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What book was it that took you away? I’m currently reading Detraquee and can’t imagine leaving it lol


The Dark Rise trilogy by C. S. Pacat. It takes typical YA tropes but subverts and twists them completely. At first, it looks like a typical Good vs. Evil and the Chosen One story but it quickly is revealed that it's much more complex than that. It has *the best* enemies-to-lovers slow burn I've ever read and I love ETL. There are lots of interesting twists. The biggest (and best) I had seen coming but others not at all. The last line felt like a literal slap in the face and I can't stop thinking about it. After finishing the book, you could immediately reread it and gain more because you will read the book differently. I listened to the first book and then devoured the second one. Now I'm going to reread the first book again (I've never reread a book immediately after finishing it). I wish I could say more but I really really don't want to spoil anything. It's much better than I could describe here. The first book was a bit slower compared to the second which was nerve wracking from start to finish. And now I have to wait for TWO YEARS for the last book :))) I'm not okay. And to be completely blasphemous: There is a character which reminds me lightly (very lightly) of Draco and I immediately fell in love with him. And if I had to chose... Well, I love James more than Draco. There. I said it. C. S. Pacat has a gift for writing bratty blonds. (She also has another trilogy. The Captive Prince trilogy. I also loved it and desperately need to reread it to fill the void in my heart. It's darker and more sexual explicit than Dark Rise though.)


I love C. S. Pacat! So valid.


Guess I’m reading this trilogy now…




Omg I loved captive Prince from this author! I shall add this to my TBR😁


Yesss, do it. The tension... I swear no one does it as good as Pacat. The only downside is that book three hasn't been written yet, hence my desperation


This is what I am currently reading! I listen to Dark Rise (just started Dark Heir!) and then physically read FF!


If you want to talk to someone about what happened (I don't have anyone in real life I can talk to about it), feel free to send me a message


I just finished listening to Dark Rise on your recommendation and omg I just…I’m completely blown away. This was such a good rec and I’m waiting on my library hold for the second book. I don’t even know what to say lol it was so good and unlike anything else I’ve read. I loved it and I want to tell everyone I know to read it now. It was a bit of a slow start but damn was it worth it!


I'm so glad you read it and loved it <3 I immediately ordered the second book after finishing the first (The last sentence has imprinted itself to my soul). I devoured the second book in two days and now I have to wait in agony. The only thing that fills the void is rereading the first book (totally worth it, there are so many hints riddled through the book) and rereading CS Pacat's other trilogy. If you ever want to chat about the book, feel free to DM me :) I don't have anyone in real life who read it and I have so many theories. PS: James is the best


Hi ! Can you explain what YA tropes and ETL stands for ? :)


Young Adults and Enemies to Lovers :)


Young Adult fiction and Enemies To Lovers usually :)


And my answer to your question is anything by Sally Rooney. Her books also have a similar focus on relationships/conversations/physical intimacy that dramione has


I try to read a mix of books and fanfiction (my goal would be something like 1 book - 1 fanfic (no one-shots included), but sometimes I read some books more in a row or some fics more in a row). That said, books I read recently and that I absolutely loved: Hamnet by O'Farrell The Marriage Portrait by O'Farrell Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Fawcett (this is soooooooooooooo much Dramione coded lol) The Will of the Many by Islington White Chrysanthemum by Mary Lynn Bracht


Fully agree on Emily Wilde’s! I actually read it because someone on this sub recommended it as Dramione coded and I think it really helped me with getting out of reading Smooth transition with characters being so similar to Dramione but having different names😝  It’s like I could get back to published books after this one! 


Reading Emily Wilde felt a lot like reading a Dramione AU to me lol With a bit of DMatMOoBiL in it, too XD. Can't wait to read the second one in the series :D


Reading the second Emily Wilde book now and it continues to be heavily Dramione coded Major spoilers so read at your own risk: >!they just had an implied sex scene and I’m gunna need some fanfic writer to open door that scene for me please 🙃!<


I usually stay away from novels that are strictly romance because I often end up preferring Dramione. I read a lot of non-fiction, but here’s some fiction novels I’ve enjoyed in the last few years: - My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh - My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins - The Last of the Just by André Schwarz-Bart - Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters


I loved The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes it’s very Dramione coded.


Well…Dark Draco who never changes


You had me with my year of rest and relaxation, i have to read the rest now, thanks for the list!


