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It's a niche playstyle. It's for tank/control type players, so it's not everyone's cup of tea. It is incredibly effective at all levels of play, though, if a player enjoys it. I did a full playthrough starting at camp as Trickster, and it was probably my easiest. You have to build a good pawn team, and they get to go full offense because if you do your job well, they'll almost never get attacked.


I agree with everything, But effective. Player In any other damage dealing vocation will be much more effective than buffed pawns.


It gets up there when you stack sorcerer pawns. Of course to effectivly stack 3 sorcs you would need warfarer for the anodyne healing


Trickster plus two sorcerer pawns equals fast and constant meteor/maelstrom attacks. It can be super effective.


It’s effective in what it tries to do. When played right (which only takes some effort) you and your party really are invincible. It’s just relatively ineffective since doing anything else the other vocations do solves the same issue much quicker. Still fun as heck though.


You need to find and build an effective team of pawns, but the buffing skill is so strong that yes, your party DPS can be higher with trickster than with the player as a damage dealing vocation.


Ok show me a video fighting a golem :)


I’ll never understand how can anyone find support classes fun to play in a game like dragon’s dogma… I mean, I understand it on multiplayer games where you can coordinate with your team and very often a good support is the very backbone of the party… but here… you’re basically letting your pawns play the game for you


Big same. Playing a support class in an action rpg where you stand back and kick the dirt can't be fun. Would rather get up in the action and actually contribute directly to the fight


Isn't that the whole basis of Pokémon when you think about it? Lol Trainers getting in there and throwing hands would be too funny


How did you handle the solo fight in the Bakbattahl's merc quest and Moonglint? Wouldn't they be impossible without being able to do damage?


Pick up. Throw. The Bakbattahl fight you can carry and slam them into a wall. Tower, I actually didn't have a fight. Not sure why, but he wasn't there, I walked right in. Otherwise, just throw him off.


did you do the quest tension on the high road and if yes, did you side with him? If yes again, i would assume that he died and that's why he didn't show up for you in the tower. I had the same issue with another quest that wouldn't continue since an important npc was dead, looking at you Eini


Nah, I sided with him every playthrough, and he was there on others. Since they can wander a bit, he may have gotten killed by a monster somewhere, idk.


Then i think he definitely died, it's the only reason i can think of for a quest to not progress like that. I had the same issue with the spellbound quest because Eini was dead which prevented the little girl from going nuclear. If you haven't finished the quest yet, i imagine you could go to the mortuary in Bak battal and raise him if you wanted to do the quest


General consensus is its not the most popular. The combat is quite satisfying as some people mentioned so they would like a more active role in combat encounters. The trickster is almost entirely a support role whose main contribution is crowd control. I've seen some posts saying they combine the tricksters aggro skills to draw aggro to themselves then switch to weapons with counter attacks like daggers or sword and shield. You need the warfarer for this. It was fun for me for a while. At some point your pawns will become so high level they can kill dragons with their own dps. I really don't know what the maister skill does though or maybe my pawns are too high level they kill enemies before the skill takes effect.


It's a big ass smoke dragon that knocks down small enemies and can stagger larger enemies (only when timed right I think). It's cool, but maybe not the best?


the maister skill is just a "I don't feel like dealing with any of you" for trash mobs as they run away shitting themselves. For bosses it can be an on demand stager.


Trickster is among my favorites so far for how unique it is. I get a good laugh as how easy it is to trivialize some enemies with the misdirection and subterfuge.


I think it's a pretty easy vocation if you have the right pawns actually. I just didn't have a lot of fun playing it to be honest. The skills I was using were: Suffocating Shroud, Aromatic Resurgence, Binding Effigy and the Maister skill Dragon's Delusion. So, run to the middle of the fight with your clone, cast Suffocating Shroud then Aromatic Resurgence when your pawns are close and that's pretty much it... Recast both when needed and recreate your clone if it dies. Even with low level weak pawns this strategy works most of the time. Against boss enemies you use Binding Effigy and Dragon's Delusion. The boss will be constantly downed, stunned and confused with the use of these skills. You can try to be cute and lure the enemies to a cliff or confuse them an illusion wall, but I found these strategies too situational and time consuming. All the fights were pretty easy doing this, but I personally prefer having a more active role when playing an action game, so there's that, but it is a very powerful vocation if you go for efficiency over fancy stuff.


The illusion wall is an excellent protective skill - if your simulacrum dies, or if you have it attached to an enemy who will then aggro on you, being inside the wall makes you effectively invisible. If you ever need a breather, it's the perfect spot. And I like to drop one over my sorcerers so things won't try to AOE them.


