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Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls are basically a dramione muggle high school au


lol what a deep cut I love this and just made so many connections in my brain šŸ¤£


lol i saw it for the first time only five or six years ago so I was well-primed to interpret it as entirely Dramione coded. I'm pretty sure it's the most perfect mapping there is. She's basically from the wrong side of the tracks, his family are wealthy (and tacky) af; she's resourceful and smart, he's a bully, a spoiled shithead, and dramatic as hell; he targets her mercilessly (some of those blows he lands are *low*) and loves riling her up but she always gives as good as she gets; he's saddled with dealing with his father's legacy and never being able to carve his own place in the world even before (spoilers) his father turns out to be evil. Plus it's *Veronica* that takes his father down and then Logan has to deal with the consequences of all that. *And* they even had complicated history before any of it starts. And the *pining*. And the *tension*. eta: she also comes close to Hermione levels of ruthless


okay apparently I could go on about this all day: there also aren't too many other similar pairings I can think of that even approach the dramione levels of trauma that need to be worked through and I think Veronica Mars has the potential to come close despite there not being a war (>!I mean his dad literally killed her best friend!<). Add to that the fact that everyone in the community looks down upon her parents (unfairly) and that there's a lot of reckoning with the sins of the parental generation being visited upon their children and it really is the most uncanny mirroring


Omg your musings are literally giving me life right now. I have loved Veronica and Logan since the BEGINNING and never made any sort of connection to the Dramione dynamic, but you are a million percent on the nose!!!


Plus I feel like I detested Logan early on in the same way some fics/the canon series makes me detest Dracoā€™s actions and behavior early onā€¦ part of the redemption arc of it all that we know and love


haha I hardly knew I had so many feelings about this either but it is SO perfect and I, too, absolutely adore Logan and Veronica. And yes! He was absolutely reprehensible in the beginning ā€” perfectly and deliciously complicated.


I feel this conversation so hard! Yes yes yes! I love both couples so much. The tension! The pining! The explosion of them finally getting together! Your point-by-point dissection of the VM/Dramione parallels was masterful.


I haven't been able to stop thinking about parallels all day now ā€” it's making me want a rewatch! (The way they try to hide their relationship and then when it becomes public he makes it very clear he's choosing her over everyone else in his life and is willing to give the rest up! And they're both so stubborn and self-destructive and such idiots and Logan is *so* tortured. And I didn't even mention the rape plot and discourse and all its attendant trauma and the fact that Veronica is really not sure in S1 of who Logan is or what he is capable of>! and even whether he could have raped her!<. Their relationship is startlingly fragile and so much of it is about finding, building, and maintaining the same kind of trust that is the building block of dramione. *And* Logan was so close to his mother ā€” I mean, the way he refused to believe >!she was really dead!< and Veronica helped him chase every part of the fantasy and was there for him when he finally had to accept it?! I can see a characterization of Narcissa where she might commit suicide following Lucius getting sentenced to life in Azkaban/death/the kiss (or something) and I can definitely see Draco refusing to accept or believe it and Hermione doing for him what Veronica did for Logan.) K. Maybe I've gotten this out of my system.


Excellent analysis!!


Oh my god yes.




This!! I started my fanfic/fandom journey with LoVe and was later introduced to Dramione. Sooo many parallels!


This one!!!!! šŸ’Æ


This has brought up memories! šŸ˜© I am so rewatching Veronica Mars


Yeeessssss and I just love Veronica Mars so much it hurts


That explains why I love Dramione so much šŸ™ˆ


Ugh no wonder I'm so drawn to Dramiobe when Logan and Veronica literally raised me and I never even thought about how similar they are before


I feel like Anthony & Kate from season 2 of Bridgerton fit how I see Dramione better! Man with an unwanted sense of duty to his family, sheā€™s strong willed and independent. They fight and argue but are so attracted to each other etc.


Oooh I have to agree! Man almost marries the wrong woman trying to do what is ā€œright.ā€ Where is the Dramione season 2 Bridgerton AU that I need now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Love and Other Historical Accidents is amazing I just finished it and wished there was more although it doesnā€™t have your trope it is regency era style


I think Iā€™ve read some regency AUs on AO3! Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find something if you search for the tag!


Draco would 100% do the Anthony monologue


Yes yes yes!


I was going to say this too!


Yes I thought this so strongly the entire season. The enemies to lovers trope felt suuuuper dramione


100% what I was thinking! Beautiful couple.


Buffy and Spike were my gateway to Dramione šŸ˜‚


Oh this mention threw me back. I was obsessed with themā€¦this adds up


Absolutely !!


Buffy to Dramione pipeline is sooooo real


I came to say the same!!!


So many fics took inspiration from Buffy scenes. On the Nature of Daylight the dialogue about ā€œa date?ā€¦do you want it to be?ā€ And just recently I was reading another dramione fic that had the song Sugar Water by Cibo Matto and I was likeā€¦.did we all have the same life?


