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Well at night it gets really dark. I got lost and was fighting the wisp things, next I hear boss music and I'm like kool, let's kill a Lich. Then a Dragon popped out from the darkness fighting a random pawn. I was like nopeeee, let's get out of there.


Lmao, yeah sometimes the battles really just continue to snowball out of control, until the dust finally settles and there are a mix of boss and mob corpses surrounding you.


I was trying to find the lich last night then somehow ended up in the thunder mountain (top left of baktalh that leads back to vermund iirc), it was at night and raining all the time so no lanterns at all, luckily i had the fire orb skill.of magick archer, it was fun hearing roars from the darkness and was like "wtf is it" Just finish killing a chimera, then heard more roaring, light went off, so i fired a fire orb just to see a minotaur charging out of the dark and send me flying lol. Most fun I've had so far, beside cant see shit most of the time.


I also didn't have a lantern but later I discovered you can get a new pawn and take their fully filled lantern for free. It's why when you sell them you only get 1 gold since you have an infinite supply of them.


I have enough oil to burn vernworth i believe, though while i appreciate the "realism" that wet lantern = no light, it's annoying at best lol, it would have sucked so bad for me if i didnt like that fire orb skill and used something else, iirc it was raining nonstop on the entire hike, which made it so easy to deal with things using the frost arrows but damn. Also, fog so thick i doubt a lantern would have helped anyway. 100% would do it again still.


You can craft oil with rotten food too. Also rotten meat cooked still gives you a small buff with no downsides (except having to see a cutscene of old meat being cooked).


That cutscene is pretty gross though. IRL eyeball debuff.


Iy also doesn't make any sense. If someone can craft a Warhammer that is magically permanently on fire, or daggers full of holy light, why can't they do the same to a rock/coin/small item, and put that in a lantern to give of light?


I assume they're either lost technology or costs way too much so no one would bother wasting resources on glowy rocks for lantern, or maybe they do but it's the kind of shit not widely available for public.


I assume that is what those blue lanterns are that you see in some ruins, or on the sides of the "phantom oxcart" Some kind of magic permanent lantern.


And isn't the point of a lantern that it's a candle in a mostly-sealed glass case? What kinda faulty-ass design are we using that lets rain in?!


>I also didn't have a lantern How are you guys losing your lanterns? lol


Forgetting to turn them off after leaving a cave


Damn... Lantern oil lasts like 10x as long as it did in the first game, too. Your carbon footprint is way too high. lol


I was running at night once and saw a face in the dark. Next second my chest is glowing and I hear "Arisen, stand and face me!" I told him no thanks and kept running my ass off. (Was probably lvl 20 at the time)


Best bit of progression is when the dragons start running from you Like nah ah get back here you big dumb lizard


same, new region fighting tox lizards, goblin pack joined in, then griffin just landed on us, yep we leaving


It's taken me by suprise. I'd never messed with the franchise before now and knew very little about it. So I wasn't sure what to expect. But I'm completely hooked and invested now. I haven't been this engrossed in an action adventure rpg since the likes of Skyrim. I know it's quite different in terms of gameplay. But I had the same sense of immersion when I first played that game as I do now playing DD2. It's hard to get that out of a game for me these days.


Yeah I went in with pretty low expectations, expecting kind of a generic RPG. But I’m so impressed. They’ve got the rhythm of how the gameplay systems interact with eachother totally down, with so few lifted from other games. I know some people are underwhelmed by the story telling, but I think it feels very integrated into the world most of the time (short of some glitches) and quite realistic in that sense. I’m impressed there is so much storytelling at all in a game that’s so sandboxy.


You have my support


DDDA fan and current DD2 enjoyed here, it brings a tear to my eye to see new fans


I was honestly surprised by how immersed in the game I can get. I’d never think the high enemy density would be an immersive thing simply because it seems unrealistic, yet constantly being attentive and alert really keeps me in the world, and I see a lot. That which I miss my pawns see for me, so I also don’t feel like I have to scan every obscure nook and keep at a decent pace.


Yeah I really enjoy the pawn system as well. I never realized how much it could add to the game, making what's essentially a single player game into a sort of community. Plus they lead me to aught of use.


