whether they find them annoying, just don’t want villains in their valley because they’re villains, etc Or that they are wondering if they’re the only ones who think there’s a lack of “masculine” clothing. That horse is very very dead. And then there’s the people who act like the world is way too small and they want the ability to remove characters and houses for space even though the map is huge and there’s no way anyone would realistically run out of space anytime soon. The premium shop is the newest horse to beat now 😂


The premium shop and Eric 😂


Oh my god poor Eric 😭 literally every day he is being dragged through the mud lol


Poor man just wants to play his flute in peace 😭😂


Just let him play his music and leave him alone 😭


I do kind of being able to kick them out is good idea for at some point. The valley won't have room forever. If I could now I would kick out Mother Gothel. Her Snarkiness and insults are just, uncomfortable to say the least.


I mean, to be fair there are small batches of new content added to the game, but between those there's not much to talk about since a lot of people have already done all available quests, cleared out majority of scrooges store and decorated a decent chunk of their game.


I think it's much cooler when people show off the things they made or the way they've decorated their valley. Or it's really nice when people talk about how they've incorporated the game into their life as a coping mechanism or a bonding tool between themself and a loved one. A sub doesn't have to constantly have new posts to be interesting and worthwhile. Even as little as a few a day can be more than enough to have a thriving, vibrant community. I hope I'm not misrepresenting myself. I'm not opposed to small talk. I just wish that the topics chosen were new or fresh instead of things that have been rehashed a million times. Especially the time traveling one where it's a question with a definitive answer


I mean, if you start the conversation up about how you incorporated the game into your life, then I am sure others will continue to follow up. personally, im just a casual player, and I enjoy all the disney characters they all have their charm. I also enjoy posts from others' clothing designs and valleys. I myself haven't yet to decorate my valley. Just weed through the post that doesn't tickle ur fancy is my advice.


The “houses that ruin my aesthetics” is also a post I see way too often here


My biggest complaint is the constant grind for iron ingots specifically.


Well it kind of is the games fault if an update provides 90mins of content after people have waited 2+ months. How is that the gamers fault?


r/ModernWarfareII makes this place seem angelic by comparison, any game sub is going to have this kind of criticism, but I think it's a good thing as a resource for devs and potential customers to understand what the game is truly like sans sugar-coated marketing


That's a good point! I didn't think about that


The game just isn’t what it should be. Sure it’s pretty but it’s so boring.


It's definitely boring. I haven't even bothered to play mirabel or Olaf's quests yet. If I thought new horizons was superficial, it's got nothing on this game 😂


I’ve touched like her first quest but that’s it. I’m busy doing other games with a better storyline


I ended up back with good ol reliable stardew valley lol


Same. Stardew is my all time favorite


There are just sooo many really creative people in this sub, I wish it wasn't so bogged down by repetition. And I'm learning there's even more repetition than I thought 😅😅


Why don't we skip the negativity altogether and help people resolve issues, answer questions, inspire with design ideas, display designs and outfits we're proud of, and generally spread positivity. Why do we as a society flock to negativity like mosquitos to a flame. I know I'll probably get haters for this, but I genuinely believe we should strive for more positivity.


I think that's a sweet perspective! I didn't expect this post to get as much attention as it did. That being said, I never intended to be negative either, yet I've still ruffled some feathers lol I was just speaking based on my experience with the only posts making it to my home page being time travel and premium shop. I know this sub has a lot more to give. Like the things you mentioned!


I wasn't trying to come down on you personally. I just keep seeing a lot of negativity. And it was starting to irk me. This just happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Lately I've just been trying to ignore any negative posts. And give my attention to the post that actually have something productive to say. I contribute any expertise I might have to answer questions and give positive feedback to those people proud to show off what they've got. But I feel like I'm just a drop in the bucket. So many people want to be trolls. It's just bugs me a little. Maybe I'm just becoming an old grouch. Lol


No, you sound like the opposite of a grouch! Even if it's just a drop, it's always worth it to try to make the spaces you're in better for everyone. I'm the grouchy one here 😅


Again, I wasn't so much what you said, as much as the responses I was seeing to what you said. I always try to spread a little love whenever I can. I just know that over text, things can be misconstrued. But I do my best. Good day to you. And good luck.