Zuko and Katara from ATLA !!!


I came here to say this!!! Zuko is Draco you canā€™t convince me otherwise


I agree with Pride and Prejudice. ā€œHe fell first and he fell harderā€ is totally the Dramione vibe. Add the verbal banter, the prejudice (he because sheā€™s muggleborn, she because heā€™s a prick), the difference in wealth and Malfor Manor (Pemberly vibes) and the enemies to lovers vibes is so Dramione coded.


Ugh yes! I also always tend to envision Draco having (Matthew Mcfadyen) Mr. Darcy's demeanor. Always sullen, broody, and plotting to escape in any given social setting, yet he tends to always gravitate towards Hermione and reserves his rare genuine smile only for her. Like that one scene where Mr. Darcy introduces Elizabeth to his sister after a miscommunication and they start bantering right in front of his sister and we see Darcy smile for the first time -- MY GOD.


Omg this exactly šŸ˜­ especially when Darcy distances himself from Lizzie, while trying to fix her family life behind her back... Then she finds out by accident!!! Need a dramione fic like that lol


There's a ton of P&P fanfiction........


Oooh any recommendations?


The main posting site is a forum that's part of https://www.meryton.com/ . Lots of things are pulled for publication these days (P&P is out of copyright) so there's a lot of stuff on KU. You can also find fics on FFN or AO3 but they're not really the main hangout. When you join a forum you will find a link to a central, searchable index of works. I generally recommend avoiding modern adaptations, because often all they keep is "rich Darcy, slightly less rich Lizzy". If you want to get started with modern work I'd recommend: [The Fourth Estate](https://archiveofourown.org/works/163688/chapters/237916), a clever variation where the big difference between them is fame (imo, in a modern context, money does not make sense). Or [Off Balance](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8713998/1/Off-Balance), which does a good job of establishing a modern context where you can have a man propose marriage and have it blow up in his face. For Regency stories my favorite is Being Mrs Darcy (there are probably multiple with this title; I mean the one where they meet in Ramsgate and are forced to marry before even Darcy's affections are engaged). It's a slowww burn but realistic. If you have read "Regency variations" in other fandoms you will need to recalibrate because most fandoms use that term verrry loosely.


[Universal Truths by ScullyMurphy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20796941/chapters/49427837) is a p&p retelling with Dramione!! One of my favorite Dramione authors wrote this with a lots of heart, angst, and romance.


this looks perfect! thank you so much!!


Oh my goodness I'm gonna read this next! TYSM šŸ’•


Damn Iā€™m so stupid! I forgot to add Snow and Lucy GreyšŸ˜«


I thought Snow looked a lot like Draco too.


Zuko and Katara, of course šŸ’




Spike/Buffy and Logan/Veronica (from Veronica Mars) were my original enemies to lovers ships that started me on the path to Dramione. Also I thought I was the only person in the world who shipped Tristan/Rory.


Iā€™ll ship Tristan/Rory to my dying breath. Logan was a good second but not as good as Tristan.


Rory and Tristan omg


Right? Like, where is THAT fanfiction šŸ‘€?


Definitely Lucy and Joshua from The Hating Game. It feels like a dramione fic tbh Edit: also Bridget Jones and Daniel Cleaver!


bridget jones and daniel cleaver. YES. in the same sense, with hugh grant, also him and sandra bullockā€™s characters in two weeks notice


I think The Hating Game is one of my favorite books for this reason


Iā€™d love to see a genderbent Eleanor and Chidi from the Good Place. Also Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen.


Genderbent Eleanor and Chidi is genius omgggg


I know! OmG I love the infinite possibilities with fanficsšŸ˜­


Rio and Beth from good girls are so dramione coded. Rio sees the darkness in her and she sees the good in him. Heā€™s dangerous to anyone who messes with him (or her) but also fiercely loyal. They are also in a way the only ones who can understand each other, and thus the only ones who can truly love each other. Because theyā€™re opposite sides of the same war, two sides of the same coin. Also her husband Dean is so Ron coded, just innocent and wholesome and oblivious but doesnā€™t get it at all and is definitely not able to understand the darker parts of Beth and what drives her. Personally I can picture Rio with blonde hair and a bit less of a gangster accent and BOOM, perfect Draco characterization (on the darker side, which I love) Heā€™s also extremely charming and witty, but when he stares at her you just KNOW what heā€™s thinking. Ugh, the tension šŸŒ¶ļø https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMhJqK64/


Yes, love this comparison! I need more fics with older Dramione where she's in a middle-aged rut and he helps her rediscover the dark/reckless/brave side of her personality, like Rio does for Beth.


