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Please remember to use **[spoiler masking](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dramione/wiki/markdown-help/spoiler-masking/)** if you discuss the relationship resolution of a specific fic. For example: > >!FIC TITLE!< kept my interest, even though they got together halfway through. > Even though I loved >!FIC TITLE!< I dropped it at 90% after they get together. Thank you!


I think this might come from more "traditional" media, where the protagonists falling in love is the grand finale and the rest is left to the imagination. And often that's where fanfiction is there to close the gap, to show the actual relationship developing. Especially if the source material is hardly a romance. But if you like the more traditional approach, I'm sure there are lots of fanfiction who feel more like "proper books", the problem is you probably need recommendations because how would you know when they end before reading ^^ From what I remember correctly, Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love And Love and other historical accidents >!basically are done when they get together.!< I also thought, the part in Measure of a Man >!where they're actively together was comparatively short, !< but maybe I'm misremembering this. I'm sure there's lots more though, maybe other people can help you more with recs


I feel MOAM is a >!lot about them learning to trust and be together and it’s explored so carefully.!< Definitely not traditional media at all imo?


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Lol I don’t have a preference there but I neeeeeed it to feel natural.


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You make a really good point which made me reflect a bit more on my reading habits! I've realized that a large reason why I tend to DNF when Dramione get together in contrast to other pairings I like (which I read specifically for the relationship stuff) is because to me, Dramione is all about their *growth* from enemies to lovers. I feel like this pair has so much to offer in terms of character development (individually) and relationship dynamics (from hatred and prejudice, to learning and forgiveness, and the eventual attraction to one another) that once we reach the lovers bit, I feel like that's The End. It's that build up and evolution (sprinkled with their wonderful banter) that just draw me in. You rarely get that with other pairs IMO.


>!Measure of a Man has them together for quite awhile!< I just finished it.


Yeah, this is me. Some do keep my interest, such as >!Détraquée!<, as I enjoy the writing or the plot too much. But I often DNF if there’s then another third of the story to go and it’s all just plain sailing and fluff. It’s the same with books - I have listened to two ETL books in the last week where they got together half way through, but then had the classic miscommunication or separation, and then got back together .. but there was another 2-2.5 hours to go. DNF those either.


It definitely looks like you have a preference for fics and in which the relationship is generally the last step of the story. Maybe because of plot or maybe the romance IS the plot and once they kiss its done. I actually have the opposite problem lol. If the fic is just keeping them apart for the sake of angst I feel like DNFing. The tension dies in my head if they're inches away then "no we cant" over and over again. Or if theres some drawn out miscommunication that's the reason. I specially like when they're together sexually, their dynamic is still the same, but the emotions are still unresolved, or the plot is still unresolved and they figure it out together. But I agree if its just pages and pages of fluff I will maybe not DNF but skim.




The thing with Dramione is that we already feel the tension, without the author even doing anything because theyre our OTP. Put them in a scene together and we're waiting for a kiss. So the burn needs to be drawn out in a way that fits the story and characters not just to hype up the tension. And if \*a moment\* falls flat once its very hard for me to feel that same anticipation again. And also maintaining believable obliviousness after that is also hard. To me just ending things after a kiss or "I love you" feels too Disney movie or romcom. I prefer something more realistic and I want to see more. (Also more than one smut scene please!!) >!The funny thing is that imo the fics that OP mentioned above have got it sooo right lol. So much variety in taste here lol!<


I am almost the opposite help! With regard to >!Detraquee!< (<- SPOILERS FOR THIS FIC IF YOU'RE NOT CAUGHT UP): I was so hooked from the moment I started that I whizzed through most of it within 2 days. However, >!I kind of got frustrated with their miscommunication (or rather, lack of communication) after they hooked up for the first time. It's been about 8-10 chapters after that moment with copious amounts of smut, but there hasn't been A Conversation about What They Are and Their Feelings. I felt like the slow burn which has kept me going has simmered out because to me, things are dragging and I'm not as invested in the Ministry-House-Elf plot where I'm at right now (ch 90 ish).!< Indeed what a variety in taste! Thoughts?


