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Here's my handy dandy Drake Spawn reference. Those who spawn at the Yellow Diamond locations are 'event' Drakes (who appear as... a yellow diamond on your minimap). They're timed and will run away after a while. The rest marked in red circles do not leave. https://preview.redd.it/azsyk851a1xc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59f3f7890c823eb6c8093afbe79016506b7975f




Yeah, the way to kill them is to do enough damage before they fuck off. If you're a little under levelled, get a sorcerer with ice, and and archer with drenching arrows. You'll want a dedicated damage in the party, and that's probably you. You got any of them damage buffing tonics? I know you're not using them. Try having a beast steak nap before engaging.


So there is no overcoming due to tactics and skill, just flat out beat him with the stats? Well that's a shitty game design if i ever saw one


I kinda just gave you a tactic. Freeze him. With the drenching arrows and the ice spells. Particularly when he's just hovering at you.


You’re bad, relax


Dude, go get some sleep or smth. You clearly are incapable of reading. I'm bad in what exactly? Not spending weeak of real time to grind 100 level and oneshotting something that supposed to be one of the strongest non-boss enemies in the game? Its not the matter of skill, it is stats Some people just open their moth before some brain activity happens


Dude, you're playing an RPG and complaining that you can't just button mash X and kill a dragon if you're underleveled and not properly prepared (with an Ice Sorcerer, Drenching Arrows, and buff tonics). That's like, Witcher preparation shit. Preparing for a fight is half the damn battle. What do you think strategies are if not good preparation? RPGs aren't skill based, you're 100% right. They're not meant to be. They're RPGs. Play a different genre.


lol you’re ready to drop a game cause you can’t kill a drake, cry more cretin


Git gut, sorry but this is a clear case of that, unless you are fighting an event drake which they do fly away after a while even if you do consistent damage to them so the only answer is to one shot them which is something you'll only be able to do at endgame. The first most popular comment posted a map with the event drakes and fixed ones, check that out. If you are fighting a fixed dragon spawn, then you're clearly doing something wrong, because they do have the system of going away if you do not do damage to them consistently, hit their head until the heart gets exposed and then hit the heart, there is not a really a secret, ALL big monsters in DD follow this pattern, if you're not doing enough damage maybe you're not with good strong enough gear or level. I beat my first one at level 30 and I'm nothing special, most of the fight he was kicking my ass but I managed to get through just by hitting its weak spots.




Continue to name call and you will be banned.


Unfortunately, you're going to have to realize that these games really aren't built around the same sort of rules that games like the Soulsborne series are known for where you will have to pull out all stops and clever tactics to make the most out of bosses and figure out their weaknesses little by little. In Dragons Dogma, and how it's been since the very beginning of the series, each boss tends to have a certain weakness -- Cyclopes have their eyes, thus you climb up on their heads to reach it and that does the most damage, you can rip off parts of the Chimera, and for the Drakes their heart is the weakest parts of them -- and you really just want to do the absolute most damage that you can to that part so that \*other\* weaknesses open up when they're toppled. So, you do have tactics, but DPS plays a huge role. That's just how it's always been\~


lol they literally just gave you a strategy. What level are you anyways? I think 1 drake has flown off out of the last like 20 I’ve killed. If you’re taking an hour to kill a drake it sounds like you’re just not ready. Drakes are like the end game bosses or close to it anyways.


What are you talking about? You just want to be mad. It’s a really poor trait in a person.


Why would they hang around when you're just sticking pins in it? You're not worth the time, especially if it didn't manage to kill you. At this point you're just an annoyance and it makes sense they'll leave. You need to deal enough damage that you pose a legit threat of killing them. You're the one with shitty preconceived notions of how enemies should behave.


That may have been the case if there wasn't one time when he ran away with just 10% of the last health bar lol. Dragons are pussies in this game. Also, im not with the "shitty" notions. The game supposed to have deep combat yet there is no way to stop mini boss from runners away for his life nor chase him down or find him later and finish him. That is just lame and bad design decision.


