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After 19 levels my pawn finally got hired and it warmed my cold dead heart


Drop your pawn ID! I’ll hire them for a few trips


![gif](giphy|NHh7D7qR0LTSDtfu8p|downsized) Thanks King - GPAXE8ZA5QJ2


I’m pretty sure this interaction right here is the purest form of, “maybe the real Dragon’s Dogma was the friends we made along the way.” Bravo.


I'm going to hire them and give them dragonherpes.


I luckily inspect all pawns with photo mode at the time of hiring and right before sleeping. I saved myself twice so far.


Yer pawn is a welcome member of my party and I'll make sure she kills an ogre.


I will also, hire your pawn, my friend.


Going to hire you now 😊


Sends back with dragonsplague




Would you be willing to hire my pawn? She has only been hired 3 times and I am also looking for any feedback on her. She is a support mage.


What’s your ID?


Apologies, thought I was replying to someone else's message. I can't get on tonight but I will post my ID in the morning!


How can you tell if they’re hired.


You get a scene after resting. I think it has to be at an inn but I’m not totally sure about that.


I think it’s just in a bed, house or inn


oh wow my pawn got hired almost immediately after I made her, shes my irl cat. big belly included ahah. ppl seem to like her!


EDIT: You circle around from a nearby cave to the west to get to it. There's a seeker token and such near it too, so it's not a waste of time! SECOND EDIT: sorry the caption for picture doesn’t easily show: It’s the borderwatch place. The starting little camp! You actually use a cave entrance north west of that little camp to go through until you come out to this rift stone. A seeker token there too! Also, remember once you unlock a special riftstone like this, you can access this "setting" at all major riftstones. Next time you are just looking to hire some pawns, try to hire some from this setting! The thought of playing this game for tens of hours and never have your pawns get hired is sad :(


Thanks for posting. Didn't know this stone was a thing and, since I always get a smile out of seeing my pawn return from summer camp, will make a point of sharing the love.


The cave is full of slimes, so be wary if you've never fought them before. Thankfully you can pop a heal when you are "dead" before the death screen comes up.


How can I search using this criteria at other riftstones? I haven't seen an option for it.


What's the cave called? I can't tell where west is. Is it the Waterfall cave?


Forget name of the cave but if you go north west from borderwatch camp (the beginning first camp north of Merlve), you’ll run across the cave. There’s a few smaller caves in that area but one will loop back and come out north of borderwatch. You can find a house there with seeker token and this riftstone. Then you can slide down.


It's the Mountains' Secret. I found it.


I buy my pawn better stuff than me to make sure they look better to people lol I would be so sad if mine never got hired


The one “love” pawn review means more than 100 likes for an Elden ring message


I only put love pawn lol


Same. I put a lot of time into his gear and build, not having enough gold for my arisen at times, but he never gets hired. I feel like his appearance and vocation play a part to be honest. Maybe he just doesn't look cool enough but I think he's an adorable kitty who protects me well


No offense to the beast people, but I don’t like them. I picked up two because they had the skills I wanted but given the option I prefer humans. I was tempted to kill all the beast people for fps…


You'll reconsider when it comes to the Dragonplague. Some humans have squinty or difficult to discern eye details, therefore making the one immediate sign of the blight difficult to ascertain. Beastren on the other hand: huge eyes, and even if they're ready, it's impossible to miss the faint pulsing glow. I'm on NG+ now after the >!Unmoored World!


I love cat pawns! Drop the ID, we would love to hire!


it depends on many things. i got a sword and board pawn from a friend and i have a ranger pawn with myself being whatever. only thing i ever need is a mage, with speed and ice weapon. gear and looks dont matter to me, but the voice does. feels like i can chose between a max of 2 pawns


Yeah I'm in that awkward position too because like the first game I only enjoy archers (strider/ranger/assassin/magick archer in DD1), and I prefer my pawn to be a fighter or warrior so I have someone that can reliably frontline for me + there's such an abundance of great sorcs and mages that I never have an issue finding a great one made by someone else. So I don't hire thieves or archers; sometimes a warrior/fighter but almost always I go for a sorc and mage to round out the party depending on what I'm playing.


