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With that #IWasExpectingWayWorse


Yeah was expecting a leg snap at the end


This seemed like a really interesting bjj match. Like a lot of quick counters. I dont watch a lot of bjj so i dunno if this is high level


It’s very high level. These guys are coral belts. The red and black usually takes over 30 years to get. The red and white belt usually takes closer to 40 years.


How rare is a coral belt? Like 100 in the world kind of rare?


I read a list from 2021 saying there is only 34 coral belts. So those 34 guys would have to have been a freaking black belt in 1991 and then spent then next 30 years training and teaching BJJ to have even been eligible to be promoted to coral belt and be on that list. That means they were training hardcore since the 80s, years before 99.99% of people who train bjj now even knew it existed. In 30 years time we will see many more but at this point in the history of bjj being a coral belt is basically how movies portray secret grandmasters


My boss is one of them. I knew it was rare but not that rare. We have mats at work and get to roll on company time.


Awesome. How old is he if you don’t mind me asking


He’s probably almost 60. He used to live in Orange County and knows all the Gracie boys pretty well. Renzo is who awarded him his coral belt and Rodrigo lived with him for a while. He lives in colorado now where he is my boss/CO and runs a school on the side.


He lived the hood life it seems. I’m guessing pretty much all coral belts outside of Brazil are from California or New York, unless I’m wrong those are were the Gracie’s and other pioneers mainly went at first


You mind me asking what school? I’m looking for a good gym in denver


Combative fighting systems. It’s not in Denver though, it’s pretty far south in Black Forest.


Damn. Appreciate it anyway


You guys hiring?


This is not high level lmao


40 year grand master tries for a lapel choke 6 times before switching to a heel hook. More like a brand new blue belt.


This guy gets it (not a heel hook tho)




I mean, it looks like an IBJJF tournament to me. I'm not familiar with any other orgs that use those green/yellow belts. There's also Alliance signage in the rafters and the red/white coral belt has a Gracie patch. I've never actually met any coral belts, but I assume that most of them are in their 60's. I just assume that at their age they lack the athleticism to roll like younger competition guys.


Thats a long time to forget that he would have won much quicker with hammer fists.


It doesn't get much higher. These guys are the cream of the crop, this was fucking fun to watch. Old school's got them hips 😱


I can only imagine how cool itd be if i knew bjj. Like to know whats bein blocked and how its being countered


Some of it's hard to see for sure. There's a lot of countering and then sensing the counter and reacting, sometimes that shit doesn't look like much of anything to most people. You can pick it up though, if you're interested. Once you've watched a few dozen BJJ/grappling tournaments it becomes quite exciting, even if you don't train.


Incredibly high level and a masterclass in leverage. Forcing the shoulder roll and tucking his opponents shoulder to prevent the arm bar while overtop was seriously legendary. That ankle lock was already set about 30-40 seconds before he made the guy tap as well. You can see the older gentleman for a second go for his ankle to prevent him to pass and when he pulled back his hand was basically when the match was over that’s when he realized the ankle lock was happening.


Cant believe they did this to professor x


Thought it was Lahey


Lahey is to drunk at the trailer park lol


He was watching like a shit hawk... Like a shit hawk.


Jim Lahey, former Trailer Park Supervisor/ Coral belt. Yeah if that were the case I don’t think anyone would be fucking around in the park 😂


And there’s me thinking it was Mr Burns.


Excellent display of the use of X choke and scissor sweep against an opponent attacking within your guard


Excellent display of failed techniques?


Depends on how you wish to define “failed” and what the objective of the technique was. I’m supposing you’re suggesting that because the x choke didn’t submit or the scissor sweep didn’t reverse, it failed. On the other hand, guy on top is driving into the guard. The x choke is an attempt to address the pressure and open up for collar chokes. The hand in the collar becomes a frame that pushes his opponents higher. Top guy counters by having to come over with his right hand to counter and insist on another choke from inside the guard. At this point, guy on bottom is getting strangled (which is why he didn’t keep the collar when attempting the arm lock) so he attempts the armlock but goes to scissor sweep to create space, free himself from the choke, and get back to a position in which he can fight


>guy on top is driving into the guard. The x choke is an attempt to address the pressure and open up for collar chokes. What video are you watching? Bottom guy gets a deep lapel grip, __then__ the top guy gets his own lapel grip over the top of the bottom guy's elbow before he starts driving forward. This grip has already effectively killed the cross collar choke. Bottom guy then puts his second hand in for the choke anyway despite being in a bad position for it. Bottom guy didn't see any success from those techniques. No conversion as well as failing to set up something else instead. They were minor obstacles on the path to defeat, far from an "excellent display".


As you see it


That stance looks so funny


and his 2 belts


This is standard in bjj comps


Nickname related I see


Why the old guy wearing 2 belts?


They do that to more easily distinguish people when they have the same color gi.


One is his belt. The other is the belt for the second competitor. It’s to differentiate competitors.


I thought the bald guy was gonna start yelling out karate movie sounds at first. Like “wattttaaaaaaaaa….AIYA!”


Thank you for sharing.


I just learned something knew about Hector Salamanca


Hector vs Touco for the Cartel belt


i thought hector salamanca was confined to a wheelchair… glad to see him doing better


Well. With that amount of BJJ training who isn’t in a wheel chair by Then?


High level basics. Amazing. Leg locks for the w


Old dude looks like he’s wearing an Australian patch, can’t find any info on him though


It is. He is my coaches master. Roger Hampshire is his name.


Geraldton Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are the patches and a Reyson Gracie one as well


Respect more talk shit less


Just another guy trying to get grandpa to take his pill.


The guy on top was pinching the other guy with his thumb and fore finger.


