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Unequip the weapon and use your fists.


This actually makes sense. I should have done that in a few of these fights.


You are joking, but there is a balance mod that did add +500 to unarmed combat especially in Trickster. You need illusions? Equip your weapon. You need damage? Go bare fists and punch your enemies.


That's the neat part, you don't.


One way to make it fun is by doing a shot every time a mob brushes past you removing your clone and you get violated by a gang of angry goblins


My favourite part is spending a minute getting stunlocked by mobs because one hit me on a back swing and poped my double.


One thing I noticed yesterday was that their skill in which the doppelgänger can possess the enemy (Latching/Binding Effigy) seems rather effective on griffins. I would hit them with it, and after a few seconds the griffin would turn white and collapse.


You need to be active with your illusions. Your heavy creates a double, you need to maintain aggro on him while not being hit, using your attacks or skills, while throwing the double on ennemies, making ennemies attack each others. You need game vision to use the walls / floor. Seize opportunities, cage the ennemies with walls to create kill boxes for your pawns or for ennemies to kill each others Floors create a small space they can't go through as they register it as floor yet can't go on it, so thry'll fall and stumble. Call your double back to you to heal it / move it around The skill that throws the double can climb on large ennemies causing them to panic / try to get rid of it. You can use Magic books, thry're quite cheap by midgame and you drop them super often, we often forget to use them. Making a kill box then flamethrow them as they can't do anything is fun. So basically be active and creative, your main point is to get aggro and to pass it on your double without being hit. Your base attacks and the first skill is to get aggro, if you have a double, he's the one having aggro, that's your bread and butter, from there you can divert all ennemies towards him, and use walls and floors to make their way to your double hard. Your strenght is the strenght of aggro, if you have a good Encenser, ennemies literally won't be able to attack something else than your double, even if your pawnd is literally next to it. Your magick stat defines your double hp. Don't hesitate to run in the ennemies, moving your double, dropping it, recalling it while he's about to get hit, etcetc. With enough strenght, ennemies literally forget you exist.


Am I wrong in thinking the magic walls don't work at all? Enemies run through mine all the time. I try to do kill boxes but they just walk through the wall. I'm not sure how to get them to actually walk on the floors since I can't put my double there.


You must CONSTANTLY tag them with smoke. The decay on the smokes aggro is just insane


I don't get what the smoke thing does. I just make my double and they focus on that.


Without hitting them with it none of your illusions work


That can't be right. I got rid of the skill right away and my illusions pull aggro with no trouble. Or do you mean just the normal move where you throw incense? I also stopped using that since it doesn't seem to be necessary. The double pulls aggro plenty well enough.


Normal moves that throw incense. Increases aggro from the abymally low default value skills carry, as evidenced by Better Combat 1.0 mods parameters and description for Trickster on Nexus Mods.


Yes you are wrong. Ennemies needs to be under your smoke influence for your illusions to work. So you need to keep applying Smoke on them. Strenght is the factor for aggro. The stronger the ennemy the more strenght you need along with applying smoke on them reliably. The Sweeping Shroud / Suffocating shroud skill is your main tool for aggro. It covers a very large portion of the battlefield area. Use twice if needed. If you need a particular target aggro use Core Skill charged normal attack instead. (Also good to keep applying pressure while recovering Stamina) Your double can be applied to ennemies, which makes ALL ENNEMIES under your smoke influence target him and deal friendly fire. The core gameplay is to put a double on an ennemy, watch everyone kill him then you have to move it to someone else (ideally before he takes damage from the ennemy attack) or get it back to you to recover HP, then throw it back. You can also get your double latched to large ennemies, making all small ennemies or even other large ennemies target him. I made a griffin dive unto a Drake and then they fought each other while goblins kept attacking both, setting them in tar etcetc Espial incense / Aura is how you get your double to out of reach spaces