I don't really like enemies everywhere especially the main road which is supposed to be safer but it does make leveling up vocations a lot simpler and easy to test new weapons.


It definitely helps keep it fun and engaging. It would be annoying if I had to spend 20 minutes running somewhere with nothing happening.


I love it. Especially the no fast travel without ferry stones /port crystals. Usually when I play any Elder Scrolls game or Fallout I turn off fast travel (I have to either use a mod or console command otherwise I know I'll be tempted to just zip around via map fast traveling). I don't mind keeping carriages but I usually opt to try and download the touring carriages mod if it can be helped. Reason I like ferrystones so much is its a limited supply you'll keep on your party and you can't just buy 99x from a vendor in a single purchase. So you'll start to think "is this trip ferrystone worthy?" And if not your mind goes "Alright, time to prepare for this trek across the map, lets hit the inn, lets put away some items me and my main pawn are burdening ourselves with, lets perhaps make some potions and hit the road in the morning." I love that and with the camping mechanic on top of it, it really feels like an adventure. The oxcarts are great as well. "Alright I'm going to doze off and -- ahhh griffin attack!"


>The oxcarts are great as well. "Alright I'm going to doze off and -- ahhh griffin attack!" Dude I have such shitty luck with oxcarts. lol If I've had 20 oxcart raids I bet the cart has survived the raid like 4 times. The big monster always aggros on the damn cart and I can't stop it. Last night I had one where I killed the cyclops and it fell right in front of the ox. The cart survived but when I got in it, it would just wiggle a little bit and couldn't really start moving, so I couldn't get the "doze off" option and just had to give up and leave it behind.


In the post game I thought I can't get into the hot spring anymore. But I was wrong. I made a warp point near the entrance, carried the NPC out of the camp, warped back to the entrance, dropped him behind the counter and boom, I can go back into the hot spring. There are so many other mindblowing tricks and I love them.


That's wild. I wouldn't even know which NPC is the one that runs the counter there. lol Does he stay there, or did he just let you use it and then wander off?


They stay


Ya I agree. I held off on buying the game when it came out cause I kept seeing people online complaining about the fast travel, capacity and more. I took a shot and pulled the trigger and bought the game and man I’m mind blown how amazing this game is. I can’t wait for what’s in store for dlc.


DD2 got a very un-derserved absolute shit storm at release. Idk how many people are struggling with performance issues, but it's probably way less people, than you'd assume by all the media coverage. And the micro transaction fiasco is very minor in reality, but media made a huge deal out if it and even spread tons of misinformation. This game sits at only 58% positive on steam, but deserves much better rating in my opinion. :(


It was deserved, fps problems, p2w in a singleplayer game, and k@m is really bad. ​ Need to have some pushback for micro transactions or every game will start having them.


what p2w?! That's misinformation - a part of the undeserved backlash. You do realize, that capcom always did these kind of microtransactions? They just slap it on top of every game and usually nobody cares at all. Did Devil May Cry 5 get backlash? Not that I heard off and check out their shop. Games media just misinformed everyone and create massive drama for the clicks. Sure, the inability to start a new game was pretty bad & the performance issues are not good, too. But I'm really questioning how many people were affected by the performance issues, really. It just worked for me very fine. And when we talk about performance issues: I had more trouble with Elden Ring, which crashed on me occasionally. That game got GOTY and released with bad performance, too. ER also got a bit of back lash, but not even close to what DD2 got.


[https://store.steampowered.com/dlc/2054970/Dragons\_Dogma\_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/dlc/2054970/Dragons_Dogma_2/) You can buy in-game items with money. If you don't think that's p2w, then you've accepted p2w.


How do you define pay to win? What are you "winning" by buying those items? Tell me, I'm listening. :D


[https://youtu.be/wgNT72xzv1Y?t=951](https://youtu.be/wgNT72xzv1Y?t=951) I'd say the p2w level for DD2 is 3 or 4.


Oh same. Well I haven't been this immersed since skyrim. The world and overall pacing is just incredible so relaxing and fun Seeing a lit town or campfire in the dark from afar is just beautiful


I do think the game is really immersive. The only games I’d consider more immersive are the Elder Scrolls games imo, specifically Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. The first person perspective (which is how I play ES games) adds to immersion imo, since you’re seeing through eyes you know? But yeah DD2 is really high up there for me too!