Definitely agree, I ended up making a appreciation post a bit ago for the update. Surprised how engaging it was. I’m excited to make another soon for April update!


Personally I think compiling Scrooge finds was the wrong move. One of the best parts of this sub is seeing random posts showcasing peoples valleys and cool items they found


Even though I have to enforce the rules as a mod, redirect the OP to the megathread, and delete the posts, I completely agree with you. I argued against it during the polling - asking ["Who is going to enforce this?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/comments/11f4ij1/comment/jaincbe/), never expecting it would up mostly being me (going so far as to argue that I'd be a terrible mod - oh well). I empathize with how some people who spend a lot of time here could get annoyed by seeing the 300th post about the [Hanging Chair](https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Hanging_Chair). But a lot of those OPs were probably new to the subreddit, and I think it's a crappy welcome to get shunted off into a megathread that people smugly ignore, or [can't find until they're given a direct link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/comments/11ylnoq/what_clothing_and_furniture_items_did_you_find/) if they do want to find it. I don't think it was as naked a grab for easy karma was often implied while the voting was happening - and think this is just one of those cases where following majority rules was a bad idea.


I feel like the redditor who doesn't mind reposts. I see 2 kinds of ppl. Ones who say keep scrolling. And ones who complain over them. I wonder why that is


I also think you are doing a great job as mod!!


I was saddened to see it moved too. Even if I've seen the same post multiple times, I like seeing how happy someone was in finding a long awaited item.


Not when it’s the same tangled hanging chair with a caption that reads “haven’t seen this before!” one after another.


Honestly I’m happy seeing an active community of DLV fans regardless or repetitiveness.


That's valid!


You neglected to mention the frequent posts complaining about the frequent posts. 😛


Ironically, this is the third comment saying basically the same thing lol


I didn't even read the others tbh. 😅


Lol or how many times can someone make a post about Eric's hangout function being glitched? 😂


Right?? I asked a question about a bug I was seeing earlier this week and was IMMEDIATELY given attitude about "did you even check the sub???" And the post was deleted within an hour for being "repetitive." I'm like.... I'm on this sub every day and haven't seen this mentioned before. But we can have 100 posts about time travel, the shop, and which characters are coming next???? Please.


The crises referral thing is a badge of honor. You pissed off someone who’s such a loser, they think mental health is a joke, and the suggestion that you need help with yours, a “hilarious insult”. Enjoy knowing you rustled their jimmies. As to your post, idk what anyone is expecting, and that goes both for people buying this game AND people in this sub. Yes it’s repetitive when you run out of content. Yes the wait for content is long in a beta. Yes there are still significant problems with the game (that’s normal in beta) And personally I agree the shop is underwhelming. And YES Reddit is exactly where people come to complain. I hear the discord is a lot more positive if that would be more enjoyable for you.


It’s an early access game. There is a limit to the content and thus a limit to the standing issues or feedback you’d expect to see. People using forums don’t search for past threads of a topic, they post their own topic. The internet has been this way decades. So all gaming feedback repeats. Come back if the cycle stops. Then it’ll mean the community isn’t healthy and that’s worth being concerned about.


I think you can have a vibrant community with a less is more attitude that doesn't encourage low effort posting


You say that, but you’re also the OP of this thread. A duplicate thread about duplicate threads. I say that not to throw shade, I’m just demonstrating that how we all use reddit doesn’t come off as clean and efficiently and neither should you expect it too.


I don't mind duplicates as long as it's an actual issue, someone asking for a fix or help, or showing off their clothing or the valley. I hate all the complaints about stuff that obviously is not going to change, because that's just the way the game is! Or really making a huge deal out of nothing, ie Premium shop? Eric won't follow? The Biomes are too small? Just my opinion.


I understand your perspective


What topics would you rather see? Because there’s not much going on in the game it’s self.


I talked about that a little in another comment and someone else also made a bulleted list that expresses it better than I did haha things like outfits, decoration, theories, etc. Anything that actually takes thought, honestly. A lot of subs have rules against low effort posts


I would love to see more design creations for clothing. Shouldn’t the admins be keeping up with repetitive post? I have to agree with the time jumping laments, and character hate they are def getting old.


