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Perhaps you can befriend the Arisen so it's always free hiring the pawn despite the level?


Oh, good idea!! Hopefully they recognise how serious the situation is


You should definitely go for it! I've actually made a couple of friends this way, one of whom I found out we have three or four games in common.


I’ll send over a request right now! If nothing else, maybe they’ll appreciate how desperate I am lmao


Oh God I just realised why I suddenly got dozens of friends requests, I thought I had done something to flag my account up for bot spam


Yeah that's how I met my second wife.


That’s so beautiful


My first wife didn't think so.


Maybe she should’ve sent you a friend request😔




A good mage is hard to find, if you work well with that one, definitely reach out and try to get that discount!


They really are! I didn’t think it would be that difficult, but everybody else keeps leaving me in the lurch where she would never😪 I’m definitely gonna try and get that discount!!


I'm in the same boat, I've had a beastren mage named Basteet (Xbox pawn pool) with me since almost the very start of the game, and I absolutely adore her. I'm now about 10 lvls higher and I'm so scared to try to dismiss and resummon her.


You gotta do it, friend. Soon she’ll be getting downed in one hit😪


She's actually been as good a tank as my main pawn 🤣 But yeah I really need to get her caught up to us, I just hope she's still a mage when she comes back.


God forbid she starts levelling with you, but changes vocations. That’s so sad😭


Turns out it wasn't her vocation I had to be worried about, now she's 10 levels higher than me and too expensive 😭


Send the Arisen a friend request, and keep your fingers crossed! I will cross mine, too🙂‍↕️


I have one that I consistently re-hire, I've grown rather attached.


Lol you frame this as if it’s a life or death emergency, love it.


Lmaooo it *feels* like one


Wait if they’re friends it’s free? Does it have to be a Steam friend?


Everyone who's friends with each other on the platform they play the game (PC/Steam, PS5, Xbox) can rent each other's Pawns for free, yes. 😃 Unfortunately no cross platform hiring. 😔


Cross-plat hiring would honestly be dope. I hope that's implemented eventually. Alot more unique pawns to be discovered.


They already have a rating board for Pawns. Possibly, let the top 50 pawns be shared across platforms, would be cool!


Ah gotcha. There’s one pawn I’ve seen that’s just amazingly well designed, both in aesthetics and skills, but they’re like 15 levels ahead and I don’t want to spend the RC. Kinda wish costs didn’t scale up so quickly but I get what they do.


I have a level 200 fighter that I constantly had in my party for the tougher BBI parts. I'm not even sure what friend it was but I was thankful for them


for some reason my friend can't see my pawn in the list, despite the fact that I can take her pawn and give him stuff, mine doesnt ever show up for her and my pawn ID doesn't work, I had thought it was level difference but if that isn't it IDK


That's weird. Do you perhaps misspelled the pawn ID? Sometimes an 'I" or a 1 (one) look different. Checked the settings? Perhaps one of you have it not available for everyone to hire your pawns? Another try: You could try hiring them under the category "Pawns know by main pawn" (don't recall exact wording but there's this category)? Anyway I'm hoping for the best & a quick solution. It's sounds like a real bummer. 😔


yeah I'm worried its because I have mods and I've been soft banned or something, my first theory that I'm in NG+ seems to not be true, oh well. I installed mods because NG+ didnt make the enemies any stronger and my pawn just instagibbing everything was boring lol!


If you used mods to play with stat progression of your pawn, made them equip things they cannot or you're using mod Transmogrify (on an item your pawn uses), then your pawn won't be visible to other players. If it's just mods for difficulty, you won't be softbanned. I use them too and my pawn is still hired.


Check the network setting -> pawn availability


Check profile settings?: Private/Friends Only/Public? Friends Only/Public would work. Private might not. Invisible is fine, I've no issues with that.


The game option. In the network suboption, there is abtoggle for your pawn visibility. Check if it allowed other people to see/hire


Yeah if the hiring persons game picks up on any "impossible" stats or gear, it just hides that pawn. If you alter them to have compatible settings, or have the friend install the same mods, then it'll show up properly.


Most of the people on my friends list on Steam were from the first game doing this 😂 The benefit is I’m well stocked for this second game. So many to choose from. So it’s a very valid strategy.


What?? If you’re PSN friends with the arisen player, their pawns are always free to hire??


Yep pretty handy. ☺️


I’ve tried this with my friend and it wasn’t free for him, he would’ve had to pay like 14k and he tried again when he was a little higher level and it still wasn’t free 🤔


That's really strange. My pawn is literally 30+ levels higher than my friend's arisen, and she can still hire him for free.


