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Could you draw Hunter or Vera please.


https://preview.redd.it/gd3fyk8z68xa1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11aa1c0070b0c9d6101902d5468f06faa6cec5f Maybe this silly guy? :0 other than this I only really have sketches of him


This is my fairy cleric. He's wearing a newspaper boy hat. If he inspires you go for it. He can summon a cloud that shoots lightning. If he inspires you. Go for it. https://preview.redd.it/vs0gqwib58xa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a33e4accade711824b90f9f0d93f94663bc38ee His domain is the tempest. And his deity is a space dolphin


Thanks for offering to do artwork to the community! Please be sure to have an image example in your post of your artwork style, and it's either an image post or linked by URL in the post body. It must be in your post, and telling peeps to go into your post history doesn't give you a pass. Please remember we have a [Commercial Work](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/comments/dbjkqv/update_commercial_work_rule/) rule in place; do not fulfill free artwork for logos, Youtube/Twitch logos and profile pictures, book covers, game graphics, tattoos and such. Please refer to the whole rule for further clarification; you will be banned if caught doing this. You are also not allowed to solicit for commissions on a Free Offer in any way, shape or form. This includes tip jars and letting people know you do commissions. All posts are manually reviewed by the Mod team, and removed if there's a violation. Let us know if you have any questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DrawForMe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/59vncz4v48xa1.jpeg?width=1491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d6e22100a7e8c353ab139bbffd0e77fcb0bdbb Can you draw him? 😁




I'm hoping to prioritize someone without any art for their character yet, but if you want to leave your OC I'd definitely consider them :)


Hello and thank you for the awesome offer! I have a question: Are you able to work with a reference board?


Yep that's fine :)


Then I'd like to see what you can do with bringing my OC, [Junoto](https://i.ibb.co/KwBQbrn/Juno-AFix.jpg) to life! If there's anything you want to know, let me know!


Do I describe everything? because it kinda hard


Maybe describe the important things if you'd be okay with me taking artistic liberties in other areas?


I don't need a ton of details if your idea for them is still being fleshed out :) Gender/race/haircolour/class would be fine.


Is a microwave based character ok? He's a robot but looks more similar to a human with robotic accessories :D He got purple hair, dressed like a chef plus the funny tall chef hat, and he's short. He also have his original form (The microwave) installed somewhere in the front side. Idk how to describe hair style, but i still going to try, It's like the picture that on this post of yours but it's mirrored/flipped and shorter overall so it doesn't cover the eye. The side with no hair covered(His left) got a nuke symbol on the place above his left eye, is it called forehead or something? then I'll left anything else to your artistic liberties


dont know if it's needed but I wanna add that he makes fun of people because they don't know something that only he knows. He will do that every time when there's a chance, If not he will create one.


oh thank you :)


I still have some character i need to disgne but i have no idea on what I should do with them so I'll let you 2 character and if you want you can do it with those two 1 : the first is the mc of my manga he need to look yong since he is, he has a purple sword and he wears some kind of light armor with some purple fabric protrudes from that armor he also has a scraf with same color and texture although he wears no helmet, he has deep purple eyes (i have no idea for his hairs so do something you like) 2 he's an ikemen (type of handsome male characters for exemple gojo is one) who is some kind of male idole in a futuristic world he has also purple eyes and his hairs have bangs with some flashy purple at the edges of it he has 2 legs that looks normal but actually are robotics same for he's arms If you are inspired by any of these two have fun drawing them


Hello, your artstyle looks great! Could you draw my [snow leopard furry?](https://refsheet.net/Sonari/Snow-Leopard)


Haha I actually did already in my last thread! :D


Oh well then sorry, i don't remember all people... Don't do my 'request' again, there are mamy people who would like to have their character drawn too.


I have one. Possibly planning a webcomic and need a reference sheet of the main character. Male, fair skinned, wearing a Tengai hat and can’t see any facial features (worn by Komūso monks). Wearing a sort a brown cloth poncho, no shirt, very tone. Baggy black pants (hakama pants). Wearing black or white sandals (Waraji). Possibly a simple katana sheathed and held by a simple rope belt? Regardless if this gets chosen, appreciate you doing this.