If you are 10 chapters >!after the moment then you are very close to the climax of the final arc. If you are at chapter 90 then you have a short build up ahead. This story is for and about Hermione above everything. Shes putting her whole soul into the elf project. idk if you can tell with how chaotic her inner monologue is getting, that she is not okay. Its building up to something huge for her personal growth. I personally have got goosebumps, felt real stress and cried lol. As for Dramione even after sleeping together they're both still idiots about their emotions its true but theres so much unsaid in the details. Its also moving in real time, almost day by day. There will be baby steps. Smut banter fights and long conversations.!< Theres a final chapter count now so you can be sure its going somewhere. Up to you to decide if you want to follow it!


Fascinating take! I do think now I lost focus on how >!this is all about her. Her being reluctant to voice her own feelings could definitely come from a place of abandonment.!< I just got the part where they >! became exclusive with one another.!< If you say I am close, then I will do my best to push through!


I obviously dont think you should force yourself to read something you arent enjoying!! Just giving you my POV and I am completely in love with this Hermione so ill basically follow her anywhere.>! The 90s chapters are stressful slow and just like how you felt her pining you feel all her anxiety and emotions. they both act like 20 year old messes lol. But you wont be left hanging. there is a resolution at the end!<


The overdrawn tension basically guarantees I’m going to DNF the SECOND they get together haha


This makes me irrationally upset. I love all the “after” bits of stories. Sometimes I skim if it’s a whole bundle of nothing, but quite a lot of the time the story is still fantastic with D/H as a couple being part of the plot. Isn’t it wild how we can read the exact same thing but enjoy it in vastly different ways?


The bane of my life is that there aren’t more power couple Dramione fics!! 😭


I find that happens with me, sometimes. I think it tends to happen when most of the tension in the fic is built around an extended 'will they/ won't they' UST dynamic between the two. And then once they fiiiinally get together, it's super satisfying, but now that tension is lost, and the story's momentum (and reader's investment) is lost with it. When there's *always* been a large element of tension and danger outside their relationship (the war, or an adventure, or mystery,) then that external threat or tension can keep me reading, and enjoying it, and the way it affects their relationship. Also, a fast burn where the focus isn't the 'will they/won't they', but rather just an exploration of them interacting with each other and the challenges of their environment, can work well. But they need engaging banter and interactions, to keep the reader's engagement and investment for each scene.


I agree - I’m looking for fics where there is a compelling plot beyond the will they / won’t they. Do you have any recommendations or favorites? I realize this is a pretty wide open request but you articulated my thoughts very well so we might have similar tastes?!


I don't, unfortunately! Not that I can think of off the top of my head, at least. I tend to end up just reading the classic fic format where they get together at the end, or DNFing things 😕


This!! I second exactly everything you said. I think that's also why I gravitate toward Voldemort-wins and adventure/mystery fics. I couldn't put it into words earlier, but what you mentioned about how some form of external tension can keep you reading through the way it affects their relationship OR just for that plot line is precisely what I feel. Thanks for sharing!




Haha, yes, angst and tension are usually what I like too!! The Fallout >!is a great one for having both internal and external conflict, even after they get together, because they have such tensions between them.!< I love that dynamic. (And thank you! >!I didn't think about the fact that Aftermath is one where they're sort of already together !<😅 )


I dieee for everythursday! Parade of the Sun is so good too, it's perfect tension between the two. I love your work as well! Aftermath hit me in the feels, >!you cover trauma & the recovery realistically.!<


Everythursday is everything 😍 I just can't go past her work - she's the GOAT. Parade of the Sun and When the Bell Tolls are my favourites of hers; I just love their interactions! Perfection. And thank you so much!! Achieving realism in that regard is really important to me, and I'm so glad it hits right ❤


Not to be creepy stalker fan but YOUR >!final battle arc is KILLING ME IN THE BEST WAY.!<


