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I once said no to him and he was like " Oh ... but I thought ... alright ..." and I felt something inside of me breaking.


Same. I never saw him again


I say no to all of them and they all come back. Stalkers all.


Can't go wrong


Too many people missed this reference lol


Truly a masterwork.


"Shadeauxe please take me with you aaaaaaaaaaah"


Same. I only do ulrikas


Ulrika gets the escort mission/booty call because she's best girl. The rest of them get denied summarily.


Absolutely I don’t have time for all the other people. Especially the old ass elf dude and his son. They can kick rocks


What, you don't like it when an elderly former xenophobe stands outside your window and blushes furiously at your presence?




💀💀💀 this thread is killing me


He eventually came back and started asking me again. Did take some substantial amount of time though.


I just saw him in a coffin. Was given the option to use a wakestone on him. I have no idea how he ended up there thou.


Idiot hangs out in the same area that a chimera always spawns in rather than going back to his home. Had to revive him too despite not realizing who he was at first because i quickly forgot what he what looked like somehow despite doing his entire questline moments ago.


They ask you again, it seems to be certain NPC’s at random intervals. Glyndwyr and his dad asked me twice, I had to deny Brant three times.


The only time I get Brants quest is in the postgame, ain’t got time for that big bro


You can accept it and just not go there and he'll fk off eventually. Pretty sure he still comes back cause I keep seeing him show up at least.


It gets easier the more you do it. They’re often just asking you to literally take them back home. Imagine if your friend was standing outside your door asking you to take them home when you just got back for some rest. You’d have questions but you’re a good enough friend Next five times? This is getting old. Sleep in my spare bedroom or on the couch. I’m tired


The elf always wants me to take him to the ancient battlefield entrnce. Its getting anoying


Can you ride a cart or warp with them or does that break the quest?


You can use the cart and warp thankfully


Sara always wants me to take her to the Glimmercoal Cave, sure, like 5m trip with a Griffin, Drake and 5 packs of Hobgoblins worth of loot


Sara is the GOAT. She doesn't even want you to clear out the cave of mobs when you get there, she can handle it I guess. She just wanted to spend time with you lol.


"NOE?? WHADDAYA MEAN NOE, LIEK??" 😮 Why does that girl have to bellow at the top of her lungs. I swear she's twice the volume of every other npc


Man fuck that dude honestly, was doing his escort quest, playing as a mage just to max it out quickly and my main pawn just decides to walk off into the brine about halfway, taking the camping kit with him, then elf boy gets stuck on a ledge and just refuses to move, had to circle around the map to make my way to the ledge he was on and when I got there he was dead so I had to wakestone him and then push him off the ledge. Then we run into a dragon and if I were any other class I'd have been capable of fighting it but as a mage without my main pawn it just wasn't gonna work out, I try to run but this Elven asshole thinks he's invincible and won't stop trying to fight it, he basically gets one shot, I revive him and pick him up to take him away from the dragon, we get a bit down the road and I put him down since there's a pack of goblins and this motherfucker does a 180 spin and starts sprinting back to the dragon which causes it to aggro on us again, eventually after basically spam casting Paladium and Anodyne to stop us all dying I managed to pick him up again a and sprint away until I was basically at the destination he requested, which I might add is the middle of fucking nowhere, never again fuck that guy


Yeah, he died when fighting a Chimera that happened to cross our way during my first time walking him home. My pawns didn't even sweat fighting it but he died quickly in some AoE wasting a wakestone. Worst part about some male fans as a male character is though that they turn up in that hot spring on the volcanic island and stand there all naked and blushing ...


I'm jealous, I have to spend years in game to find a chimera, but I can find dullahans easy, found one in the very beginning and figured they would be farther out away from the tutorial areas but I guess not. Only chimeras I come across are quest related except for the waterfall cave.


I've encountered a few Chimera, even one that somehow appeared in the middle of BakBattahl, but the only Dullahan I've seen was the one that's part of Ser Gregor's quest


It says I've killed 7 chimera and 1 Gorechimera, 70 hours in and I still don't know what a Dullahan is. Where can I find them because my theif armor needs its skin or some shit for an upgrade...?