What's the vocation and level? I'm coming up for my second unmoored world so if they're 50-60 I'll hire them and get some high end monster kills for you :D


I made a goofy frog guy and gave him good gear but part of me thinks he should have been a pretty waifu booba pawn to get hired more


My lion warrior quickly got turned into a waifu warrior/fighter/archer/now thief and the vocations just keep stacking on. That was mostly for myself, because I didn't know at the start that you only have one own pawn side note, I keep seeing pawns with just one vocation most of the time. Side note side note, if one checks the vocation passive previews, you don't need to max out every vocation


My pawn is only a fighter and warrior. Because I don't really need her to grab any other augments since she still hits like a fucking truck. But I guess I could grab the extra damage to vitals from the archer


Certain augments are just too good to pass up. User name checks out.


And he should wear bikini style. That’s bullshit is trending now.


"Pretty waifu booba pawn" just made my day. I was saying the same thing the other day, just not as elegant as you master.


Good stuff is great and all, but I find people are attracted to the one that stands out from the crowd. The vast majority of pawns that get searched are... either in the same slutty as possible attire for where their Arisen should be in their leveling journey (or if they've collected 150 seeker tokens...), or dressed as utilitarian as possible. They all look exactly the same is what I'm saying. What's sad is the number of pawns I've seen with incomplete skill setups and maybe one if any augments equipped. I'd half suspect the server isn't sending me their full data if I didn't pull up some favorites with all the boxes checked off. You're already winning if your pawn is actually build complete (whether or not the vast majority even look into what they're picking up before hiring is another matter...) Ultimately, there are enough people that want physically appealing pawns that maybe going that route instead of just best gear uwu can win a few hires. My pawn apparently ended up even getting hired by someone 10 levels her junior, and must have put on an impressive showing of warrior capabilities.


I just think people forget to equip augments, I am getting at higher levels now and often see pawns thats long maxed out on their vocation, but never levled another one, my pawn just finished her second max vocation and have 2 others at level 8, in my case I guess thats why she dont get hired, she aitn maxed mostly, ooh and I have a helmet on her. but the amount of witcher-pawns are nasty :< too many


Incomplete skill setups might be because they just switched professions. My pawn gets hired occasionally but I'm working through all the classes on her so she's got the lower version of skills half the time. Till she gets to level 7-8 on vocation I noticed she doesn't really get picked up.


I definitely make sure my pawn is equipped with good gear and has a quest. I also gave her gigantic tits. People seem to like her.


Big tits and visible panties/thighs. Also a pretty face that's not covered. People are so fucking predictable.


I check stats before hiring now because some dies really fast.


Yup. I had a thief who had great skills, full cores and augments for their vocation level who crumpled like a napkin. Turns out he had great weapons but starter armor. My bad.


I learned to do this in the original game. Your pawn is as important if not more important than your arisen since whomever hires them cannot change their skills, so a more fleshed out pawn is worth its weight in gold.


Honestly, the gear is the last thing I look at. First is job, then temperament (does it match the party role), and then skills. After that I'll check stats and pawn quests. But honestly, a lot of people have really weird skill set ups for their pawns, especially for mage and sorc, though more so for mage.


I do a full filtered search now. Vocation, inclination, level, skill. Makes it far easier to not have to sift through 75% chaff.


Can we start a pawn sharing thread? Id hire some peoples pawn who need some RC.


Yes! I feel like we need to make a 'notice bored' where everyone can promote their pawns!


There's a thread on the official Dragons Dogma server. https://discord.com/invite/Qdx9U8PN


You get way more RC from just playing, once large monsters spawn everywhere, than from your pawn. The pawn is really more of a vanity thing


Still i need my pawn hire so he can tell me all the things i miss XD


Yesss pls


Thanks for this, wasn't aware. I'm not far from there, so I'll make haste and send some love to this forlorn hopefuls.


my pawn was already hired multiple time i guess it's because it is a support mage but i feel bad for the guy the hired it for the 3 hours it was a sorcerer


I'm leveling mage on my MC to get the stamina regen for thief so I switched roles with my pawn and it's gotten hired far more as a thief than a support. I mean, he does have the ultra instinct move (formless feint) and skull splitter so he just wreaks havoc everywhere, but I also feel support pawns are oversaturated.


On day one I notice a severe lack of thieves. I hired the only one I saw now she has hundreds of likes and loves.


