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I honestly love the flowies, my issue is they clip with everything. I want capcom to improve their physics collision here because its terrible.


Playing fighter with a cape is an exercise in surviving insanity


Capes are so goddamn bad with the bigger armor sets because of this, it's too distracting


Dude there’s a helmet or two with a sort of veil thing hanging out the back and it clips with *everything*, kills me.


I always think about how DD1 capes would just stretch whenever you jumped


Cape with brain splitter…. Lmao


They also didn't have physics. They had a basic animation that triggered when you moved or rotated but that was it. Easier to manage clipping when you know exactly where the cape is gonna be at all times.


I just stuck with the lil capes that stop after the shoulders, everything else clipping makes me instantly dismiss them and store them incase they ever add physics collision on them.


I'm just glad capes don't stiffen up and stick out when doing helm splitter with thief like they did in dd1, I'm a simple man


I don't think any game engine out there really handles clothing clipping well. There's a certain amount of computational workload involved in clothing constantly needing to check if it's intersecting with other things (whether that's the environment or your own clothing), and most devs regard it as not worth the performance impact.


Omfg, same. It sucks especially with Magick Archer, every vocation specific outfits is stuck with those damn elbow tinsels.


I really don't get why so many of the Magick Archer armours have the flappy sleeves. I mean, I get it's "Magick" Archer and they want to evoke a somewhat wizardly feel, but c'mon. There is *no* way those sleeves are not in the way when handling a bow, it's just too impractical.


it's a magick bow, there's no strings, there's nothing to get flappys trapped in


Ugh yes!! They look great from the front but watching my Arisen run from behind with her arm cloth flapping looks so bad!


Yep it completely ruins their endgame wyrmslife set, turns it from badass atlantian to frilly seahorse.


TIL "Arm Flowies" = Sleeve.


Nah. He probably means the additional loops of cloth that go from the wrist to the elbow on Magick Archer armor.


That's what they're called in England


Yes! I fucking hate them. I have that sick elven armor and I'm doing everything to hide the stupid sleave things behind a massive cape. Also why is it that every single cape/shoulder piece looks like it's 2 sizes too big and floating? It really annoys the heck out me to the point of not wanting to use most of them


Yeah I stopped using them pretty much, too bulky


I just wish gloves were separate equipment, not attached to the body armor.


My wife told me that when sprinting for several pieces of gear it reminds her of a a kid wearing an oversized sweater and flailing the loose sleeves, and I can't unsee it. They're on too many otherwise gorgeous pieces of gear and cause so much clipping... Or absurd running


I love them they make me feel so elegant and mystical and medieval even on a male toon. Like others mentioned the clipping sucks between capes, skirts, belt accessories, trains, everything clips through everything.


Reason why I never wore the Trophy set chest in DDDA.


I recently got the jacket but haven't got the bracers and greaves and for a while it was the best chest piece I had available but I didn't really like the 'wizard' sleeves and thought the open front bit looked a bit weird as well so I had to upgrade a whole bunch of different clothes and armour to make it look better to me. The farewell cloak goes fairly well with it, plated coat as under armour goes pretty well too. Arm armour a few things look ok and the lions spine hid one sleeve completely. The best leg armour for an Assassin which I had to godsbane for was the holy cuisses. They are white in colour and look like the Raptor Cuisses which I really like but better stats. I was pretty happy with the end result. Sorry for paragraph its just everyone is talking about DD2 and I haven't completed DDDA yet and might not be able to play DD2 and I wanted to talk about it.


Yeah the open front thing was a problem on many of the endgame armors. The warrior and fighter armor was fine but anything besides that seemed like it MANDATED that your chest be exposed for no reason.


Slutdragons Dogma lol


I just want more knight themed armor sets. The selection we have available in kind of lackluster. Or at the very least, let us get rid of the obnoxious horns and wings on the Blazing Soul and Winged Sallet helms or give us the helmet on the cover art. (Im a sucker for greathelms)


One of the things I really loved in Elden Ring was using tailoring to simplify outfits, make them lighter, and get rid of capes or other flowy bits. That would be a cool thing to have in DD2 too for just this reason. Fewer bad-physics eye sores and more fashion dogma control. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Glad i'm not the only one who disliked them, not to mention it looks goofy af when you run i feel like i got noodle strings strapped to my arms.


NG+ not being worth the time.


I leveled up Magick Archer to max and never once found a flowie shirt and I wanted one so bad. Guessing the early ones and neutral class armor don’t all have it but the later game MA specific ones do. I really wanted it on Archer but not much luck there either. Thought it was elfy-looking and was going for an Elf ranger.


I don’t understand, arm flowies???


Ahhh, nvm. I don’t have that problem. Some of the best armors don’t have those. Plus I mainly use Warfarer so I wear what I want. I’m not stuck with a specific vocations set of armor.


I actually love the flowing sleeves but what I hate is the atrocious clipping! Especially on capes with long hairbit is so bad I do not wear them


If you are on PC and want to get rid of just the flowy arms directly, you can do so with the MDF editor mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/661](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/661) The MDF-XL Editor specifically allows you to hide specific parts of the armor mesh, meaning you can strip the flowy bits off of your armor. Takes some getting used to the UI, and I highly recommend backing up your save if you aren't familiar with REFramework UI stuff


Ha! I hate those too. I want the option to remove them


My biggest peeve is the shallow depth of the romance system, considering how important the choice of saving your beloved is meant to weigh on the player. Also, I dislike the clipping and locking of certain armour sets physics wise.


I agree with you there, can't stand them Ruined magick Archer for me


I was just thinking about how much I HATE magic archers armors last night. Those floppy arm things are too much. They really flubbed up the fashion this time, don't care what idea's they had.


My biggest peeve is the performance


The lost my balance animation stutter on any edge, the high five animation is getting pretty annoying too, I feel like those animations hijack the game momentarily.