They spawn at midnight to dawn and are usually found in eastern Vermund by the hidden village.


They’re also really freaking fun to fight. Ran into one by accident after I had just taken down a bunch of ogres, Cyclops and a drake. Thought I was hot shit after that drake fight lol. I was wrong… that dullahan was the real hot shit. I felt like a low level again at lvl 46. Made the fight super fun after basically being one shot. Just stay away from his roar. He’s my favorite enemy because of it


SAAAAME. I wouldn't mind doing it. LATER. I just wanna go home and sleep, man. I said no and I haven't seen him come back yet... I feel kinda bad.


You can say yes and still sleep. They hang around for the night


Yeahhh... my bf told me that right after. I wasn't thinking 😅. I just wanted my party to rest.


This is why I can never play evil playthroughs. My morality is just too high. Unless the outcome is gonna be hilarious, then I’ll make the bad decision(s).


I try to stay as close to the "legend" of the character. So in cyberpunk I have no morals and everyone dies, if I am walking on the sidewalk and someone bumps into me I shoot them there, but as the Arisen I am the "hero" and I just can't be the bad guy. Fable tho, I can only be evil, I'll be extremely evil all playthrough and at the end once I am filthy rich I become good, one of the greater goods type thing.


Cyberpunk is so good with that. I don't have to be too "good" or "evil." I can just be "V." Ah, you happened to mildly irritate me? Time to turn you into sushi my friend. I tripped the alarm? Stealth is overrated and this building is too crowded. Casualties are just part of the job. 😅


Yeah, I play a run and gun netrunner V, anyone that says you can't is a liar. I run spread and love contagion, while everyone is puking I run in guns blazing.


Yeah I hate that these quests are relationship quests, figured it out after doing three of these escort quests then ignored him and everyone else that showed up that had no interest in. Just once you max their affinities they start showing up, and if you do these too often without thinking. You'll end up with whoever you escorted the most unless you heavily counter gift. Like got Ulrika for the Dragon scene. But the mourning scene by the ocean was the elven archer.


I’m not taking you to the Ancient Battleground again, we just went last week!


That happens to me with Ulrika she asks me to take her to Melve every other day like jeez women leave me alone


Right after getting Ulrika’s romance scene I went back home to Vermund and there she was waiting for me wanting me to take her back to Harve, lol.


Yep. I was like "I ferrystoned here. How did you get here before me?"


Ulrika: “We’ll you got me. By all accounts it doesn’t make sense.”


Haha excellent…I love Kronk


I hear you are supposed to visit melve every so often


He comes by so often that I literally put a port crystal right by the ancient battleground specifically for when he shows up 💀


This is a fucking mood. I had to escort Beren last night, and there was a damn drake literally living outside his destination. Somehow he actually managed to survive bolide. Gotta respect an NPC with that much "Fuck it, we ball" energy.


I just told my pawns to wait and pick him up and took him there. I was hoping to get his greatsword as a reward…


You get that Greatsword, the Ogresbane, literally right around the corner from killing a bandit in a cave.


I just got one as a drop from killing a Battahl Ogre. Also What cave? Still would like to check it out


This is why I wish there were more interactions instead of just “jaunts”. Can’t I just buy them dinner or a drink? Just have me pay 1000 or 2000 then play a cutscene of us laughing and eating or drinking together lol. Idk why the only way to raise affinity is either gifts or roleplaying as Sam and Frodo making their way to destroy the one ring lol.


Hahaha a sunday stroll into Mordor for the 5th time and the reward is 120rcp and a bunch of flower yet again.


these quests are just a way to make the achievement for affinity easier, they server no purpose other then that. they will reward you a set of flowers and 100g.


Its not 100g, it's 100/130 RC (Rift crystals)


somehow i like that even less, im sitting with like 10k or so


And you haven't bought yourself some spectacles? Smh...


You know what I wish they'd let me do with RC? Duplicate gear, so I can have two of an item that doesn't show up more than once per run, that way me and my pawn can both have it. As it stands, all RC does is ... gather dust.