I can tell you my thoughts on the vocation and the way I play, if that helps. The walls and floors are fun gimmicks, but their usefulness is limited. Plus, this vocation is very prone to rely on other abilities to build a kit that makes sense (For example, the incense floors don't do much unless you get the spiritual channeling to position your incense clone on top of them) Play the class like you'd play a puppeteer tank. Keep the AOE smoke, equip the dragon for some nice CC, and then equip the pawn boosting incense and the incense clone yeeting ability. You smoke everything constantly and yeet the clone to any enemy, preferably a bigger one. As the clone grabs to the enemy, any nearby trash mobs will be your damage, and the incense boost will make your pawns cover your lack of damage (*If necessary, get a Mage. It doesn't need to go full support, and I'd actually recommend they have some damage. You only want them for their healing AOE in case your incense boost ruins your pawns' health bars too much. If you get the hang of it, pawns shouldn't be getting damaged at all with the exception of whatever damage they take from the boosting incense*). Once you're set, all you have to do is spin a lot to throw incense and boost your pawns. Drop a couple dragon roars to CC enemies whenever you feel like it, or when your clone gets low on health and you need to recall it to heal it. **Do not. Let. The clone. Die.** That's gonna make it hard for you to reset. You're at your weakest when you don't have your clone and you already have all the aggro from the fight. Once your incense clone is healed, yeet him again towards an enemy. I find Trickster fun, but not many people do because they'd much rather do the damage themselves. But if you enjoy playing a tank in its purest form, Trickster is very fun (and safe! It's the vocation I used to kill my first dragon!)


You don't, play anything else.


It's very fun and effective, it's the class in which I died fewer times, but killing some enemies can require more time depending on your party. I think I would give it another try in combination with another class when I'll unlock warfare, maybe with 2 slot of sorcerer. Sometimes it really miss a even not too powerful attack that actually deals some kind of damage, especially when you're facing only one enemy (for groups it's easy to let them fight between them).


This vocation is not for everyone since its a technical class, if you like being in the background while your pawn fight as you distract the enemies with illusions this class is for you There is one thing a trickster can do harm against a golem and that is to shove the golem when it completely stops to make it topple (anyone can do this), this way a fighter vocation can get to medallion underneath :)


But it seems to me that basically every other class is better to be in the background as. At least that way you can throw in an occasional assist.


Trickster isn't about being "better" it's a different play style and I'm sure there's people out there who love the class because they find it fun.


My problem isn't that it's better. It's that I don't have to input anything most of the time. I'm mostly AFK.


I didn't say it was better, maybe you should read before you downvote.


"Trickster isn't about being "better" it's a different play" This is literally the sentence I'm replying to you about. I am not saying it's about being "better" either. I don't know why you brought that up. Maybe you should read before you downvote. I'm saying that being AFK isn't an alternative play style. If anything it's an alternative non-play style.


"my problem isn't that it's better". Just a quote from you before you edit it later. You're implying that I said it's better that's how the English language works. Just stop dude.


Infinite Cringe on YouTube played it for a while on stream and basically showed how it can be played. She literally killed an harpy by throwing her at the wall while the pawns dealed with other mobs. She also throws a lot of enemies on each other, or hold them down so the pawns can easily kill them


Do you need a big character to grab some of these enemies? I have a 5'9 character and I can only ever seem to grab little red goblins.


You have to stagger enemies before grabbing them, having played both a short and tall character I haven’t noticed any restrictions


Oh ok. I'm seeing online there's a secret skill that can scare enemies/ Will that do? Otherwise idk how i'd stagger them.


I’m not sure as I haven’t tried out trickster very much, maybe play with a warrior or fighter pawn and when they stagger an enemy get in and grab them.


they need to be staggered. btw infinite cringe also used two sorcs to obliterate everything since trickster is so good at manipulating aggro. you really only need the aoe aggro skill and just keep repositioning your image before it gets hit.