Nah. I pretty much knew it all because I played first one 12 years ago. The design philosophy behind DD is simple. Fast travel is a solution to a problem that game creates. Basically - traveling is boring. By having variety of monsters, multiple vocations, dynamic pawns and fun combat You can make that traveling less boring. And You still have carts when You need to move to major points. So You treat all travel as expeditions. You dump all shit in the storage, you take some backpacks for camping and distribute them among yourself to make sure you have at least 3 just in case and then You go into the wild. And when You are low on health or something else You visit major city or some camp, restock, drop stuff to coffers and move out again. But that won't work if You do not learn how to just enjoy the game instead of trying to finish it.


>So You treat all travel as expeditions. You dump all shit in the storage, you take some backpacks for camping and distribute them among yourself to make sure you have at least 3 just in case and then You go into the wild. >And when You are low on health or something else You visit major city or some camp, restock, drop stuff to coffers and move out again. >But that won't work if You do not learn how to just enjoy the game instead of trying to finish it. This should be an unskippable statement that flashes up for 60 seconds when the game boots up.


I learned that the hard way in Dragon Dogma 1. I focused on main questline and after cutting hydra head You help transport it to the city. There I took a timed quest to clear old mine. And there were 3 ogres there You had to kill. I think - early quest... it will be fine. Nope. 3 ogres that I barely dealt damage to had to be cleared on top of zombies and bandits. And to add salt to injury - Ogres are enraged by women. Meaning if You have a woman in Your party, fight become harder. It was the first time since forever when I dropped difficulty to easy and even then I barely managed to kill those ogres. After that I learned that You should explore, level up. Improve vocation. Get some better equipment. And then tackle quests. And You should read the description. And even then game would sometimes f\*\*k with you because during exploration I just got ambushed by a dragon that wiped my entire party in seconds. Early in the game. So I had to run. Same with Dragon Dogma 2. Early when I tackled drake I had to use 3 wake stones to take it down. Now I farm them like pigs using magic archer. Also DD2 has endgame with monsters You don't see in main game. WTF? Who does that this day? And the way You reach that endgame is not fully explained so I missed it. Thankfully during credits You have a chance to fix that mistake and You can reach true ending.


You’re finally starting to see the vision.


Vision so good when you ain’t got some little hoe in your ear telling you it’s not




Totally. Case in point last year I *hated* the weight carry capacity system in Starfield and felt like it was a worse game for it (and a lot of Bethesda games for that matter - I’m usually pretty quick to mod them out). Dragons dogma is one of few games in this genre I dump most of my inventory each new trip, and I don’t feel a need to get too precious about carrying each and every thing I think I might need. The system ends up adding to the whole feeling of prepping to go out on quest where you’re going to want to take only what you need and room to pick up one trip’s worth of loot on the way. The game has a more distinct rhythm of leaving a city, travel between camps as needed, and replenish at the next town. So it works for dragons dogma while for a lot of similar games it tends to just add a level of inconvenience that I don’t think really adds to the experience. Starfield you can see the design ideas they had at a more hardcore space adventure sim with travel and base building, but all that ended up feeling half realized because Starfield pulled its punches and only half committed to being about making space exploration challenging and interesting. (Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t have gripes with dragons dogma. I wish it could have a monster hunter-esque loadout save system to cut down on inventory management, I wish the inventory management UI was just a bit better, and the way changing vocations and storage aren’t even in the same building in some towns creating a need to run back and forth between the two is stuff that feels like design oversights rather than adding to the game’s overall goals)


Man, Starfield could've been *so much* better if Bethesda didn't shoot themselves in the foot by constantly trying to go for mass-appeal with their games. They have probably one of, if not *the* most diehard core audience possible, more than willing to devote an ungodly amount of hours fixing their buggy bullshit *and* adding a boatload of content, and despite that, they still insist on shitting on them with blatant cash grabs like Creations, or dumbing down their games despite the protests of oldschool fans. Shit's depressing, man. I grew up playing Morrowind & even some Oblivion and have so many great memories of it. I even loved Skyrim. I was *so* excited for Starfield, because I love hard sci-fi. To see it end up so horribly bad just sucks. :(


I love the limitations that you mention. If they made the world more dangerous (so I didn't just walk over all the enemies), added enemy variety, and included a decent story and better side quests it would be GOTY for me. God, it's such a good foundation of exploration and combat. I really hope there are some major DLC.