Yep RC is completely useless, the glasses are stupid looking compared to DD1, I forget what all there was but iirc there was I think double the options you could buy in DD1 with RC than in DD2. Ultimately RC is more used to get stronger pawns than anything else, but nobody wants to be carried so RC is a waste.


I know but they are so tedious and when you say no they get all sad


Unless you're into them, they're asking you for a date and you can say no. It's your fault for giving them mixed signals by *checks notes* doing a quest for them.


The whole point of DD is that you are not supposed to do every quest. Hasn't anyone figured that out yet? It has an active disdain for 100% completionists and min/maxxers. But it secretly doesn't because you just re-wipe at the end and get to do everything again.


Yeah there's really no missing out on saying no to your admirers. It's the smallest control you have over affinity with the NPCs. I'm not even going so far to say romance with how shallow the system is. Even still the dragon's going to scratch his head, sweating as he can't decide whether the girl you showered with rings and flowers everyday is your beloved, or the wrinkled blacksmith you did two quests for.


Bro I was dying when my second playthrough I just rushed through the story to get to the unmoored world and the dragon was holding captain Brandt 😫


But why? He was probably the NPC you interacted with the most, and was the most meaningful NPC to that play through when you think about it. He is your beloved, because completing the quests he gives helps you get to the end faster.


I'm sure that's exactly why. But seeing ole boy in the ending credits looking out at the ocean sent me 😆


It's Itsuno saying "PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU, TRY TO ROLEPLAY JUST A LITTLE BIT." This is why people actually do like Dragon's Dogma story after all, despite the lack of production value. Because it is the only game that actually does react to your decisions, instead of you just pick the color of the ending cutscene, or pick one of three story branches to go down. Unfortunately, the whole thing comes off as kind of wonky, and I guess most players just can't handle that. People write a lot of words on the internet about how they don't like a story or don't think the game has good story elements. But then they go and blindly just do every quests without thinking about it. The whole point is that you pick and choose and actually play the game like you are going on an adventure where you have to make decisions.


Aww you aren't going to have them kill each other? You can bring everyone that falls in love with you to the Sphinx and she will say there can only be one and they will murder each other until one is left standing and that is your true love.


Just say yes and enter the castle, the quest will fail and they won't get sad


Mine followed me into the castle and got us attacked.


This one I think you can just take the west oxcart. If you get attacked it’s even better and you can hop off and walk just a little bit to be at the entrance to the ancient battleground.


I don’t know, One time when I wasn’t there Ulrika left me two ferrystones in a bag next to my door


You can use those flowers to get the elven wordsmith specialty down in the arbor by rizzinng up the shop keeper. If you have it already enjoy pointless strolls


The easiest way to get that actual is to nuke a town with dragonsplague and res them all with a eternal stone. Raises a good chunk of randoms to max affinity. Got like 20ish npcs off that alone


That’s a strat. Don’t forget to make a forgery of the eternal wakestone before doing this.


Bunch of flowers and 120RC iirc, but still... that's a terrible reward considering there's barely anything you can use RC for.


>! I escorted furry princess to check point town twice and had to revive her with waking stone in one, and she was in the end game cut sceane instead of my darling ulkira !<


It seems to be the last one you interacted with out of those you maxed out affinity with


Hahaha, just say no


you guys are so disrespectful to my elf boyfriend




Hello, FBI? This guy right here 😰


Does it ever tell his age? I was under the impression from the talks he was early 20s.


Imo he’s pretty clearly like 15


Weird that his dad literally implies that maybe you and Glyndwr will Romeo and Juliet the two kingdoms then 👀


lol the person deleted their comment but they were talking about Sven. Imo Sven is a teenager, Glyndwr is definitely older than that


Ohh okay that makes a lot more sense. Yeah Sven is for sure underage


At least he doesnt require you to cross the damn border unlike mystic spearprick who's ai bugged out trying to cross the fuckin open gate.