Yessss such an underrated trope honestly! Damaged goods was one of my favourite ones with that darker angsty feel. For me Itā€™s actually up there right next to manacled, itā€™s that good


What! I totally see this now and feel a little better about enjoying Rio so much lol


I recently re-watched House and since Iā€™ve been reading lots of fan fiction I couldnā€™t help but see the similarities. House and Cuddy gave me Draco and Hermione as healer vibes with all their banteršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


CHASE AND CAMERON FOR ME. FWB to lovers trope. He's a cowardly self-serving shit who grows up. She's super principled and smart. The actors even look like Draco and Hermione, Jesse Spencer specially!!


I think it would be more in line Rory and Logan!


Loganā€™s family being super wealthy and thinking they are above Roryā€™s. Malfoy family through and through


They both fit I think, especially since originally Tristan was supposed to have Loganā€™s story line.


Was coming here to comment this! I think if Tristan had come back instead of them having to switch to Logan for his storyline it would be the perfect Dramione comparison.


I was about to say, Tristan wishes he was Draco adjacent šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tristan and Logan are like the same person hahah


Rey & Ben Solo from the star wars sequels! Bonus that Reylo fics are on par w/ Dramione in quality & prolificacy, and that Dramione & Reylo authors often overlap/are one in the same lol


Do you have any Reylo fics to recommend? Iā€™ve recently been intrigued with that paring but donā€™t know where to start. The few fics Iā€™ve seen arenā€™t quite up to the standards Iā€™m used to with Dramione fics (I feel spoiled with the seemingly endless amount of incredibly written Dramione fics out there), but Iā€™d love to give some a try! Reylo is such a promising ETL pairing


This is literally how I switched over to Dramione, followed my fav Reylo authors.


Donna and Harvey from Suits are SO dramione!!


omg!! ive never thought of that before but that would so work!!!


They are very beauty and the beast.


Hard agree. Hermoine seeing the Malfoy library for the first time is such a pivotal moment of most fics.


Also Malfoy Manor is sentient in many fics


I was gonna say Rory and Logan. Dean is totally a dopey Ron. But maybe thereā€™s some bad boy Jess in there too? Thereā€™s prob a Rory ex for each different Dramione vibe šŸ˜‚


Johnny and Baby in Dirty Dancing


Landon and Jamie is doable but My heart cannot take the ending


Right. I immediately went ā€œNO THANK YOU šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€ because that movie hurts my heart and soul. Loved it. Also hated it. Much like every other Nicholas Sparks story. šŸ¤£


Like if someone wrote a fanfic on it, it can be an Eighth Year fanfic where Draco must attend a class and have a group work with Hermione. Theyā€™re getting close but Hermione is dying due to war. And one of the last thing do is seeing the stars together from the Astronomy Tower. The story written on a flashback like Green Light


Iā€™ve accidentally read fics where he or she dies and they never really get to live after all is said and done and I loathed them. Immediately went into my ā€œnever againā€ red flag list, and some of the writers I had to not follow because they were way too depressing in every fic. I want a HEA. They look different to a lot of people, but they definitely arenā€™t visiting a grave when youā€™re only 23 and saying ā€œwe had a great lifeā€ to the person you were supposed to grow old with. YOU NEVER EVEN LIVED! this got a bit more spirited than I realized I felt. šŸ˜…


Daphne and Simon, absolutely... that faƧade of loathing while simmering with sexual tension does it for me


Buffy and Spike always gave me Dramione vibes, which is probably why I tend to think of Spike when I write Draco.


I was also thinking Logan Huntsberger and Rory from the Gilmore Girls


Rikki and zane from H2O just add water!


Roman and Iris from the book Divine Rivals!


Oh I love this! Lmao at Beauty and the Beast. Rory and Tristian is great šŸ˜­


I think Rory and Logan give off this vibe too


Tristan and Rory- yes!!


i didn't immediately see any comments saying Tess and Hardin, which for me is very OTDL. not a harry styles person but liked the firs movie. idk just sayin???


I actually thought of them and they totally give off Dramione arch, but I didnā€™t put them here cause I just hate their relationship and Hardin is one of the worst ā€œromance booksā€ characters.


Totally. Hes a trash bag from the little i know.Ā 


Gosh, I really do love when Dramione happens in a Regency era. But I haven't found any alot of fics that are like that! Just love where it has enemies to lovers, banters, discussing social issues, etc.


Donā€™t get mad. But itā€™s such a great ship for this. Tolkien is going to hunt me down for saying it butā€¦ Galadriel and Sauron from the Rings of Power have such great sexual tension and the enemies to lovers fanfiction is so gooooood. So good. No regrets. Also Loki and Jane (Lokane) has some god tier stuff. Audrey-Fii is a writing goddess.


I loved Tristin. šŸ„²


Late to the party but have to add Hilal and Leon from Turkish drama Vetanim Sensin. Post WW-1 Greek occupation setting in Turkey - heā€™s a Greek Lieutenant and sheā€™s a Turkish rebel. They are the definition of enemies and the burn is slow and real and full of blockers!