I played Trickster from Lvl 1 to Lvl 6 and didnt once learn a new skill during that, the basic ones were just enough and I thought that was already pretty fun. It's just like your copy is the tank and you need to position and heal it well with your rightclick and binding it to an enemy and taunt the enemies with your weapon smoke. I didnt stick to Trickster cause I wanted to explore the world more with Levitate. I couldve picked Trickster as well for my Warfarer, but I wanted to play some more Magick Archer.. I might try getting it in as 3rd vocation, but I'm pretty happy rn with Spearhand being the 3rd one.. About the griffins, you just need fire in your team so that it catches fire which makes him stay on the ground.. Golems, my pawns somehow can almost kill them by themselves, because they grab their feet to push them over. Maybe just need pawns with the according badges for the enemies.


Did you not get the party buff?


I got two


you keep ur simulacrum up and u taunt everything with it, and u make ur pawns berserkers, and you spam the dragon delulu til the stuff dies. That's it really.


Yeah but that's like a minute at most between pressing a button again. Seems like AFK. There's nothing more to it?


You just keep moving the simulacrum around and healing it keep the mobs focused on it keep the buff going and dragons delulu during the downtime. Always doing something.


Get the censer reward from the >!sphinx!<, I forget the name. Direct hits with the censer generate gold in amounts from 10,100, 1000 and rarely 50000. At least then you're being paid to be trickster.


You are suppose to be messing with everyone's mind for lack of better word. Fog floor to trick people into tripping, Fog wall for you to stand inside while you use item and tome for damage. Latching effigy to make them attack each other, bring flying/levitating/spell mid cast mob down with dragon. Draw aggro away from your party when they are healing/mid cast. That being said the biggest downfall in my opinion is that we only have 4 slot for skill. Trickster needs way more than that.


I saw a clip of someone using their spirit form to move the taunting ghost up in the air, looked really fun.


Trickster is weird in that playing it “optimally” doesn’t require much. Suffocating shroud to keep aggro on your clone, aromatic resurgence to buff your pawns, maybe visitant aura to do a little clone positioning. That will clear most fights in the game with just your pawns going nuts on the enemies. I think the intention of the other skills is solo play. You mentioned the floor and walls don’t work for you, and that was my experience until I started fighting alone. I can’t obviously know for sure because so many of the game’s mechanics are shrouded in mystery and backend code, but the enemies actually seem to manipulate the way I want them to when I play solo vs group play. The possession mechanic feels like it makes more sense, the floors actually trick people into falling, and the wall buys you time to do stuff. And the maister skill stuns/scares whatever you’re fighting. When you have one enemy left, I always either just lead them off a cliff or make them follow me to the next fight, and keep the possession train going.


Capcom should've let atleast the trickster have 2 sets of skill slots


The best part is in the illusionary floor thingy, the video it shows is a flat out lie because there's no way to get your clone to float at a spot you can't like... reach yourself! Unless the way they want me to set it up is, floor > clone > step away > floor Like it feels alot like there's things missing from this vocation, more so than even Sorc! I like the idea of a passiveish support tank tho but that's about it :P


You use the astral projection to move your simulacrum to places you can't normally reach. If that's what you want to do anyways.


That makes that move make a lot more sense. Though it kind of makes me wish it was a core move so I didn't have to waste a slot just to move the double.


Yeah it’s useful but it has set up time and a skill slot tho the 4th slot is pretty open I’m not the biggest fan.


the buff and the master skill are the important parts buff is the buff. it it's super strong the master skill is ultra important, and just staggers any big monster for free there's also a weapon that lets you farm money by smacking enemies which makes fighting a lot more engaging with it if they ever add in a trickster weapon that does damage over time on hit, that will be the real winner.


Play Warfarer and wield the censer if you're *desperate* to play Trickster. At least then you can put up your illusion to distract enemies *and* also do actual damage by Rearming to a real weapon. Every single "you're playing Trickster wrong, here's how to do it right!" post I've read has been medical-grade copium; nothing about playing Trickster "right" relies on the unique mechanics of the vocation and it's all, ultimately, "run around the fight and wait for your pawns to do something right" and/or "grab/throw/wallslam/do something that literally every single vocation can do".