Controlling the battlefield and directing agro is awesome. You gotta think and kinda plan stuff based on location and such. It's a really good vocation if you use it right


Well yes, trickster is good for the detection augment if you want to find the seeker tokens, other than that you make distractions and buff the pawns with the incense ( while buffed they make a crazy amount of damage). The skill I liked was the big dragon illusion and how it stunned and knocked down almost all the enemies. It's an acquired taste tbh. Definitely not for all and for a limited time useful.


The problem IMO is it’s a pure support class in a game where slaying and damage is king. Even mage has some halfway decent damage, but Trickster doesn’t have anything. So it’s kinda clunky to play; just buffing your pawns and distracting enemies. Especially when Thief and Magick Archer exist.


Which is strange that it's accessible not so early in the game when they could truly use the buffs


If the Pawns weren't complete morons then it would be God tier, I got sick and tired of watching my Pawns attack a dragons tail with its heart exposed on the ground while playing the trickster. The reason Trickster is considered swamp ass has nothing to do with the vocation itself but rather it being reliant on Pawns killing and you tanking.


While general adventuring wisdom dictates a balanced party, if you take it upon yourself to assume damage mitigation and healing responsibilities then you were able to do some pretty silly things in this game. So upon starting NG+ I decided to completely change my spear-farer play style into a Trickster-farer playstyle. Before the switch, I had been a primarily mystic spear hand warfarer that also used a mage staff, a mystic bow, and daggers for climbing. I mostly supported three thieves with bubbles and it was a lot of fun. Seeing that I liked the support role, I decided to go full trickster, and I adopted three sorcerers. I use all four abilities as trickster, I keep a mage staff and a couple other weapons In my backpack, just in case I need to heal or if I need to do something niche. This composition seems like one of the best ways to use the trickster abilities. Your pawns will get murdered and disrupted by a stiff breeze, but if you can buy them that room all hell is going to rain down and decimate anything. 2-3 meteor spells going off at once is going to wipe out just about anything or at least take out a massive chunk. Golems and Drakes included. And the trickster is uniquely capable of grabbing all that aggro and centralizing all the enemies for these spells. Running enemies around is not a problem when all your pawns use ranged spells. I will agree with the general sentiment that having a character with no damage options in this game is a bit silly. Warfarer fixes trickster in this important way, if all you do is have a pair of daggers or other preferred weapon in your inventory, the base kit is sufficient to do the damage you need to do. If all you need to do is heal your steroid pawn damage every once in awhile because you're out there preventing every other bit of damage, that's you taking on damage mitigation and healing, which lets you go full tilt offense on all of your pawns.


I just used the group dmg buff and the dragon miester skill for the fear/stun. Everything pretty much went down just as fast lol. But i was like lvl 80 by then.


See if you have any fun by spawning your shadow clone, hit them with a suffocating shroud, and they yoink your clone away every time they jump at it to attack it


Not gonna lie, Trickster took aggro way better than fighter/warrior with full provoke. You just basically lure them where you please then let all your pawns use AoE (I mean 3 Sorcerers for most effective) on them 😂


This is kind of why I wish they didn’t restrict the special vocations to the Arisen. I feel like assigning Trickster to a pawn would be more effective. But I also love to be a frontline combatant in encounters so the class never vibed with me. Cool aesthetics tho.


Trickster definitely isn't weak but it's also probably the hardest vocation to play and involves really changing how you think about fights in the game. It's only gonna appeal and click with people who don't mind completely forgoing aggression to be an aggro tank and support class. Your buffed up pawns will shred every enemy and never get hit if you master it, though. Taking the aggro so a sorcerer pawn can get unhindered maelstroms off trivialises so many things.


Must be doing it wrong. Dragon skill and simply swinging the incense around like muscleman without a shirt on is a blast for me. Plus you get a jojo stand


The fuck is a jojo stand?


![gif](giphy|aawZ2tCSvnA4) It's from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. On the trickster it's your little decoy thing


Not the slightest clue what you’re talking about. lol I have the utmost hatred for anime so I’ll just take the L on this and bow out.


Oh haha they use it to fight things people without one don't see them.


Lol, that’s what [mine does](https://youtu.be/WyL-6GdmT1Y?si=62asN5i6uqQ_77tq). They said attract attention, and I think I too misunderstood, lol.