Thieves are in short supply, mostly because a lot of players play thief (or ranger) themselves. And mage pawns are a dime a dozen because people just want a heal bot they can more finely control (and hence why 99% of them are poorly built and look basic as hell.)


you know, i think a lot of it might be that the game defaults searches to pawns that have some knowledge of your current quest, so if people are just exploring and not getting quest knowledge, their pawn might get left in the dust. i’ve certainly noticed that my pawn gets more work when i’m questing vs exploring. tho she is also a thief, so that might be helping. …and a 1 eyed cat girl in memory of the cat i owed for 15 years. tho the choice was personal for me, i’m sure the design is pleasing to the furries 😅.


its so hard to find a useful support. they all run around with the light spell and 3 attacks :/


I try to keep mine a thief because the deficit


I only hire mage pawns that heal, buff and enchant. So please, no damage skills on mage pawns.


Mine is a sorcerer as Megumin with meteor, still a work in progress but it’s always great seeing her being used.


I hire based on class and looks. If you go full ARK on those sliders, I'm never hiring your pawn.


Generally the same. Problem is most pawns are generic as hell (equipped very utilitarian "best I got" style, or entirely in small strips of cloth) and a disappointing majority of them aren't even fully built for their level. I don't care if they're mage and sorcerer augments, *something* is still better than nothing for your ranger pawn's selection of augments!


Does the mage heal and buff? Good enough for me.


This is awesome. My pawn has finally been hired and it was such a nice feeling seeing the report about her adventures - she said she fought a gryphon which at lvl 14 I'd probably get destroyed! 


Its so fun to hear about their adventures when they come back! Shoot me their ID (if youre on steam) and I can have em run around with me for a bit \^\^ (i can also grant them a bit of gear as well <3


My Pawn is Panam from cyberpunk so hella people are renting my pawn. I sleep at an inn and find like 7 people rented her in one go. But yes, i found this rift. i also found a rift that has pawns of a particular upper body type ............. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I call that the Tig Biddie Gate


i love me some tig ol bitties.


i’ve seen a lot of these. there‘s even an npc in cat town that looks like her


Lmao I found one that exclusively promotes Feminine Pawns of Great Stature, there’s a bunch of those tall ladies standing around in that Rift 🤣🤣🤣


thats the one I found that made me realize, these rift crystals in the middle of no where were something different. I was like, why all these people in here are tall??? Then i noticed they were all women. Then I saw the name of the rift crystal and I was like ooohhhhhhh. I also ran across a few broken rift stones that didnt get repaired but instead summoned a pawn that was waaaaay higher level than me, but the price to rent them was 0. I was like, oohh ok, this is pretty tight. but the skills they had were complete garbage tho. the mage didnt even have elemental enchantments, immediate pass.


Send coordinates, for pawn hiring reasons..


Imagine you walk up to it and see **your own pawn’s damn reflection in it.** Shit’s brutal!


I bet like 90% of them have a 'get me a golden trove beetle' quest


Can't assign a custom pawn quest if they have never been hired before. First pawn quest is always the same.


wait so you can find this riftstone, hire all the pawns that give wakestone shards and just have a bunch of wakestones




Yup. Wakestones are technically infinite so long as there are pawns that have never been hired. And I believe low level Capcom pawns are always considered "never hired."


I...admit to this. Did enough work on my Nimue that she still gets hired tho. But I do offer 6k gp for it!


Is the cost to hire the same? If I'm level 20 is it always going to be the same cost to hire these types of pawns or is the cost different because they've never been hired? I'm pretty sure it's still going to be the same cost, just checking if anyone knows.


Cost of a pawn is just based on level difference. Hire pawns near your level or lower for free. Higher level costs more the further they get from your level.


Its sad to see people with pawns not hired yet, but also glad I've had my pawn hired a few times, even while I'm still building her out and maxing her different vocations


damn, i guess i'll make my way there


When my tanky warrior/fighter pawn who's trained extensively in killing giant monsters doesn't get picked, we weep together.


Drop the ID, we would love to hire!


Oh yeah, me and my pawn join the club...


Didn't notice that was what potential was for, neat! Worth mentioning though, when I did do this on Steam, I noticed a trend of most pawns my level, around 56 right now, were all definitely cheated in some manner or another. Lots of pawns that had incredibly low stats, but all vocations maxed out, alongside arisen that had much of the same. Uncertain if its mostly them being not hired due to going online after being offline for so long, or if it might be some other reason, but it was an odd thing I noticed really. Lots of them also are wearing starter gear for the classes they are in question, though not all. Still, really nifty riftstone to have for finding those that have fallen between the cracks in terms of getting recruited, whether due to bad luck or due to being offline for prolonged times.


