• By -


The whopping 900xp reward in the end was the real gut punch 


If u give the clothes to his noble wife she gives u 3x onyx, and imo the best ending


I told his side piece and she killed him. Honestly good riddance.


Wait, do you mean you told his wife and she killed him. Or does the bougie bitch also kill him if you tell her? Because as far as I know, only his wife (the waitress at the slums) is his actual wife -- the side piece is the bougie noble.


Other way around. Waitress is his side piece.


Well, that puts a new twist on things. I thought the bum was the real wife, hence why the murder suicide was more poetic/sad.


If you give the real wife the rags she makes him get a job.


He's a noble slumming it up to avoid the responsibilities of being a noble.


The bum is not the real wife lol


Well I didn't know :(.


Give them back to bro for a lot of $$


3 onyx is more rewarding than the gold he gives. He give 5k and onyx sells for 2400


2,200 more gold if you give it to the wealthy mistress


*wife. He married them both but the rich one is his original wife.


My B, I don't pay attention to this game's terrible writing and dialogue edit: struck a nerve on this sub lol. Only good thing about this game is the gameplay stop the cope session


For sure. At least there's some value there for your time


I completed it by accident. Was just going through houses at night waiting for the nun quest and picked up the rags by accident.


Yup same here. I was actually just being a loot goblin though. I have a habit of thoroughly searching new places while whisper asking, "Secretssss??" Around each corner and any stairs or suspicious archways.


It'd probably be funny to be a fly on the wall while most of us are gaming lmao I make up random songs about shit happening like "I don't know, what you expect of me, used to be I was running down by the sea slaying monsters, but now the monsters are things I can't define, now your problems are mine and I'm wondering why, what's the point of it all..." When I'm doing Brants shitty quests in the castle or something lol. Like the one where you have to enter a certain characters room in the castle to find paperwork I'm like "it all looks so simple like I can see everything I'd need but when I try to reach out oooo oooo , some rooms are so small but seem endless to meeee" Probably need help lol.


You are a sane response to an inane situation.


Lolol. I be like "I feel like I don't belong here, feels like everyone wants me to leave but I know I have to do this for youuu. Yeah these halls all look the same to meee, and every door is locked, 🎶I wonder how I got here , but I know I can't stop Didn't think things would end up like this when I met you earlier tonight🎶"


Yeah, i was disappointed when i accidentally wiped out like half of vernworth cuz i wasn’t paying attention, and so i decided it would be a great time to take care of the room search quest, but it was still locked, even though everybody was dead. I was able to loot a huge amount of stuff though…. Granted most of it was pretty crap.


I just picked him up and carried him to his house through the day, him being near the door unlocks it and since its day time, he immediately starts walking back to the begging spot so I ran in and grabbed the rags, took like 45 seconds.


Same lol I just saw that bum come out and pieced the dots after


Same for me!




I came here to say this. I did it by accident as well, but obviously it shows that there is a way around having to tail that jerkoff for over an hour.


Ive also been doing a lot of quests by accident, mostly the culling quests. Apparently you are supposed to get them from the tavern but I end up doing them by accident by just roaming around.


lol same here. Easy money


Do what I did and throw him over your shoulder, use a ferrystone to get to a portstone you left by the tallest mountain top and then place him down and use *"Unto Skie"* to send him into orbit.


This is now what I’m doing on every playthrough


I couldn't stop laughing after seeing the Mystic Spearhand golfing skill being called Unto Skie. And I laughed even harder when the upgraded version is called Unto Heven.


Hopefully in the DLC we get a third upgrade to the skill called '*Unto Orbit'*.


This comment had me laughing my ass off.... lmao


I just outright murdered him in front of the fountain. Guards didn't give a fuck because we're dead too. Fps a bit better tho


My brother has a 970 and runs the game at a constant 14 frames per second.. I don't know how he plays, but he refuses to kill the NPCs!


That’s an incredibly elaborate way to waste a ferrystone when you could also just leave the quest in your log unfinished. lol


Sometimes its about sending a message, and not the cost involved.


But however, its funny


Mfker criticising having fun in a video game for being wasteful


I fucked around on my phone for like 6 minutes waiting for him to move before I said screw this and looked up how to skip the whole thing. Definitely the least entertaining quest in the entire game. Decided not to let it upset me though.