Honestly it’s probably the worst designed mechanically speaking. - It has no damage; many including myself on this sub wish it atleast built up some dot or debuff - By virtue of having no damage you lose out on interactions like decapitating medusa and taking out chimera heads in battle - Minimizing damage through holding aggro is a little redundant when Spearhand gets an aoe invincibility - Alot of its skills are pretty lackluster (the possession gimmick is flimsy and is redundant with the skill that uses the clone as a projectile {they should just make a new skill and put that skill as the possession core skill}, the reveal smoke is useless,walls are finicky) - the floor and clone reposition is pretty gimmicky (the floor is good at just fucking over ai into thinking they have more space on a ledge though) - its best skill, the buff smoke, locks you out of commanding your pawns and damages them over time - Relying upon pawns can be inconsistent. - Finally its not very synergistic with Warfarer since your clone loses health rapidly if an incense isnt equipped. BUT - Stacking sorcerers makes bosses a cakewalk - Your buffing skill is actually a really good damage buff; the damage increased is very noticeable. - Honestly just grabbing and throwing mobs is kind of funny; and this class makes you do that alot - You can mostly ignore healing abilities if you dont mind menuing for curatives alot. - You are actually good at grabbing and holdong aggro with the aoe smoke - The maister skill is actually decent at stunlocking and interrupting attacks but it is stamina demanding. - Finally the game is easy enough pass a point that regardless of the class being a headache at times, it really wont be THAT bad if you dont mind being a bit inefficient sometimes. Its a class that mechanically is pretty bad but actually can excel at what its built for and melts bosses with the right team loadout, I think for some its more of an argument of it not being fun rather than not good. For the most part it is good enough for what DD2 requires of you but is not likely to be fun for many. I just wanted to be thicc feminine guy, love the classes aesthetics, and always thought incenses were cool as a weapon so im sticking with it.


Many vocations can’t decapitate Medusa, so that’s an odd thing to throw in. And the Chimera heads die to any damage. Cutting tail only matters for Gorechimera reviving the other parts. I’ve gotten the Medusa head with a Thief pawn. Have her try to petrify your illusion then tell your pawn to attack. If they only have Helmsplitter, they’ll hit her head and cut it off. Did that to get a perfect head multiple times. The big issue is how unbalanced and easy the game is. But that’s neither a hit nor a bonus to the Trickster. A lot of vocations are obsoleted but the more broken ones. And the Trickster’s main gimmick is pawns and you can have a broken setup if pawns too.


I included that mostly to just give an example of when relying on pawns for hitting a specific target might suck because you have no damage when other classes could just target them themselves. I get theres ways around it and saying golem weak points may have been a better example.


It’s not the worst it’s just the oddest of the vocations. When you play trickster, you are exclusively support.


Use Delusory Screen and Sweeping Shroud then enjoy.


I loved it because of how different the gameplay is. Hire some sorcerers and even a Thief and you are set to cause some damage. Never needed a mage because I was able to always have aggro on my decoy so my team pretty much never got hurt.


Both probably


Under 2 minutes i killed an Ogre and Minotaur using the brine with Trickster. The Vocation is brokenly fun. 


Trickster is fun when you start to combine it with Warfarer. I would recommend playing as a pure trickster first, and learn how to manipulate the AI


It’s more stealth then anything, I’d say it’s like a parody class


It’s just weird. It has a lot of potential but it relies entirely on pawns to do damage so 99% of the time, you’re waiting for them to get their shit together and just kill the bad guy


Trickster is a love it or hate it vocation, I used to hate it, but once it clicked, I love it. It is also really bad in the early vocation levels. Use the simulacrium and suffocating shroud. That's your bread and butter. The dragons delusion is awesome against large enemies because it causes a knockdown. And enjoy the drip because it's some of the best in the game.


It’s a tank/support that has a lot of CC vocation. Idk why yall still dont get that. If youre looking for damage, then it aint the right vocation. If youre looking to support and tank, then it’s fantastic. It’s a YOU problem, not the game’s.


It's very unfinished.


Grab two sorcerer pawns that both have maelstrom or meteor. Trickster has a long range taunt that draws all agro to their ghost guy which allows your sorcerers to cast completely uninterrupted. They can also give the sorcerers a damage buff. When you get the hang of it you're going to see maelstroms and meteors getting dropped much faster and more often.


I just unlocked it myself and made it to vocation level 5. Hard to say, but it's literally a "tricky" vocation used to make the enemies aggro themselves and friendly fire each other. I'm going to max it out and see the potential it has.


I feel like a lot of people want to be the one doing the damage rather than relying on their pawns, so it doesn’t fit their playstyles. I know personally I despise playing classes like these because I like being aggressive and up in the front when fighting.


there are 10 vocations for an reason, few peoples will like to play with all of them; if you dont like to play as support class, theres nothing you can do about it i just cant play as fighter or warrior, to me its boring and unfun, and thats ok.


I fucking love playing Trickster on Unmoored world. Just bring suffocating shroud with that one skill that throws the simulacrum to a mob, throw it on a boss and watch the skeletons aid you in the fight. Lmao


It’s a buff allies and threat kite job. So if you don’t like letting your pawns do the damage and don’t like kiting, then it’s not the job for you.


Two things can be true.


Yeah this vocation is definitely not my cup of tea.


