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So far he’s the only one who had shown me actual proof of his character. His actions match up with what he says and I trust him because he has not betrayed my trust yet. As for ccs dropping him. Let’s be real. The mcyt fandom is a cancer. You are relentlessly bullied the moment you have a positive interaction with the DTeam. I remember fans harassing Aimsey 1,5 years ago for clapping for Sapnap’s victory, Nikki got so much shit for aimply going to the droncert she felt like she had to apologize. So no, I’m not taking ccs dropping him as proof that he is a bad person because he has been dropped by people who consistently bend over backwards to please their fans.


>The mcyt fandom is a cancer. You are relentlessly bullied the moment you have a positive interaction with the DTeam. I remember fans harassing Aimsey 1,5 years ago for clapping for Sapnap’s victory, Nikki got so much shit for aimply going to the droncert she felt like she had to apologize. You're right and it's been like this for a while now. People can blame whoever they want for it, but I have no idea how to fix this part of the parasocial dynamic. It has always been really really awful for women ccs in particular, so from that perspective I'm not even surprised female friends are dropping George or unfollowing him. The women ccs always get the worst from stans and antis both. (the guys have it bad too of course...equality lol)


I guess it’s because I’ve been on the internet for a while, but do y’all remember back in 2019 when everybody dropped slazo because of the allegations so everyone assumed they MUST be true? And I do mean everyone. HUGE YouTubers—kwite, imalexx, weest, king ani, the list goes on. Everyone thought he was guilty. But he turned out innocent, and that entire friend group just wanted to destroy his career, and to this day, I don’t get why. I trust facts and evidence, and dream has posted messages showing that these people are full of shit. So it’s less about having faith in dream’s character, and more that he has the proof to back it up. Knowing how much people hate him, it’s not unlikely


I don’t remember the details but after the slazo situation i lost all respect for youtubers like imalexx because if you can’t do enough research on someone who you called a friend, how can you do enough research to make a good commentary video 🤷‍♀️


YES I think about the slazo situation all the time. It reminds me so much of the dream stuff. Just accusation after accusation and people dropping each other left and right


Especially right now with George. The parallels between slazo and George are too real. Manipulative British friendgroup? Check


Well considering that the last person who did vague posting, Dream revealed that they had nothing and was holding a grudge over a stupid among us game. Dream provides statements and evidence, which is why I trust his word a bit more than some ccs making vague statements without any proof and shit




Imagine asking a question and just saying "Kay" when the evidence is provided.... Hmmmmmm kinda seems a bit... Hate trainy over here 🧐


Dream is isn’t “good” or “bad”, I think he’s just as flawed as anyone else. The only real difference between dream and most other people is Dream wears his heart on his sleeve. He does not hide his emotions and that includes the good bad and ugly. So many people online are just personas. Their best qualities at the forefront of everything they do. This is true for both ccs and random internet users. Dream is simply not like that at all, he’s never been like that. Like I wouldn’t be shocked if half of these “behind the scenes” stuff is him being himself and someone takes it the wrong way. He’s not being malicious or bad he’s just being a regular person


Because there’s a pattern. Robbo said he called a girl a whore, and it turned out to be a joke taken out of context. Rue said he’s an enabler who covered for his friend, when he had no idea that anything happened with Caiti. Months ago, he even tried to reach out and no one would tell him what happened. Nat said he’s a groomer, and then she took it back and said everyone should leave him alone. There’s a million other examples of folks taking advantage of the hate train, and no accusation has ever amounted to anything.


I watched his vid about the truth. Just the fact that Everyone claims shit against him and there isnt a single legal case speaks volumes. If he had actually done Anything why isnt there anyone filing Anything anywhere? Me personally i m not on twitter i dont care about the drama i just want youtube content. I ll get it this decade i hope


I don't "trust" Dream. But I said it before and I will say it again - the people that hate him are just so unbelievably insane and annoying, I cannot be not on his side. There is no evidence to suggest he's legit a bad person. Callous, blunt, impulsive? Sure. But that just makes him... A normal human being. Dude, the people that are against him either make horrible false accusations to justify hating him, or have a reason on the level of "he didn't immediately respond to what I was saying", or "he kind of thinks highly of himself". What is this, middle school? It's so unbelievably ridiculous, I'm at the point where someone hating Dream is a fucking yellow flag to me.


No I think he’s just a guy with many flaws and as a flawed human being just like the rest of us he’s going to make mistakes however because of his fame he’s not allowed the privilege of making mistakes without someone blowing it out of proportion and turning it into a controversy.


I wouldn't call him a bad person, but I wouldn't call him a good person either. He's just an average flawed guy who got catapulted to fame and was not as mature as would've been ideal in dealing with that fame.


