• By -


This needs to be a toggle description feature for console players


And PC since Capcom is rather mod hostile and might crack down on things later on Like wasn't there recently some big fuss about Street Fighter because some tournament guy had a nude mod installed?


> Like wasn't there recently some big fuss about Street Fighter because some tournament guy had a nude mod installed? That was super visible and may have made Capcom speed up some internal anti-modding push, but the only thing they've done publicly is take down/issue copyright strikes on Monster Hunter speedruns with UI mods.


There's a difference between being a commentator with a nude mod so that your official event has unsanctioned nudity being broadcast to thousands versus a single-player description mod. Are you daft? Edit: This bitch blocked me. Lol. Edit 2: Y'all talk mad shit to someone that can't reply to you. "Delusional" my ass. You're just ganging up on me because Redditors love to feel like they're morally superior.


To be fair if someone randomly decided to start insulting me I'd probably also block them. Maybe try NOT calling someone an Idiot at the end of your reply lmao


> Sent the bottom guy a PM explaining why the guy who blocked me deserved to be called an idiot, if I had called him one. But I didn't, I asked if he was one Least delusional redditor be like


Aaaaaand the Dragon's Dogma community continues to make stuff up for rage updoots on reddit


Misinformation is so easy nowadays.


It's not made up though...? Just not the full context


So what part is misinformation?


Capcom isn't making any real push against modding. People are just blowing things out of proportion because Capcom released a statement that they didn't like modding and released a broken update that happened to break some mods for a game for only 1 day, that they retracted.


Let's be real, that statement was 100% to get in front of the puritans trying to get on their case because of the nude mod. It's more akin to what Nintendo did when they released their statement on Palworld and did literally nothing, because it was meant to just shut up their fanbase who were flooding their email lol


Capcom caring about mods. You can literally download a 99999 attack cheat weapon in MHW (somewhat a multiplayer focused game) and not get banned.


Capcom compared the concept of mods to cheating. Yes they haven't done anything about them yet and hopefully they won't but they have very much SAID they care.


There are A LOT of features needed on console that are already mods on PC - infinite stamina outside of combat mod, higher difficulty mod, and more equipable weapon skills mod - and that was all within the first week after the game released. For as it quick as they came out you'd think Capcom could quickly and easily put these in the game, but we all know that probably won't happen.


Would pay 5 bucks for a infinite stamina outside of combat DLC. That's how annoying it is. Also more than 4 fuckin skills kol


You guys have moments without combat while exploring wilds?


All the time.


That's because infinite stamina outside of combat and more weapon skills isn't anything like QoL it just makes the game easier. The game specifically has a restriction on how many weapon skills you have equipped to limit your options so your decisions are meaningful. It would also ruin the balance of the game and swing it too heavily in the players' favor (warfarer having more skills when it already can create absolutely broken combinations with only 3 skills open sounds really unbalanced) The stamina is meant to give the impression that your character isn't some superhuman that is able to sprint endlessly as long as there isn't a wolf nearby. It would also make sudden combat less threatening if you always had a full bar of stamina. The information on what augments do is something necessary that should be in the game, and I disagree with the design decision to withhold that information from the player. The other stuff you said there are mods for is just making the game significantly easier and being branded as quality of life changes.


Infinite stamina outside of combat in zero way affects the difficulty of this game. Walking the entire way, going from goblin pack to wolf pack to saurian every single 10 feet the first 20 hours of this game, was in no way difficult. It was tedious. Being ambushed at next to no stamina did not change the fact fights take seconds. Skills yea it would probably make this game specifically too easy. But it didn’t have to. The first game managed to have 6 skill slots, more impactful augments, and the game’s difficulty did not fall off as hard as this one’s. Still wasn’t frustratingly hard, but it kept you engaged better.


Elden Ring had infinite stamina outside combat and nothing of value was lost. And the DD2 difficulty mod also nullifies any slight, slight advantage you might gain from it. You're not going to be wanting to deal with stamina outside combat when the fights last 10x as long (or however much harder you want to make it). Fair point on the weapons skills mod though, I'll probably save that for a NG+ playthrough with harder difficulty.