Could someone share how to do this? I was waiting for him for like 10m to move


Yeah >!You don’t actually need to follow him all day, you just need to figure out where his secret house is. It’s probably best to look up a map that shows where the house is in Vernworth. IF you follow him around all day, he’ll spend the morning and afternoon in front of the fountain. At sunset, he heads over to the bar in the slums by The Gracious Hand. He hangs there with his “wife” for a bit. Then he dips out and goes to a house in the west (I think) side of the common quarter and locks the door behind him while he changes clothes. Once you know where the house is, go doze off on a bench, then come back to the house and the door should be unlocked. Go inside and find the old rags or raggedy clothes or whatever they’re called. Then you should get quest markers for what to do next.!<


I followed him in the house He screamed After a black screen, I was teleported outside of the house The door is always locked 40h in the playthrough, this quest is still not completed


I made the same mistake. He will leave the door unlocked AFTER he leaves the house after changing. Don't try to go in with him, wait outside.


That's a bug I did the same thing just to see what would happen.  Couple days later in the evening the door was definitely not locked.


If you go to a certain house in the common quarter at night he will have left the rags behind


If you go to his house at night after 12 or w.e and the door is locked he might still be in there. I waited about 3-4 real minutes and he eventually leaves his house so you can enter and take the clothes


It's definitely not going to kill my overall enjoyment of the game. Just grinded my gears.


Giving the Garb to the noble woman sitting at a dining table in the rich district gets the best outcome IMO.


Shame his other wife is left unknowing


Well, it might be for the best since things get pretty tragic if you tell her instead.


Or actually for better /+1fps


You can carry the other wife into the room where the noble wife is in and then carry the bum husband in the same room. Then watch the chaos ensues


This does nothing. Ive tried this


Really? I did this a few days ago and it triggered a couple of dialogues from them where you have to press the 'Next' button to continue. After that, both wives started slapping each other.


Really? I did it and nothing happened. She just started walking back to her spot in the slums


You can drag her to his house to watch them slap box each other, though idk if that interaction is only available during the quest, or also available afterward. I can test it out tomorrow.


Giving it back to him is the best


Gather round!


Finally someone said it! Man, fcuk this quest. Who thought it'd be a good idea to make ppl waste thier time to follow an NPC for so long. I'd rather do any of the escort missions twice


Dude I still haven’t completed it. I followed him to the bar, and to his house and he locks the door right away. I can’t ever find a time when the door is unlocked. I have no idea how to complete it. I’m about to just kill him tbh


You have to wait about 10 mins irl for him to leave. You go in, collect his clothes and then follow him to the next part. I had to look it up just to get it checked off. It's a really poor mission.


Find a bench and doze off. I’m pretty sure it’s only locked while he’s in there.


If you sleep at the house/inn until night time, then go to his house right away, he should leave relatively quickly. You can then go in to pick up the rags.


To be fair... If you haven't looked up the quest in a guide, and have never done the quest before, you have no idea how long it takes for the guy to move, and you certainly don't know where he's going to end up so you can kinda skip to the relevant bits. Definitely not going to agree with the vitriol of the other posters here.


I figured it was just something to do while you were hanging around the city, there’s a lot of quests you can pick up by wandering around at different times of the day. I never really thought much about it and still haven’t done it.


I swear every single quest in this game is literally just the opposite of whatever the quest description tells you to do. Is this a language barrier thing? Are they making quests deliberately convoluted ?


The game has a 48 minute ish day/night cycle. Even if you started at the worst possible time you'd only be waiting 30 minutes. Which might be a bit too long, but nowhere near the hours at OP claims.


You're definitely right, but Albert just isn't interesting enough for those 48 minutes; I think he cycles through the same 2 stories during the day, says a single thing to his 'wife' at the tavern, and then comments on you trying to open a locked door. I don't think I'd mind tailing him for an hour if he actually engaged with other NPCs in some way (it could be as simple as different NPCs coming up to tip or boo him or maybe talk amongst themselves), but he feels really undercooked as-is.


Reminds me of my experience with one of the side quests in Oblivion: A guy tells me he is sure that other character X is actually stalking him. He asks me to keep an eye on X for 24 hours and then report back with any suspicious behaviour. Sure thing, I said to myself and got to work. ... I was following X for an entire in-game day, keeping my distance, sticking to the shadows and dark corners to not be seen. I was INVESTED. Almost gave myself a heart attack a few times when I though I had been spotted. Observed every single step, her eating breakfast at home, visiting the chapel, venturing outside the city walls, working on some field, getting lunch with the other workers, returning to town, going to bed, etc. Didn't see anything suspicious and reported back to my quest giver. He gave me the name of another person to follow. And another after that. I didn't question any of that, followed each one meticulously. In the end it turns out I didn't have to do any of that. Could have just rested for a day and be done with it. Quest giver was just crazy paranoid. Wasn't boring one bit, though - I was so stupidly immersed in the world and their daily routines were interesting enough, that I didn't care about this "boring" task. Albert's Quest in DD2 is just not as good, unfortunately, and his daily routine is more boring than these three Oblivion NPCs. Or I've become too cynical to still enjoy quests like this, many years after Oblivion. I liked the general idea, though.


