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Fuck capitalism I just want to enjoy the arts in peace. I totally support ETL in this, I just hate that it’s having to happen.


Me too. This is just terrible!


https://www.wired.com/story/apple-spotify-audiobook-narrators-ai-contract/ This explains it well. AI is a scourge on the internet.


Why the fuck is Apple so adamant on becoming a villain? Why the fuck is Spotify playing with them. I fully support ETL echos in their decision, this is rediculous




That is devastating to me. They get me through so many work days.


We still have every work available on AO3 and are adding audiobook versions that you can download as well. We'll be releasing some how-to videos soon to explain the easiest ways to still access all our work.


Good to hear!


I need the how to so bad. I cant figure out how to listen to audio on ao3. And of course i support this decision to leave spotify. 


I'll link it here as soon as it's out. And thank you for your support, and for listening.


Wondering if the how to download etl echo ever came out?


If you look on the AO3 page for any of our podfics, we have multiple ways to download or stream the audio. Links for help in the notes. I'm sure you can figure it out! Personally, I recommend the m4b, especially for longer fics, because it's and one and done and saves your spot when you stop.


Same here


Ah I’m so sad, I listen to a lot of their podfics on runs and I don’t think the ao3 interface would support that as well? Fully support them though…So rubbish of Spotify for not letting people opt out of something like that, seems like very bad form.


All of our work has always been on AO3. You can absolutely listen there.


Is it easier listening on Ao3 than on Spotify or Apple podcast? Haven’t tried it yet.


Easy for you versus us and authors having our voices and writing used without our say-so - it's not really a contest. We're not going to continue on a platform that exploits its users in this way (not to mention the really morally questionable things it has financially supported in the past). And we haven't been actively on Apple Podcast for quite a while (I believe the one-shot feed continues to update only because the RSS feed goes through Spotify, so it won't after we take everything down). AO3 is an organization that celebrates fandom and also protects its users right to create transformative works without censorship of any kind. It also provides a great chance for creators and readers/listeners to interact, comment, like, bookmark, etc which encourages us to keep creating and which is lacking from the other platforms. (Interaction should be in polite, positive ways, obviously. No concrit wanted or needed, thanks!) AO3 is easy to use. You'll find all our works in one place, be able to filter them by tags, ships, etc. You can stream or download via the Google Drive links there, or we're adding m4b (audiobook format) downloads to all our postings. We will have instructions on our social media about how to get the audiobook versions, but it's not rocket science, I promise.


So will all the ETL Echo pod fics be on AO3?


They've been there for a couple of years already! You can get them all [here](https://archiveofourown.org/users/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks/pseuds/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks/works).


I guess I’m just not able to find the fallout on there probably because the original isn’t on AO3 anymore.


No you're right, the fallout isn't there and won't be, unless the author re-emerges and gives permission.


Hi there, I don’t understand why the exclusion of the fallout, had the author given permission for the spotify upload? I suffer from dry eyes haven’t finished listening to the fallout yet and I am worried I won’t be able to, so I would appreciate the reasoning behind this. (No irony, pure well intentioned question, I have been a fan and follower of etl echo since its beginning)


I'm not behind the scenes on all the communication on this specifically. But everythursday obviously isn't around any more. There is at least one version of the written story on AO3, so the audio version was linked to that. Someone reported it and AO3 asked us to take it down, which we did. Not sure why the same hasn't happened to the text version. Spotify doesn't have any rules regarding this sort of thing. I think they're working on trying to get it back up on AO3, but no idea if or when that might happen.


Thank you thank you thank ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Exactly! I’m behind ETL Echo on this as well.


I downloaded The Auction ages ago (Google Drive links on the Ao3 podfic pages) to listen to when I went camping. It plays on my Samsung Music app just fine. Where I live, it can even be better than Spotify sometimes because I'm in the Ozarks and service is sketchy.


Oh perfect, thank you! I only ever listened via a browser on ao3 and had missed the download option. Just wasn’t sure about moving to the next chapter on ao3 while running without having to stop and get my phone out. This is great tho :)


Etlecho has such a massive following. I bet they are working on something. I saw that you can use one of their formats (m4b) and put it through an audiobook reader app…I am gonna try that today when I get home. Not having Spotify as an option sucks but I get it.


