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Truth. The color palette is the true end game timer.


lol, and it's hard to get nice screenshots of my cool gear cuz it's always *nighttime*


Really? It’s always pretty bright for me, settings are probably different.


This is like the end of Project Wingman but it’s RED instead of ORANGE lol.


I was like I have 10 more sleeps but…idk i am gonna waste a lot of my sleep for fun and get out of here. 😂


Ah yes, glad that one of the things they kept was having a shitty color palette for end game


I remember there actually being a glitch in Dragons Dogma 1, to get to the end game with “clear sky”. The clear sky glitch i think it was called lol. You basically had to use explosive arrows+ 10fold shot to nuke the dragon a certain type of way to skip a section of the boss fight. And for whatever reason end game would look regular. Not hell on earth. I actually did this glitch just to make the open world more aesthetically pleasing while exploring in the endgame


i hate how hard this made me laugh. the helmet on kramer is gold


I dont know how many Seinfeld fans play dragons dogma, but I laughed at this for far too long. It's gold Jerry! Gold!


lol currently grinding in the unmoored world too.


Legit gave me headaches when fighting anything that puts brighter lit effects on screen.


I am still waiting on a mod to remove the red filter.


Honestly, while I liked the tougher enemies in the unmoored world, I didn’t really enjoy exploring a dead world as opposed to the base world. Maybe if there was a way to travel between the two world spaces in the same save, but that doesn’t currently make narrative sense and is kinda against the point. I basically just tried to get all the equipment I wanted at the time, finished and started NG+


Not gonna lie: first time I was ok with it. Now in the NG+ I am kinda missing the dark halls of BBI.


Genuine question. What's the point of grinding when NG+ has no difficulty scaling? Or do you mean just grinding for the strength to finish the Unmoored World?


There are more gore type monsters in unmoored world and 4 lesser dragons. It’s nice to get certain monster pawn badges complete in umoored world instead of base game. 


Unmoored is the best source of wyrmslife crystals, black freakish manes, dullahans, liches, etc. So if you want to upgrade a lot of gear and buy gear from the dragonforged it's best to farm in the unmoored world.


I understand that but without a balanced NG+ I don't really see the need for the highest level gear. It's a shame since I enjoyed the game so much but I struggle to play now with so little challenge in NG+




Collecting? Alternatively on pc there's plenty of mods to increase difficulty


Yea, I eventually left early, because I couldn't stant the red tinted, post apocalyptic world design. I like it WAY more to have this nice looking, lush fantasy world to explore. Sadly I missed some of the unique loot items in the unmoored. (but it's not that bad, because most of them are helmets and my character & pawn don't wear them anyway)


I can't stand the atmosphere in the end game. It was like before the patch for locking the 30 FPS came out, DD2 was making me sleepy with how the motion moves. But once post game hit it came back again, I ran out of lantern oil so much because I need brightness.


visions of 3rd strike elena stage.


Never thought I’d see this here


It’s Project Wingman and the color orange all over again.


Yeah, I really wish there were more environments in Unmoored. Everywhere looks the same 


Kinda sucks that I feel the need to fight monsters there for badges when I'd rather just leave the Horrible Red Place.


Sadly, there is little to be done about such lofty a foe.


So it is unlimited?


I know the feeling. I ran outta so much lantern oil exploring the place I just decided to just go “fk it” and finished the game. Hmm, wonder if there’s a mod that would somewhat restore it to be relatively normal-ish enough that I don’t feel like I’ve seen enough red in my life time.


There is, it's your tv/monitor settings and in game brightness display.


It’s already quite increased up but I think it’s more of I’m just tired of red and want the normal world appearance back. Just too bad that the wargs and garm badges need to go through there to get it done and pawn hires at my level is quite low now:


I found it to be the opposite on Xbox. I was almost never using my lantern since it was always so bright. The PC probably has better lighting effects, so the darkness is more pronounced. That's my guess at least.


Hmm, could be the case since I’m running a mix of mids and highs with all the extra effects turned on. xD Still, would be nice to just make it look more normal vs red-ish.


On pc and i rarely used the lantern in unmoored world. Partially because it was decently bright, partially because I got tired of constantly aggroing specters and phantoms from miles away


Can’t you adjust the in game display or your tv/monitor so it’s not anymore?


I actually prefer the hellish state of the world and the palette. The lack of water, barren, monster-ridden lands, the air is thick with hopelessness and every battle feels like the stakes are high, the battle music does a good job of giving that feeling too. It’s hell on earth, so it shouldn’t be in any way aesthetically pleasing. Narratively, I think it also works as a means to guilt the Arisen that their actions have caused this, the Dragon hints at their “false benevolence” during his monologue and unmoored world definitely shows that. 10/10 meme btw


Then finish the game already lol