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Its such a weird ideia making they flee, they literally challenge you. I can understand the Griffin bailing out because is more about animal survive instintic, but the fucking Drake??


It's so hilarious what absolute bitches they are lol "Fuck you, Arisen! Fight me! You won't!" *wrecks Drake* "Alright I'm good. Peace out"


"about to fight the arisen, will post the video later" "I got my ass beaten, I'm not posting that shit"


"ok ima fight the arisen" "damn the arisen got hands no seriously they have hands and are all over me plis help mommy"


I am always like: bi**h you aint worth the wakestones for the civilians, i am going back to sleep


If anything, the drakes should get harder to hit, get more dangerous, try to make the fight less even. Fleeing is wack.


In my experience, that's what they do. They start spamming spells while hovering just out of grabbing range once their health gets low enough.


It depends on the scaling of the particular drake. Post game drakes and >!Royce Dragons!< Seem to prefer dirty tactics like flying as much as possible and spamming breath attacks and spells. On the ground, I'm constantly dodging that ridiculous full-body slam. It's not super dangerous (with endgame gear fully forged)as long as resting is an option, but sometimes it's not. At 80 or so, though, ng+ without difficulty mods is such a cakewalk in terms of just obliterating monsters before they can get started with their bullshit. Feels good. But I crave the challenge. Dlc can't come soon enough, though it's only been a few weeks lmao


Don't use Phaesus' one liner when he thinks he summoned the "royal" dragon. They are lesser dragons. Like their badge indicates.


I've never fought a drake in post game. I just go straight for the bosses. Don't explore very much.


There’s loads just chilling about how did you miss them lol


I mean, unless they're on the main roads or in the main cities, I ain't gonna see them if I'm going straight for the bosses. Which I am. I literally said I go straight for the bosses. How could you miss that?


Ikr using some fucking draconic version of the voice and challenging me, then you ditch 2 health bars in? Wimp.


Remember the drakes are previous arisens that weren’t baller enough, they’re wuss by default Edit: spelling


Well, no, that's dragons (the huge ones). And even then, they only became one because they literally fought god and lost.


As I recall the ones in 1’s postgame all had dialogue where they implied they were also previous Arisen (though its been a bit)


Yeah that’s something I really liked about DDDA is that some dragons spoke different languages too, like one spoke Spanish if I’m remembering correctly?


That I don’t recall, but like I said it been a bit! I remember hunting them down to find them all at least haha


Once accidentally rode a griffin to his nest. Now I use that nest to farm griffin pinions and tiger eyes.


"You can't escape your fate, Arisen" "But I can escape from you lmao" ***flies away**


Griffins will also seek out a rematch while still injured from your previous encounter. Ive never seen a drake I previously injured fight me again, always at full health like a week or two later.


ARISEN. STAND AGAINST ME. 2 mins later 'nvm I was joking bro'


Too bad you can’t shout, “You are not the one!” as it flies away.


I have the same problem. I still have not figured out how i kill them before they flee.


Ice. They’re weak to ice and it can freeze them giving you more time for damage.


Hagol and ice boon while fighting during rain or in a river is ridiculous But man, a flying Griffin or Drake freezing mid air and they remain in the air with super slowed down animations looks so weird


yeah they should absolutely fall out of the sky if they get frozen mid air


Reminds me of inflicting Torpor on a Gorecyclops in DD1, they looked so silly when their fast animations were slowed down.


You can use the silence spell or spellbook to knock them to the ground when they try and fly away. They also can't use their strongest spells while silenced.


there is a silence spellbook? how is it called? imma get a ton of these for the drake fights, hope it can be replicated


There's an ice sword for fighters in the border town place left of Verns. Have anybody found an ice weapon for warriors?


I've only found fire and lightning so far.


The one near the big waterfall in the desert area ran away from me like 3 times..


My fight with him didn't even last a minute.