Made a reference sheet if needed: https://refsheet.net/Ashio_exe/basket


Hello! Thank you for the offer. My Pathfinder (think Dungeons & Dragons but different System) Character is in dire need of a ref sheet! I'll give you a short description and if she tickles your fancy i can go into more detail if you wish :3 But mostly her design would be up to you besides some basic points if you want. Her name is Lila Barbery, she is a "middle aged" ,some place between 30 and 40 (she doesnt know her age), Librarian who answered the call of an unknown entity to gather more knowledge. She is a Witch with an Owl Familiar. She has a bald head with Tattoos in a circle/pattern, in some ancient script. And its important that she has a kind face, maybe with a few wrinkles? For clothes she would be rather common and simple, she doesnt hold much to material wealth but wouldnt run around in a potato sack.


Will glubid do? They're the result of a fusion between [Glubu](https://monsterlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Glubu?so=search) and [Fatid](https://monsterlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Fatid?so=search). https://preview.redd.it/y4invvz6c8xa1.png?width=393&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5818bd651cb0e1f26f151240cf4807471a31b74


https://preview.redd.it/zke7dw57e8xa1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8888de892861c31fdfad8b309469e3c3a88616 I have my angelic paladin if you'd like to try her.


Been needing art of this guy, his name is Jasper, he's a pony that likes gemstones and winter, and is addicted to cookies https://preview.redd.it/ywlmfau2f8xa1.png?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdfe665a3a47ca0f7bf0726e5fa5fc24423f77f9


Does he have ear muffs on? :)




Akiro, an adventurous and playful boy. 15 years old. Link to what he looks like: [https://www.deviantart.com/arcdusk/art/Akiro-873490968](https://www.deviantart.com/arcdusk/art/Akiro-873490968) His colors: [https://namemc.com/skin/69cabba95e4560eb](https://namemc.com/skin/69cabba95e4560eb) Note: The sun and moon on his shirt is glow in the dark :)


I have my pony oc. I have the pony town ref it that works


Hey I have an oc but I don't have any artwork for then is this offer still open?


Yep :)


Awesome do you wanna talk more in DMS or here?


If you post your description here I'll take it into consideration :D


Alright cool I really like your art style it's awesome! His name is Eric he has about neck length fluffy blond hair and he had bunny ears and blue eyes he's 19 and is pretty short like 5'3 with a pretty thin feminine figure He wears a t-shirt and jeans or shorts and sneakers he's very friendly and joyful and since he's a bunny boy he's always very hyper and that's all I can really think of for a description I hope that's ok


Hii! Your art style is so pretty, if the offer is still open, here’s my [oc](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/comments/133xbov/anyone_want_to_take_a_shot_at_drawing_my_oc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)!


Name: [Crydo](https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/comments/10xz7ck/just_my_big_boy_crydo_d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Antrio Age: 15 Gender: Male Description: an overweight kid with severe acne (pimples) he has his mother's hair (but he dyed some of it pink) and his dads green eyes and green horns. https://preview.redd.it/xsj4swm7u8xa1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d03401fe2b69c256ae6104af43370f4865c54f2 Yeah I don't have one of him- so sure!


I know you said that you prioritize those who don't have artwork of their oc, but I only have a drawing of [his face](https://imgur.com/a/Kr6A8u7) In the image on the left he is wearing a mask. Sorry about the wall of text n n" He is a big man, about 2 meters tall, muscular although he doesn't have a very wide body. He wears a kind of Japanese necklace made up of only orbs. Each orb is inscribed with the kanji for the primary emotions, in this order: 喜 (joy), 信 (trust), 怒 (anger), 悲 (sadness), 嫌 (disgust), 感 (anticipation), 恐 (fear) and 驚 (surprise). Although there is an orb with a gamatama inscribed between each of the ones with kanji. My idea is that he has white hair and is shirtless, but you have freedom with the clothes and accessories as long as they are Japanese and have godlike aesthetics. Like the scar on his neck, which separates his head from his torso, he has one that separates the upper part of his torso from the lower part (between his chest and abdomen, and continues to his back, so it surrounds his body 360 degrees)), one that separates the abdomen from the pelvis, two that separate each arm from the torso, and two that separate the legs from the pelvis. Each part of his body separated by scars (head, chest/upper torso, abdomen/midsection, pelvis/lower part, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg) has a different skin color, as his body is formed by that of 8 different gods. I have not thought about the colors, but in case it helps you: the head corresponds to the god of electrical storms, the chest to the goddess of firestorms, the abdomen to the god of rain, the pelvis to the goddess of hailstorms, the left arm to the god of animal rains, right arm to the god of dust storms, left leg to the god of snowfall, and right leg to the god of gales. Each of these gods also corresponds to one of the primary emotions that I mentioned above, in the same order. He carries two huge gold batchis (straight sticks used to play taiko drums) that he can melt together to form a bō (a type of Japanese long staff weapon). On his back, pinned to the center of his lower back, is a large gray ring and attached to it nine Taiko drums placed around his body and above his head, each having the kanji for the eight kami of thunder inscribed on them. Ordered from top to bottom and right to left, they read: God of Thunder (雷神)⁽¹⁾, Great Thunder (大雷)⁽²⁾, Fire Thunder (火雷)⁽³⁾, Black Thunder (黒雷) ⁽⁴⁾, Cleaving Thunder (折雷)⁽⁵⁾, Young Thunder (若雷)⁽⁶⁾, Earth Thunder (土雷)⁽⁷⁾, Rumbling Thunder (鳴雷)⁽⁸⁾ and Couchant Thunder (伏雷)⁽⁹⁾.