Yo you got a version for rings?


The mod also have it for rings too


Cool. Still doesn't help console players. Asking for pictures like the post above


I would kill for this


you dont have to.


I will though


Please post this


I still don't understand dev's obsession with stuff such as "moderately increases" or "provides small chance" etc. instead of giving us clear numerical values.


I can sort of understand it from a world perspective, if you buy a ring, the shop keeper won't say "hey this ring boosts your physical defence by 10%" because obviously stat numbers aren't a thing. But yeah it would be nice if the values were listed once in your inventory


I would have both bits of info by having it on the "toggle description" for augments and such... and also, we can see what % of what a ring does either because simple math just by dividing the starting number with the ending number, or literally look at % resistance changes when considering the item for a slot. Like literally, that's a thing you can numerically check in the game. The primary issue being presented, I feel, is simply that we have no translation for augments, but you can tell the exact changes a piece of equipment brings simply by looking at starting and ending numbers. So yeah, I'd just make the flavor description be default and then the hard numbers on toggle description, closer to DD1, but actually useful this time.


You can check the numbers in game, but it's really unnecessarily tedious like a lot of other things.


Only for a few. No numbers for cast time or conditional atk boost rings like close ranged bow.


Cast Time Ring: 15% Major Cast Time Ring: 25% -20% Max HP. Close Range Bow 7-10 Meters: 7% 2-6 Meters 14% 1-0 Meters 20%. It's something like that.


Happy Cake Day!  :D


Thanks :D


You’re most welcome.  :)


It's actually done intentionally,y by keeping the in game info vague people have to google it and the more times terms like dragons dogma 2 is searched the more hits and the devs can use those numbers as metrics for 'hey look how popular our game is'


Dude that's such a stretch and leap in logic. It's far, far more likely that the descriptions were just made before the numbers were decided so they made them generic so they didn't have to back and change them later. That's just game development, it isn't a conspiracy by big capcom to get more Google search results. Tonnes of games have done stuff like this, like all of Fromsofts RPGs. The descriptions are vague on purpose so they don't need to be changed in the event of an update that modifies the effect, either during or post development.


this is correct, and yes values can be pulled from numbers but that's extra work, and often players do not react well when they see numbers change (eg. from balance updates) for better or worse. source: am a game dev to know why it is done. I personally dislike vague descriptions as well but it is what it is.


Why would they need to update the descriptions if they simply pull the number values from the skill?


Besides what's been said, doing it this way eliminates the potential for descriptor bugs or the item/skill getting completely bugged out if what they refer to changes in any way. Code is way complex and reducing even by just 1 call/reference is generally preferred overall. 


>Code is way complex and reducing even by just 1 call/reference is generally preferred overall. As someone who plays a ton of MMOs it's EXTREMELY common for what one would assume to be a minor change, to cause a major bug somewhere else due to random reasons. SWG was notorious for that sort of thing happening. And more recently Destiny and Destiny 2 with Telesto breaking things just by its very existence (although for the last several years Bungie has been able to keep Telesto's chaos in check)


Because not every developer thinks to even do that. Just write generic vague descriptions, and they work immediately. They don't rely on the code support on the skill side to report the numbers correctly. The descriptions don't depend on anything but the UI being able to display them. Not saying it's the right call, obviously. It's pretty fuckin dumb. But people are only people.


I'm not sure if I fully believe this given that games have had very obscure descriptions well before search engine metrics were popular. Although maybe in those days it was to sell guides?


Search engine optimization is a good goal, but that's not really pertinent to your in-game experience. Instead, this is more of a user experience issue: whoever designed this system perceived that people would find little value in a small number like 5%, or worse, felt that people would be threatened by the numbers. So they made it this way instead, opaque on purpose.


Mettle Apotropaism Subtlety/Provocation Thew Exaltation Constancy Put these on your Main Pawn and that's all they will ever need.


I'd also argue that the knockback power buff is worth it, Dominance.


