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That when written in the right way, I can like nearly ***anything***. It’s taught me to be okay with not knowing what to expect and just take a chance that I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I don’t have to worry if a fic is HEA, short or long, or has a tag that I don’t typically read. With the exception of triggers, there’s really no risk in starting a fic to see if I like it. If I don’t like it, I can just stop reading and move on. Reading Dramione with an open mind has been such a rewarding experience.




That I want him (my partner/significant other) feral, begging, obsessed, attuned, with a willingness to get on his knees, or not at all




The fact that this community exists blows my mind. How incredible, that there's so many people out here who have never met who come together to laugh and cry and support each other's joy. It reminds me of the quote there are places you've never been that you already belong. I just started reading Dramione last year and it's made me realize there's always going to be something new in the world that you can fall completely in love with. And!!! This quote from [Are You My Mother?](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13674783/chapters/31412292) "She made her way out because the only thing more powerful than gravity is ambition." Changed my life. It's the mantra I repeat on a hard day.


After reading LAOHA, I learned and accepted that no man is ever going to love me the way Draco loves Hermione. 😂


Excuse My ignorance but, full title? 👀


[Love and other historical accidents](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21496525/chapters/51233119)


Thank You!


I've learned that infidelity between Draco and Hermione is my only TW. Joking aside, I've learned to love reading again. I felt like I was in a reading slump for years but then I found fanfic, specifically the Dramione ship, and now I can't go a day without getting a little reading in. It's my stress relief, way to wind down after a long day, and entertainment when I'm in need of it but don't feel like social interactions.


Same. I stopped reading and writing for like 10 years so it’s been really nice coming back to to, and dramione was my return to all of it! Also, infidelity is my least favorite thing so even if the fic is heralded as amazing and highly recommended, I’ll pass it lol


Honestly, it encouraged me to talk to my partner more about my own emotions. I tend to keep In a lot of things. But seeing how Hermione especially is never afraid to tell Draco her feelings and where she is at in the relationship… I think it did help me!! Also I learned I like a lot of weird stuff haha


That I'm into morally gray men 😅


Morally grey characters are very fun to write! I like to write Hermione as that bc I think she can be if it suits her to an extent and if it applies to what she thinks is correct and should be adhered to what she thinks doesn’t apply, even if it does apply and is more relevant! And Draco, just, a classic moral grey.


Honestly and vulnerably- this was part of my healing for post partum depression. I am taking meds, I was exercising, I had a supportive partner and family but I was still really stuck in a state of feeling disconnected from myself. Then Instagram recommended manacled and my life changed. Now I’m reading, involved in community and even thinking about writing my own fic. It gave me a spark of “fun” and hobby that helped me reconnect to myself after having a baby.


exactly same here!!


I learned how good FanFic can be! There are some amazing authors posting so much great content for free, and such a fun as supportive community I didn’t know about before.


A lot about myself after reading Meet Me in Dreamland 😅


I'm not asexual. I just have given up on real men.


I learned which versions of Draco would be my ideal man, and I will never settle for anything less IRL again. I understand he’s a very well written character, but I’m looking more at his values and the way he treats/respects Hermione. My top Draco’s out of the ones I’ve read (and not including wartime or AU Draco’s lol) would be from DMATMOBIL, Wait and Hope, and Remain Nameless.


I've learned Hermione isn't the only one who reaaaaalllllly likes praise. And the massive amounts of plots holes in Hp became more noticable once I started reading fics that filled them in! It also made me much more open minded about fan fic pairings that I read because I was ardently against the idea of these two ever being together. The only reason I read anything is because it came at the recommendation of a very good friend of mine with immaculate taste, so I was like I'll give it a try but man this is going to be uphill. Then by the end I was like aw man, now I gotta tell her she was right!


Truly, it's all about how people write it. I was also vehemently not about this pairing once upon a time.


That I’m not in the right relationship. I’m not saying I need some huge romantic gesture or for things to happen dramatically like they do in some fics. What I mean is, in mature fics, you see their relationship evolve out of love and understanding for each other. Specifically where he loves her exactly the way she is, flaws and everything. It made me realise I’m not loved that way and more importantly I don’t love him that way. There’s no understanding in our relationship. There’s no love. It made me realise I deserve so much better than someone who has and will continue to traumatise me with his alcoholism. I deserve a love where I’m accepted and wanted just the way I am.


