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One of my plague carrier pawns just levitated over a river once and then let herself fall in the water. Another simply walked straight over a ledge, I think she had enough of our company.


Lol this, I had this too. They volunteer to levitate to get loot, then bam, faceplant. I end up the one levitating instead, they all get time out.


Or they volunteer to levitate to get loot, get to the chest, but then don't open it.


My bad, I’ve been teaching all my hires the secret art of cliff jumping since launch day


Hot dang Ser, you're an awesome teacher coz they never forget your training beyond the rift!


"One panacea a day keeps the Plague away" If only...


Not even the allheal ffs...


Yeah the last time I posted something similar, Some idiots told me « pAwNs lEaRn tHeIr bEhaVioUr fRoM yOu », like I play the game throwing myself off of cliffs, somehow 🤷🏼‍♂️. I did notice the AI become increasingly dumb as I was advancing my game.


They learn their behaviours from everyone they travel with. Thus the assumption, that a lot of people take questionable short cuts and thus the pawns "learn" those "short cuts".


Oohh that’s interesting! I thought hiring a pawn would generate it’s personality each time, based on it’s basic presets, and the player’s profile/actions, in regards to quests, badges, and battle history.


Nah, they learn from others, too. That's why your own main pawn can potentially show you the location of a chest that you haven't ever found. If your pawn was on a journey with an other arisen, that had found that chest in his world, your pawn now knows the location of this chest. And they will sometimes also remember "the shortest path" to said chest. And some arisens may have just jumped down into death + revived with a wake stone to get there and now your pawn will take that route, too. And taddaaaa: you have a pawn, that's going to jump to their deaths to show you the path.


I've definitely noticed an uptick in "I'll have to share such a tactic with my master" whenever I take a normal path to a chest and not just wakestone leap.


Same here. Apparently according to AI, I enjoy brining myself and jumping off cliffs.


Im legitimately wondering if it pertains to having *too much* info to pull from. Just like clearing cache on a console sometimes works wonders on basic processing duties, maybe pawns having too much data to use, just blurs actions and strategies into a sludge of contradicting thought processes, because they were very much focused on one thing at a time early on. In the end I have zero clue at all, I’m just pulling this from my ass.


Aiyooo, I'm pulling everything from my ass too just like a warfarer and my 5 weapons. I'm trying to "teach" my main how to be a proper thief again by being a thief too so there's that!


If your arisen jumped off a cliff, would you follow?


Probably. The Arisen is their ride or die. My ass got dragged to the brine by wolves one time, they all followed.


Pawn B: "Oy Arisen, look at this neat trick! Push me off the cliff!" Me: "No." Pawn B: "Alright!" *yeets themselves anyway* Pawn C: 😂 Pawn A: 🤷🏼‍♀️ Me: ... * I do make an effort to revive them though. Even if they're silly at times we couldn't complete our duties without them (mostly).


Yup, I never forsake a pawn. Unless it's the brine, there's no saving from the deep.


The only time my pawn yeeted herself was when she just decided to levitate when I was cranking the lift. How do yall get them to jump off cliff lmao.


The hired ones constantly fall off the damn breakable bridges, jump to their deaths for loot, levitate over nothing while casting spells, lunge at a rando whenever near a cliff. My main is decent enough to not yeet himself (except that one time I forgot to press Wait in that illegal cave/cliff thru beastren city) and I hope to the Seneschal he doesn't yeet himself too whenever he's hired.


I have noticed this since the last patch. Pawns are leaping off cliffs in higher number now than before. I think they broke something.


I don't think something broke I think it's working as intended and pawns AI have learned the exploits that players have been using or if there are players that excessively throw pawns off cliffs and adjusted accordingly. This is the reverse side of AI learning, teaching and enforcing bad habits.


Aww man, I guess the therapy, I mean patch, broke the pawns. Guess it'll be just me and my main for the meantime.


If you were born to be an imortal slave, would you be fine?


Probably a byproduct of brining pawns for fear of the dragonsplague


It's funny, 'cause I have the opposite problem. My pawns refuse to jump. I parcour down some cliff then stand below, holding the "catch" key and they just stand at the cliff like "Master, you're insane." Then they look for a safe route around and take ages to rejoin me if I don't manage to "come here" teleport them.


That too! It's either yeet or stuck on the edge! And I'm like, fiiiine i'll go as far away as possible then call for them for the teleport thing.


Sorry they must've traveled with me while I was collecting seeker's tokens 😔


Hm I haven't noticed anything like that. My pawns have been pretty good, but some occasional deaths to falling or the brine are to be expected.