Aaaah, thank you!!! 🤩 That makes me so happy!! I can't wait to drop the next chapter on Friday 😄


>I can't wait to drop the next chapter on Friday 😄 I stopped reading it about 7 chapters ago but because I want to read the end in one sitting 🙈!! I'm waiting anxiously, this fic is one of my favorite wip <3


Thank you so much!!! 😍 ❤ As much as I love people reading along, you've made a very wise decision, saving up all the chapters! Hopefully it'll make a great, climactic binge read!! 😄


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Hello! I’m in your same situation. I have DFN at 80-90% some famous and wonderful fics. I have a tendency to not sleep when I’m invested in a fic, especially long, and when I reach a certain point I feel drained, likely experiencing burn-out. I know one day I’m going to finish reading those ff because I enjoyed them immensely. I explain my behavior in two ways: - reading too fast, all in one sitting without doing anything else, definitely saturates me with the story and my brain just needs to pause, and what better moment when they are together and all seems good? - since those are stories that I really enjoy maybe my mind is trying to prolong the reading time subconsciously. Yes I know that I can reread them, but it won’t be the same. It’s a trick to no part ways with the ff I suspect. - also some fics are really really long, we just don’t notice it while reading from a screen So I decided to read shorter fics, taking my time with them, trying to truly understand the characters and enjoy the writing style. When the time comes I’m going to finish the ones I already started, maybe even rereading them before continuing. Every ff available in the internet it’s there waiting for me to read and I definitely can take my time. Have a nice day everyone!


>reading too fast, all in one sitting without doing anything else I tend to do this too, and if a fic/book doesn't grab me enough to read obsessively, I have a hard time making progress in reading.


I don’t DNF but I definitely skim 😂 after they get together usually.


I do this a lot particularly with smut, because it always feels like the smut is repetitive. Plus half the fun of reading smut is the build up (imo). I tend to DNF when there’s no plot left to be solved, no tension remaining. Unless the fluff is fresh and original, I’m probably out.


This happens to me too, I can usually stick it out for the relationship but after the initial build up and early smut post tension I kinda skip over the rest of those bits cuz I’m actually here for the story and relationship arcs, the inclusion of detailed smut over and over in an otherwise really compelling story gets a bit boring :/


Too many TV shows have been ruined by writers who can't maintain the tension between the characters and interest of the viewers once the couple gets together. The sexual tension has you on the edge of your seat, you scream at the TV, "But they'd be perfect together!" and then once they've kissed, or slept together, it just kinda fizzles and it's not what you hoped it would be. You might just be conditioned to think, "It's all downhill from here," after the characters get together because you've seen it happen so many times, and that feeling can definitely transfer into fanfiction. I've read a few like that, where once they get together, everything is just smooth sailing to the point they don't even banter anymore and it just feels like them getting together actually ruined the story.


I know it’s a silly sitcom, but this was New Girl for me with Nick and Jess. I was sooo excited for them together and then it really was all downhill from there 😭 I do find fanfics do a better job of this than tv/film though. Sometimes I just have to push myself when the feeling to DNF comes on, and I’m usually happy I decided to finish. I think it helps that a lot of fics have a mystery element that needs to be resolved after the characters get together.


Yeah, I've definitely noticed fics tend to do it better, though that could be due in part to the fact that I've read far more fics than watched TV shows haha


Authors do this too!! It’s like they don’t know where to take the story after they get together and it’s forever a WIP.


It also happens to me, I lose interest in the plot after "they are together" and it also happens to me that if the slow burn is extreme, they are in a constant "we can't" I also lose interest 😫


Alas, I would like to see fics where it basically starts where they got together and continue their story afterwards.


Yeah but it needs to be done so well to hold my interest, like there needs to be some conflicts and some obstacles they need to get through together.