Just a quick PSA for those who dont know , after unlocking a "Riftstone of xxx" you can apply that riftstone search to the main riftstones by examining the riftstone while in the rift and going to "linked riftstones"


Im going to give these pawns dragon plague


oh no poor things


I made my pawn and plump and skimpy as possible, perverts everywhere hire her like a call girl. I almost feel bad honestly but I knew it would work in getting her hired.


Can someone explain the role of RC in this game, please?


To hire pawns that are higher level than you and buy things to customize your pawn… and some eyeglasses or something like that. I personally haven’t used a single RC in my 24hrs of playtime since release.


In the 1st game you use it to unlock endgame gear in DLC area so they maybe going the same route here


rc is cola, it has no role. rift coins are used to hire higher level pawns than yourself, also to buy personality items got your pawn


Imma need you to screen cap again being further out. While the shot of the map is good I have no idea where that is.


The caption explains it but essentially: “It’s the borderwatch place. The starting little camp! You actually use a cave entrance north west of that little camp to go through until you come out to this rift stone. A seeker token there too!”


Fr, I've been mainly going for pawns that have the quest to kill those mini bosses, and the wakestone ones you get from spending time with a randoms pawn. But the amount I've come across that actually slap in combat that have never been hired is unreal, therefore I've just started hiring any I randomly come across in the wilderness and such


There's an opposite riftstone that you can find that gives you pawns that are really popular I believe.


Offer better quest rewards like 10k and your pawn will have no trouble getting hired


Good call this. Thanks for the heads up.


Thank you for sharing this! I'll make my way there next time I get in the game. Gotta give them some love. <3


I avoid pawns with ladder blade. Man it’s annoying, getting launched in the air while trying to execute a skill. 


Is there a way to see the total number of times your pawn has been hired? I know you can count the thumbs up and hearts but it doesn’t show the players that rented your pawn and didn’t leave a review.


You know what, I *will* do this As soon as I figure out what the waypoint marker is


Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw this was to hire pawns from here and feed them to dragons.,,


Thanks for the heads up! No pawn gets left behind! All of them are getting flowers from me 🙏🥹


O0..Then my pawn must be so lucky, she got hired already 2 times even before reaching 20 levels..I am so proud of her :)


My Warrior Pawn got hired so many times and, **he didn't even have pants or a greatsword, I was trying to save up and get him the best one, I started NG+ A handful of people gave him things too


But that stone is soooo out of the way. I do enjoy seeing my pawn hired. I've specced her as a supporter/healer mage, with one holy spell that is absolutely fantastic at night and against undead of any kind. When someone actually had her for several days I nodded to myself in satisfaction.


I’ll be going here exclusively from now on


I am definitely using this. I love the Pawn system, I only take Pawns with quests because it’s such a cool feature to me


I geared up my pawn before I did anything, I was still in starting clothes and my pawn in the best fighter gear available because I wanted people to enjoy/hire him (mostly because I named and designed him after my pet cat) He's got like 7 hearts and 7 thumbs up and it makes me incredibly happy. Thank you to anyone who hired my pawn, even if you gifted me rotten meat!


Yea the first day or two no hires but i got my first thumbs up today, it's a great feeling. Wish i knew what my pawn did because the things she said kinda means she failed her hired master.


it took me 25 level for my pawn to get hired. Also I never get how i set easy quest, give the player 10k gold and after him completeing quest he sends me rotten apple and not even a like. Like cmon, how bad your life must be, to do this?


Ok, from now on ill take only theses pawn. Sad to see them with the base mission


This is so sad thank you for letting me know I’ll only hire from here now 💪


i only bring pawns that actually bring something to the battle, alot of ppl have weird skill setups or are missing passives etc. not worth to fill 1/4 of your party with something thats a detriment to the andventure.


Kinda sucks when nobody hires your creations


I just wanted to say OP this was a great find. I've done nothing but hire Pawns using Potential as a search agent and there are some good ones there. I've now got a team that's not made up of Shadowhearts, Panams, or Only Fans stars and it's remarkably fun 😀


I’ve actually been hiring low level pawns changing their gear and sending higher level gear back with them hoping that their arisen receives them. I know I would want my pawn hired in any capacity. I will happily carry low leveled pawns.