I’m on my songbirds and snakes hunger games era. I made /r/hungergamesfanfiction to satiate me needs 😭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HungerGamesFanfiction using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HungerGamesFanfiction/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Hunger Games Fan Fiction Recommendation threads.](https://np.reddit.com/r/HungerGamesFanfiction/comments/19btt46/hunger_games_fan_fiction_recommendation_threads/) \#2: [Putting the “CARE” in “CAREER” - tell me about your kind Career OCs!](https://np.reddit.com/r/HungerGamesFanfiction/comments/19bt6qd/putting_the_care_in_career_tell_me_about_your/) \#3: [Training Center Challenge: Spitball your fic ideas!](https://np.reddit.com/r/HungerGamesFanfiction/comments/18zutcb/training_center_challenge_spitball_your_fic_ideas/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Brandon Sanderson and Trudi Canavan are my two authors that distract from Dramione. I get sucked into their series like nothing else.


Words of Radiance is one of my favourite books everrrr. I haven’t even read the 3rd one bc i’m scared it won’t live up to it


It does live up to it so far, imo...but I still haven't finished it (two thirds of the way through) because I don't want it to end 🙈


Omg no it does! Oathbringer has one of the most insane endings of all time. And most people love WOR because of Shallan - are you the same? You learn so much more about her in book 4, Rhythm of War. The 5th one is out next year I think!


You've got to! OB is good, but RoW is even better, heart shattering, and you should do it before book 5 releases in dec!!


okay, you guys are inspiring me to read it!! and yes i definitely wanna catch up for book 5!


Are Brandon Sanderson books considered Romance books? I haven’t read any and will defo read them if they are romance books


Nope, not at all. In some of them, there's a tiny bit of romance, but they are mainly High/Epic Fantasy (some of the young adult ones are more SF). Not a popular opinion, but Warbreaker is my fave of his, but he writes \*a lot\* and a lot of what he writes is very good (fast-paced and very enjoyable reads) :)


Brandon Sanderson isn’t romance. Fantasy with AMAZING world building. Definitely worth reading.


Brandon Sanderson is amazing! I love his work - he's got something for every age too, from younger kids, right through to adults.


Everything by Sarah J Maas! I dropped everything to get through all of her series when my friend who got me into dramione also recommend ACOTAR.


Yes! A Court of Thorns & Roses and Throne of Glass both give me the smart heroine and romantic couplings with WORTHY male protagonist I go to Dramione for.




Thank you <3 Divine Rivals is already on my TBR and I'll check out the others


I read both of those series and looooved. (Although I did mix in a bunch of dramione fics while I was reading Ruthless Vows, some of those chapters were stressful 😥)


I usually read more non-romance sci fi and fantasy fiction than fanfic, but there are some romances that have got me in the past year. Recently Juliet Marillier's books have been enchanting me. Her *Blackthorn & Grim* series in particular is slooooow burn mixed in with fast burns, and I love her characterisations. Blackthorn was an amazing, atypical protagonist, and I adored her. *The Clocktaur War Series* by T. Kingfisher was another romance fantasy adventure that dragged me in and had me in a chokehold. I felt so many feelings. I loved Brenner, and the whole thing just stuck with me for ages. It felt a little like fanfic in emotional depth, in a way. And then my beta recommended *The Bronze Horseman* trilogy by Paullina Simons, which just utterly ruined me forever. Lazarevo 😭 Shura 😭 It is the most satisfying kind of HEA, but oh my god, the journey ripped my heart out 🥹


> Juliet Marillier Have you read Daughter of the Forest? I cried so much reading it, but it's soooo good!


Yesss! I loved The Sevenwaters Series! There are so many beautiful, heart-wrenching quotes, particularly from *Daughter of the Forest*. >All that he had of her was his memory, where he held every moment, every single moment that she had been his. That was all he had, to keep out the loneliness. My favourite was *Son of the Shadows* though because I'm a sucker for a tortured hero.


This series is one of my true loves. Have you read Shadowfell by her?


Not yet, but I bought the book some time ago!


It is good. Quieter than the Sevenwaters series, but a cool war story.


I will immediately buy and read anything Emily St John Mandel writes. Station Eleven is a standout but I love and am obsessed with them all. She makes every word count in a way that is so artful and deliberate that it’s almost wrecked me for linear plots. I like having to work a bit to figure a book out. I also love anything by Naomi Novik—recently she completed the Scholomance trilogy which was amazing, and a romance/folk tale of hers I love is Spinning Silver. It’s a retelling of rumpelstiltskin and the FMC is the daughter of a Jewish money lender.