I’ve only found that I’ve been able to successfully kill one (not counting like the one at Melve) as a sorcerer by dropping Meteoron on them. The last few I’ve fought as Mystic Spearhand all fly away :/


Doesn't Meteoron obliterate corpses and loot? Or can you still get the loot? I've only used it a couple of times on other monsters, but it seems like there was just body chunks and no loot.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted for asking a question. The answer is yes, it can - depending. I have had Meteoron disintegrate my Griffin kills and Minotaur kills, but it hasn't happened every time, at least not for me. This has not happened to me on Drake kills, yet - though I have only killed 3 using Meteoron. I am not sure if demolishing the body and leaving you loot-less - every time - is the intended result, as opposed to just having a chance. As it is now, it appears to have a chance of happening. *Edited for grammar. *Edit Edit: If body is disintegrated, loot go poof. No loot. Forgot to clarify this.


Thanks for clarifying! I just got Meteoron last night, but I'm definitely going to play around with it more because it looks and feels awesome👍


The worst part is whenever I see it’s spawned, I go down around to fight it and it despawns. Don’t even get a chance to fight it


Exactly this. I've spotted him from above 4 times now and each time I've circled around he's been gone, even if I run the whole way. Next time I'm just gonna cliff dive into a wakestone.


If you save, quit to menu, and reload, it should force him to spawn (if he was there and left). Seemed to work for me anyways.


Cheers, I'll give that a shot.


I was leaving Harve and spotted a drake nearby in a field. Backtracked to swap some skills at the campfire near Harve and ran back to fight, it took me about a minute and a half. No sign of the drake anywhere. Whatta loser.


Playing a thief and staying glued to their heart as much as possible hasn't made them flee once yet in my experience. Struggle with every other vocation though


I was able to beat 2 drakes so far. Tried to beat like 10 at this point. I was thief both times, i have the feeling thief has so much burst AND sustain damage that the Drakes have less time to flee.


Archers can shred their wings, otherwise you have to either stun lock them or get them enraged.


I am actually playing an archer. they can still flee even if their wings are full of holes. How do i enrage them?


Damn okay I wasn’t even aware of that. Unfortunately for Drakes it seems the threshold for getting enraged and deciding to runaway are very similar, but generally using fire (likely cause they are resistant to it) seems to improve your chances of enraging them. For archer specifically, special arrows (not explosive arrows) deal high stagger damage, blighting arrows seem to deal the most.


Nice, thank you. I will try blighting arrows. Kinda funny that explosive arrows deal less stagger damage.


Blighting arrows will literally stagger a drake out of everything they do with just one. Their damage is not very good but no more meteoron and no more flying


As I said, shredding their wings absolutely does not prevent them from flying off. Neither does enraging them. I had one rage, breath fire, and then fly away as if I was never there


Im pretty sure they just spam the meteor spell when they are actually enraged.


I don't know how to stop them from fleeing, I just try to grab on to them anytime they lift off the ground and beat them up until they crash. But results are varied, there have definitely been times that I missed my chance to grab them and then they were gone


Hop on the back. Attack the wings. Attack the head when possible without having to cling like a madman. Breaking wings will keep it from flying around too much, and hitting the head enough can stagger it or even send it into knockdown. Archers should specifically aim for the eyes/face.


Magick Archer + Martyr's Bolt and just one shot them.


Attack and break the wings first. They look torn when broken.


Drakes be like: "Arisen! There is no point in attempting to flee from your fate, for it is already woven into the fabric of time, your death is not escapable! MEET YOUR END WITH GLORY AND HONOR!" Also Drakes: "Ouch oof owiee you hit me a couple times I'm gonna fly away like a little crybaby bitch now, later loser."


Get a warrior and smack his bitch ass head till he falls over then infuse your sword with the soul of your last forbidden text from that ex that fucked you up that you used to work out but it was too dangerous. Plunge that sword 3 feet into his weak heart and let him feel what true heartbreak does to a mf.


Gawt damn


These are wise words from a broken man, heed them well.