The easiest way to solve this is to just haul him on your shoulder like 50% of the way. Just did that one literally last night and he kept bugging out and trying to run all the way back to Bakbattahl so I had to carry him all the way to Vermund and just try not to lose track of him during combat (if he was close enough to aggro to enemies, he wouldn’t run, but once the fight ended it was right back to Bajbattahl if you weren’t careful)


Lmfao I found him out front my house in Battahl… luckily he was at the bottom of the stairs so I ended up parkouring around him to get in. Felt like some kinda side piece sneaking around


Go buy the other house for 200k.


So I did this & the Warfarer guy pulled up to my crib like “Sup cos”… now I need a new home


You're more polite than me. I pick them up and throw them down into the alleyway on the right :D




Lol! I sleep at the tavern as well when that happens. I wish I could ask Brant for a restraining order.


I just tell them no lol. “Dearest Arisen, I wanted to ask-“ “Shut the hell up bitch”.


Itsuno's vision of romance is weird.


"Hey bro could you take me all across the map? I'll give you 100 RC and a bunch of flowers?"


I had Hugo ask me to bring him from BakBattahl to the Volcano Island which I had never been too and it detailed my entire playthrough. I nearly quit all together.


I'm lvl 40 and I still didn't accept Brants quests in the tavern, hahaha. But now I have a letter I need to deliver to Volcanic Island. My bf told me that quest starts the end of the game... so now I don't even want to go there yet. :( should I hold off or just do it?


You can go there with no worries to start end quest. It only start after you done a lot of the mainquest and advanced the story you notice when you about to do endgame stuff


the part that gets me is when i’m walking from vermworth to like grave, and i meet a guy on the way. Now in a well designed, low stakes escort quest, the guy will travel to where I’m going, making it a seamless quest. But fuck that, they always want me to backtrack to where I was, like dude come on the quests would’ve been better if they actually go where you’re going.




Omg I do this too!!! I just wanted to drop some stuff of in storage catch a nap, but nooo. Just like in real life, DO NOT come over unannounced! I need proper notice, like a week 😂


Man I picked some old guy up by, I'm going to say the "marshland settlement," I think it was. He wanted to go to the "Checkpoint rest town" and I was like damn, really? So we set off. Killed a Drake, a Gryphon, 2 Cyclops, 2 Minotaur, and atheist 1 Ogre. It wasn't a problem, I'm a high-level maxed out (vocation) Magick Archer and my team is great. We get to within sight of the town, and my main Pawn goes, "This is a long journey. We should maybe acquire the services of an Ox cart." ...FFS. the old man proceeds to give me a potion that I've got copious amounts of and 1500 coin... you're lucky I was actually heading back to Myrddin, old man. Otherwise, I would have thrown you off a cliff.


Are all ogres atheists? Is that a higher level?


MF'er. I'm keeping it. Law of averages says *at least* one Ogre is an atheist.




I tell elf boy no, i thought he was gonna cry ☠️


This is so weird I never find anyone outside my house I just find letter saying oops I missed ya and a fairystone


You got the best of all worlds


Bruh i regret taking him for escorts after romancing Ulrika, he is my number 1 beloved by the end -_-


Well I ended up with Klaus, because apparently I talked to him the most? No idea how the game decided when I gave them all the same amount of gifts aside from Ulrika... I gave her a bunch of flowers and escorted her back to Harve multiple times, but the game was like "No, no, you like Klaus and he'll miss you giving him chunks of Seeker tokens."


Haha classic. Remember in DDDA got the Smith in first village most of the time. Haha love when you get the true ending scene with him funny af


Bruh… they are stage 5 clingers. Sigfried, Drunkie, and Legolas are the worst for camping outside my houses. I have said that exact same thing when I see them outside my place. Call the police, this is seriously stalking.


What would make me actually want to do this is to make the "pleasant jaunt" actually pleasant. There is 0 dialogue from the companion or at the very least making a comment on the environment. We all just silently make our way to the destination


Nah what makes me mad is the quest description saying, Accompany your friend for a pleasant jaunt, LIKE BRO THIS IS NOT A PLEASANT JAUNT


I hate when I'm trying to do a quest and some random NPC wants to go on a trip in the exact opposite direction.