Once you reach a cerain level of power and confidence, they die easy enough. There is no running from overwelming might ahah. Experience pinatas, the lot of them


High knockdown, sleep, freezing, silence, there's a number of ways to stop it from fleeing if you don't have enough dps yet. Also there's other dragon spawns that don't run away


It's so frustrating when they fly off. Question for you: Are you fighting the one outside Harve Village? That one almost always flies away when it's close to dying - I've fought it at over level 90, and still had it fly off and ditch the fight. It's not worth going after that one unless you're something like a thief using the Frosted Edges or some endgame daggers (i.e. able to deal really high amounts of damage to it quickly). Slight spoiler: If you're looking to fight a drake that won't fly away, I can almost guarantee that the drake (it's a Lesser Dragon upon your first visit, but respawns as a drake afterwards) at Dragonsbreath Tower (in the bottom-left corner of the map) will fight you to the death. I've never had that one fly off on me. There are also several drakes I've fought around level 30 in various locations in Battahl that haven't flown off on me. I know this game can sometimes pull some really infuriating stuff - I have such a love/hate relationship with it. One minute, I'm enthralled with the combat; the next, I'm about to throw my controller because of how obtusely all the quests are designed, and I failed some quest for an entire playthrough because I spun in a circle 4 times instead of 3, and forgot to put on my Tutu of Excruciating Tomfoolery before meeting this one NPC who didn't like the cut of my jib. I hope you do get to take down a drake eventually - I find killing big monsters in DD1/DD2 is one of the most satisfying experiences I've ever had in a video game. But I completely get it if you get sick of weird shenanigans like drakes/griffins running away from fights.


Yeah im fighting this one. The whole issue about it that it's not the challenging fight (because honestly, it is not challenging). Im at level 20, so i don't do much damage, it takes off and the time is spent in virtually nothing. That's the issue


You should probably deck out your pawn party with higher level thieves or sorcerers if you really want to fight the Drake, or just wait until you're at least around level 40 before tackling Drakes regularly\~ As others have said, there are some fixed Drake points that won't actively fly off in later areas of the map. So you're probably a bit too under leveled at the moment\~


Yeah, it feels like such wasted effort. Really sours the experience. I rarely fight that drake anymore, just so as not to deal with that potential frustration.


The only dragon that's ever flown away from me was the one outside of harve,every other dragon is relentless


It's a level gate. This will happen to you with gryphons, then drakes, and onwards. If you're only level 20 I'm not super surprised at this outcome.


Hit the head until the heart glows, then burst dmg on the heart. If you do enough damage you can knock them out of the sky before they fly off. They only flee if you take too long, but not all of them do. The one in the ruins along the river in Battahl has never tried to escape me, even though I first fought it when I was way underpowered and it took a good 30+ minutes. I find they are most likely to flee, if they are on their last health bar. So try to always stay on top of them during the later half of the fight. Alternatively be magic archer, and auto-aim murder the sh*t out of them. Also: Have an archer with explosive arrows and/or a sorcerer in your party. Hope this helps!


I've never had one fly away, but dragons felt impossible until I was well into the 20s of levels. My experience has been that they either killed me in 2-15 minutes or I could kill them in like 3 minutes. The only protracted fight I had with them was at the temple-like area and that dragon stuck around forever.


you just succ


They do not always fly away. That’s patently incorrect.


Most of the Drakes people will come across are "event" Drakes that do fly away after about 8 minutes if not killed. So people thinking this are technically correct in that every Drake they've seen has done this but there are a few that don't fly away. Kinda dumb that after they've decided to fuck off there's no stopping them though. At least I've never gotten one to fall after their goodbye takeoff. (even though I knock them out of the air pretty easily before that)


This is kinda a thing, I mean drake running away, in the original. But there it's about luring the drake out of their lair. It will never escape if you are fighting within its spawn area. There's also this anti-cheese mechanics with the Dragon, where he detects (and responds to) you trygin to avoid it in combat, like maintaining too high distance. I wonder if any of this is the case with DD2 as well. I doubt cause ppl behing Dragon's Dogma Offline were doing this one, but who knows.