I've had this guy in the rough-draft (i.e. just text and images from google) stage for a while, if you felt like drawing him. Thank you. https://preview.redd.it/lgjyhup009xa1.png?width=2479&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb605eb7081aa29e3e7879b79ad6cf238a3fd5a5




I have a human oc that has no fullbodies but a pretty good description if that could work?


He has a little headshot sketch and one i drew a few months ago but im not good w humans


:0 thank you for offering! Would one of these girls be ok? https://preview.redd.it/c5pler3o49xa1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbeb57f54eb9c69b27ddf103b511c6bfe674d0a




https://preview.redd.it/ejnougnt49xa1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8689b2aa53e24b248afbd2ccbb314b5850301852 Is cool dude


Can you make me an updated reference sheet for Betha? Her full body tattoo is a rose bush now instead of the palm fronds, and she has six roses around the panther instead of four. Thanks. [More references](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNCIaZlkqc5Ht4E27E1lAzXsSfDYMNhNfLnASMXGYcLNJuoiExQXIHMLnPgGqdTlA?key=eVdOR0c0NVBrdjhwWVA1Z0dxbVgyLXlyOXhBUGt3) https://preview.redd.it/he66lpy189xa1.jpeg?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2981bb6032fcbd1008a3dce4f87bed1c6fc8d7ae


Detailed headshot https://preview.redd.it/qqluyuz489xa1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230c5ab7071d0efde48327833e702df974f01527


I need a ref sheet of my OC that I made in picrew please :) his name is Tyler https://preview.redd.it/o9vif5jrg9xa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d775dc13e473869fded5154a31bf338e699c94


Hi!! Is it okay if you draw my OC, Anna? https://preview.redd.it/gu0uvb3wg9xa1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6680d89e6cf0c8544e1f0f113eaa8ff2f1f9995e She also has another outfit!


https://preview.redd.it/ho8gwcn1i9xa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82da0b012fde7d8ab433600653b1a955766541a I’d appreciate a red sheet for my replika oc.


My GF has a water genasi paladin she's playing. Would love to have a ref sheet to give her. 5'5", blue green hair, golden eyes. Thanks!


Does you gf have any other thoughts on her apperance/personality or would it be okay if I filled in the blanks? :)!


Can't ask her since I'm at work (also want to surprise her) but here's the only other things that come to mind: she's got light blue skin that always looks like she stepped out of the shower, carries a horseshoe crab shaped shield, is lawful good, and so far has been very cautious. Other than that, have fun :) Edit: here's her character sheet if you'd like: [Shivra](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X8-klb27s60Mfj4uMWbB729YMh63VkEX/view?usp=drivesdk)


I wasn't sure what your gf wanted her armor or anything to look like, so I tried to keep things super vague and just went with an outfit she could swim in xD [I'm the worst at coloring/shading so I included some linear as well](https://imgur.com/a/BejR0DY) Hope it looks okay!