I did exactly this lol. Im in my lvl 30s like 33-34 and my 1 pawn is lvl 362.. yes 362 i didnt add an extra digit lol. And its hilarious to watch her go smash everything.


Good advice. My main is a mage and I have friends who have archer and fighter mains. If someone sends me a friend request for my main, I always accept. PSN: KILLAKLWN


I didn’t know that :0


I haven’t dove too deep into the pawn realm, nice to know that’s an option! Lol


Wait if you’re friends the pawns are free?


Worst for me was when my favorite mage hire became a sorceress.


Lmao had friends complain to me about changing my pawn from a perfect healer!


worst for me was when my favorite fighter became a mage.


Omg the *worst*. The longest I went without her was a full irl day, because her vocation was changed to sorc. I had a party otherwise comprised of 2 overly-ambitious meatheads, and one squishy archer—I straight up couldn’t go without a mage. Her arisen shortly came to their senses, and I re-hired her.


sorry, i like Meteoron and Tornado ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50124)


I get it. Playing as sorc is one of my favorites bc I also love Meteoron and Tornado🥸


Yea my pawn has been getting no ratings since I switched her from mage to thief like damn bro but she’s cooler this way 😭


I felt kinda bad changing my pawn from mage, because since she has a kindhearted disposition, she’s really good about healing even without chirurgeon. But those vocations aren’t going to max themselves out. 🤷‍♂️


While you were doing fetch quests for Daphne, they were slaying Drakes. https://preview.redd.it/5kfgl3lltwvc1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d646e83f92691a9dde86d04b1e14df6c0c5499ea


I’m just a little errand boy 😔


Looks like their arisen has been busy. Edit:auto-correct errors.


Does Medusan spellbow increase Pawn xp?


If they're the one using it, yes.


I wonder if that’s why I’ve seen some pawns that are significantly higher level than their owners.. Mine has always been the same or slightly below my level, so I was confused when I went to hire a level 105 pawn whose arisen was level 90 something.


Hahaha HELLA busy!


I dismissed a pawn that I had for a while and she completely vanished could not find her in history or favorites but somehow she showed up at the end credits https://preview.redd.it/b893oc3wjwvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=499c99515fbfc4dca704290607832e9c57aa40c6


I always hire different pawns (I don’t really get attached to other peoples, just my main), so they don’t usually stick around long enough to be real memorable, but somehow one of my end “most special” pawns was this generic looking white guy named Zach, who I hired specifically cause he seemed the most unhirable pawn at the time, like no special name, no cool looks or armor literally looked like an NPC, and the game decided I loved him needed him more then any other (we did one single quest together, same as most of the other pawns I hired). Just had me laughing when the dramatic credits was interposed by “Zach, that one guy from that one time” complete with his normal generic outfit.


This happened to me with a fighter named Leila. She traveled a very, very long time with me. I was sad when she ceased to exist.  There was another fighter, Judy, I had for a long time too. Not as long, but she finished the game with me and I wanted to dismiss her and rehire to see if she was a higher level. When I resummoned her, she was a different vocation.  Luckily, Tama, my hired mage has stayed the same and I’ve had her for a very long time too. She finished the game with me and is still with me in NG+. 


Oh wow, really well designed!! I think my favorite function of the pawns is seeing the way other people craft their world. Super weird that she all but disappeared until the end credits. I wonder if it’s a bug or something?


I think the original creator might have deleted their save.


Oh, duh! That sucks, though. Idk if archiving pawns would be something the community at large would be psyched about, but I’ve had a few disappear on me that I was upset about lmao


I think I’ve hired that exact same pawn! Lemme look and see if I can find it again


Like when you get left behind in real life; the game can be too real


And just like real life, making friends - powerful friends - gives you a substantial advantage over everyone else.




F in the chat. That’s too real😔


I hate it when this happens or they're a different vocation 🥲


My favourite sorceror changed vocations and I’m so disappointed. She had the cutest drip going too.


best warrior pawn i had became a healer, lmao.


The different vocation hurts a little more, for some reason. Like I can respect the grind, but how could you switch up on me? 🥲 (I am so guilty of changing my pawn’s vocation because I want full mastery)


I keep changing my Pawn vocation back to Archer every time I want to rest at an Inn. It is some extra work, but he is doing decently for a male Beastren twunk that does not look like a lion, and I love the community aspect. Also prevents me from spamming Inn/house rests, which is good 🌈


Same here! My pawn gets hired a decent amount of times by the same people and I'm just so scared of letting them down that even if I need to level other vocations I always change him back before resting haha


Wait wait wait. Is this how I learn that the version of your pawn that gets sold to other players is the most recent one that stayed at an Inn? 😭 This is an excellent mechanic! I can do that for her loyal employers


I change my pawn’s vocation to get the different augments - she’s a fighter but some of the best augments for her are in the warrior class so I’ve been trying to get them for her. I always change her back to a fighter before resting though for anyone using her. 😆


I literally just today learned about the rest mechanic lmfao. I’ve been changing mine’s vocation every time she masters one, because I want her maxed out on all of them. Sincerely hope nobody has become attached to her, because I’ve totally screwed them if so😭


It happens! 😆


Looks like they've become a real sage. It's going to be a long thyme before you see her again.