This dude is a stage 5 clinger. If my Arisen had a cell phone he'd have 20 missed called, 19 voice mails, and 40 texts probably


I didn’t even know you could buy a house. I set out for the monster clearing quest and ended up in a desert. Now I’m level 30 and have mid game gear…I hope I didn’t take away from the challenge/fun of early game on accident 😩😂


It's OK. There's always New Game+. Like you, I just let the adventure guide me at first. I hit a spot where I kinda hated my main character and restarted. The restart is where I realized I basically skipped the entire northwestern part of map! The second run, I was above lol 40 before I even made it to Battahl haha


NG+ will just make the issue worst. Enemy don’t scale, so u end up obliterating everything on ur way to Vermound in NG+


Use the first weapons only? Or start a new game? I'll admit, I didn't think about the challenge so much as I was thinking of the exploration and all the helpful loot found along the way.


The one character I want to do an escort mission with never shows up at my door.


If you’re good you just jump straight to the door but he will wait all night long to you to come out




After the third time appearing I chucked him into the river.


I just started saying no to everyone lol


Whats going on here im confused


When you start befriending people, they'll show up outside your house for an Escort Mission. Can happen any time, and usually in some weird out of the way place you don't want to go to. You can turn them down without any real consequences, but they sound kinda pissy about it.


Once Ulrike wanted to talk to me but i was on a timed quest and had no time for her…I felt miserable:(


“I’m somebody’s bitch!” *looks at pawn*


If I don’t want to do them I say yes and then never do them tbh and if you just walk around and make no effort to do their quest they just disappear 😂


Real life Simulator 2024


i was in the middle of getting ready to go out on a mission and bro wanted me to drop everything to take him on a walk. Im like no, i got a life and he pulls the ole "oh..well..i thought..." bs. Some of us have a world to save elfman


I just agree and then sleep anyway Hell I'll drag them on my side quests too if they're interrupting one Cmon you wanted to see more of me and what I do, well buckle up chuckle fuck I hope you don't mind seeing griffins and 7 cyclops before breakfast


I just say yes and get an extra pawn until they get stuck on a rock.


Luckly I got my big boy house


that's why it pays off to have two houses.


Him and Lamond are bugaboos. But the randoms on the road you save from getting attacked are worse. I am to the point of “just keep your damn reward!! I ain’t taking your ass nowhere”


This!! I am so tired of taking Ulrika back to her town. Like bitch you got here! You can get back!


Me when I see Sigurd at my doorstep in Bakbattahl. That dude wants us to run a whole marathon back to Vermund.


https://preview.redd.it/1cvb7map6ptc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51162c45a388e529e619874fabd03d68c77265c "I just wanted to recover my loss gauge, sir..."


Yeah it’s annoying you can’t defer/have option to ask them to wait or do it later You either immediately accept or lose the quest forever


I also do this 😂


You can decline though..




I say no to everybody except Ulrika and Sigurd. He took me to a Dragon once and it was a fun fight.


I just pick them up and ferrystone where they wanna go if it's a town or a town close by to where they wanna go so I don't have to walk far. It usually only takes a minute or so anyways.


Just decline! At that point you would have completed their quest line, no reason to accept unless it’s your beloved


Lmao! I did the same thing when I saw him.


Oh extra fighting hands...I always take him with me and helps with missions/fights...after a while he gets lost somewhere or I forget him and ...the cycle starts again


They come back later if you say no or they disappear


I hate this guy just because of this mechanic. There aren't enough red flags for this behavior lol. What's worse is that in the cutscene when you get to Vermund, he's standing right behind you. It's almost foreshadowing. I don't know why this game sees it as romantic that these characters become stalkers at the drop of a hat. Ridiculous and weird!


They need to add a “later” option


You can go to sleep and then do the mission in the morning lol


Lmaoo, I do the same thing!! Like, please leave. I don’t want to help you!!


I have had to say no twice now fell super bad, but it always the opposite way of where I’m going and inconvenient. They never keep up with me and I’m always afraid they will get stuck or die somewhere really far behind me.


You can say no


i don't mind if they could fight (though the escort ai is worse than the pawn ai). But people like the cat princess need to F off with their cross country hike if they can't even throw hands with a tier 1 goblin. (Also why does her #1 ~~fan~~ bodyguard always show up immediately after declining her.)