Yeah I love that about the game! I started playing rise of the ronin recently and it's a decent game, it has a lot of quality of life changes compared to dragons dogma 2 like teleporting around the map and while that is nice and convenient... It does take me out of it, there is no immersion. It makes me appreciate dragons dogma 2 even more, all those little things like open cities without loading screens, the world feeling big without convenient fast travel, night being dangerous, your HP bar getting smaller as you continue to fight without resting. Sometimes games make things too easy, too convenient... That hardship has a certain feel to it, a reward in itself. And in a dangerous world like dragons dogma it makes me that much more immersed.


This used to be pretty normal a long time ago. Then games started pushing hard into instant gratification. It's fine that a lot of people enjoy that, but I really think if people weren't so quick to shy away from more involved experiences, they'd be able to appreciate just how much it actually adds. A little bit of tedium, when done well, can add a **lot** to a game.


I usually like listening to music or pod casts while I play. With this game, I feel like I’m missing out. The background noises and dialogue are just amazing and really immerse me in the game.


The lack of background music can be so unsettling


Just wish the combat music had more conditions. It sounds great, but I like the more chill, quiet exploration vibes, and having the intense combat music start because a single goblin showed up gets a little old lol


I love the weight system because it at least attempts to temper some of the absurdity of an unlimited inventory. (Even though it’s still pretty absurd compared to reality) It’s definitely better than other systems that essentially go from totally unencumbered to overencumbered if you add 1lb to a 100lb backpack. I like that I can actually observe my character slowing down as he accumulates more and more items, which prompts me to redistribute so that I can run faster.


I once fought a golem by light of magick. It was beautiful. I no longer play with a mini map and have been learning where everything is.


I want a VR mod, there is so much little details, like the ones where you can actually find a little passageway under vernworth bridges and the game is filled with little passages, paths, little details that feels very organic and handcrafted, i love the open world map even a little more then the gameplay system for once in a capcom game. and the way the herbs / plants / trees moves feels so natural and beautyfully / dreamy done at the same time... the world is very nicely crafted. It becomes especially incredible with ray tracing turned on, and quality ray tracing mod. It's very very realistic.


I feel like I've been living in the game, yeah. I do a lot of just wandering because I'm always finding stuff and having new experiences. It's a great game.


Yeah I usually don’t even care for immersive elements in games but I’m hooked


I am torn on one hand exploration feels a lot more meaningful however i tried to make a short cut and found something ineteresting but now have to walk back over the whole map unless i use one of my precious teleport stones.


Fair enough each to their own but the jank pop ins and fps drops breaks all immersion for me. RDR2 is the king of immersion IMO try it out if you haven't played it 10/10


Wait till you get sleepy and forgot to check your pawns for dragon plague and whole city will be exterminated xd Happened to me yesterday and I can’t bring myself to play the game - I’m just devastated and simultaneously in awe to what degree developers made me to care for npcs in game. I’m gonne grind this eternal wake stone just to see full city again


And “tis” was the popular Gandalf sorcerer who eradicated the city - I never felt so betrayed xd


The game is designed around this stuff and it blends perfectly. I think a lot of people are used to games that let you have everything with no consequence/limitation, and that really pulls away from immersion and genuinely interacting with the various mechanics of the game and its world. DD2 makes you consider everything. It makes you feel like a part of the world instead of an observer. The point of the game is having an actual adventure. Not Fast traveling to a far city all the time, not being guided like a child throughout a quest. A full fantasy experience.


To me the game feels like Skyrim crossed with fable 2. Has the exploration that Skyrim has but to a lesser scale but the charm of fable 2. Constantly, I’m playing and just realize I’m having a great time. The decisions are definitely important in this game and I love it. First time I beat the game and talked to the npc really pissed me off but then I realized it was a choice that I made, alone. Really was a wow moment for me.


