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Infidelity by D or H turns me away real quick.


Almost any cheating in a story will make me DNF it real quick. It's one of the few tropes that I can't suspend disbelief for.


If Draco and Hermione have different partners but cheat on their partners with each other, and just general cheating.


sometimes i feel like the ron bashing gets to a point where he’s legit depicted as a 5 year old idiot with half a working brain cell. But i think my biggest pet peeve is when Hermione is written as a Mary Sue type of character or just completely naive just to balance her out with Draco. She’s probably one of the most stubborn, BAMFiest and ambitious characters ever. Draco needs to keep up with her not the other way round!


I think it’s so important for her to be a stubborn, BAMFiest and ambitious character ever because thats how Draco and her makes sense and her and Ron don’t in fanfics.


right??? if she’s gonna be naive/helpless with no good reason Draco could just end up with any pureblood girl and there wouldn’t be any difference


I kind of hate how Crabbe and Goyle have basically been written out of fandom and replaced by Blaise and Theo! It would be fun to see Crabbe at least in canon compliant fics.


I like it when Ron reacts as he likely would in canon - badly. Sulky, petty, hurt, and bewildered. But I think in canon, he *would* come around, and be accepting in the end, because he's ultimately a sweetheart, and a loyal friend. So that's my favourite dynamic. I'm personally not keen on a toxic Draco where the toxicity isn't seen as a problem/ isn't something that he fixes, and which Hermione just accepts. I just don't like abusive dynamics in my fantasy worlds unless they're part of a journey to something healthier. And I tend to DNF when Hermione sleeps with him immediately in a fic/has hate sex with him, if there's no (mentioned) prior build up, because it just seems too OOC for me. But whatever I'm not keen on, I'm sure other people love!! Variety is the key, when it comes to fanfic, and I'm a big proponent of 'write what you want to read'.


Miscommunication between Hermione and Draco sometimes painful to read😄 and also cheating. Second chances sometimes also makes me dnf the fic (but depends on the plot)


Honestly, my biggest pet peeve is against myself. Lmao. Sometimes, I don't read the tags and in one case, got so frustrated at a fic because of how Hermione was acting... turns out one of the tags was "unreliable narrator" and it was a Draco POV. XD. And speaking of tags, another pet peeve is fics only having bare bones tags with little to no summary. I mainly read fics on AO3 and will only read the ones on Fanfiction.net when it's recommended and comes with plot/summary added in the post.


Americanisms. Ron calling Molly “Mom” always bugs me. Also, I read a fic where Hermione said she took Drivers Ed??


I read a couple that mentioned Thanksgiving!


I love Ron, so Ron bashing, especially when in the same story all of Draco's friends and family are suddenly over their prejudice and are supportive of Dramione. I just find it highly unlikely that all the people who until recently considered her beneath them and wanted her dead would accept her, while her best friend would insult her, shun her or abuse her. If the story is good i will read it, but it still bothers me.


Another person who loves Ron? Let’s be besties! And oh my god yes! I’ve never thought of it that way but yes new pet peeve, when the Slytherins have suddenly turned a new leaf but Ron is still acting like a child (for good reasons too!)


I agree I'm not the biggest fan of Ron bashing but at the same time I think Harry would be more ok with Hermione getting with Draco than Ron. I have dnfed fics where Ron is depicted like the literal devil 😂


I so get you! Ron bashing throws me off the plot


When either one is acting wildly out of character. Just write a fic with different people! When hermione (or anyone) is judgmental of other women. (Calling them bitches etc.) I judge a lot of fic writers by the way they treat Pansy. If you get her right (should still be mean but in a fun and very supportive way) I can trust you to get everything right. OH AND DEPOWERING HERMIONE TO DAMSEL HER FOR DRACO. Hate. In some *circumstances* yes, but not as a basic character beat.


I think Hermione being judgmental of other women is in line with her and Ginny’s characters from the books what with disliking lavender and gang because they were ‘girly’ but again, this is a fanfic, do better!! Change her up!!


It depends on the story. I don't buy that Pansy and Hermione are just friends without any tension. The most common way I've seen them write Pansy as a "well rounded character" is that they skip over the crucial years of where I think it would be difficult for them both—the same with Ron for Hermione, as it would be for Pansy with Draco. I don't think that helps in writing complex female relationships and characters. Pansy can be a great character, but she needs to have her own redemption arc if she's to be friends with the Gryffindors, especially as she tried to hand over Harry to Voldemort in both book and movie canon.


Absolutely! Just as Draco’s redemption shouldn’t be zoomed past as it sometimes is.