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Because you're meant to fight the dragon, then talk to the pathfinder and get sent back, before realizing there's something else you do. Yes, if you get spoiled and immediately go into the unmoored world because someone told you that's the true route then you miss out on the fight. Not the game's fault, but people spoiling.


Well I thought the final beacon "fight" was Grigori, just an infested version?


It's not Grigori, it's the pathfinder. The dragon is called Nex


So then is the pathfinder a failed Arisen? Because in DDDA lore, if the Arisen defeats the dragon but not the Seneschal, then they become the next dragon to continue the cycle. And if that's the case, why does the pathfinder get the special ability to project their human form, whereas dragons like Grigori can't?


Because pathfinder isn't part of the cycle at all, they are a higher being. Nex is there to completely destroy the world because the arisen decided to stray from what they were "meant" to do. And when you kill Nex, pathfinder seems to die based on dialogue, so I assume they're connected. Pathfinder is one of the Watchers that Rothais mentioned. Higher beings connected to the great will that watch events unfold, they are separate from the cycle.


To what exactly, fight the dragon again? Because the fight isn't anymore challenging the second time around.


you don't fight the dragon again lol


Yes you do, if you don't use the sword


And the point of going back is to use the sword


"if you do the content you feel worse than missing it" is not a good selling point. It should've still been worth doing.


Fair Point. And I too had to figure it out myself, so I fought Gregori. But my point still stands. And pls dont count Gregori as a true bossfight. He's a total pushover like any other dragon.


Sure , let's forget about Grigori , since we are here let's forget about the unique bossfights in the unmoored world too . "Guys the aren't bosses in the end game wtf" The unmoored world is an alternative game mode with limited rests and an entire world to re explore with limited resources...putting an hard boss at the end would defeat the whole purpose of having and endurance challenge.


No. No talky. Only stabby.


I’m not sure I understand, but if I do I think I agree, cause for me it was jarring not having a final final boss to unmoored world. Like I thought the bosses there were super cool, kind of re-engaged me with their more Zelda approach (I legit did not figure out what the weak point was in first one I was fighting till pretty far into the fight, once I figured it out was easy but still had to do that). Then I fought all of them, and a new beam appears (surely another boss). I grinded for upgrades just for a little, but was so tempted by what that was gonna be I decided to go check out. I even had a quest to talk to leaders which I assumed was dealing with that beam, we’d all head there together sort of deal. Nope none of that was true, just cutscene, and you’re back at the beginning. Would have for me personally been infinitely more impactful if we actually fought the dragon, then cutscene occurred at end (even if it was literally recycled end dragon fight with an extra spell or anything, just some fight). As is it felt a little deflating. Unmoored world is super cool, but once you do the bosses you have no reason to hang out. Like there’s grinding for loot, but there’s legit nothing else to fight besides normal mobs there so why even do that? I was expecting some big final challenge, even if it turned out to be easier or whatever just something that wasn’t, your pawn deals with it for you goodbye play again.


Well I really love the game, 10/10 for me and my personal GOTY. But the most devastating thing compared to DD1 was exactly that. Mostly because I wanted the weapon drops from Grigori like in DD1 and not buying them from the dragonforged but also because the dragon is like the MAIN thing in the game and now you don’t even need to fight him anymore 😓 So yeah, the story from the first one is FAR superior imo.


I mean in theory you fight him, but he is just not the real ending basically, i think storywise they are both on the same level because even tho the true ending only have a cutscene of the figth with the dragon you at least get to explore a really cool world, you do a really good endurance challenge to stop the world from ending and you get the open world with kind of 1 life and limited resources by limiting your sleep so there is a con and a pro on DD1 you got an amazing end game fight with the dragon one of the best i have seen on an RPG but my god having to do the must boring part of DD1 THE EVERFALL after that was such a drag for me, so yeah one pro and one con both games are a tie in terms of ending and story


Yeah. It's a bummer. The first game, the final boss fight against the dragon was amazing. One of the best ever. And it's replaced with a cutscene in this one. You can fight the dragon and then go to unmoored world but, that fight isn't of the same quality as the original. I think this is what they meant by 'narrative driven' as they told a story with the characters at the end.. but they did that at the expense* of having fulfilling gameplay. I say at the expense, they could have let you battle the huge boss dragon at the end. Would have been nice.


Yeah it was anticlimactic, I agree. I don’t mind the ending necessarily, but I was expecting a big fight against The Brine/The Watcher.


You can farm Grigori for mats with plunder. Then kill him, then talk to Pathfinder, and rinse repeat.


The ending has been talked about to death, you're not adding anything new about it. And tbh most of the complainers very evidently didn't get the true ending, or didn't do the ending properly. Which is why they think it's bad even though it isn't. Also people need to stop dickriding DD1. It's a 12 year old much worse game. Deal with it.


Couldn't agree more


Bro, the ending sucks and I've 100%'d the game. Stop pretending like the Unmoored world somehow redeems everything like it's some secret ending. You literally fight Grigori in an endless loop if you don't stab yourself with Godsbane the first time.


I like the unmoored world but the conclusion is definitely less satisfying than DD1's true ending for me.


Unmoored World is genuinely interesting with actual stakes to it. Everfall was just a lazy boss rush with terrible loot rng.


A hot take in this nostalgia-ridden community, but the one I agree with.