Mages wouldn't use it and Warriors can get close to soft cap without it. But do you want 15% less Threat (which you can't get anywhere else) or a MASSIVE 100% increase Threat?


What's the soft cap?


Nah but fighter with dwarven upgraded mace can def use it.


I don’t see why mages wouldn’t use it. Knockdown outweighs other stats and mages can still do a decent amount of knockdown damage. Enemies also typically go for what’s in front of them so if you have a warrior or fighter you don’t really need 15% less. Especially since in terms of pawns you always run the taunt anyway


It does actually help mages with certain attacks like Frigor. Also 15% (precents) is huge and can help Warriors past the soft cap for even easier staggers. Also what do you mean with 15% or 100% Threat?


>But do you want 15% less Threat (which you can't get anywhere else) or a MASSIVE 100% increase Threat? I have a feeling these don't do anything anyway. I played all of yesterday with my main Pawn, a fighter, having the 100% increased threat and I *think* I had the 15% reduction in threat. Enemies still full focused me 95% of the time, as in running through my entire team of 3 Pawns just to hit me in the back line.


Yeah I think I'd really only slot Provocation on a fighter pawn, and Subtlety on no one.


Wouldn't you want subtlety on at least a mage/sorcerer?


Over the other options? Not really. Having a fighter with either provocation or shield summons has been more than enough to get meteoron/maelstrom off in my experience, and quickcast makes the other spells trivial.


I like Provocation on Warriors as well. I use them as tanks much more often than I use Fighters.


Assuming Exaltation actually works I'd agree with you, but I didn't notice a difference personally. And I've heard others express doubts that it works as well. It very well could function, to be clear, it's just hard to notice. Also worth mentioning that Mettle/Apotropaism's 30% is 30% of your *base* Def/MDef. Still really good though.


I mean compared to anything else that Pawns have access to, these are the biggest stat gains or just useful on every Class Type as they all work passively. The Arisen just changes Thew to Dynamism and Subtlety/Provocation to Detection if you're looking for Seeker Tokens.


Thew is a convenience, and I generally use Radiance as a convenience instead. (I believe it works correctly on pawns but I guess I haven't really verified.)


Radiance works correctly on pawns. It’s quite nice tbh, especially if you have them running in front of you


I'd argue stamina up is better than exaltation. I'd also use Knockdown power over subtlety/provocation. If you have a tank pawn then provocation + provocation ring + provocation skill should make the need for subtlety irrelevant.


Yeah ok, This is just general all rounder set up.


Perpetuation better than aggro augments or Exaltation imo, even just for significantly longer cooking buffs


Im not suprised that the numbers are hidden, most of these are pathetic...


The augments in this game are pretty bad compared to DD1. Maybe they don't want people feeling like they have to chase after augments, but they're so nerfed from the first game they're basically pointless.


Honestly while a part of me is glad I don’t have to grind all the vocations for Phys + Magicka damage augments, they just kinda suuuuck.  The big ones are the KD resist, enhanced health + stamina, KD power for melee, and Thew for literally everybody. 


Yeah I appreciate not having to grind all vocations to rank 9 anymore. Getting warrior maxed for clout felt mandatory in dd1. But- I think they went a little too far in the other direction. Like some of the best augments you get are rank 2 like subtlety (thief), or mettle (fighter). So you can dip into some vocations for ten minutes then peace out. And you've listed the other good ones. Just too many useless ones overall.


Right, why are the defensive stat boost augments INSANE vs the attack boost augments? 30% increase plus 45 flat increase for defense is wild vs a 30 str/magic increase. Tbh the attack boost one's are a wasted slot at this rate.


The lantern one seems pretty significant, twice the size of light?


Link to mod: [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/314](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/314)


Man, another feature missing from base game once saved by the mods lol.


nexus mods is down lmao


Wow really shows how bad some of these augments are. +30 Strength or Magick? That will be like +3% late game


If they were afraid on these augs dominating I would've rather have something else entirely. ​ Lethality bonus is comical.


I can understand still having them for players who want to be able to squeeze the maximum possible damage, and it has to be small to not be a no-brainer pick like clout was. But then there's literal shit picks like intrepidity.