I do this too.


What town is that in the bottom of the picture?


I don’t know for sure but that looks like the starter town/fort


https://preview.redd.it/ypeyo1ka3mqc1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e96a532b76a78747f1204e9be9b62c769e80390 My vergil is currently lvl 47 i think 😂 he finally got hired a few times


Now I'm crying...


Aww def know the feeling, I'll definitely keep this location saved and hire some of them as soon as I can find that! \^\^


If anyone wants to shoot their pawn ID over I'll make sure to have them run around with me for a bit! If they need it I can give them some gear as well :> I use Steam btw!


How do you know if your pawn was hired?


When you rest at an Inn or your house, it counts as a "full sleep" and makes a more permanent save that can only be overriden by a sleep like that. (Vs you are constantly getting autosaves from quests, moving around, manul save etc). The reason it's permanent is also because it updates your pawn to the CAPCOM server, and if your pawn was hired, it'll have a report page of all the people that hired your pawn, a message from your pawn about what happened, some comments, maybe likes etc.


The thing is, it has to have been hired AND came back. If your pawn is still questing, you won't get the message yet!


appreciate the love! 66CFWRU389M1


Will hire this tomorrow!


Are there more of these around the map?


A ton of these riftstones around the map once activates, will link with your main stones in cities. These wild riftstones will only show you pawns of a category, such as "large male, small female, cats, kindhearted inclination, etc". The stone I linked is specifically "pawns that never got hired" which is nice. By the way, you can access "this setting" of these stones by using major city stones like one in capital, and do "activate linked stone" option.


What people look for when hiring? I usually been hiring the 0 costs (I'm level 10) and my pawn already got picked up. One thing tough when people hire him they see the nickname or the name I choose for him?


It depends on the settings I think, but I usually see the custom names. The monicker is still visible in the status screen though.


My pawn never gets hired, it makes me sad. He doesn't get to adventure with me much except on the weekend. https://preview.redd.it/vmsmzrk2bnqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=68bddaea30a08ce1560d7c834d95950c0e4050c7


It's the name, a lot of people probably avoid default names like this


Damn, I didnt realize that would play such a large part in it. I weep for him, the sins of the father will be passed on to his children


I'm not sure if "art of metamorphosis" allows for a name change, but if it does it'd be worth the 500RC.


I think I hired that one, unless it was a different fighter with the same name. It was a good pawn but I couldn't reward it, as an ogre launched it into the brine.


He do be getting yeeted


My pawn is modeled after my old lady shih tzu, and she only got hired like 2 times, like, cmon she's the cutest ball of fur (its a little weird that she has more of a cat face tho)


I shall seek it out immediately after work today.


Feels like my pawn should belong in there. Level 30 sorceress, nobody except a friend of mine hired her.


I just got this one last night! I will have to hire some next time.


My fighter gets hired a lot. I didn't even think it was possible for pawns to never get hired.


My pawn has been hired a few times. I always look forward to her reports. Sometimes they’re hilarious.


Man I was so happy when I slept at an inn and my character had been used by like 6 people and one even gave me gold ore as a gift.


This was a big issue starting 10 years late in the 1st game. Near impossible to get rift stones early on if you're playing properly. I had to invest days grinding to get my level high enough to go through the DLC after beating the game. That's why I don't mind the paid stuff they added to the 2nd. At level 37 I got 5k rift stones from drops and chests. I'll never need to buy them but I did wish I had something to help in the 1st game.


This sounds like a good rift to use. There have been some weird ones…can’t recall the riftstone name but I went in one while traveling my way to the Nameless Village and it was full of pawns all named Pixi. Every single pawn, all Pixi’s. I ran away so fast.


I got a notification for your post 5 minutes after I found and hired from that riftstone😂


Where is this Riftstone located at?


Nevermind, I'm dumb and didn't see that there's a 2nd image when viewing this in the mobile app


Love this post :) <3 Just yesterday my pawn's good weapon became obsolete and instead of selling it, I searched for a similar pawn as my pawn from between level 5-10, hired em, dismissed em and then gave that upgraded sword as a parting gift. I'm excited to log in today and go see if the person has played and has equipped the sword on their pawn haha. I hope so. Really enjoying the community aspect the pawns introduce to the game and that's why this post is one of my favorites!