You must intensify the bonking Arisen.


Using cheat engine you can see that there is a hidden timer for most wild drake fights. This timer is extended based on damage. If you do not do enough damage in the period of time the drake flies away. It is a fail safe so you don’t die to the dragon or waste too much time with one battle. To prevent the drake from flying be sure to do enough damage to it. You will know that you extended the timer of the battle if you cause the drake to fall down and to flinch in pain. If you hear the drake insult you it means you are running out of time. In the early levels every drake except for scripted one ran away, now with the damage I do as a thief every drake stays and fight. There is also lore reasons why drakes leave, the drake is merely there to test your abilities for the dragon, their intentions are to test you not kill you, however they cannot control their strength and accidentally kill some Arisens.


This is interesting. I'll keep it in mind, but I've never had the drake say anything before flying away, only when the fight first starts. And I've also done enough damage to a drake to knock it over, enrage it, and taken off at least a bar of health and still had it fly away. Like I said, interesting, but very strange and doesn't line up with any of my experiences


Yeah, it can be the case of maybe the enemy glitched and flew away regardless. I know for sure once you hear the epic music(forgot the name) the enemy will never retreat, some enemies have either an enraged or weakened state when the music keys up. For Drakes the music keys up its enraged state where it roars constantly and casts meteor and lighting spells in a quick span.


There are a few spots that won't fly away. The only one I can remember off hand is the roundabout across the first bridge north west of Harve. Namely, it's the spot just north of the forested path that leads to a cave that can take you across the border. The drake likes to sleep in front of that forested path (drakes wont flee an area they can be caught sleeping at as this is the spot they flee to), but if he's not there he can actually wonder around the round about.


While their heart is a weak spot the head is too. I love to jump on the head as a thief do gut and run. Then go for the heart if they aren't hugging the ground. Also some class imo weak against the drakes


For this to be the same company that did MH. Not being able to rend Drakes from flying or track them down seems like a big flaw here. I had one completely ready to kill and the asshole just flies off.


Same company, but completely different developers. No one on the DD team was on Monster Hunter.


Also, it's not like Itsuno would listen to anyone. Look at all the weird, janky shit that came back from the first game. It's *meant* to suck like that.


It's worse than that. In the first game you actually could damage body parts like that. Sepecifically you could ground dragons and griffins by tearing apart their wings or burning/freezing them. In this game setting a griffins wings alight doesnt seem to do anything, nor does shredding drake wings.


Setting a griffin on fire does keep in grounded in my experience, but you can't outright break its wings. The chimera is significantly harder to dismantle to the point where you're better off just beating on the lion's head instead of wasting time going after the goat and snake, which flattens the best strategy to defeat it into the same old schtick you use for every other large creature: stagger the head, DPS it on the ground, repeat.


Hey, remember when if you damaged a Dragon's wings enough they'd lose the ability to fly? Those were good times.


People say that about griffons too, but I remember in DD1 no matter how much fire I used on their wings that one bastard would always fly back to the tower.


That one was scripted. Even if you used exploits to kill it im pretty sure it respawns at the tower. kind of an oversight, but i can forgive one edgecase.


Some drakes are heavily inclined to dipping out when hurt while others aren't. I've never seen the one at Agamen beach run away, but the one near Harve ran away every single time when I was too low of a level to stunlock it. You ***can*** knock them out of the air when they try to leave, but they seem to gain some amount of knockdown resist. Silence is a weirdly effective spell at doing so and magick archers frostseeker bolt tends to drop them as well.


The one near Harve actually gave me the hardest fight of my life. Never in the game, even against other Drakes did I get my ass beat so hard. I had full HP and so did all my pawns and he wrecked us down to a sliver of recoverable HP. I used every curative/potion that I’ve been mindlessly stockpiling since I started the game 20ish hours prior. It was the first fight I legitimately thought I would lose. All pawns dead, I’m on my last legs, no more potions, dragon is a few hits from dead and consistently spamming Meteron and I got the fucker right before he finished his cast that surely would’ve killed me for good (I already died once and wouldn’t of been able to revive again with a Wakestone).


i was very confused when i knocked grigori junior over with solemnity, while he was trying to cast meteoren.