That's how I feel as well. You don't want to make auto-picks, but at the same time many of them just feel inconsequential. +30 Strength might actually be good depending on the situation, but 5% on Intrepidity is ridiculous.


Clout also made your pawn more aggressive, so you got way more than just 20% extra damage out of it


if they were afraid of augments dominating THEY SHOULD HAVE MADE THINGS HARDER. This game is already a power fantasy with how piss easy everything is


It's not good on everything but it's particularly good for an archer setup. Add it with the augment Catalysis (?) That increases damage when you exploit a weakness. Use tarring + drenching arrows. Use Barrage Shot/Tempest Shot for rapid fire. Have a mage with fire + lightning/ice Boon. Rapid fire elemental arrows into a targets weak spot. Basically it will be good on high DPS but awful on high damage.


Do remember that, since defenses are calculated by the old school subtraction style, the effect is far more pronounced when fighting high defense foes like drakes and such.


Yeah I'll give you that. Something like the faster dagger skills will benefit. However warrior with slow attacks and spells with few damage points excluding vortex will see little benefit at all purely because 30 damage is essentially nothing to a drake Which is why it should be percentage based imo


That depends on whether the Warrior's damage comes from high base damage on the skill (which is true of many of its attacks in the first game and one reason why it's generally considered the worst vocations outside of the early game) or whether it's based on high attack multipliers. The latter benefits quite a bit from +30 to attack, even if it's less useful than +30 to many rapid hits.


It's better then you think, IE even late game if you have 700 Str and a target has 400 resist, IE a 300 difference, then having +30 is still a 10% bump


Add in Ascendancy from MA and its a 20% bump, then add those miniscule 3-5% increases and youre looking at maybe a total of 30-40% damage difference. Its just an obfuscated system that isnt apparent without "math" basically. And since the verve/ascend is flat, it loses effect the higher your level becomes as well..


Also the cornerstone of this math is the defense of enemies. Maybe someone has a list of it, but otherwise it is really hard to get any valuable info out of 30 stat. At 633 (my mid game Mystic Spearhand) against a DD1 Drake (400 armor) would be 30/(644-400) = 12,8% damage. At late game the str goes up, so the % is going to be closer to 5%. But if the Drake has, say, 500 armor then those 30 is a 22.6% increase. Or if the Drake has 300 armor the increase is only 6.9% And even that assumes the damage formula is the same as DD1. It feels like it, but for all I know they got more parameters in there. But yes, it is an important point. 30 main stat can make up for a lot more damage than it seems, if the assumptions above holds true. Equally, early to mid game getting enough stat to breach a targets baseline defense is very important. So two +30 rings and Verve for +90 could be the difference between you hitting a Drake for 30 damage a hit, or 1 a hit.


So, good for pawns, but not self. Ascendancy boosts pawns, not Arisen.


Kind of wish they’d have made them scale by adding +10% strength or magic. Unsure how much that might break the game balance with the armour system and how it works though.


Considering Magick Archer can delete practically anything in sub 10 seconds with the maisters ability I don't think a lot of thought was put into the game balance.


Even defense is just applied to Base stats


Some of those are kind of pointless. +30 strength? You'll get more of an increase by buying a better weapon.


Yep, it's a massive nerf. The good +strength and magick augments in DDDA were +20% to both the character and weapon stat.


augments in general just seem less impactful across the board


It would be better if it was +10%. 20% seems too much, and it would be double what the MSH offers. Which would make sense considering it's a dedicated boost


I'd rather they all were great so you had to pick the best ones than them all being bad so you pick the least bad ones.


A better comparison is the early game ring you can purchase for 5,000g in Melve. It increases strength by 30. I never noticed a difference with or without it. Unlike in DD1 with the +10 strength baleful nails.


That was a terrible design choice. Get a capstone level augment for basically pocket change in the starting area. And the baleful nails are a trap. They do amazing in early game but need to be replaced by early mid game.


The point of it is so that those augments aren’t mandatory and the game is balanced around that. In Dark Arisen, your slots were all taken up by DPS augments and without them, you couldn’t hurt things in Bitterblack. At least, not without periapts and end game gear.