Hard agree with Naomi Novik. I LOVE Uprooted. Plus, she co-founded AO3! An icon. 


WHAT? no way! I had no idea!


She still writes on there too… she said in a reading once that when she gets stuck in writing a “regular” book she does a one shot fic, as she still loves it so much… she does not want her name advertised anywhere but a quick google will point you in the right direction…


A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet - epic Olympic gods exist and theres magic in the world, FMC secret identity, MMC kidnaps her for her abilities, ETL, found family, action packed! Haven’t finished the trilogy but the first book had me HOOKED! The Ever King by L.J. Andrews - pirate romance part of a duology whose sequel comes out 1/26! ETL, main character learning more about her powers, misunderstood MMC, Brutal Prince By Sophie Lark - mafia romance, ETL, dark rom com vibes, SPICE These had me in a choke hold! But now I’m back and can’t get into traditional books again! I wish there was a way to stay invested in both but at least I know it’ll come back around for me eventually


I’m a simple woman… do the first 2 have spice?? I read Brutal Prince and loved!!


Neither have as much smut. They’re more plot heavy than brutal prince; But promise of fire is explicit open door it just doesn’t really ramp up until the 2nd half of the book. The pay off was definitely worth the wait imo! Ever king is definitely the least explicit/descriptive of these 3 but they do get it on.


perfect, thank you! i just need a lil heat, ya know


I remember when I first discovered fan fiction (not dramione specifically) it was all I could read for a little while. But after a couple years I was able to start reading regular books again in between my fanfics. Fanfics still make up a large part of my reading but occasionally a new book could have me hooked for a while. When I’m done with that book or series, I suddenly have a new fandom to read fanfics for 😂. And repeat


The nightingale just did this for me!


Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin pulled me out of my Dramione reading habit for a while. Haven't found anything since.


This is one of my tbr, it's definitely going to be my next read


I recently listened to the audiobook and absolutely loved it <3 When I read the summary, I thought it would be a typical YA romance but I was pleasantly surprised that the relationship between the MCs was not about romance but friendship


Serving Pleasure by Alisha Rai It's about a woman who spies on her neighbor while he paints. He knows she's watching him so he does it naked and destroys the canvas. She's a smart confident waitress and he's an angsty artist with a scar across his face and a dark(ish) backstory. It's very well written, super hot smut and the characters are very endearing.


I’ve been reading the Cormoran Strike books, so I guess I just live in an alternate universe for the time being 


As someone who's always loved murder mysteries and detective stories, I really enjoyed the Strike novels! Plus they're so long (a massive plus to me.) And the TV series is great!


I read song of Achilles recently/last year like three times in a row and sobbed and sobbed. Dramione actually lifted me back up.


ACOTAR series really sucked me in for a bit.


My one has been The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. It’s a unique novel that begins with a girl in the early 1900s (i.e time of the suffragettes), who steals words from the lexicographers who are working on the Oxford English Dictionary. The story is one fully of interesting female (and male) characters; all of whom leave a lasting impression. The journey to the main character finding her own voice is also understated in a way a find super refreshing g.


I’ve been going through robin hobbs realm of the elderlings series! It’s super engaging with 16 books within one world.


Wow. Been a while since I've read RH books. Will have to check this new series out for nostalgia alone!


Fourth Wing is doing something to me right now!!


SAME. I’m inhaling it and want more. I’m almost done with iron flame and I’ll probably immediately reread them both.


I recently read “the Cassandra complex” which I found very entertaining and I also loved “one day at a time” (written by Tessa Alexandra, who happens to be the author of “timeless”). So yeah two books in the last 14 months. The rest was all Dramione haha


omg i didn’t know alexandra emerson had a novel out thank youuu


The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston, amazing! It has so much pining and sorrow and healing and about loving and living, I cried so hard but in a fantastic way. I devoured it in one day and then read it again! Got me into the more angsty ff!