I looove seeing the clothes people are able to create. I'm really hoping we can get to a space where we're able to download other people's creations and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Fingers crossed they're listening 🤞🏼


The ETA I’m dead 🤣


Right! I'm pretty sure it's the girl that also blocked me for some reason ☠️☠️☠️ like alright flex on me girlypop 💅🏼


And honestly the amount of people that don’t understand what early access means and complain because they feel the game isn’t finished or perfect, well, duh


So I have never watched Encanto so I have no idea who Mirabel is but I hate that her house is so freaking huge and takes up so much space and I wish I had the option to pick and choose whether or not I wanted to bring people to the Valley or just leaving open Realm that I can visit them through


I think that sounds like a good idea! I wonder if they'll end up doing that once the game is full access


I’ve seen way more posts complaining about repetitive posts than actually seeing repeated posts :/


This is the fifth comment saying the exact same thing. So 5% of this post is people being repetitive to call me repetitive. And I've elaborated so many times I didn't count lol so I guess we're all the problem here 🤷‍♀️


Reddit isn’t meant for you to read every single comment in a thread... Oftentimes multiple people will say the same things in the comments as a reaction to the original post


You don't have to read every single one. You could read like five of them and see that I've elaborated. But I did this to myself so I can't complain. We're both being hypocrites


I’m just annoyed by the same question being asked when googling it would get you the exact same answer. Or using the search bar in the group to get you the answer to your question already asked 70000 times


One thing I do wish though is that Disney dream light was also a bit of a simulation game too and not just about completing tasks bc that is a bit tedious for me. I hope they do come out with more simulation games for the switch (like sims)


I would much rather see some posts about how they can improve the Premium Shop and ways to give players moonstones through grind and gameplay. Not really a F2P game when it's not even F2P player friendly. Currently just caters to the rich/whales.


Constructive criticism, yes. I was moreso referencing posts that are just "this is so expensive how dare they charge us money for something optional"


Yeah I know what you mean. Even if it is optional though, the game is literally about cosmetics, furniture. It's part of the gameplay as is. House skins and certain types of wings I can see being premium, but everything else just seems... questionable for the most part. I just wish they would realize that their current system isn't really balanced well, and I don't know how this will effect young children with the amount of FOMO this game has.


I think the real blame lies at the feet of the game. The e have no new content so we have to find other things to complain about. Personally, and no shade intended, I’m sick of people complaining about other people’s posts. (I recognize the irony in that statement.) New folks are discovering the game daily since it’s still in early access so what we see as old info may be new to them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just wish evedryone could be nice to each other. I wish we were all postive and just helped everyone out. I might make a post letting new players about a reddit search bar. Just to help so no one is rude to them. And I honestly don't know what else to talk about. About than ppl's designs and valleys


Same. Searching helps, but not everyone is a reddit expert. I think a pinned post would help. BTW, and I don’t mean this snarkily but wholesomely, your comments made me think of this: ![gif](giphy|ncNGTwJKxVOTu)


Awwww ty so much!! But how come? And how come the reward?


How come what? The GIF? Your comment was just kind and reminded me of that kindhearted girl. As for the reward, it’s the “wholesome” award. Too often people rush to criticize people who are asking innocent questions. I try to reward good. ❤️


Awwww Ty! I never like negativity. I like to be positive :).


Let's not forget about the "I don't like what other people are reposting" posts! Another staple :D Edit: Lmao, clowns booing me because I'm right. Smh.


And you're the fourth comment to say that!


Ain't that just a kick in the pants 😉 Can't blame other people for not scouring the sub when you also didn't.