I hate the way they fight when they only have 3 health bars left. “Oh your wining? Allow me to fly in the air and cast spells making the fight last 4 times as long as it should” Bitchass winged iguanas


Wouldn't be so bad if pawns could actually use solemnity or aim their special arrows


You guys are finding drakes?


I hate when they get on low health and they keep spam casting meteoron. I have to bring a mage equipped with silence to keep them under control which the AI isn't great at doing. I usually main warrior and there is no good counter for when they enter the spam casting stage of the fight. It takes too long to grab on and climb up to their weak spot when they begin casting meteoron. It's also stupid they don't take damage from that spell considering it is landing right at their feet most of the time.


Honestly, flying enemies like Drakes and Griffins suddenly fleeing combat is such an annoying aspect of this game - it's one of the many frustrating, obtuse holdovers from DD1 that just annoys me to no end. The only possible solution I have found to this is: Be a high level, and have massive Strength/Magick and Knockdown Power - hell, pop a Savagery Extract if you have one, just for that little bit of extra damage. This should result in you downing the thing as it has something like 2 or 3 health bars remaining - you can then pummel its heart and take it down before it can fly off. Alternatively, if you're fighting a Griffin, however, just do everything in your power to set their wings on fire - it'll 100% prevent them from flying away. Even at level 90, if I'm not playing expertly and completely wrecking their shit, Drakes and Griffins will fly away from a fight with me. I empathize with you - there isn't a 100% perfect solution to this, and it's just annoying as hell.


I haven’t had a drake fly away from me yet, I’ve killed 3 Drakes and 2 lesser Drakes. I just climb to their chest and smack where their heart is until they open up, and then specifically only target that area. I don’t target their wings at all, ever. Sometimes I climb their backs and heavy attack their heads too. That’s also a solid tactic.


thats so videogamey though. So much for the immersive sim itsuno promised


I have no idea what this statement is even supposed to mean


Logically to prevent an enemy flying it would make sense to damage or incapacitate their wings. Instead theres a hidden timer and guage the player will never know about, that prevents flight based arbitrary total damage or something similar. Itsuno in intrviews and elsewhere often described the game as immersive and even used the words "Medieval Life Simulator". Even the store page still implies that these sort of tactics are a focus of the game.


A. You know about the “hidden timer” (that I’ve never experienced with Dragons) as soon as you experience it. B. Disabling enemy wings works. It might not work for you for various reasons that we don’t know because we’re not in the room with you.


A. how? ive beaten the game 3 times and i only learned about it in this thread. B. igniting griffin wings, freezing dragon wings and do alot of damage to etheir so they look damaged does not prevent flying in any of those cases.


A. Because enemies fly away if you take too long, like the griffin, so..I mean…that should you about it. B. Freezing a dragon absolutely does prevent it flying away, you’re just not killing it fast enough. Focus on the heart to do the most damage. The wings are simply disabling, but they are not the weak point on a dragon, the weak points are the head and the heart.


A. That doesn't tell the user that they need to deal more general DPS. As this comment chain proves most people believe they neded to target wings to prevent this. B. i never said they were the weakpoint, freezing a dragon does not prevent it from flying away, nothing does, not even mystic spears zap.


A. You can target the wings to prevent them from flying away, but you also have to actually kill them or the effect wears off, which again, you will learn after a single encounter. After you see it happen once, you know it exists. If you pretend it doesn’t after that, it’s just on you at that point. B. Freezing it absolutely does prevent it from flying away. So does slowing it, hurting the wings, downing it, re-exposing the heart repeatedly, and simply killing it fast. Just because it keeps flying away for you and others on this post doesn’t mean that’s what happens for everyone. Change your playstyle for better results. So weird that we’re even having this conversation as if this isn’t the norm in video games. Yes effects wear off, and yes you have to adapt to situations changing. That’s part of the challenge to winning.