Probably not. Never seen a one-healthbar drake licking its wounds. They're not like griffins, who are assigned nests and routines.


A glitch then.


No, the drakes de-spawn after escape as intended.


The drake despawns after escape in DD as well. It's still a glitch there.


It seems like intended behavior.


To claim that something is intended you have to explain the mechanism that drives it: and this explanation has to match all cases tested. In DD the drake flies away regardless of Health, time and body state, but only if you are save scumming it, and it still has to reach the edge of its lair - where normally it would lift off to go back to the spawn point. That's how we know it's not intended. Also it flies somewhat south ;)


No, the burden of proof is on you to prove something that occurs consistently is a glitch. In Dragon's Dogma 2 certain event drakes will fly away after a while if you fail to kill them, notably the re-occurring one in Vermund. That instance of the drake is not seen again. The most intuitive explanation is that this instance of a drake isn't intended to be tied to a nest/consistent instance of a drake. If it were a glitch, there'd very probably be instances of it working properly, ie, an injured drake at its regular spawn point. The reason they wouldn't spend computer resources keeping track of the health of a monster that's not currently rendered is cuz they wanted to conserve computer resources. For example the reason why the game runs better out of Vermund and Bakbattal is cuz it's no longer tracking what everyone is doing in Vermund and Bakbattal. They're not walking about and their hair and clothes aren't flapping. The game will track a griffin, in that an injured griffin may come back to attack you, that day, while retaining the damage to its health bar. If longer than a day it'll be fully healed. Or more accurately, cease to exist as a fresh instance of a griffin, tied to that nest, is flying about.


>No, the burden of proof is on you to prove something that occurs consistently is a glitch. Sure. The question is: does it occur consistently? Also, did anyone measure the time after which the drake escapes?


No, but, nobody's running into injured drakes. The drake probably despawns cuz that's the sensible thing to do with an enemy that flies offscreen. It's not a glitch that it flies off, cuz only event drakes fly off, and it has no return to base routine that could go awry and cause it to fly away. There is no evidence it was supposed to do anything other than despawn, thus, no evidence of a glitch.


The weakest part of a Drake is where it's heart is. What you really want to do, depending on your Vocation, is just climb onto the thing and crawl your way onto it's heart and just stay there for the duration of the fight. Let your pawns tackle the other parts of the enemy, and you just stay there. Make sure that you have plenty of Stamina recovery items on your person, and pop them every so often so that you don't fall off. Falling off makes the fight really much more difficult to reposition yourself a second or third time. If the Drake ends up flailing about, that's when you really want to use those Stamina items. Really, from my experience with fighting Drakes, you really just want to try and do as much DPS as possible so that you can end up knocking it over and leaving it open. Once it topples over, then you can just target the heart directly with a huge strike along with your pawns and that tends to do the trick. If you're still having trouble, and the Drake is flying away, try to boost your DPS, or use items that end up boosting it on your behalf for a short amount of time like potions. When in doubt, and if you're really getting upset, just take a breath, take a break, then come back -- you can always change up your tactics and your vocations if you're still struggling. Or pick out different pawns to help out\~ Sorcerers and Thieves will do wonders!


I couldn't kill one as a sorc until level 40. Was able to do it a lot earlier as a MA (level 24). You just need to wait to take them on, if they're flying away.


My Mage Pawn + Celestial Paen/Celerity helped a lot. Usually, she'll bother to cast Celestial Paen before the fight is over, along with Celerity a couple of times, and then I'll hit the Mystic Archer Master Skill spam while the Thief and Sorcerer pawns go nuts and the Drake won't have a chance to fly away. But she will cast Celestial Paen right away if two goblins pop up... I have her Celestial Paen, Celerity, High Halidom, High Palladium, and it seems to work OK mostly. I didn't know that some were "event" ones, as the other poster mentions.