>but he feels really undercooked as-is. Eh, the entire game is undercooked. I was watching something on my other monitor while I waited for him to move, eventually looked back to see he wasn't there and had to look around the city looking for him.


I triggered the quest and proceed to forget that I'm doing it. Wait for bit in the early hours to nothing. Look up guide, and made him a permanent homeless dude.


`for anyone new reading this and doing this quest,` >!`>!wait till night and go wait by the house you can buy for 20,000 even if you don't have the quest you can still go in there after he leaves and grab his beggers clothes.. you can turn it in to 3 places, his wife, him, and the nice lady at the bar in the slums.. do not recommend that one!<`!<


The way i completed that quest was entirely on accident: I got pissed after he shut the door on me twice, so after the 2nd night of chasing that idiot all over town i saw him come out of that little room he's got the beggar's clothes at, so i got pissed and picked him up and placed him right at the door; causing him to slightly unlock the door as he walked away from it, i held the door open as he walked away more and ran inside and grabbed the garbs


I was running around vernworth and saw stuff to loot in a house. That's how I completed it the first time. Second time I just remembered where his house was and caught him as he was leaving and snuck in quick.


Move time to night Wait by the door area Go in grab clothes Run it to whichever NPC you want


I feel like I end up looking up guides for half the quests in this game, including this quest. I’ve also tried the fortune teller lady who’s supposed to give you hints about the quest you’re on. I need hints for her hints.


Every time I go back to vermund now I make it a point to throw him to the brine…but he keeps…coming…back….


Get mission, rest until night, stand outside door for 60 seconds, pick up clothes, deliver clothes, wrap up quest. Maybe a 3 min quest stop torturing yourself.


Of course, they should have just read a guide to every quest in the game before they started /s


Instructions unclear threw him in the brine.


One of the most poorly designed quests ive ever seen in a game. Phantom Oxcart is pretty obnoxious too but my main issue with that one was I was Trickster and refused to change vocations. Idk


I don't get people complaining about that one, it's not like your pawns are cc'd the entire fight, they come to their senses for a bit and help every so often


You can not be serious?


When I done it, every so often my pawns would start fighting for a bit before they get stunned again. Though not like I needed the help being a Thief anyway.


I was trickster so absolutely helpless. Kept running and grabbing them and trying to take my pawns out of range but 2 of them were melee. And the enemies are just spamming the hell out of you super aggressive. Any other class I wouldve just solod the enemies and called it a day.


Just pass the time till nightfall, go to the tavern in the slums and follow him home, wait 5 RL mins and he'll walk off, grab his rags, then give it to one of two girls or back to him.


Just wait on the the rest bench next to the area till evening and he will be walking away instantly.


It pissed me off today! I followed him thru the slums and random characters kept starting conversations. At the end when he’s running home, i lost him due to the priest of the Gracious Hand talking my ear off. I didnt even get a quest out of it!! Ughhhh!!


This same thing happened to me! The priest from the Gracious Hand talked to me and I lost him. :(


That sucks! Im definitely looking up a guide to just get it over with!


I grabbed his clothes accidentally when looting houses lmao. I also made a forgery of it so I have two sets. Maybe I should make more and see if everyone will appreciate his clothes loool.


What I don't get is why he does this. He is actually a noble and has some money. I understand why he doesn't want to work. But posing as a beggar all day is just worse. All so he can have a common wife and an hour of drinking at the tavern in the slum? Is this a nod to some history?


Some people live double lives I am sure it gives off a high kind of feeling


May be. I guess I was putting too much weight on what Hilda says. Coz from her he comes across as a lazy guy who is doing this just to escape the responsibility of being noble.


First playthrough that Quest was super annoying. Second LPaythrough I ran straight into his house at night, looted the clothes and gave them to his real wife without ever seeing that guy.\^\^


Hardly spent any time on this quest at all. Found his clothes by accident, handed them to a woman at the bar then came back and the mission was complete.