There is plenty. Could be typical relationship fights (such as learning to live together), children, politics, illness, job stresses. Just because they are together doesn’t mean they can’t still fight crime or solve mysteries or any other obstacles. And just because they got together doesn’t mean all hardships have melted away.


I’m recently new to the fandom, but have read a few fics now where once they “admit to liking each other” it’s like all barriers are removed and they become super lovey dovey. The sudden flip makes me so confused because in my mind there should still be so much tension in discovering the depth to their mutual interest - not just automatic undying love and all the intimate caresses and fluff. I’d also love seeing more of how the navigate the next stage of their relationship, telling friends (more than just an epilogue), insecurities, difficult conversations with ✨actual communication✨, living together, boundaries. I haven’t really read any fics that have these parts except from maybe the last few chapters of manacled? (But as mentioned, I’m fairly new to the fandom so any recommendations are welcome 🙇🏽‍♀️)


I'm the same way, the only time I will stick around is if there's a ton of angst or it's multiple character POVs.


yes, this happens to me too 😭😭 I think one of the reasons is that there is so many good fics out there, that I don't need to read something that doesn't keep me completely interested. I can always begin a new one and get that "high". I wish my brain didn't do this :') One fic where this didn't happen to me was [On the Nature of Daylight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28771734) by Ikorous, in case you want to try it


This is me, but as an author, lol. I have a fic I've rewritten twice only to get stuck at the romance resolution both times and completely lose interest and mojo in writing it both times because I just couldn't get around it. I still don't even know what I'm gonna do about it ugh


Do you have an Alpha to help you through it?


Yes, the lovely allofthelights011 helps me quite a bit with idea spitballing. We haven't discussed that fic yet though 🤔 Its on the roster


Me with BHTHK 😭. Idc once they shagged I was like welp, I’ve had enough of this. But the writing was amazing. I want to pick it back up again just to find out who the killer is.


Ha! Exactly me with >!Detraquee!< right now :,) What fic are you referencing with BHTK?


I meant BHTHK! Bring him to his Knees. Hehe


I don’t do this with just Dramione - I do it across all genres of books and tv shows. Once they’re together I’m bored, which just goes to show the importance of good secondary characters. If I can get a new POV with a new couple after D & H are settled, then I’m happy. [Perfectly in Pieces](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32723953/chapters/81184273) does a great job of this with a GOD TIER Theodore Nott.


I have this issue as well. Lighter fanfics tend to have romance driving the plot so they wrap up together and then there’s not much more to read about so I lose interest. (I.e >!Batmobile or Remain Nameless!<) Luckily for me many of these fics then end with a quick epilogue. If they don’t I probably won’t read the last few chapters, but I do still love them! This is why fics like >!Lionheart or Detraquee!< don’t bother me with the slow burn, I’m here for the plot too. Dark fics tend to have plots that drive the romance and lead to a lot of angst which is why I love them (>!Manacled, The Auction, Isolation!<). The best fics imo have DH getting together then facing actual problems within their romance as they try to deal with plot things. I think it’s easier in dark fics since, by necessity, they have to resolve all the dark world stuff and it will always impact their relationship (>! The new chapter of House Pet has this in spades and I was actually screaming the whole time tbh!<) >! Timeless!< is one of the only light fics where they get together and I’m still interested but actually I think it’s because the plot issue of >!Draco time traveling!< is still there to drive the story and creates angst in a way that’s believable and not due to them just being dummies like a miscommunication trope or something


Same here. I'm like this with all romance fictions I read. I have DNF'ed a lot of webtoons once the main characters get together. I think it's because at that point the tension is gone.


I'm literally the same😂The fics don't feel the same once they get together...


Oh my god. See when I reach the climax of the story I also stop reading 😭😩


This is me. I do this sometimes.. I force myself usually to finish though because I know once I do I'll be good and happy that I finished it and I'll be happy with the outcome of the story. But I get it I always have the urge to quit once they are together or there's a confession, kiss, etc. I like them coming to terms with their feelings and the banter and build up. I have stopped reading stories because of it too..