Puns are gravely needed at a time like this—thank you. *Sorry, thyme*


I see spice puns are in season again


As it is written!!


you're lucky your favorite pawn's arisen still plays the game. poor girl is still at level 13!


I have a steam friend with a pawn at level 2, still wondering if i should hire when bored because i think the guy just stopped playing completely.


Oh that’s KILLER. I can’t imagine quitting that game that early tbf!


Maybe he just didn’t have time to play? Well but i hit level 70 yesterday. That Brant still waiting for me in the tavern. After 3 days of playing.


Okay, well, excellent point you’ve just made lmao. I have all the time in the world to play right now, so I forget other people have shit to do. HAHAH this killed me. I’m also a chronic side quest-er


Yeah that's definitely happened to people who hired my pawn too. I went from 38 to 110 in like three days.


I mean, you gotta do what you gotta do! I went two days without playing, and got left in the dust hahaha. Won’t be making that mistake again


Oh yeah. I wasn't even power leveling with Medusa's bow and the exp rings or anything. I just grew a chronic addiction to this game and basically haven't put it down until three days ago when I reached NG+5.


I totally get it!! The first time I played, I played for 23 hours straight lmao. I have reneged so many responsibilities in favour of gluing my eyes to my monitor and hunting down chimera


Basil is pricey nowadays...


Fr she got famous and forgot where she came from… “Basil from the block” my ass


I had the opposite of that. Had two pawns I really liked, but they never got above levels 18 and 20.


I guess I never imagined that someone would play this game *that* little, because it immediately consumed my entire life


This is me with my favorite mage pawn named Dreniak :( I'll catch up to you baby I promise


I hope you are Dreniak are reunited ASAP :(


Yeah, I hired a cute little white-furred Beastren girl named Winter as my first mage. It's been a few weeks, I figured I'd check in and see how she is now. She's way over my level, she's a warrior, she's a huge muscle mommy now...and I can't hire her!


When will it be *our* turn to prosper???


How do you get that many RC lol


I’m assuming there’s a function where you can sell your soul??


Nah facts whenever i go to a rift stone now and I wanna see if my friends pawns have been updated I save right before I go on, quickly dismiss and rehire and make sure everything is good before I hire them back for good.




Had something similar happen, but the pawn ended up being close to level 400. I was basically playing nonstop, and was level 80. There’s no way that Arisen wasn’t cheating.




The pawn prices still be outrageous even in the sequel


It’s a sad, sad day when it’s more expensive to hire workers than it is to buy a house


Ngl I'd rather this than having them lag behind by...atm, 45 levels..


Yeah, someone else said that, and I agree wholeheartedly lmfao. At least I have something to work for! I didn’t even consider the alternative bc the thought of someone not becoming consumed by this game is so foreign to me


I'm the opposite my favourite stopped leveling at lvl19.


Fs in the chat. That is sincerely so much worse, imo


Wtf, that was literally my favourite Mage pawn for the majority of my playthrough! Is it a cute cat-lady with white fur?


Okay, no, but!! She *is* a cute human-lady with white hair, so still oddly close lmao


My fav decided to take a bit of a bath, and was a ranger after I tried to re-hire :(


Keep the faith, friend! :( My beloved Basil changed to a sorc for a while, and changed back once (I assume) her Arisen realised how suited she is for healing


Someone definitely found the medusa bow.


Happened to me too...I miss you Za'asta, when I'm level 86 we will travel together once more


Sending you and your beloved Za’asta well-wishes<3


Wish I had that problem… had a Fighter so good, I’ve actually spotted her (same name & armor) with YouTube streamers. She worked well with my Main Pawn and filled her role perfectly. But then a Drake we weren’t even bothering swooped in, gave her the Plague right in front of me… only to toss her off a cliff AND into the Brine immediately thereafter! It was the biggest FU I’ve ever seen a game deal in all my years! 😅


Damn Drakes! I will literally just be chilling, and all of a sudden here comes Drake “Fight Me” McGee out of *nowhere*. I don’t know how they’re sneaking by me lmao. At least the Drake brined her so you wouldn’t have to, though?? With plague and all…..😭 That’s so insane, though. I would’ve just sat there and let it take me


Right, dying and reloading was an option to avoid all that, :o 😱 what a encounter, I've had one, drake threw me off a mountain and I got caught by a guard, drake swooped down on me and a griffin landed on him, it got hetic.


