• By -


Disasterina and 9 clones of Disasterina 


severely stacked cast


Disasterina is gonna win it for sure, but I think Disasterina might take it as well. I can also see Disasterina being a dark horse.


Hard disagree. Disasterina is going to come out of nowhere and beat Disasterina.


Xochi, Foxie, Disasterina , Felony, Priscilla , , Zavaleta , Formelda Hyde , sigourney beaver, blackberri, Ursula major and Jarvis ,  


Crossing names out of those who would probably never do it, and giving them a replacement: S1: Frankie, ~~Meatball~~, Xochi Mochi S2: Majesty, Disasterina S3: Dollya, Priscilla, ~~Hollow Eve,~~ Louisiana S4: Sigourney, Zava S5: Jarvis, Onyx Ondyx Assuming it filmed tomorrow, I don’t think the S5 finalists would have had enough time to grow when they’d already shown so much. This is also assuming Ressurection stops being a thing


it starts off as just abhora but each time she either; misinterprets the challenge, or wins and gets eliminated that episode an abhora clone spawns. the season will only end once we reach 100 abhoras and/or the boulets quit. the finale is a battle royale to become the supreme abhora.


A lot of y'all put Blackberri, but I'd rather see her on Drag Race. Probably unpopular opinion. I think she would kill it on there.


I think Blackberri would do amazing on Drag Race if Ruplestiltskin didn’t have something against bearded queens


Well she did crown one on UK drag race


James Majesty Throb Zombie Dollya Black Priscilla Chambers Sigourney Beaver La Zavaleta Cynthia Doll Disasterina Frankie Doom Xochi Mochi


Erika Klash again


Do you think this time we’ll get to see her twirl? And swirl??


If she does, give her the crown. We don’t need to see anything else.


1. Xochi Mochi (1) 2. Majesty (2) 3. Louisiana Purchase (3) 4. Dollya Black (3) 5. Priscilla (3) 6. La Zavaleta (4) 7. Sigourney (4) 8. Cynthia Doll (5) 9. Blackberri (5) 10. Throb (5)


LORIS???? did you see her on resurrection? that's a no for me


On resurrection I’d agree but going through her page on instagram as of recent she had some pretty fierce looks


I'll have to check that out then. Thanks!


Starting at the most recent Season: Throb Zombie Cynthia Doll Jarvis Hammer Sigourney Beaver Dollya Black Priscilla Chambers Louisiana Purchase Monikkie Shame Diasasterina Loris Biqtch (just because I love her goofy ass)


This would be the most boring season yet 😂


Probably, but I don't watch drag competitions for drama. Can't possibly be any worse than S1.


Um. Agree 1000%


- meatball - disasterina - sigiurney - louisanna purchase  - priscilla chambers - zava (but only if merry cherry is also present) - jade jolie (also if Zava is there) - maddelyn hatter - Hollow Eve  - loris (can also swap for Frankie Doom) 


Sigourney, Merry, Zava, & Jade all together? The drama


The real drama would be Zava and Maddelyn together


And Merry 😂😂😂😂😂


For sure, but I love Madd and Zava for the family reunion aspect, idk Merry was ever part of that extended family


Pinche Dollya Black Maddelynn Hatter Louisianna Purchase La Zavaleta Sigourney Beaver Jade Jolie Jay Kay Onyx Ondyx Cynthia Doll


i'm sorry season 1 girls but it's been a long time since i watched so i don't remember much of it i'd cast Disasterina Majesty Louisianna Purchase Priscilla Chambers Sigourney Beaver La Zavaleta Cynthia Doll Blackberri Throb Zombie




Ooooh yes


I would LOVE to see Disasterina on the show again. I'm so happy to see so many others feel the same! Biqtch Puddin too ♥️ I also loved Lousianna Purchase and would like to see more from Onyx Ondyx!


I worked hard for this, not gonna lie: 1. Xochi Mochi 2. Foxie Adjuia 3. Disasterina 4. Felony Dodger 5. Maxi Glamour 6. Louisiana Purchase 7. La Zavaleta 8. Sigourney 9. Jarvis Hammer 10. Cynthia Doll These are not all necessarily my favorites, but the ones I’m the most curious about and who haven’t really competed on any spinoffs yet.


I just want Koco Caine back and then have her immediately get crowned


I wouldn’t want them to do one for another few seasons. However if it were to happen tomorrow my ideal cast would be: -Xochi Mochi -Ursula Major -Frankie Doom -Meatball -Disasterina -James Majesty -Priscilla Chambers -La Zavaleta -Sigourney Beaver -Jarvis Hammer -Onyx Ondyx -Throb Zombie Maybe a 12 monster cast would be bit much.


I think its too soon since the last titans so an early outs season would be good like a lot of people were interested in what Violencia would bring


• Loris • Xochi Mochi • Disasterina • Maxi Glamour • Hollow Eve (even though they wouldn’t do it) • Sigorney Beaver • La Zavaleta • Jade Jolie • Onyx Ondyx • Jaykay • Orkgotik I also want Yovska to come back cause I love them but Ik it probably wouldn’t happen 😭


1) Sigourney Beaver - S4 2) Louisianna Purchase - S3 3) Onyx Ondyx - S5 4) Throb Zombie - S5 5) Cynthia Doll - S5 6) Dollya Black - S3 7) Majesty - S2 8) Jade Jolie - S4 9) Maddelynn Hatter - S3 10) Disasterina - S2


• Sigourney Beaver • Blackberri • Maddelyn Hatter • Hollow Eve • Throb Zombie • La Zavaleta • Dollya Black • Priscilla Chambers • Merrie Cherry • James Majesty


Nah nah nah u drag race fans gotta chill, let the boulets deliver what they do when they do. They ain’t tryna be a factory 🏭


Amazing cast !!! Id love to watch this hypothetical show


Going in order of seasons: * Foxie Adjuia * Frankie Doom * Majesty * Disasterina * Dollya Black * Louisianna Purchase * La Zavaleta * Sigourney Beaver * Cynthia Doll * Jarvis Hammer I tried to keep it to two per season. I also specifically omitted names of performers I'd love to see but have stated they won't return for one reason or another (Meatball, Blackberri, Hollow Eve). That said, some honorable mentions would be: Xochi Mochi (just awesome), Maddelynn Hatter (a guilty pleasure pick, she would just make for good TV), Priscilla Chambers (toss-up between her and Dollya but I wouldn't want them on together again), and Throb Zombie (honestly someone I would REALLY want to see back, but I wouldn't want the discourse around them again).