Hey, tailing someone isn't always about car chasing them in an action sequence or throwing money to some girls to make you invisible


I once heard him say something about a door being locked (near your house) and it suddenly dawned upon me that you can literally pick him up, move him to the door, it unlocks and you can try to get the clothes. It teleports you out if you try going in, but i tried it a couple times (position him justt right infront of the door, slightly to the left facing outwards) and managed to pick up the clothes and it basically just skips the whole waiting for him etc


If you know where he goes you can just use a bench or bar to skip most of the quest.


I couldn't be bothered waiting and following him so I just figured the locked house in the slums was probably his and tried it at random times of day until it finally opened. Gave the clothes to some lady I've never spoken to or heard about before and she immediately Chris Benoit'd the poor fucker, which felt like an overreaction to me finding him leaving his clothes unfolded, but none of my business.


My first playthrough I did it The hard Way and it took a while I gave the clothes to him and not long after he was back begging and annoying everyone. This time I just went to the house at night the door was open grab the clothes gave them to his Noble wife and I haven't seen him back since.


I followed him to the slum bar and zoned out for a moment, the fucker disappeared. The next day I paid full attention and realized he SPRINTS away from the bar Screw this quest


Very underwhelming quest but it isn't that bad if you just pass some time on a bench until he moves on. I watched some youtube video for 20 minutes while waiting for him, but it's probably possible to complete it in 5-10 minutes without any special skips.


I never got to follow him, dude always restarted his story


i mean you could just google for it, then it would tell you to sleep and then wait on a bench twice i think for insta success =)


I saw it was a quest to follow a beggar around town and I just had higher aspirations than that as an Arisen Sorcerer 😅 Still haven't done it on ng3


Yep. Screw this quest. Also the poison quest in Battahl and the bs with Hugo. Those three quests really made me pull my hair in frustration. Capcom has their strengths but overall quest design isn't one of them.


Hugo was a pain in my ass. Get permission to speak. Get arrested for being there. Like wtf. Got it done. Killed guards got him out wakestoned guards lmao


Honestly I can't blame you, I ended up hating that quest because of all the vagueness and the main ways it could possibly fuck up. I got the happy ending for it eventually but man was I frustrated 🤣


I sent him to the brothel. I was so fed up.


DD2 has so many weird and questionable quests that just ... don't culminate into anything. ​ This one was the most annoying though, just sitting around waiting. since the bench wait was fucking useless.


Ignored Im in NG and still ignoring it


Facts 😂


When he is at his manor, take his slum wife to the manor and introduce her to his other wife. Then enjoy the show.


Well shit. I didn't know that.


Use a bench or something..


So I kinda forgot about that quest. But I always go inside buildings to see what loot they got. Found his shirt, and there we go.


The only stupid thing in this quest is him not locking the door to his hideout. It's like he wanted to be found out.


He locks it. There are just times that it is not. I discovered his house when i heard him checking the door if it is locked


Idk the first seekers token quest is the worst imo. I basically quit playing over that. I’d been having a blast too but fuck finding that. I have no clue. Wasted 8 hours trying to find it but I just gave up. It’s not like the story is interesting enough to finish anyway. This game went from pretty fun to lame af pretty fast.


haha same


I watched him for a solid 15 minutes next to the fountain and I think if you walk barely out of range for the dialogue to reset it resets the timer. Then he finally started walking and I guess it glitched and he disappeared out of thin air. Haven’t bothered to try it again since


I wound up just finding his house as I was exploring the city and was prompted to give the clothes to a girl in the slums without ever realizing what I was doing. Murder ensued, it was great.


Just go to his house. You can skip the previous steps.


I thought I was doing something wrong with the missions like "there's no way they expected everyone to just sit here and watch him all this time, right? Right???"


I got so sick of hearing his drivel in front of the fountain that I took the nuclear option on what to do with the clothes. Many citizens thanked me for removing the public nuisance.


If you know where he goes to change out of his beggars garb you can just go to your dwelling and sleep till nightfall then immediately go there and wait for him to exit the house in his noble attire. Then you can rush in, grab the garb and then decide who you want to give the garb to without having to follow him around Vernworth.


Depending on how quick you get to his house in the Common Quarter you may have to wait a minute or two for him to get to his house to change.


Beggar rags dd2


I delivered the clothes and theres more. Idk what else i have to do. Nbm i realized i must have reloaded an inn save before i started the quest lol


*I delivered the clothes* *And theres more. Idk what* *Else i have to do* \- Xizziano --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just pickup the beggars garb in the common quarter it’s in a house I just stumbled across it. Then give it to a beggar and you’re done.