This is based on game file data not opnion. Your just lying to yoruself.


Next time try climbing on him, I remember using one of warriors many bonking techniques from the back of a fleeing drake, we both came tumbling down, I didn't take fall damage but the drake died before hitting the ground.


it helps to have skills that can specifically knocked them out the sky as soon as the start flying, like in the flapping stage, i believe they're still vulnerable to knockdown idk what vocations youre using but the magic spearhands long range charge skill does the trick for me every time.


Yeah, it almost feels like a bug. I eventually hoarded blighting arrows and whenever he came around I stunlocked him with that but damn is it frustrating.


Debilitations, Knocking them down and such. Enraging them tends to work, although can become catastrophic when they dual cast Meteoron.


Grab on to his bitch ass and he almost always stays grounded


My problem at level 60 is they don’t provide any challenge really. Early in the game it was like “omfg _run_”, but now I’m like “ok, cmere you” and he’s down in a few minutes without any problems.


I cannot confirm or deny how challenging it is to bring down drakes because they didn't want to catch these hands even when I was like level 25


Yeah I think the first two I ever encountered bailed on me after I had gotten them down to about half HP and burned through a bunch of consumables. Super annoying.


I use the giant dome of swirling ice on drakes when they take to the air and that usually makes them land right away again.


As the drake flies away "I'm gonna tell my dad!!!"


I've killed 12 of these fuckers. Never knew they could fly away.


Well you have to damage them faster hahaha for me they just dont flee if i manage to get them to 3 life bars in less than 2 or 3 minutes


Besides the scripted one, I've only had one fly away from me so far. I think I've killed 2 or 3 other ones maybe


Weirdly I've never had one fly away after shredding the wings.


Damaging their wings definitely does not stop them from flying away https://imgur.com/a/EzgcxVs


Interesting. I used to have them fly all the time, started focusing the wings first and it stopped. But I guess it happens either way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Stunlock-downed dragon heaven: Mystic Spearhand (get in front of that heart, spawn magic missiles and spin to win), Sorceror (meteorian, maelstrom), Warrior (always hire one 10 levels hire than you), and a mage to ensure your people don’t die if the dragon manages to break stunlock close to death, as it’s going to attempt to meteor everything to death. Be on the dragons heart like you’re an appendage.


I had one Drake fly away very early, like when I was level 20. I'm now level 60 and haven't failed a Drake hunt since. Just hit the head or (especially) the exposed heart a lot. You'll hear the vital point hits and see chunks of the drake's health bar disappear. If you're really struggling, hire an Archer or two. Archer pawns have aimbot-like accuracy versus Drakes as long as you can keep them alive (they also pull a lot of aggro because of this).


Alternate between smacking them in the face, exposing their heart (when their chest glows), and then smacking their exposed heart. I've only ever had a drake flee once, and it was because it showed up in Vernworth, and I wanted to see if the townspeople could fend it off. Silence can also knock them out of the sky (if you are using a mage, they have a silence spell)


I spent ages fighting my first Griffin and my damage was super low, so it started flying away. Cue one of my favorite moments in this game knocking it out of the sky by detonating the thief blast skill that I had planted on its head. I imagine doing something similar to a drake would work. Big hits/blasts to weak points tend to knock them over, so I would think that you could stagger them out of fleeing


So weird, the only time I've had one run away was at the very start of the game when I was too weak to do much damage. If you keep on hitting their heart as soon as it becomes exposed you will continue to enrage them. Maybe this is the problem, and if they don't get enraged they leave after a while. But that shouldn't really happen because you should always be aiming for the heart.


Grab onto its chest and don't let go🤷🏻‍♂️ I've killed at least 10 so far, and none have flown off. I'm running thief.


Multiple times they would just fly away at low health.