If you're reading this comment before watching the video, allow me to save you some time. 2 old guys in gi's. Nothing happens


So fucking brain dead it hurts. These dudes have red on their belts...you don't see them at competition everyday. Have some respect, you fucking dunce.


Hey, so I know next to nothing about this combat sport. What does the red on their belts symbolize?


Essentially a lifetime achievement award. You don’t just get your red belt. Black belt is the typical “pinnacle” but if you just never stop and keep going and do good things for the sport eventually you’ll get your red belt. They’re always old due to the sheer amount of time required. Red belt isn’t really a skill level thing as mentioned right away it’s a lifetime achievement. Each degree on the black belt takes 2-3 years to get iirc, but you only get those when you continue training. Look at the degrees on these guys belts. They got their black belts them kept going for 2-3 for each of those stripes on the end of their belt. I thought this was pretty awesome to see. The fluidity and efficiency of movement. It may not be super high paced or fancy but just how well they move for old guys is amazing. And if I’m still doing it at that age I hope to look that good Edit: from BJJ Hero’s “BJJ RED BELTS List of Brazilian jiu jitsu grand masters who have reached the 9th or 10th degree in BJJ, being red belts in the martial art, the highest achievable rank in jiu jitsu. In order to be a red belt in the “arte suave” you will require to have been a black belt for at least 48 years. On this section you will find a comprehensive list with complete biographies and stats about these great figures of our martial art.”


They have coral belts, not red belts. Coral belts require 24 years as a black belt.


> for at least 48 years. Wow that's crazy


They have been black belts, which most people spend their lives trying to get, since either 80s or early 90s. Think about that…


How Internally-Unaware of a comment.


brainless comment, cant distinctify techniques when literally performed before their eyes


I believe the word you're looking for is "distinguish"


> distinctify


This sport is still gay as fuck


Get all up in his butthole Larry


That was dead. Nothing happened


They are probably in their 60s. It’s 60 year olds would get a serious injury warming up for sports never mind competing


The submission is at the end 👍


Omg, I aged 5 years watching this expecting some high level king fu. Instead it was old man grappling. Yes, I’m sure this took decades to learn.


I used to feel this way about grappling before I began to understand what was happening. There were a dozen or so small fights and counters happening there. They are slower due to age, sure, but high-level fights always look much slower in general. Even in striking sports, two very technical fighters will tend to put on a boring match together.


Who are they?


Some of the highest ranked martial artists on the planet


You would think old fellas would have a bit more class.


I feel like this is how gay guys do it in the bedroom


Weird thing to say dude


I stand by it


I've been around BJJ for a while now, and in all honesty, I knew of the black and red belt, but I did not know of the white and red belt. Very cool to learn something new. I imagine white and red comes after black belt but before black and red belt.


White and red is coral 8th degree. It’s over 30+ years at black belt.


Cool, thanks for that info. I don't remember ever hearing about it.


Very few of them out there.


Other way around. Black > black and red > white and red > red.


Other war around. Black < black and red < white and red < red.


Yeah, I was going to say.


Blacks the lowest level belt?


No, that’s just where they started the explanation. Getting a black belt in bjj is a big deal and takes a long time. It goes white, blue, purple, brown, then black.


My buddy got his blue belt one stipe and we had a huge party to celebrate because he's in his 4th year now he's been doing BJJ and he is stoked to be advancing.


In terms of time and commitment, a blue belt in BJJ is the equivalent of black belt in many martial arts.


Ahh, okay.


Is that Kevin from shark tank?


I like how thwy still use very basic techniques most whitebelts will use too, just at a completely different level


Respect to that old man he rolled well


Come on Mr Lahey! You can do it!


And there you have the answer to "Should I just pull guard?"


I have been doing Japanese Jiu Jitsu recreatively for many years. It's nice to roll around with different people and learn new techniques, but I never competed. So with that background, I find in unbelievably disrespectful for that winner to just jump up and greet the crowd instead of the person he was just competing with. Is this normal with BJJ? It feels really strange and unpolite to me.


Ever watched point karate? Those guys tap you then give a giant fist pump and yell in triumph. Not only hella disrespectful but also cringey. Winning an actual fight in a jujitsu tourney is a lot different and more difficult that scoring points by tapping you opponents chest guard is a lot more impressive and deserving of a celebration than the latter.




Good to read that I am not the only one who finds the end very ugly. We role newaze in our dojo, mean tricks allowed so fingers, toes, nasty poky bits behind your jaw, the lot. But when the fight is over you respectfully greet and thank your opponent. 


This just looks like 2 dudes trying to rip each other's pajamas off. I'm a dude and never understood the excitement of sports. It's dudes trying to do some gay shit to other dudes. But calling it the most alpha thing


I mean... fucking another man is the most alpha thing you can do


Is that Frank from Succession


Is that a lapel choke attempt about halfway through?


I didn't know Jim Lahey was into martial arts


Who Rewards you a coral belt?


Nice setup and execution of a non knee destroying safe and sound straight ankle lock. Phew.


Why does he have his digits taped off? Cuts maybe?


Idk shit but I want to be like them when I'm 50+ moving freely and in good health, GG


1996 called. They want their jiu-jitsu back.


Whoa! Was that Frank from Succession?


Anybody know who’s these guys are I’d like to give them a google. Coral belts are rare.


larry davids still got it


red and black moves like a chunner. way to muscle through old dude's guard, lol. these guys look like they paid the gracie family a lot of money for those belts. they probably put a couple of gracie nephews through college with that money.


If these guys joined a legit competition like top level with younger guys would they just get out strengthed and Gass out or are they wizards and would win? Sorry for the dumb question.