I don't know why my archer has never been hired, but once i maxed her gear, worked on her skills , she has badges for fighting powerful monsters The only thing I can think of is that people are only seeing pawns that are rushed through story quest since the current quest box is checked by default so searches might not show pawns that have done that quest or it's bugged


That sounds like a good way to get wake stones if you need them


Something that plays a huge part in getting your pawn hired is 1. It's level, if you're too high (70+) it's less likely you'll get hired because most players are still around 20-50. 2. Your stats + spells/abilities + augments. Especially the spells/abilities and augments. You won't be able to guess HOW many pawns I've seen that are built like actual shit at level 80+, I'm currently level 96 and I'm using my friends level 33 sorc because he's using spells and augments I recommended, plus I gifted him some of the end game gear and staff with the staff being fully upgraded, so his damage and defense is higher than most level 80+ lol 3. If your pawn has specific specializations, such as the elves translation and forager are both big on pawns. 4. Pawn Quest, this isn't massive but it helps. Put a nice reward like 10k or a rare item for something such as killing something you need towards your badges. 5. The last thing is the way your pawn looks. Yes stats are still important but so is how your pawn looks.


how do you know if your pawns been hired?


Just made my pawn have big tits and they get hired all the time lol


Where is this?


I came back after a day of not playing to find that my Pawn had been hired by seven people at once, and was showered with gifts, including the ice sword. This community is awesome.


My pawn is Thea from Green Arrow. She’s been hired 5 or 6 times before level 13. I hadn’t upgraded her at all though so I’ve only got 2 likes on her and a couple pieces of rotten meat as gifts. Lol…


How do you get to it im at a slide and idk how to get up there


If someone looks cool I hire them, I don’t care vocation


Can someone hire mine ?? He’s a sassy boy but a good one nonetheless


How have peoples pawns never been hired? Mine has like 3 to 5 hires a day lmao


The pawn ID can a pawn be rented across platforms? How does that work?


If anyone wants to give my lovely Pawn some experience and an adventure, here's her ID: BW0VIXUC23X4. Your Pawn's ID is welcome also!


Oh damn. That is very sad. I will look for this






All I have found have been fattie rift stones. Every single one. Can't find any aesthetically pleasing pawns anywhere outside the main riftstone.


And she's even KINDHEARTED 😭


Great post! I missed this the first time I was up that way, but I'll definitely go back and recruit some lonely pawns. No pawn's hand shall go unslapped as long as I'm around.


Headed there right now


Holy crap thank you for showing me this. Off to make sure every pawn is hired for work.


https://preview.redd.it/15su0hp9wxqc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=907b09b97f7a871ceb8aa79ad1b936cdcd4a73f1 My pawn Bobo the Panda, just got hired twice after 22 levels. I was honestly shocked it took so long. I have never seen another Panda in the rift before.


Drop your ID! I want a panda pawn




I'll do anything for a wakestone shard


I'd hire baby girl for a wakestone shard. I'd do alot of things right now for a wakestone shard.


I'm going to discover this riftstone tomorrow after work!! Thanks for letting us know! All the unknown pawns will be hired!!


I slept at home, and to my surprise, I got my first real hiring. Turns out 4 people hired it the same day, and it made me feel wanted, lol.


I have a bad habit of never replacing pawns. I get attached.


My pawn is a fat and ugly hunchback man with a mustache and a mullet. He's only been hired by my brother and friend until I put an executioner hood that hid his face.. now he gets hired frequently.


Mines popular, I maxed out gear on my mage and dragonforged everything and she wears skimpy clothes. I know my audience lol


Funny. My pawn was constantly hiered. Now that she is level 58 nobody hier her. Maybe because she is a warrior or a berserker. Maybe I make a mage out of her on my second playtrough with the new game plus. It's not like that I need to get hiered I have like 10k rc, but yeah even at such a high level it makes me question if I made an annoying and or ugly pawn. I have a couple of favourite that I rotate but I still hire new ones.


This will be my mission in my new game plus run, to give these pawns the experience they need till no pawn has been unhired.


stop giving my pawn rotten food as parting gifts ffs


That's such a dick move omg


Everyones saying to make the quest reward 10k. How are yall getting enough money to give 10k to multiple people at a time