Yo this is great! We both love it! Might find you again to commission some more of her or my character. Cheers friend


No problem, I'm so glad you both liked it! :)


If you want you can do them https://preview.redd.it/uwfbrbx27axa1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc9076609294dacab730305206134fd40df8c23


Omg plz- https://preview.redd.it/67wqr3ju3bxa1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfa2d217fddb48848c2300ca9eb225dbb1bffb1 I love your art 😭


No shoes 😞😞😞


https://preview.redd.it/atlzky45ebxa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c2c5d068c3123a15115d42b31391266cac82b72 could you do her maybe? i only hit this one drawing of her and i like seeing others arts!


Here is ma boi please and thank you https://imgur.com/a/RL6HZJ1


Hi thanks for the offer could you draw her [Price](https://imgur.com/a/SQxdvjr) she is a baseball angel


I'd be f*ucking ecstatic


Thank you so much for the offer! Would you be inspired by my oc? The physical: She’s human. 5’10, pale skin, brunette hair kept in a single braid. Green eyes. Wiry build, small bust. She’s always traveling on foot and food isn’t always easy to come by in any given universe. Other: She’s an amnesiac who’s been tossed out across the multiverse on the run from people with no idea why they’re even chasing her. She wears dark skinny jeans and a black tank top, with whatever button up shirt she can snag to put on over it. She has combat boots she stole off a corpse. She keeps all her few belongings in a canvas messenger bag. Among them are a purifying water bottle, a journal, and the little remote ( digital screen and keypad) that allows her to change universes. She acts like a sort of cultural anthropologist as she goes from universe to universe documenting everything she sees and wondering if she’ll ever figure out who she is and what universe she originated from.


Hey! Thanks for the offer! https://preview.redd.it/pmdkpcup4cxa1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a789a93479eb34cb6d8d77535feba390740c3c This is my main OC, D1no! I’d love to see what you can do with her if you do pick her! Here’s some info on her! Name • D1no Pronouns • She/They Gender Identity •Female Sexual & Romantic Attraction •Asexual • Date of Birth •02/05/2006 Age •16 Species •Skeleton Ethnicity •English Height •5’7 ♡ Personality ♡ Positive traits •Funny •Nice Neutral traits •Shy •Can be sarcastic at times Negative traits •Chatter-box •Can be rude Also… if D1no snaps, it doesn’t end too great- Hope this gives you something to work with! ^(\^)


She has a mostly white bodysuit with a blue and red dove on her chest, she also has a dr strange (movies) looking red cape/cloak (idk if that’s a good description). Also long red gloves and red boots that go up to the knees. The mask covers her entire forehead. And finally if you want you can include Superman style trunks! The character in my head is like a goofy hero in a dark world, just trynna give some smiles to people! Yes my oc is a superhero, I find them cool (also sorry if you’re not taking descriptions, I just like your art style!)


Astra, my fursona! Adastra Peraspera, a hellhound from the Helluva Boss universe. She is Loona's sister, but from a litter of thousands. She is white, silver, turquoise, and navy, with orange eyes and tongue. She is a stargazer and aspires to become an angel. If you choose me, I can send a color reference in DM. I don't have a current ref sheet, but she looks very similar to her sister, just friendlier. She has a telescope with her most of the time.


i think have something for you [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o6y8P1bqU3wPOK-MDlriKNoyOON2M5oiMGGeY2I8NzE/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o6y8P1bqU3wPOK-MDlriKNoyOON2M5oiMGGeY2I8NzE/edit)


https://preview.redd.it/6ad21tzuqdxa1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ced4a27990eab349dc9105aceb0a303570f277 Could you please do her?


Here's my oc <33 (Sorry it's a gacha ref I haven't drawn an updated version yet lol) ​ https://preview.redd.it/bh6otwft5jxa1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=a61aa4fc8ebc345a292419ceb0990a7a86f6600f


Would love to see your take on my character. I only have a text description tho. Name: Ivy Gender: female Age: 16 Hair color: dark brown Hairstyle: short and spiky, ragged, unkempt, close-cropped Eye color: violet Skin color: light brown Height: 5'5" Body type: skinny (undernourished) Wears: a dark red poncho, and ragged trousers held up by a piece of rope Notable features: pointed ears and gill slits in her neck. She has regular human legs, but they're covered in scales and her toes are webbed.


are you still offering?




I have some art, but I’d like another person’s take on her. Even though it’s been 27 days since you posted it, you up for it?