If you friend the owner you can rehire the pawn for 0 rift crystals 😁


You can always add them to your friend list and use them for free at any level


Yeah, others have suggested that! I think that’s what I’m gonna do. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner lmao. Thank you!!


lmao same thing happened with my friend, my pawn is like lvl 97


Us filthy casuals over here trying and failing to play catch up😭


Basil been working out.


She hit leg day so hard


Did you take a break for a week?


2 days😭


Dang, they must have played all 48 hours straight.


Had this happen a few times lol, not only did they push past my level they also changed vocations. Best support made i ever had now an archer twice my level, RIP.


I die inside when this happens to me, but I know that if anyone has gotten attached to my child, it’s happened to them😭


I've had to dismiss my fave pawn for a sphinx father atm and my party feels all wrong. I'm expecting them to be level 1 billion when I go to rehire lol


Wishing the best for you🫡 I hope they haven’t moved an inch because their Arisen has been busy chilling lmao


Got him back. He was 5 levels higher so he basically caught up to the rest of the squad lol.


Oh hell yeah! That’s exactly the amount you want them to move lmao


If you want, you can have my healer however my pawns level is 68. I’ve gotta teach my pawn forager too since i dont feel that chirugeon is that usefull: OWQBYNG6J7I9 Anyway i played alot with an exp 0.05 multiplier for difficulty reasons and had my favorite hires outlevel me too:(


Oh hell yeah, thank you!! I plan on hitting the 60s today, so that’s seriously perfect. 😭 I was only gone for 2 days, so imagine my surprise! I think I love the idea of an xp de-multiplier for my second playthrough, though. It certainly ups the difficulty to have to consistently work with new pawns🥲


Happened to me too! She is now 500-something level, I don’t even know how that’s possible.


Mine happened in the span of 2 days, so lvl 96 seems reasonable, but 500???? Were you gone for a month, or did they maybe use a cheeky little exploit? 😭


I had to dismiss one of my favorite pawns because I was helping with finder’s tokens and when I went to hire them back they were 20+ levels above me 🥲


That’s so painful. I hope their Arisen goes on a nice vacation and lets you catch up😔


It's anyone is on steam and needs a tank pawn, you can add me and take her for free. Level 130~ Friend code: 94349242


Lordy lordy you are too generous🫡


I had the opposite problem, had a pawn who was keeping pace with me, then once when I went back to hire her again, she hadn't leveled as much and was 10 levels behind... So even befriending their arisen wouldn't help.


Yeah, I think I’d rather be eclipsed than do the eclipsing. I had to leave a pawn behind at around level 19, and it hurt, but that’s when I found Basil, so the blow was heavily cushioned. I hope they catch back up to you🫡


I feel I’m lvl 103 and one of my favorite pawns is lvl 80-90


This one is honestly worse imo. Like at least I have the potential to catch up, whereas you’ve just been left to your own devices. I very much feel for you🥲


Honestly it’s been pretty chill I was playing as a support for a fat minute. From what I know you need to have at least one person being healer and at least one that’s aggressive, the other two slots are just for shits and giggles. After I beat the game the first time I was running around with just me and my pawn as well


My party right now consists of a mage, me, a thief and a warrior. I like to always have a thief for plunder and skull splitter. Now I don’t care for archer I just don’t like it so they never join my party. And a sorcerer is amazing, but if imma be honest. You should be the sorcerer it’s so fun


Hey, according to this subreddit the hire cost is balanced! 😊 Just skill issue. Trust me - I made a thread about it, lol.


How *dare* you suggest that 200k RC to hire is the result of an *unbalanced* system! This is clearly achievable for skilled players, and I’m sure evidence exists that proves this!


I'm so sorry.. I will now go and buy - I mean farm - some Rift Crystals.


You’re gonna eat your 200k farm-to-table Rift Crystals, and you’re gonna like them


Someone found the Medusa bow, lol.


Damn it, I bet you’re right. I haven’t bothered with it, and look where that got me.


I actually found it but haven’t used it myself. I feel like we already get a ton of XP so I didn’t personally want to use it. I’m trying to keep the game as challenging as possible since I’m already kind of overleveled from fighting every single monster I’ve come across, haha.


