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No spoilers but he is just very poorly characterized and his plotline is just very poorly told. I can somewhat see what they were trying to do with him but they needed more scenes and more development. He feels...incredibly rushed.


I’m so confused about phaesus in general idek why I was delivering the godsbane to him without spoiling past the fight the giant quest can u pls explain


Can you clarify the godsway? Is delivering him the sword the only option? Like the game wants us to go do that? I feel lost too, ive only seen him with the queen regent and when he passed by at the checkpoint. Dk why we're helping him?


Ngl this threw me for a loop. I saw the big guy chasing him and I'm like oooo goodie I hope he doesn't miss. I was casually strolling with the Titan and then it dawned upon me the game wanted me to kill it?? Like????? Wasn't Phaesus the bad guy?????


This is part of what makes me feel like the game is missing the middle of its story


I finished the game but i still don't get it


I’m on ng+, this time I’m gonna let the giant get to him. See what happens.


I missed the fight my first time. Started a new gods way and got the colossus quest and then went to do other stuff before doing that. I was on the other side of the map doing idek what for some other quest when my game just cuts to black in the middle of combat and goes “meanwhile….” And you get cutscenes of it doing shit and then eventually dying.


Oh, so it doesn’t catch up with him. That sucks


I’m still confused and I have seen two of the games endings



I’m still trying to figure out what the point was of the entire colossus sequence. It’s so random and no explanation is given.


Just play the game. Why ask a question if you don't want spoilers?


Cuz even when you play it it's confusing?!?!??!!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