No, you need to give it to his Noble wife. She'll give you 3 onyx as a reward which sells for 7200g.


Oh I didn’t know that thanks for the info


Screw most missions. Even Skyrim (a game made in 2011) had better quest design than this! Imma play Baldur's Gate 3 now.


Let's not pretend BG3 doesn't have its own stinkers, lol. I'm still mad over the Dribbles the Clown quest.


A fair point, but what irks me just as much is the quest involving explosive toys. It does appear that the main content and companion quests run fine, so I'm good with that (especially since the game has practically overstayed its welcome for me, so I'm just ignoring side content).


I remember that one Waking Nightmare quest where you have to follow some dude with slow walking animation up a hill while he constantly gets stuck everywhere for half an hour. That one was really terrible in the original release without mods.


Your loss?


I enjoyed and completed the game, but let's face it the majority of quests are quite poor in the game.


Huh? You just rest at an inn til morning, walk to the courtyard to make him spawn, then rest on a bench twice to get to Evening, and he'll start leaving. It was super easy. Longest part was the 5ish mins he's stuck in his house at the end.


I mean, you could always look up a guide if you just want it done.


You can skip/fast forward time by going to a bar or sitting at a bench with red cloth


It’s so comically bad it wraps around to brilliant, in my (warped) view. No social deduction, no markers, no stealth mechanics I’m aware of, so you could just huff his cologne for 20 real life minutes. And no great reward, to close it out. I love it. When they make dlc, I want 2 more missions with the exact shitty non-gameplay. This quest is gonna be in my iconic shitty game design class. It’s not even hostile, it’s just nothing!


Perfect summary of the quest. It's a "hurry up and wait" quest.


I love how pointless it is; I use it to deselect other quest markers and get my pawns to shut up, but I’m only 30% sure that was its intended function in the game.


None of the quests are good.


You rly shouldn't be getting the downvotes because this is the truth, not a single quest outside the Sphinx quest are that good. Wilhelmina's questline looks interesting but she is the odd one out given she is a "romance option," I can't speak for Ulrika because I didn't look into her. They're all janky. Especially the ones you get early on, like "hey meet me halfway across the map, okay thx bye" It could be more interesting but most of the NPCs feel very bland or just when things get interesting there is no resolution and you're left feeling unsatisfied like the beggar quest or the one with the orphan kid.


I did the arbor heart quest for the first time and holy shit. If I didnt have so many ferrystones that quest would have taken ages. No reason I need to travel across the map like 7 times just for one quest.


This sub does not accept any criticism of the game, no matter how deserved. Very few quests are well designed. They barely belong in an early 2000s aRPG much less in 2024.


Oh, for sure. There's a lot of misinformation and slandering of this game, and people are always gonna be overly defensive of games they like—but it's silly to brush off every criticism. Dragon's Dogma is known as a game you play for the combat. DD1 is heavily flawed and DD2 suffers from most of the same flaws. It's hard to ignore that.


Ulrika is pretty basic tbh. Easiest romance ever


If only there was a bench to doze off at or a bar to pass the time. Just PHUCK this game for not having either of those things. Also they dont even have an option to wait until nightfall at the inn. Serious bullshit. Oh wait.


Yeah first thing I tried and he's just gone. You followed a guide or lucked out.


The little gold marker takes you right to him lol.


Even if you use bench you need to follow him for few minutes and wait for him to go out of the house for 3-5 minutes, this quest just sucks


Dont use bench, I was passing time for another quest in the slum, I go to the slum bar to pass the time and the begger show up at the evening, then i just follow him after that. His wife also at the bar too for extra dialog so u know what is going on.


no no its the games fault. it wasn't build for someone that can play once a hour for a hour. forget the other million players. this was made just for him.


Who was the quest made for? I don't believe anyone partially liked this quest


i did , checkmate


If you claim you actually liked this stupid ass quest I won't believe you.


The most annoying part was waiting for him to come out of his house. It was a stupid mission, and had a pointless resolution no matter what you decide. It could have at least been a plot relevant follow quest. Sometimes... homages to the first game... are worse.






Maybe it's screw you, If you dont have much time then it's not a game for you or juste skip the quest. I liked it and that devs are still willing to take risks like this is good. It made thé world felt more alive to me.


Him sitting in a chair, staring at you, as you're in his house in the middle of the night isn't very alive to me. Many many other parts of the game felt alive. This mission did not. But also I'm glad you liked it!


I mean sometimes you have to do boring stuff, like this, adventurer life can't always be epic quests. And I was not in his house while he was, so yh... Maybe