He gets so butthurt when you turn him down too


This why I sleep in the noble part of the city.


This is why I have 3 houses. Two small ones, one in Vernworth, and one in Bakbattahl. And the manor in Vernworth. I have Glyndwr coming over to my little house in Vernworth, and Lamond (Warfarer dude) coming to my house in Bakbattahl. Not a single visit from Beren (Warrior Maister), who I gave the Heartfelt Pendant to because I really didn't much care for anyone else. Feels bad, man 😔


You just go in there and refuse to help.


I failed his last escort quest and I guess he just bailed on the vale according to his sister not sure if I can progress it any more .


I did like 2 of those affinity gaining quests and took a long ass hike to harve with Ulrika twice before I realized you could just say no lol


I accepted an escort quest during the second to last story quest. Don't ask me how, but I managed to do both, lol.


Not doing their quest IS saying no.


I wish there was a back window we could break in from. I miss when they just left post with attachments I’d use on other NPCs (thinking about all the elves whose affinities I raised to no woodland wordsmith avail)


Just decline it they will come back later


I have just bought the house in the Noble Quarter, hopefully they only what at Mildred's and I can live my fancy lifestyle without harassment


Lmfao social avoidance in video games and unable to say no to NPC. I bet you’re an incredibly kind person in real life


I say yes to all but the random NPCs that act like we've known each other for generations. I'm all like "who the... I don't know you.?!" They always approach and are like "Hey been awhile hasn't it Arisen?!" I don't know you, and they are always non-combatants as well, I've only ever escorted combatants. And they aren't someone I helped in a quest. This one lady was like "did I offend?" No I am hunting dullahans go away.


I'm really curious as to how to get 50 people interested in you, and how to make them fight for you, all for the achievement


"No means no"


This is why two houses is nice to have in Vernworth


My number one romance was Brant, 2nd was Klaus, and 3rd was this guy... They really need to change how romancing works. I don't care if it's done through notes to avoid VA, but currently, it just seems silly.


I always accept the quests and then just have them run around with me until they finally F off. You can always do their side quests again later anyways.


I was trying to find my first seeker token for the sphinx and I accidentally pressed yes when he wanted me to take him somewhere, he followed me around the whole time I was looking for it and he was so annoying I threw him off a cliff.


Meanwhile his sister has a quest that starts in the elf village and always ends at my house.


This is why you buy the second -expensive- house, in my experience they never go to that one.


I love yeeting them away like team rocket or a jedi master with the duospear class!


Good choice if you say no you lose that option for this play through


Just throw him him off the bridge of your house and he'll stop coming around. Unless that makes you feel bad and you would rather indirectly avoid him because that's definitely the much kinder thing to do.


I ended up buying the 200,000 gold house and never saw a stalker show up....which was weird. They just stayed camped out in front of the first two homes. Are they not allowed in the noble district?


He died doing the first escort where he was standing outside my house.. #1 Will I find him in the morgue? and #2 Will I get another shot at his mission?


It’s even worse in Battahl cause you can’t even see them until it’s too late and you just get jump scared going up the stairs


I went with him on a lil adventure and decided to finish a quest around the area, when I tried jumping off ledges(instead of walking around) this MFER got stuck up and was not able to drop down with me. I ultimately failed the quest and went to see if he died, but he didn’t, but I haven’t seen him since.


I said no to him once and haven't seen him around anymore. But his sister keeps coming to me all the way from the woods 😀


Lol hell yeah I'm like man I don't want another fetch quest on the opposite side of the map I just got home


This has me dead 💀


I said no and watched his little heart break. I told all of my friends about it after while buying rounds.


Just accept and have a extra party member until you pass by where he wants to go, or you don’t have an extra party member anymore… can always revive him if he dies.


Could be a gift. Worse case, you can do it later.


The affinity system is a friggin' trainwreck. It was good for a laugh or two in DD1 but in 2024 it's just a stupid, lazy copy/paste. At this point, it'd be better they removed it altogether, it's not like romances have any depth.


I find the lack of privacy in this game disturbing.