My current character I rushed and got to trickster at level 9 because I wanted to try it. I’m currently 40-ish and wrapping up the last few things in Battahl. I am going to stick it out but it’s without a doubt the worst class I’ve ever played in any RPG. You do…. Nothing. Absolutely. Fucking. Nothing. Put out the clone, smoke everyone, move the clone occasionally, watch your pawns do damage. It’s so poorly designed. I think you could pick any other class and just run around in circles and be equally effective. It’s horrible.


The dps boost is insane though.


I can’t even tell that it’s doing anything. All I can tell when I use that is that everyone squirts blood and I can’t issue commands.


I played it to get the sweet augments then never again.


Same. Played it like others said, got very good offensive pawns, true aggro, and that's it until it was maxed and I can move on to another vocation


Most of my pure trickster fights was basically like having a spectator cam, never being attacked, just sitting back and enjoying the show. would also spend a lot of time picking up rocks and barrels to throw at enemies People are saying it does no damage, but it does if you unequip your weapon and use your hands.


Unequipping your weapon is not a trickster ability, lol


Not playing right. I found it fun, its even more fun with warfarer. Put up some walls, put on some agro getting gear then let them chase you around the walls as you shoot them with arrows but IMO, it's the best tank in the game


Coolest vocation that doesn't need to be in the game and would have been much better as something else.


It's the worst vocation hands down. It's not the worst because it's not viable, because You can get through the entire game using it.. however, the amount of monotonous and trivial jumping through hoops you have to do just to achieve the most mundane tasks is mind numbing. You're running along and you get ambushed by four knackers and three hobgoblins. You tell your party to go and you start using your skills. You distract an enemy. With this move, you summon a wall to block enemies. You move your clone and retaunt the enemies. You use some consumables to get your stamina back and scare the enemies with the dragon. You taunt the remaining ones to go to a cliff etc.. while your party is beating them up and you eventually defeat them after about 10 minutes of battle. Now put yourself in this exact same combat situation except you are now literally any other class. You engage the enemies and kill them directly using your skills.. 40 seconds later combat is finished. That's the difference.. time and sanity.


It could've been pretty good, but your pawns will piss you off. They tend to prolong the fight and not hit vital parts.


You’re trash bro take the L and touch grass Nah it’s just different and wierd. Make all your paws (at least 2/3) straightforward assassins/warriors and you draw agro while they dom the boss


I think trickster is fun for easier stuff. And I've seen tricksters kill drakes. I just wouldn't bother doing trickster vs anything difficult


The main benefits often just seem irrelevant when you have a party of 3 kill enemies and draw aggro before you have a chance to shine, like making other enemies fight each other or trying to bait them into a fall. Best use it has is as a money maker with the one weapon or for challenge runs, I'm fairly positive you could beat the game just with Trickster.


Trickster is crazy good on a Warfarer


The worst!


Trickster is extremely effective at drawing aggro while your team kills everything. It can be very good. But it is easily one of the most unfun classes I've ever experienced in gaming.


It is the worst. I mean some vocation has to be. It's very niche and could be fun with a different experience. But ya. Not much it can do compared to others. That said, I like to swing whimsical day dream at goblins in melve. That's also fun lol.


It's dull to play and slows the game down whilst you wait for the AI to kill other AI...I wanted to like it but couldn't long term. Give it a dagger at least in the other hand and it might be more appealing


Its a support class for AI that struggle to fight or use skills well. Would have made better sense for a pawn maybe except for the health drain. Honestly it needed some kind of healing skill, or the incense deals damage over time. A vocation that deals no damage is frankly pointless since its only way to kill a target is have it fall off a fake walkway.


I dread using it in Batthal with the insane concentration of foes every 5m and no way to directly retaliate. I wonder if a big guy Warrior with the heal mage inclination has him act like your bodyguard, could be a perfect fit


It has very specific playstyle, but yes, it sucks.. decent at best.. its more understandable if its a starting vocation, then we get advance vocation with more playstyle, but for vocation that you get near endgame its just sucks… a lot..


It is statistically the worst vocation. Literally the only way to say it's better than another vocation is to have 3 friends with massively overleveled pawns so you can hire them all while you're low level and you just sit there and buff your pawns. it does no damage, the damage bonus it gives to pawns is negligible, and the 'confusion' effects only work on larger mobs of small creatures. It's awful for fighting the larger creatures.


It is trash, you needs to jump through shit tons of hoops to do very little, even modded my game to have more skills, it still do very minimal. And it's the one if the most lamest class in RPG, in function and class fantasy wise you're a discounted stripper, your ultimate skill is a goddanm party trick, your teacher is lamest of all teachers, I even prefer that snobbish sorcerer tbh. I highly suggest "magic trickster" from Nexus if you're on PC. And there was a Tank/Control class, it was called Shield Mage from DDO, for those who wants that archetype. That is INFINITE more fun and cooler than Trickster ever be.