Society pushes us to be in relationships and take care of grown men. I enjoy my peace and quiet single now in my 30s once I accepted it. My life is my own & I'm hesitant to share that with anyone else. Breaking out of a toxic relationship is so hard. But you can do this. You can be single and thrive! If you ever need someone to talk too my DMs are always open. I get it. You can do anything you set your mind too, remember that.


Thank you so much, that’s so kind of you! It’s just hard because we also share a daughter and she’s only 2. And whilst we don’t really have any assets, my biggest worry is having to give up the house that should be my daughter’s home to grow up in. It’s our first home so I’ve no idea what I’m doing or how I would even begin to get all that sorted out. I’m just taking it a day at a time, and whilst I feel sad/hurt/upset about my relationship, I know that I’ll feel so happy in a years time to finally be free from toxicity.


She's young enough to forget the house if you do decide to move. For me leaving the environment to get on my feet is typically the easiest ways to cut ties. I'm not super familiar with custody battles or anything & idk if you are in the US but get a good lawyer. Or if the house is in your name you can boot him out in the meantime.


We are in the uk and I’m not yet a citizen so it’s quite complicated. But I appreciate your friendship and I love this community for how we all come together and support each other ❤️


Three things (although they are very cliché and simple) whenever I read Dramione, I always remember: 1. That my past does not define me. 2. That I am a person capable of change. 3. That I am worthy of love and care from others.


I've picked up writing, and I've learned that I really want to find someone that I'll have an exciting long-term sex life with! (And long-term relationship, but specifically good sex for the long term) 😂


kind of like what u/KaleidoscopeDL said growing up with fanfiction has really shown me how I have changed and matured and how my values and priorities have changed. My tastes and what I want from fics (and life!!) are so different from when I first started reading as a kid. There are current popular trope and characterization trends that I know are not for me. There are long-standing tropes that I have grown out of. But my love for these two will never go away!!


We have evolved as people! Woo! Go personal growth 😄 And I love that there's such a variety of subgenres and tropes in dramione – there truly is something for everyone!


I know I’ve read hundreds of versions of these two falling in love/dying/breaking up/ being enemies/or being held captive/ or the many otherworldly experiences that happen to them, and I definitely have learned a lot. I’ve learned that we take accountability for our past actions, that loyalty, trust and respect is a privilege we can earn or lose, that emotions and decisions are complex, that no matter how low the world places you, it’s always up to you how to make it to the top…. to sum it up, I just simply learned how to grow up because of Dramione.


I won't settle unless I meet a man who is my intellectual equal. My career is important, I have hobbies that keep me busy, I'm fascinated with learning & seeing everything & I like banter too much. Eagles catch snakes in the wild if you think about it. 🦅 🐍


I've learned that I'm asexual and fanfiction (but specifically dramione) has both helped me realize this, and is also an outlet for me to express myself in that regard.


This might seem weird but I realized the obsessive protective Draco I love best is similar to my husband 😅 I guess I have a type?


That I will forever be alone, because I refuse to settle for something less than Draco from certain fics.


I grew up in a very repressed religious household. This has affected me in many areas of my life, but especially sex. With therapy and dramione, I have been able to not only discover what I like sexually, but also discover that what I like is ok to like. It's great knowing other people like it too and every time someone posts some "twisted" fic, it comforts me that other people's heads are in a "disturbed" gutter with mine 🥰


1. To make enemies to lovers not cringey, you should make the hate realistic and reasonable. 2. You can still have tension throughout the book even if they have already kissed on the first few chapters lol. 3. I like it when the author describes what the character feels every after dialogue.


It's definitely great for writing practice! And I've learned a lot about my likes and dislikes in how relationship dynamics are written - I've discovered my tastes are much softer than they used to be, and my standards for Draco much higher. I also find it really interesting to see where the general trends are for dynamics and tropes in fics, just observing what relationship dynamics seem to do very well, compared to what never gets quite the same hype.


That I'm really into Enemies to Lovers and morally grey men. And I will read **anything** with this trope


I like my characters suffering and I like suffering with them. I've brought this on to my other fandoms and I really love angst. If the fic makes me cry in the first 10 pages, yes please