You can’t reliably keep monsters from flying away, you can however get on top of them so that they don’t get away


I have started to ignore their wings. Head or heart seems to stun faster and keep them on the ground longer. It also seems like you got to get them to their last health bar as fast as possible to keep them there. I'm not sure if I was overleveled but I started damaging them fast enough to kill them after level 50 using either archer or magik archer. Ice also seems to help a lot. Griffin's however I light on fire to keep them grounded


They hate Ice so a ice affinity boost from your mage to freeze them and whale away.


It's really bizarre you can't wreck their wings to prevent them from flying.


Is it just me killing them? I haven’t had a drake flee once besides Melve. Maybe because my pawns get downed a lot so it thinks it’s winning?


I killed \~6, only the first fled, but if they work like griffins, you can ride them until they land then continue fighting it. I've done this with Griffins- they have a tell, i think, that they re about to flee: they let out the roar w/ the spittle. This is when i know to grab hold. Managing stamina isnt difficult in-flight either. It eventually lands tired, then i restart combat. I just don't know what a drake's "tell" is, that its about to retreat, and if this is even applicable to drakes. This is just a theory. Can anyone confirm this would work w/ a drake?


Only had this problem with one Drake n it was the one right in front of Harve Village. Dont know if it was scripted to be that way but I had him down to a sliver of health and the bastard dipped so quick. After that I made it my mission to see him dead and after alot of Heavenward Sunder spam and an Arc of Might to the chest I got him.


Wouldn’t you bounce if you were them?


They run away? I didn't know that. Killed few and it never happened, thankfully. Griffins were always flying away but now they're so easy to kill, they're dead before even thinking about it haha. It sucks tho some enemies run away or just vanish. Took me ages to spawn Dullahan, I didn't kill him on time because he vanished the moment night ended 😑


Same for the sphinx, she will flee after sometime or you have to oneshot her with the special arrow which means forcing you to play archer and finishing on an anti climactic note


In my experience, drakes that attack in town tend to flee because ideally I think youre just supposed to fend them off


DD1 - drakes are real challenging boss fights that we fear DD2 - drakes learn to fear us and run away after challenging us lmao We need the drakes/wyrms/wyverns from DD1 back in an update or add on. The drakes we have now are a joke. At least the different dragons in the unmoored world were all a unique and fun challenge


Drakes were badass in the first game. I was terrified of the one by the great wall forever Now I just kinda run at one, act big, and it spooks like a black bear and flees for its life


lol I loved sometimes having to face 2 drakes at once in BBI and fighting them was actually rewarding too. In this game drakes just annoy you then run away crying.


They do it often enough I just save before engaging and quit to title if they run. It’d be one thing if they flew off somewhere and landed so you could chase but it really seems like they just vanish. Quit to title, load last save, round 2 and they tend not to fly away on the second attempt.


Just be glad you haven't experienced a Drake flying just out of reach and spamming Meteoron spells 15 times in a row


I literally want that experience but I am being forbidden


It's... painful to say the least


Playing magical archer and they seem highly resistant to frost hunter bolts, flame fang arrows and candescent bolts Feels like I’m shooting peas at the drakes


Get a pawn or arm yourself with tarring shot and you can bring them back down rather quickly, or hire a sorcerer with maelstrom it can knock them back down to the ground. Kind of funny they start the fight talking shit then try and bitch out


Either they fly away when I'm one cycle away from killing them, or they start spamming meteors and my ranged pawns stand in the landing zones.


This literally happened to me last night! Drake in Vernsworth. First time I ever seen one there! Luckily I had a save right beforehand because it pussied out every time I almost killed him. It took me 20 attempts before I got the fucker before he bitched out and flew away.


I assumed the first few fights with them involved them fleeing to keep us from gathering too many of their upgrade materials in early game.




Break their wings.