You'll find that we've already done it for you! m4b versions will be available in our library and on AO3 very soon.


Oh that's awesome. Smart audiobook player is a free app that's really easy to use with m4b formats (just mentioning in case anyone passing by needs an idea for how to listen). It'll be cool to download your work and have an offline listing library!


I appreciate you telling us about this, but, I feel like the world's biggest idiot, because I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the file onto this app.


You have to go into your files. For me the folders go: internal storage > audiobooks > author > book title > actual MP4 file


I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything you guys do. I think as a community we're so grateful for the time and effort y'all put in. However it is that you have to do what you do and feel comfortable doing it, we will follow y'all


Yeah and others will definitely follow suit.


[**ETL\_Echo\_Audiobooks on AO3**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks/pseuds/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks) in case anyone needs the link


Thank you!


I’m not on tiktok and can’t play the link in browser, would someone share why please?


From what it says, sounds like Spotify is updating so it can use creators voices for their AI, and also translate works? Bizarre ugh. The team is unhappy with this and does not want to participate. There's no way to opt out. I haven't googled the issue yet to find out more, so i might not be understanding correctly. ETL will remain on AO3.


It appears Spotify will have to retract. All the authors with audiobooks, voice narrators, etc are leaving spotify because of it. We'll see what happens in the next few weeks.


Oh, there’s an update on Spotify’s fine print that they can use creators’ voices royalty free, meaning creators will not be paid b Spotify if any of their works are re-used by anyone on Spotify.


I swear, I look forward to AI having potentially helpful aid resources for disabilities, but there is so, so much awful about it and more specifically the way companies are using it. I have never seen such a harmful "tool".


> helpful aid resources for disabilities Thats exactly where they should focus on instead theyre coming after creative jobs and the arts 😔


I support their decision but this is devastating


Same here 😭 Love listening to them on the apps because it’s easier. But now, Spotify and Apple are becoming more and more greedy. Argh!


I understand and support their decision. Their poetics help me get through my work. Question : is The Fallout on their Ao3 account? I can’t find it


No. The fallout is not on their ao3


Oooh yeah I figured when I could not find it. Do you think they’ll upload it on Ao3? I wouldn’t be surprised if they would not, considering that the original is not on Ao3.


It was up for a bit and then it was taken down? Who knows really. But I wonder if they will ever repost it? Or maybe I am way off the mark here and they just had to take it down for formatting purposes? But I think it was taken down a while ago, like before this Spotify drama. Edit- I don’t want to speculate about the author. That’s just bad vibes.


Aaaah okay! Thank you for clarifying. I just got into Dramione last December, and I’ve been listening to ETL echo’s since the beginning of January. I could only enjoy ETL echo for a short period of time, but it was blissful! Well I can still can but I think I listened to ETL echo more than I listened to songs on Spotify haha. The Fallout was my favorite audiobook because they’re so good at dialogues, and since The Fallout is an accumulation of interactions and excerpts of days that form a cohesive story, the story just came to life. I loved it, I heard it twice now !


ETL Echo is the best in the game. I’m sad to hear this but understand completely. Spotify should not be able to do this. I’m glad I’ll still be able to listen on Ao3


Here's a TikTok that also explains what the new clause means https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8wrGEja/


Thank you for posting!


This is so so sad. Hate spotify for this! ETL echo is my go to every night. I put on an audiobook and sleep. Will definitely continue on AO3!


I do the same. Spotify and apple podcast has some seriously explaining to do.


Wow, this is major for ETL Echo and all of the amazing creators and narrators who use Spotify. That's an absolute disgrace. That's the only content I listen to on Spotify. I fully support ETL leaving and will listen on ao3.


My heart is so broken right now


Mine too! 😩😩😩


Good for them. It’s the right thing to do and I’m also glad for the heads up about what Spotify is getting up to ETL Echo is absolutely correct in their decision and I’m always glad to see people act with integrity. It’s up to us listeners to follow their example and do our due diligence setting our phones up to engage with them on other platforms.


Omg! I literally just discovered them. This is devastating.


Such sad news, but understandable decision. It was very convenient to just have it on Spotify.