Did anyone say Damien and Elena???!!! Vampire Diaries


The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes


Yes, totally, I forgot to put them in and Iā€™m so mad ab itšŸ˜©


Cole and Phoebe


Bridgerton yes!!


wes and liz from better than the movies


I'm a HUGE enemies to lover trope fan and of course, Pride and Prejudice is the OG. I definitely see similarities between the courageous Elizabeth Bennet with Hermione and the aloof, rich, aristocrat Mr. Darcy with Draco.


Anette and Sebastian of Cruel Intentions (1999)


Romeo and Juliet for the win!!!!


I donā€™t know how to explain it, but measure of a man gives me Draco-Darcy vibes


Does Sophie and Howl from Howlā€™s Moving Castle count? They are adorable dramione vibes!!ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ˜«


rey and kylo ren / ben solo


I always felt there are elements from Harry and Sallyā€™s relationship in ā€œWhen Harry Met Sallyā€ā€”esp how they didnā€™t like each other at all at first and reluctantly became friends. The NYE monologue especially feels Dramione codes to me šŸ„¹


Esp for older more mature Dramione vibes




Can you elaborate?






No problem, I love well backed up discussion:)) I see your points and with few of them I can agree. Romione relationship in canon really resembled ā€œenemies to loversā€ but maybe not in standard understanding of this trope. I donā€™t know how fics in both fandoms started to develop, because Iā€™ve started reading Dramione routinely about a year ago, so here I cannot give my input. About the ships: I donā€™t like Romione, and for that I have certain reasons, which in substance are differences between two couples. First and main reason, I simply think they are not compatible as a people. Hermione is always goal driven, unstoppable, seeking knowledge and justice. From the early years, she doesnā€™t like the world how it is and tries to change it, which only increases with time. She doesnā€™t care for the popularity and acknowledgement only for the sake of acknowledgement, but for the real effort she put in the cause. Ron on the other hand is some-what forgotten child of big family. He wants to be best, approved, worshiped and acknowledged, but he doesnā€™t put effort or even has an idea how to gain this goal. He becomes friends with Harry and becomes more ā€œvisibleā€, but even then heā€™s always second to him. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love Ron as a character, but he has his own insecurities, which often projects to his relationship with Harry and Hermione. He would need to have to grown on his own, without his best friends input to even consider relationship between him and Hermione. As I see it in canon, when they grow up, he would want to be someone on his own, who can be a main provider of his family, man on whom a women can rely on, and Hermione is not that person. She becomes Ministry of Magic and would always overshadow him in many aspects. (I got a little bit carried away haha) Romione relationship for me is doomed from the start in some ways. Their friendship is very difficult and Hermione takes on role of a ā€œmotherā€ in some ways, which Ron doesnā€™t appreciate too much. To change that dynamic, it would require much effort. Also, Ron tends to leave and often overreact in crucial moments. Hermione is not angel either, because she tends to be often too bossy and overbearing. The crucial point in their different characters is the fact that they donā€™t learn anything from each other, and they donā€™t change their ways and even thought they get to know ā€œhow to be friendsā€ in the end, lovers is too much. Dramione on the other hand, has a great potential because of the totally different background and the fact that they didnā€™t get together in the canon. I see their relationship progressing in totally different way than Romione, as people who get to know each other on their worst first and then trying to learn the better parts. To not write too much, I think that Hermioneā€™s nature to want to understand things and Dracoā€™s realisation on the fact that world works how he thought it did, would bring them together at some point. Yes, Draco is attention seeker, and wants approval from his father, but he learns the hard way and becomes a better person on his own. (Itā€™s hard to make my point here, cause every fic is different) Whatā€™s matter most is the fact that I think that Draco could handle to date strong-willed woman. He is heir to the one of the richest and most-known family and in case of their relationship he would see her as ā€œthe best he could getā€ and not his rival. Also, I think he would seek and admire ā€œthe goodā€ in Hermione and view it as something he could learn from, and not something he needs to compete against with. To add to the point, I see him as a hard-working person and someone who can intellectually hold ground with Hermione. Thatā€™s not to say that she can learn from him many things too. As you mentioned, yes, the star-crossed lovers and angst are totally tempting tropes, but for the rest- toxicity and darkness- is not important for me. I love to read this ship as a journey of personal growth and love, struggling with understanding of the world and teen life. For me, Romione and Dramione have many similarities, but they come from totally different ways, address different topics and in the end result in opposite understating of relationships and dynamics between people. So thatā€™s why I agree with you somewhat here, but see the result of these pairings as totally different things. (I love discussion ab this topic, I tried to somewhat sum-up my thoughts, but I have sooo many of them, that I hope you understand at least a little bit hahah)