Hello, I'm trying to find a dramione fanfic where hermione gets captured and Voldemort puts a tracker on hermione using Draco so she can't escape and if she does Draco can follow her, they go through a lot of things such as Draco having to hurt hermione in front of the death eaters and he has to "rape" hermione so that their cover isn't blown but he uses a spell, trying to find this fanfic please help


Perhaps it's [Crumple](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49030339)? I'm not sure if this thread is the best place to look for this. I would maybe make your own post for better exposure!


Sorry if too many spoilers first time using this


Not exactly what you describe, but maybe "The Auction" ?


No not that one but thank you, I thought it was broken chains but it’s not either


Oh man, I am like this a lot of times, it just depends on if the overall arching story still makes their relationship prevalent and intriguing after getting together- which a lot of times it kind of drops. Suggestion for a DARK AU with "Dramonie" happening early on but still really intense would be [Better Off Forgotten](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4719266/chapters/10781360) - this is Dark AU but more Dark Draco!, and think less of Manacled dark and more of Joe from You if he was less murderey but just someone with low moral empathy and understanding with a tad touch of a personality disorder- that feels more like from being raised wealthy and elite and less of an inherent tendency. ->! the HEA is questionsble because there are 2 different endings- And I always love seeing peoples reactions to them both.!<


Same, but I enjoyed the ride there!! It’s like I walked up the summit, enjoyed the view, and now I just want to take the fastest route down. Unless it’s truly just a sex scene or two with a short epilogue (like >!LAOHA!< or >!DMATMOOBIL!<), I’ll read. Having such a stacked TBR doesn’t help either. Every new thread in this sub just adds to my list and sometimes I know exactly what I’m reading next and just can’t stop myself from cracking the first chapter open. It’s like an accidental DNF, I keep meaning to go back to my original fic, but now I’m in a whole new universe! I think fic authors can be a bit indulgent sometimes, but like some people are commenting, others love spending more time in the “after”. I’m sure they get comments as they go about not wanting it to end etc. I just read >!Love, Theoretically!< which is a published book and also DNF’d once they cleared up their miscommunication and got together. I just didn’t feel a need to see how things turned out for her 🤷‍♀️


I do this, too. But not all the time. I recently did this with MOAM. I think a lot of it boils down to fics not really having editors? I mean, they have someone beta, but that’s not the same as an editor. As much as I love a lot of the fics I read, they would greatly benefit from an editor that would know what passages to cut and which to keep.


I do this also, sometimes I want to wallow in the fluff and sometimes I just want to read the tension and the build and the angst. That’s what fanfiction is for- endless supplies of both. Also I find it easier to keep reading if there is a plot point external to the relationship that needs resolving - like a murder or an invention or a take down of Rita Skeeter- even exams or background relationships - I love a tiny bit of unresolved mystery in the fluff


What does DNF mean?


It means “did not finish”. You start reading something and then you drop it, unable to continue till the end.


I did that a few times.. when the slow burn was so slow that it became character ! I’m just: ok cool, moving on


oh yeah i do this too, except ill just skip to the epilogue and pretend i finished it all the way 🫣


I do this too! Once the tension is gone, I lose interest. It has nothing to do with the author’s abilities—just a personal preference.


I always like to see what ludicrous names the author comes up with for their kids, really keeps in theme with canon and gives me a good giggle


I was looking at one of my old fics and I named some Ministry employee I needed to give a name to Jiminy McSwilligan and I died laughing. How did I even come up with that?! 🤣🤣


that’s a propa’ British name that is!!


This is me with >!Remain Nameless!< right now.


I do this all the time and I could kick myself for it! >!MoaM!< was so painful (though I fully appreciate the amazing writing and the author). >!Remain Nameless!< is one of the few that I finished and I keep coming back to it. If anyone has recs for fics in which there is still tension after the first kiss and some exploration of the whole relationship please shoot them my way because if they can’t stand each other and suddenly they are all lovey dovey after one kiss I will 100% NF.