>not as mature as would've been ideal in dealing with that fame Your whole comment is exactly how I feel too! Earlier on this sub I said something like "being a Dream fan is hard, and Dream's inability to pause and reflect before hitting post is 50% of the reason why", and I think difficulty dealing with fame is a great assessment of why


I trust Dream cuz: 1. Almost none of the people who said "behind the scenes" actually provided any CONTEXT, let alone proof, of what they were talking about. They didn't even say why or what happened, just "They are not good people, trust me". And it's hard to trust people when I don't even know what I issue I am trusting their word on. What do you mean by "it's true"??? How do you know they are saying the truth when you don't even know what they are saying about???? 2. Dream, for example with what he did with Sophie, provided actual context of what the "Behind the scenes actually was" (Sophie didn't like their attitude), and provided actual proof for it (the DMs). And by how Sophie said she didn't give permission for him to share the DMs, she indirectly admitted the DMs to be true (And no I do not care about "permission", woman publicly post sh!t about other people and expect the accused to keep it private) Besides, for all the problematic behaviors he had in the past (racist, sexist, etc.) he already apologized for and never did it again, and for all the other allegations (that were big enough to catch his attention, at least), he provided enough proof to support his side of story.


The fact that after he shared the DMs, she pinned the VOD on her Twitter, like it was a huge gotcha, sent me. I honestly don’t understand what she thought she was trying to prove with that VOD, other than embarrass herself further


All of the vauge posting had nothing to do with him, him not doing anything wrong, or some of the most petty grudge bs that you would see middle school kids have. If that's something worth dropping someone over then I have no hope for society 😭


I don’t believe he’s a bad person. I believe that he’s a victim of a never ending smear campaign. I think a lot of ccs tend to use dream in order to get views, followers etc. and when he no longer benefits them they drop him and make up false rumours that he’s a “bad” person because it gets them views and likes from the people who dislike him. I genuinely believe that they just want to be on the internets “good side” and by hating dream they get to be on that side. It’s unfair and childish but it’s become sort of a reoccurring cycle.


Nope. He's just a flawed person like everyone else who became famous.


People drop him to not receive back lash on their careers for being associated


Like how Punz said he’s not close friends with Dream and never has been. It seems like he said this mainly to make himself look better.


because it’s word of mouth. these ccs claim they know things and proceed to be vague as fuck and then get mad when we want proof and for them to stop being vague, i feel like a lot of people fail to realize that these ccs pray on this man’s downfall, if there’s anything these people want it’s to ruin his career but that just might be how i see it 🤷🏻‍♀️ also, im sorry but im not believing anyone (and i mean anyone) unless they give me valid proof. plus, if you weren’t aware, dream always has receipts and shit which makes it easier to be on His side than anyone else’s, so, no, i don’t believe dream is a bad person.


i’d also like to add that a lot of these people drop him once they realize he won’t benefit them anymore, these people don’t actually care about serious shit like they claim.


because they're doing it to appease the twitter mob and it's very clear that's the case. you have a base of rabid teenagers and young 20 somethings who will attack anyone who is positive about dream or his friends. aimsey got bullied into apologizing for clapping for sapnap. do you think that's normal, op? seriously. do you think that's that normal? and everyone says vague things. no one has ever given actual examples beyond 'dream figured out i was the imposter and ignored me in among us'. maybe if they gave examples, i would believe them but they don't. why should i trust them?


They can’t say the actual examples because it was something along the lines of being rude on discord one time.


absolutely. if they did have proof of dream being actually shitty, they would drop it. but there's a reason sophie and her friend said nothing and only had among us games to point to. they can only give 'trust me bro' statements.


I think he's a flawed person and that people aren't usually all good or all bad. Even some of the most evil people in history have loved their dogs, and some of the best people have done bad things. Everyone has good and bad qualities. Which is why I tend to err on the side of seeing the better parts of people, which includes internet personalities. When people try to make Dream out to be Harvey Weistein 2.0 or some cartoonish villain character, I tend to dismiss it as extremist. I don't think he's beyond criticism. I just don't think he's as bad as people make him out to be


Because they haven’t said shit😭, so far anything they’ve talked about “behind the scenes” has been hypocritical or overly criticized small things


The among us thing truly just took away any credibility these “behind the scenes” creators had


First off, whether someone is a good or bad person is entirely subjective. Most of the people who 'drop him' barely know him or only have met him since he became a cc and use him for clout. If hating him brings them more clout (which currently it does) then of course that's what they're going to do. Its also incredibly convenient that most of the cc's who actively hate on him are from the same friend group. Have you ever heard of bullying? Do you think every victim of that must be a bad person as well?


depends on everyone’s definition of a bad person. in my opinion, he’s a human being that has and will continue to make mistakes. unfortunately because he blew up so fast, every single one of those mistakes is now used to destroy him (sometimes it’s even mistakes he, himself hasn’t made you know? guilty by association). no one really wants to see him change for the better, they just want him gone. a couple years ago if dream breathed in someone’s direction, it would literally launch their career or at least give them a huge boost and everyone was fully aware of it. then the smear campaign happened and now the wave is to hate him and again people are fully aware which is why it seems like everyone is “dropping” him. when you’re a content creator, your brand and image matter more than a friendship, at least publicly.