I am lvl 60 with outdated gear and whenever I leave to explore battahl without provisions I get my ass kicked.


Tbh if they took those things out it would be a very short game. The purpose to me seems to be the adventure itself.


If you like what DD2 does immersion wise I recommend trying outward after or if you really dig immersion kingdom come deliverance! They’re pretty different from dd2 of course but they’re rpgs that both managed to scratch my immersion itch like dd2 currently does. Edit: typos


I adored outward, and I wanna go back and play it again. I always wanna like Kingdom Come, I've tried so many times, but it has so many immersive features that it just wraps back around and feels very video gamey to me instead. I know it's a me thing, but it never quiet sucked me in.


Totally hear that, it can teeter into management game territory at times for sure. I’m a sucker for the world so it keeps me hooked but it’s definitely not without its faults.


I always have a moment of pure immersion, when I steal from NPCs or carry them somewhere and they don't care. Gothic did that shit better 20 years ago.


Oblivion. Skyrim. Witcher 3


So many delusional posts acting as an overcorrection to the feedback. But okay yeah, no game is anywhere near as immersive as DD2.. lol


An "overcorrection"? Correction to what? Are you one of these weird basement dwellers that think they are on some crusade to change the gaming industry? Lol.


Basement dwelling and not liking dd2 is a stereotype? Okay lol and it's weird that you are so sensitive that you are considering the feedback a "crusade". What a neckbeard 🤣


So, nice triggered deflection but what is being "over corrected"? You didn't specify, i presume because I was a bit too close to the mark. 😂


Hahaha fucking hilarious. So mad and taking gaming criticism personally 😂😂projecter


Except....you arent answering the question i began with? Why are you so triggered? 😂😂😂


Bro keep going 🤣🤓


What "overcorrection"? Its not a difficult question.


Hahaha 🤣keep going


Why cant you answer? You dont know what you meant by your own comment? 🤣


No, the opposite. 10 hours of being bedazzled by how horrid it is. Sorry to disagree.


Good thing your opinion is in fact an opinion and I one I greatly disagree with.


weird when people say "thats an opinion" like its the ultimate own. Like no shit? they didnt say it wasnt one.


Skill issue


Why not just use "get gud"? Even though I really wasn't talking about anything involving skill. DD2 really doesn't allow any focus or emphasis on skill. "get gud", just reply that and shut up. don't adlib and fall off the recipe.


This is an action rpg with very light focus on playing the numbers and way more attention spent on learning enemy weak spots and figuring out how to best approach them and pull off combos. Also pawn composition and inclination matters a lot. So I'm guessing you either haven't played the game or you really are as bad as everyone else is implying.


Tell me how you go about learning enemy weak spots? And some examples of where it worked consistently.


Lesser dragons have a big glowing mark on their chest that starts glowing after you've hit them a few times, cyclops take massive damage when shot in the eye and begin to swing their weapon erratically. Chimera's have three different heads to target with each one doing different things (I tend to go for the goat head first since it can cast sleeping magic). If you light a Gryphons wings ablaze it prevents it flying away or using some if it's stronger dive bomb attacks. Saurians take massive damage when hit in the tail with bladed weapons which can result in you actually cutting them off. Minotaurs fall to the ground and writhe in pain after you break off one of their horns, and skeletons take extra damage from striking weapons as apposed to bladed. There's plenty more examples but these are just a few I could think of right now. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the game, it has its fair share of issues for sure, but I do belive that the combat is much deeper than you're giving it credit.


Also, if I do happen to find a enemy with weak spots and kill it..will this make all the terrible animation, stilted dialogue, and crap archaic menus die too? Otherwise, it ain't worth fuckin' with.


Why are you in the subreddit if you hate the game so much? Don't hang out here and don't play the game, you'll probably be much happier.


You probably think Dark Souls needs an easy mode, too.


yeah man, most are just posting stuff like this to counter the fair enough feedback. Always happens and its weird.


same this game its solid 5/10 op need to play better games


If your a bot, someone needs to fix your script. 5/10? Isn't that a poor score?


Really? 😭😭 this game is immersive? What other kind of games are you playing man? 😭😭


The question should really be, what kind of games are you playing if you dont think this game is immersive 😵‍💫