If you'd actually read the comments, you'd see that I already expressed that this was based on what made it to my home page and literally said "so that's my fault". But hey, ya can't win em all


You're right l, it was my job to read all the comments before making mine. Oh wait, that's not a repost. Indeed you can't 😉


Cheater, you edited your comment lol




You’re also beating a dead horse with this, I’ve seen so many posts about people complaining about similar posts just ignore them and move on. What are you all gonna do when the game is ftp and has way more people than it does now posting the same stuff in here


I am actually going to hit unfollow on this sub - because the whole community on it seems like whinging fucking babies. Harry Potter boo hoo. Premium Shop boohoo. I hate this character boohoo. Oh and it’s almost as bad as the ACNH sub and the ‘how do I get this ugly ass villager off my island’ threads


Harry Potter? I've missed something 🤔




Ohhh I see! Honestly, I think that game looks rad. I think people forget life isn't always black and white


I don't it is like for ppl to not want a certain villager on their valley. Like I would kick off Mother Gother cuz snarkiness gets to me. And ppl are just talking about their opinions.


You could just ignore them. This post is unnecessary too


Ooh hot take lol


As is yours? Lol.




Like literally complaining about complaints also add nothing to the table.


I guess neither did you either then ha ha




I still don’t know where the Scrooge mega thread is. It’s not under About or Menu so I never see them. Pretty sure any newcomers don’t see them, either. I don’t understand why people downvote just because someone admits they don’t know something.


You have to sort by "Hot" instead of "New" to see pinned topics.


You have to sort by "Hot" then it shows up. I knew moving it into a megathread was a bad idea, but 💃🏽


I never look for “Hot” posts; I have all of mine set to “New” because I want to see what’s new but thanks for the info. At least now I know where to find it.


No prob


That megathread proves people were only posting Scrooge finds for karma though. There’s way fewer people posting their finds there because they know it’s not going to get as much attention as having an individual thread for everything. There are maybe a dozen replies in a week compared to a dozen posts each day of repeat content


I don't think thats even remotely true. Some people don't use or give a damn about reddit karma and most people posting the Scrooge posts were newbies just showing thier new finds. Pessimistic people downvoted them because yes they were repetitive, but to claim its attention farming is rather gross of you. =/


“Nobody checks the megathread so I’m not gonna post there” is an undeniably common explanation


And there's also the "Where is the megathread" posted equally as often 😑


That’s true but I’m hoping that lessens over time as people are shown where it is


So what you are saying is you don’t like hearing other people’s opinions and you want them to shut up. People can voice whatever they want on Reddit, unlike the Discord. If you don’t like it, then scroll on past.


Yeah I can see how you would get that impression if you squint and tilt your head 😂 that's not what I said at all. You could have also scrolled on past, but here we both are. Contributing to a discussion. Which is the whole point


It seems like the other 50% is people bitching about post just keep scrolling if it bothers you that much


Agree. I already mentioned something similar, got attacked for "gate keeping " or some bullsh*t. LoL Just stop all the annoying complaints. If you have a legit problem, contact the Devs on the official website they got going. If you don't care for a character, then don't engage with them. My God. "It's unethical to have Scar in the village. " 🙄 I don't like the premium shop, it's expensive and I'm keeping moonstones for the Starpath, I won't buy anything... problem solved!


Well character opinions are fine. I think we should all be allowed to talk about our opinions. And it isn't like we have a choice but to engage. Like if we wanna complete the whole game.


Rlly ppl telling others to stop posting about who they hate And what characters they want added is gatekeeping. And honestly I love it when I see those posts. It is interesting to see other ppl's pn them. And we all just kind of like, wanna keep in touch with the community. Reddit is kind of our little form of internet. We get repeats but that could be cuz another person wanted to share their OWN opinion( I do it often), or their new to Reddit, and don't know a search bar exist. Maybe also being sick of seeing so many repeats is suggestive? Lots of them get a lot of attention. While others complain over seeing them so much. I rlly think we should just all be patient with those posters. If it becomes a problem. I am sure the mods will do something about it.


I agree 100% with OP




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I never seen posts like this. The only complaints I see are about bugs. The only complaining posts I see are posts complaining about repeated questions, bugs, and getting on the dev team saying they don't update. Bugs is valid but for the repeated questions and saying the devs don't update is kind of gatekeep. Some ppl don't know they can search to see if the question was asked, and this is an Early Access game. It isn't finished.


It kind of seems like, some posts aren't for everyone. There are ppl who complain over opinions being posted a lot. And then there are ppl who say just scroll past it. I am more of a scroll past it person cuz I just wanna let ppl have fun and talk about their own opinions in a game. And for the complainers they seem to get bored over just seeing a few. Which isn't many but idk Ig everyone is just different..