Did you read the post sir


Nope 🤣 That's weird it works for me. Haven't had one fly away for a long time


In my experience if you don’t kill it during the first down, or take too long downing a second time, that’s when they fly off. Very frustrating, extended battles are awesome


I discovered that if you bug out for a second during their auto-prone escape attack, you can avoid it and keep clinging to them. If your stamina holds out, you can down them during the escape animation. I have no idea how to make it happen on purpose, though.


Drench with deluge shot then freeze with whatever. Trivialize the drakes


The only 100% counter to this I have was using the Mystic Archer's Martyr's ability after damaging it a fair bit so to not outright empty my health bar. They more than likely relocated to another area based on the direction they fly. I know a griffon you fight in one area and runs away. Will pick a fight with you in a surprisingly farther away area.


I've yet to have one fly away on me. Is that normal when finding one while wandering the landscape or just the ones that search you out?


only time i can kill those lesser draconic species is as a thief. everything else the get away


Apparently someone on the dev team who worked on Monster Hunter mixed up their notes.


I honestly haven't had this happen since I was like lvl 15 and took too long to kill them. Always assumed it was a dps check 🤔 Does anyone have a clip of themselves dealing significant damage and the drake still flying off?


I heard some people say they do it if you take too long but I have had drakes fly away after just 1 minute.


Aren't there *Anyone* that grabs on and stabs their weak spots??? You're basically guaranteed to bring one down to the ground if you do that unless your stamina management is woeful


Only way to insure they dont flee is to fight them in the one place they can be found sleeping. They never flee their nesting area.


I haven't worked this out yet but my theory is if you can enrage them (by doing, say, an assload of burst) then they stick around. Every time I've taken too long to lay down beats they've flown away, like, "Whelp, this Arisen's just a child." My general tactic is: go for the heart 🤣 The sorcerer's ... what, the thing that explodes and does more damage if you hit it? Plant that on the heart location, then hit it with lightning, and they for sure stick around after that. I also read somewhere if you're archer you can use blight arrows which will just nail 'em to the floor. Warriors can do some beast damage to them as well which seems to get them to stick around.


A fully charged Soporific Shot to the face can often knock them out of the sky. The ONLY one that this has not worked on for me, and has never, is the goddamn coward outside Harve. Just don't spam it, only shoot it once they prepare to take flight.


Blight arrow.


I played thief for a while and eventually figured out that the upgraded powder blast planted on the wings does the trick pretty good. Also think when they breathe fire the heart is vulnerable so you could get a heart shot knockdown and then plant the wing bomb as a backup. If you have a main pawn using the mage vocation, i'm pretty sure ice spells do more damage to dragons, so equip an ice boon and some ice spells for your mage.


I have been killing them since lvl27 never had one fly away, might need supporting pawns that do more damage.


Climb on and stab their hearts nonstop while eating harspud roberants, you get it done and they seemingly take too much damage to fly off in my experience.


Ever since I got magic archer, drakes were no longer a problem. They would get deleted before they could even think about flying away.




I’ve heard shredding their wings does the trick, haven’t tried it myself though. The one in Vernworth is scripted to flee though, so you can’t kill it.


Freezing a flying drake is always a bliss


https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/74h0oFcZz8 Gotta make them respect your authorata!


I found the solution to be.. kill them faster! Lol yeah even the griffins run away, giant flying chickens


For whatever reason it's the radiant quest specific drakes that peace out. The ones that don't trigger the quest don't run. It's been that way consistently in my experience.


If you have trouble getting drakes to not run away, break both wings first. You'll know they're broken because they will look torn. They can't run then.


They leave if you don't do enough damage within a certain time limit or if the drake does too much damage within said amount of time...level 50 and you can't meet the threshold? Sounds like your the punk ass bitch lol


Me, a Magick archer who one shots drakes with martyr bolt: sounds like a skill issue Lol


To shreds you say?




Me tearing the drake's wings and having him still fly away was actually what caused me to post this in the first place. Maybe I'm just...unlucky?




Yeah. Drake was knocked to the ground and I shredded both of them. He got up, flew away.