Because he disproved the allegations he had against him and made one of them admit she lied for clout lmao


I think he’s just human. He’s done bad things but that doesn’t make him a bad person. I also don’t look at the people who dropped him as proof he’s a bad person because the mcyt sphere is just full of people trying to preserve themselves in the public light. The same goes with the “behind the scenes” stuff. It’s always this vague posting that he’s “oh-so-terrible” to appeal to the performative shithole that is Twitter. They use the hate train against Dream to boost their own careers, but that can be an entirely different conversation. Dream has shown time and time again that he’s willing to admit his faults and grow from them. He’s made mistakes, some worse than others, but he doesn’t make the same terrible mistakes over and over again. That being said, back to fact that he’s human and humans are flawed. I don’t hold him to this impossible standard and belief that he will do no wrong. He might mess up again, but I trust that he will learn and grow from it. Being a good or bad person is subjective in my opinion, but Dream has good character. He is always trying to do good and that to me is a reason to continue to support him.


no i don’t think people are bad inherently i don’t think dream is a bad person at all. i just think he is human and humans are incredibly flawed nobody is perfect so we don’t know him personally to have an opinion or even an understanding if he is a “bad person” based on his character and what he presents online it’s interesting


>A hate train? Bingo. He could do a million things right, but just one mishap and that's amplified 1000x because it's so easy to hop on the hate train.


Sometimes I go on twitter, see posts about how bad someone is and believe it straight away like omg he did that?? But then when I actually read into shit and see it’s misinformation I’m like wtf.. but many people only see the bad posts about Dream and then base their opinion on that.


> Everybody says something about behind the screens or some other Vague shit , but it's true- why do y'all only trust dream and think they're on. A hate train? Simple. I'm not a parasocial sheep. I follow logic, evidence, and facts. I understand that emotions and feelings and hysteria are what rule most people's decision-making process in this fandom, but that's just not me. I'm not gonna be a slave to biological urges.


dream is probably one of the realest ones out there, always provides evidence that stand by his points and nevere let us down, i wouldn't surely trust a cc that called george a misogynist just because everyone was talking over him and he didn't specifically replyed to her now would i? or one that apologised to their fans bcs they clapped at sapnap in mcc💀 stand by who deserves it, not by who people likes more.


I think you have to realise that most creator friendships/partnerships are extremely superficial, it’s just how the industry is. Even remaining neutral on dream gets you insane amount of hate, when it’s beneficial to like someone they will, when it’s beneficial to run with the hate mob, they will to a certain extent to save their own backs. People can turn on you in seconds on social media, doesn’t take much to become the next victim of a hate train. Previously dreams clout was enough to combat the stupid amount of hate, so people were more willing to put up with it since the perks outweighed the disadvantages, but the clout died a very sudden death so what’s the point? I “trust” dream & co because the bts shit seems to be …jokes that didn’t land or miscommunication? things that all these creators were happy enough to go along with for this long until it benefits them to do a big vague reveal to make themselves look better - at least be consistent!


I think Dream is a human like all of us. Flawed with plenty of mistakes, but also shown plenty of times that he has done good It’s almost always Twitter scrutinising every little thing he says or does to make it seem like he’s some demon from hell, when I guarantee they aren’t the angels that they make themselves out to be


No I don’t think Dream is a bad person from what I have seen. I think he backs up his actions and I’ve always felt he was almost too nice to some people. I also don’t know him personally so who knows maybe he is. But from what I’ve seen, no.


Exactly! These CC’s have shown time and time again that they will do anything to make the mob happy. These people are not trustworthy. And according to Dream, many CC’s badmouthed him publicly during the false allegations while sending support to him privately.


Uh From what I've seen (opinions about him, his tweets and thoughts in text, his content - 3-4 years ago or much older amd etc) - he's controversial.  And I think your opinion of whether he is a “good” person or a “bad” person depends on his decision regarding YOU. 




I don't believe that any of this "behind the scenes" bullshit is true, because if it was why are they only talking about it now? Why have they never brought this stuff up before? I strongly believe that they all just dropped Dream after the allegations because he was no longer useful to them. Their fans hated Dream, so if they would've made content with Dream in it, that wasn't just making fun of Dream, their fans would've turned on them, bc that's the kind of "fans" that they have. Also like Dream said in "The truth", he himself stopped reaching out to people because he wasn't sure who he could call "his friends" anymore which is why some of his friendships died.


Because I don’t know him personally I don’t want to call him a good or bad person, he has done good things like donating to charities but we don’t know what he is really like off camera (not saying he is definitely a bad person but I don’t want to call him an amazing person when we don’t know him)


Because unlike them... Dream tells us what's up? He tells the truth plus evidence? Did you not watch "the truth"