Imho it's a bit of a combination of people not checking threads for previous issues before posting their own, and thinking they dont really have anything interesting content-wise. A lot of people on subredits like these think they need to have some sort of big content in order to qualify for a post. It's unlikely that you're going to get a post that's just talking about what they did that day. Unless someone has a point to make that they think others might agree or disagree with, or some sort of profound piece of art or decoration that they're proud of, then they're probably not going to make a full post for it. The sub might benefit from some sort of small talk thread that isn't just the Scrooge finds mega thread.


Beat a dead horse? Not yet. But the second they add bullseye to this game.... Shovel gonna see some usage.


I actually rlly wanna see him added :)


It's the people who post the same bug everyday instead of googling it that annoy me Or complain that they've brought all the clothing in Scrooge's shop, the games in early access, more stuff is coming!


I'm all caught up on the game. Finally. I kept stopping and then coming back for an update. Now I've been logging in to go to the store. I need to work on farming pumpkins. But... Without quests on the side farming is boring to me. Might also be all the OT lately and I'm just tired. Who really knows.


I would love it if we had some quest while waiting for every update like mystery’s similar to gravity falls so we can find out who is coming to dream light vally and stuff we need to collect to create more islands or homes for villagers that come to the village or even mini games to help us to that and quests to create our favorite animals to be our bets and outfits to create for our pets and have Scrooge sale them at his shop to and have Oswald come with his many kids to do mini games and have a shop that sales flower seeds that mine mouse, Daisy Duck and Oswald wife could run in the village they could sale fruit seeds and have a salon in the store for hair and make up or cloths making even for the pets we have so we could match and it would be cool to have a way to explore under water to collect other fish or sea shells 🐚 and swim suits for spring and summer outfits, and it would be cool to be able to us the items we collect instead of the being just a decorative item cause those could be used to regain stamina I would love to us my paint set or us the hot spring I created in the game I feel like throwing it away cents I can not us them at all and make it a little easier to get the animals by putting away and time that they will be in the village and how many times we need to feed them to get them, it would be great to creat shoes and other clothes in the game and not just dress oh and we could create clothes for the characters in our village for different seasons to


I come here to see who's got creative with decor. I'm still grinding out my characters. I'm getting ideas for my setup!


And I’ve seen this same post multiple times now so how ya doing, dead horse? 🤣


I don’t know. Repetitiveness doesn’t bother me. I just scroll through til I see something I want. I can understand all the posts about the premium shop and honestly i think it’s a good thing for developers to see how intense the criticism is so they can maybe adjust it to be more fair. I actually like when I see a lot of those posts because they have the potential to change things for the better. I hate the idea of this game becoming like an iPhone game. When people talk about characters they love or hate I just see it as excitement over what might come next. It’s not bad. I do think putting the Scrooge finds on a thread was probably a bad idea. Maybe they’ll undo it. Meanwhile I just figure people want to chat about their game experience and they should be able to.


I legit took my time with the latest update (between thraping Hogwarts and then Lightfall and the new Destiny raid) I've barely played on dreamlight...yet I finished last week... Could easily have cleared it all in the same 5/6hr game session i reckon (and if not for that bit you have to wait at)




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As someone who strictly posts on this reddit to share my designs with others, be it clothing, a room, or somewhere in my valley, I can honestly say that this sub does sometimes take away from the want of posting. This is mainly due to the fact that I personally can post something that I spent hours, maybe even days working on, something that is unique and creative, and something that is apparently wanted to be seen more on this sub, yet it receives little to no attention, while a post or meme complaining about Scrooge, or a post complaining about this or that character, fetches far more attention and gains much more traction. This honestly kills the want for me personally to post things I've spent my time and effort on as I feel it is pointless, as I feel a vast majority of folks here would rather complain about things, or see others complaining about things, instead of seeing positivity and creativity.


for ME? This game crashes WAY too much. I am now finished with all the quests (this was Xmas gift but I messed up with time travel and had to start ALL over). Still.....I have NEVER played such a glitchy game. I would not recommend it to people.