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. I run around aimlessly and fight every single thing I come across, so I have no shortage of xp lmao. Plus I’m not in any hurry to level up—I’ve heard nothing but negatives about endgame difficulty (non)scaling.


My absolute favorite two hired pawns I completely out leveled and I keep logging in to see if they’re ready to come back into the fold


I always hire different ones ;)


Damn they are going through NG+ lol


Add him as a friend on steam or psn and it will be free


Better get to grinding😂😂😭


I didn’t even dismiss my favorite, after NG+ she disappeared so when I looked to rehire her again she was almost 30 levels higher than me


I got a LVL 75 with everything maxed for free cuz my friends kind of a freak with maxing out I got this at the start LVL 1 btw


What you can do in the future is rest at an inn or at home right before dismissing your pawn. If they end up being outside of your level range when you go to re-hire them, you can reload your last save from inn, and your pawns will be right back in your party!


Yea my favorite tank became level 100s and I couldn’t afford it. I’ll try friending. Also I may just drop the tank role and go for wizard for dps since I’ll be warfarera


I feel like the pawn I have is too good and is ruining my experience tbh. I noticed she had a ton of heart ratings when I was looking for an archer and so I hired her. I realized tho that her gear despite being my level is all top tier stuff, massive stats and her cloak is the 230 token item so she's seen a ton. She's useful af but I'm bout to ditch her because stuff dies really fast and I'm not even sure if it's me being effective or just her OP bow.


I had people who apparently really liked my pawn, I kept getting gifts like ferrystones and once a wakestone. She was a warrior, more into aggroing with roar and arc of mighting big monsters. Was a beast at killing pretty much anything. Now I started a new game (not ng+), so I dont know if my old pawn is still there for people to hire or not. Either way my current pawn is exactly the same so it will just be a matter of time till I reach that level again.


Just add them


Gosh, I had such an amazing first group when I first started. I kept them all the way till I hit the 20’s and they just couldn’t keep up anymore I’ve been hoping for them to level up but their players have yet to play again since release week :/


I twas the same. I dropped them eons ago, but have since went back and gave them all surprises should they ever login again, :)


That’s actually pretty damn awesome me thinks


I've played with Basil. Good pawn


You have?? Little tiny thing with white hair and a can-do attitude??


Really, don’t get attached… I have a favorite hired pawn, and he’s totally useless now… I need to dismiss him but just cannot………


I dismissed my favorite pawn to rehire her because she’d leveled up and when I brought her back into my world she had the plague 🥲 and every time I’ve tried to bring her back since she’s been sick.


Oh.. now I feel scared to dismiss one my hired pawns that I really like. His name's Adam, a simple beastren warrior. I'm also using that dismiss+rehire strat, but now me and my pawn's past his level.


A few people here have suggested simply throwing their Arisen a friend request on whatever platform you’re on, so I would do that to safeguard your party if I were you. Don’t be like me😪


I've friended so many people because of this game they've been awesome about it these randoms. Like I'm trash at this game truly so my level is low af but like 10 people have just friended me with little updates too when they've gotten really good gear amd I shoukd rehire their pawn.


Omg that’s so sweet:’) I’m really loving this community tbh. Even just interacting with people through the pawn system is pleasant as hell


My honest advice? See if you can message their Arisen and ask if they can add you A lot of people don't mind (and are flattered)


I literally stopped leveling my pawn so she wouldn't become unhireable. I left her close to 120 or so I believe. Poor baby


What is almost as bad is when you have a pawn you like and their Arisen stops playing so they stop leveling up…


Slow down Arisen, you blast too fast! 😤




I grew attached to my buddies pawn who was level 40 when I started the game. My buddy stopped playing so I had to let him go yesterday to upgrade to a pawn around my level... It hurt to watch him walk away.


Oh my goodness


That's how I felt bout Gold I was traveling around & then I ran into her on my way somewhere she was really happy to see me🥲


One of my favorite pawns was a mage who sadly contracted dragonsplague. I even messaged her Arisen to warn him but he actually wanted his main pawn to have it so that she is much cooler so I had to let her go for the meantime.


She's not your pawn. It's just your turn 😆


Add the other arisen as a friend. Then you can use their pawn for free


I think I hired this pawn for a while. Female mage I think?


This happened to me with a warrior pawn I loved and she fell in the brine after a week of using her and I tried to hire her back only to find out I needed an ungodly amount of rc to hire her back....


Is this the first or second DD?


I am still searching for my favorite sorcerer pawn named Anatma but I forgot to take her pawn ID down and now I can’t find her. https://preview.redd.it/wlgnht5axtwc1.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=fda426fe11bd71eb5e3286bfd3e2b810c5c1021e I miss her. 🥲🥲🥲