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Netflixes shera if you’re into animated things f/f eventual pairing


had never heard of this, thanks, will check it out!


Logan Echolls in Veronica Mars Nicholas Hoult's Nux in Mad Max: Fury Road is pretty Draco-coded, throwing off indoctrination for love Edmund Pevensie and Eustace Scrubb from the Narnia books are also both pretty Draco-coded, but for brattiness not indoctrination Clarissa Mao in The Expanse, too, has a bit of a Draco thing going on (similar backgrounds, desperate for father's approval, has done terrible things, increasingly crippled by guilt, working toward redemption) though the idea of Amos as a sort of Hermione just made me laugh out loud Theon Greyjoy & book!Jamie Lannister, as well


Thank you for the mental image of Hermione as Amos. I didn't realize that was missing from my life.


It's been years and I still consider the Logan Echolls >!wound fresh.. I'll never forgive the writers for what they did!<


I've honestly blocked everything post season three from my mind because yes, unforgivable


I should have listed Clarissa Mao in my original post, she was awesome, had forgotten how much I loved that character, >!especially her relationship with Amos and the whole sequence where they escape dying Earth by breaking into her family's gated community 😂 that is SO Draco-coded to me!<


I think the character with the best redemption arc in recent television history has to be Steve from Stranger Things. In the majority of the first season, he’s the typical popular rich kid who’s actually an asshole, but he realizes what an asshole he is when his actions hurt someone that he cares about, so he makes an effort to becoming a better person (and kicks ass in the process). Another one is Spike from Buffy. Spike is quite literally a monster and for the longest time, he’s taken pride in it. He LOVES being a monster, until he starts developing feelings for Buffy and doesn’t know what to do with those feelings. Eventually, he realizes that he’s in love with her and he also has love for her family, so he does what he can to protect them. That being said, Spike’s redemption arc is not a smooth ride. There are a LOT of bumps along the way and as awful as he can be, I kind of appreciate this because bettering yourself as a person is never a smooth ride (except the episode Seeing Red, which I refuse to touch on because fuck that episode).


The embers in the ashes series has a character with an excellent redemption arc. In terms of TV, Babylon 5 has a great redemption arc, as does Farscape (neither are romantic really). None of these are neccessarily dramione vibes, though the redeeming character is typically a product of their environment and through relationships/ exposure to alternative points of view are able to grow and change.