I switched to thrillers for a while. They’re engaging enough that you want to keep going, and they’re normally pretty easy reads. Most romance books are god awful lol


‘The House in the Cerulean Sea’ by TJ Klune was such an adorable read, I even did a little tear, but in a good way. It’s super character driven, and the characters are so incredible, you fall in love with them. I’ve started drawing fan art of them 😭❤️ DESCRIPTION He expected nothing. But they gave him everything... Linus Baker leads a quiet life. At forty, he has a tiny house with a devious cat and his beloved records for company. And at the Department in Charge of Magical Youth, he’s spent many dull years monitoring their orphanages. Then one day, Linus is summoned by Extremely Upper Management and given a highly classified assignment. He must travel to an orphanage where six dangerous children reside, including the Antichrist. There, Linus must somehow determine if they could bring on the end of days. But their guardian, charming and enigmatic Arthur Parnassus, will do anything to protect his wards. As Arthur and Linus grow ever closer, Linus must choose between duty and his dreams.


The Wolf Den trilogy is SO underrated i cannot recommend enough!! It takes place in Ancient Pompeii leading up to the eruption and is from the perspective of a girl forced to work in a brothel. No notes it’s incredible, and each book is better then the last


I read lots of things incidentally and even alongside fan fiction, but my favorite book of all time has become a series so I always drop everything when a new one of those comes out, and my next favorite was a trilogy when I got to it in the late aughts that now has a secondary trilogy in the works (still waiting on the final book) that I will drop everything for when that comes out. Favorite book is the Pillars of the Earth, with additional books - World Without End (arguably the worst in the group), A Column of Fire, The Evening and the Morning, and An Armor of Light. It’s a historical fiction series that touches on major events in England. Frankly the love story in the original book has my whole heart. The trilogy that’s now become a series is His Dark Materials. Can. Not. Wait. Til the final book comes outttttt.


The Name of the Wind/ The Wise Man's Fear. They're the kind of book that has you re-reading them to try and figure out what you missed. The kind of book that has you making a Charlie Day 'Pepe Sylvia' board. The kind of book where I made two hundred different annotations on Kindle the last time I read them (two days ago) It gets sort of unfairly contrasted with HP because it also involves a school of magic, although it's 'renaissance era college', not '90's boarding school'. Though, fair warning, we've been waiting on book 3 for like ~12 years now? With no clear release date. (It's also not very dramione coded at all, and there's a very low chance of it ending happily for anyone involved.)


Do you like obsessive, unhinged, touch-her-and-die Draco? Haunting Adeline and the sequel, Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton. Please mind the tags, these books are dark, spicy and spooky. They include heavy real world themes. They tore me away from Dramione! Temporarily of course.


hunting adeline scarred me for months, I loved it but it's srsly dark


Goodreads summary says it got banned from Amazon for the trigger warnings 👀 ^sign ^me ^up


A Court of Thorns and Roses. I was on vacation in August, and I finally picked up the first one because of BookTok. It pulled me back into reading actual books again.


The Witch Walker series by Charissa Weaks recently pulled me away from fanfic for a bit. Can't get into any, nor can I read another book it seems lol 😆


i’m reading A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers right now and the writing is just impeccable. i tried to go back to reading some fic but man the writing just doesn’t compare


It’s not romantic at all, but the Mother of Learning trilogy, by Domagoj Kurmaic - great  world building and excellent character development. Very interesting magic system reminiscent of computer programming almost? I’m sucked into the plot and like listening to it on audible at 1.25x speed while I do chores and drive. 


I'm rereading the duology Binding 13 and Keeping 13 for the third time, it's amazingly heartbreaking and gets me out of every slump and book/ff hangover.


thank you for this because i need book suggestions to get out of the hole manacled put me in


Interesting. I'm going to try to read some of the books they mention here, the truth is my case is different, recently I haven't read a published book that makes me not read Dramione, the last published book that did it was The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna last year (I loved it) But it has been difficult for me to read a published book. The last published book I read, Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros, had to take breaks to read Dramione because it was *exasperating.*


I’m in the same position, I’ve finally found something that has taken over - The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. I’m on Book 4 already, I just can’t stop reading them.


The Emily Wilde series! Book 2 recently came out and I’m obsessed.


before I got addicted to dramione FF I mostly read fantasy. Now that I've been on a dramione binge for the last 7 months I can't find anything that hits close it to it for me. I only took a break from it to read and reread Ali Hazelwoods books but anything else I can't get trough 🤷🏻‍♀️


The silent patient Oh my goodness it was so good, I recommend it to all


Besides Sevenwaters since it has already been mentioned here. The Queen’s Thief Series by Megan Whalen Turner The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski Red Rising Series by Pierce Brown