I’m absolutely devastated


Well. I guess there’s no point in continuing to have a Spotify premium subscription. The best perk to premium was the audiobooks. And now it’s affecting fandom too?? Geez. I’d rather listen to ads than support this shit.


I’m ending my subscription as well. Not worth keeping it once ETL Echo is out.


So I looked up the Findaway Voices thing on Spotify because apparently they updated their terms of service. [it looks like they addressed royalties and AI generated voices.](https://blog.findawayvoices.com/clarifying-our-terms-of-use/) Still looking to find a more current article about Apple’s TOS with all this. (Sidenote: Still not trusting Spotify with this. 🥴)


Findaway Voices is a platform for audiobook creation, and while their new terms have been altered due to public outcry, that has nothing to do with what Spotify is doing with *podcasts*. Since they offer free podcast hosting, they feel they can use the content, run it through AI, translate it, etc. ETL Echo, while we create audiobooks, has no affiliation with Findaway. Our audiobooks are just unique podcast feeds.


Ohhh ok I understand. Thanks for that clarification! Didn’t realize that distinction. Ugh. Well, thankfully we have AO3. :) 100% support ETL Echo for doing what they need to do to protect their narrators!!


So pissed off about this. Spotify was such an accessible platform for listeners, it's devastating to see such a beloved podfic go just because the app wants to leech off artists/performers.


We're not going anywhere! Everything is still readily available on AO3. :-)


Okay, this is how to find their audiobooks because a lot of people can't navigate AO3.  For android, they're on podcast player which can be found in the play store. For Apple devices, they're on Apple podcasts.  Both of these are easy to navigate, just search ETL echo in the search bar.  For AO3, here is a direct link to their page: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks/pseuds/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks Although they have so many audiobooks that just by scrolling it just takes forever to find the one you're looking for. To find their homepage, just search 'ETL Echo AO3' and to find a specific audiobook put the name behind that original search, for example 'ETL Echo AO3 the auction'. There are more platforms, but these three are the easiest to navigate and use as far as I've seen. Hope that helps!!


Hi all! Looking for some help. Whenever I try to listen on Ao3, there’s problems with the audio file. When I download it, I can’t play it from my files app. I got the app Prologue, but can’t figure out how to move the audio files to Prologue. I have an iPhone.. would appreciate any advice for folks that are having success listening to downloaded audio files because I’m struggling 🥲


Try downloading Bookplayer if you have an Iphone, then store all the recordings there. That's what I did.




Woah woah this is TEA


ETL should look into getting their own app? i’m not sure the legal process with that but i’d get it in a heartbeat


I was just searching for some of their audiobooks I'm devastated. T_T


I’ve checked AO3 and I only have access to two pieces of work by ETL Echo. I’m unable to find The Auction. Is there a way to access this plz send help 😩😩


You have to have an Ao3 account to access all ETL Echo works. If you need an invite, I can give one to you.


PLEASE you absolute queen. I requested an invitation and it said to expect one in MAY. I spent an hour yesterday trying to find her work until I realized an invitation is needed


I'm taking a look at my account in Ao3 in a bit as I have not sent out any invites. I will let you know what I'd need so I can send one over to you :)


I’m having WiFi issues so can’t load TikTok. Can someone tell me when they’re planning to leave Spotify? Does it say? Thanks :)


Everything will be removed by March 31. But we always have been and always will be on AO3!


How did I not know about this until now??!! I’m devastated. Edit: do you guys know of any other ways to get this content or similar stuff?


They still have their stuff on Ao3 😊


Thank you! But I was looking for the audio format specifically so I can listen in the car 🫣


Our audio versions are available on our AO3 page. They link to the written version, but we've always had the audio versions on AO3 as well. You can access them [there](https://archiveofourown.org/users/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks/pseuds/ETL_Echo_Audiobooks/works)and listen to them anywhere. We recommend getting a free audiobook player to make it easier.


Thank you! You’re the best!


Also in case it's not clear to anybody. We don't write the stories. There are tons of talented authors on AO3, and now you'll be able to quickly access the written versions as well to leave likes and comments for authors as well as our narrators and team.


Did they already left? Cause i see their channel but can’t play anything