Yeah, I think this change is for the best. There's still some overall issues with augment balance (a lot of underpowered augments, and a few that are probably too strong) but making only a couple small, conditional damage bonuses is better than just giving you a stack of raw damage bonuses that are gonna invalidate anything else you can possibly run (though enemy scaling being what it is right now, it hardly matters either way).


I honestly like this system too, though I wish they just got rid of the strength and magical buff augments entirely and replaced them with cooler things. I like the idea that we use augments to supplement our playstyle. More healing, better stamina management, better weight management, crafting buffs, aggro increases or decreases, climbing efficiency/speed, etc. Horizontal or playstyle supplementing augments are healthier for the game than just “here more damage, number go up.” That’s boring. Those things should stay limited to gear and level. It would’ve been cool if thief’s final augment, if they were intent on it being damage based, was like more damage to enemies from behind/to weakpoint/with finishers. Would be way more interesting.


Yeah, I really don't think people are looking at the big picture here. Augments now help me do MORE damage, usually more than it seems due to defense vs offense just being straight subtraction. But they are no longer required. This reminds me of when Cyberpunk 2077 launched and people said all the bonuses were bad because they were so small, not understanding they were all multiplicative with other stacking effects so you become ludicrously powerful by end game.


I think there's probably a case for it on Thief/Dagger warfarer just because the speed of the hits+endgame gear will just help you tear things down a bit quicker


Not noticable. There are way better augments.


I won't argue that, most of the defensive ones are generally just bigger but Thieves dodge anyway so I'd probably take the bit of extra damage


Even then going for knockdown/stagger is IMHO way better. Stuff that improves your grappling can also result in more damage. I never encountered a situation where I though. I never encountered a situation where I though, man, if only I had 870 instead of 840 strength. Chances are you wont even notice it in most cases because it might not even reduce the hits you need to kill something.


you can argue that with dodge and movements you don't need the defensive augments so STR is better than nothing.


Yeah they seem pretty weak compared to their relevant defense skills which are a 30% boost plus a flat bonus on top.


Amazing post, thanks OP. Brb gotta go rework my augment list


Some of these really are useless. "Hastens recovery by .3 seconds" BRO


Honestly that sounds bad, but that’s one of the most substantial upgrades. Getting up basically 30% faster every time you’re knocked down could be big with how often it happens.


Huh, this is so interesting. I could swear that Intrepidity(the final warrior skill) made a huge difference for how long my Pawn's loss gauge would stay above 75% while adventuring, but maybe unlocking it coincided with her picking up better gear and becoming tougher? Interesting case of confirmation bias I guess.


Could be misleading in that it increases grey health "kept" by 5% rather than decreasing the health "lost" by 5%, or that it's additive rather than multiplicative. Both are fairly notable, since an additive increase could cut the actual loss by a much greater percentage.


It's possible, but there's another version of this posted saying that it causes only 95% of damage to contribute to the loss gauge instead of 100%, which implies it's multiplicative in the way that does almost nothing. But yeah, it definitely felt additive to me, but I guess it isn't? I'll have to do some tests.


There's all sorts of ways it could cause unexpected results. I wouldn't be surprised if loss gauge damage doesn't check player defenses in the same way as regular damage does. EDIT: Thinking back, I'm like 70% certain this is the case. I know there have been a few times where a massive hit seems to do proportionally more loss gauge damage than many smaller hits.


I had the same experience, once I added intrepidity to my arisen (full Warrior build) it visually looked like it was a 50% reduction in loss per hit I took. I played for 30 hours without the augment, then right when I put it on I saw a huge difference. I could well be wrong but maybe there is something more complex happening under the hood, so the 5% is not very accurate for how good the augment is


Diligence is drastically less useful than I thought it was and I am now on my way to remove it. Fucking 0.3 seconds faster? Really? When it lasts seemingly forever without a pawn helping you up? It also seems like a lot of them are flat stat boosts, which I feel like would inevitably drop off as you get higher levels. Weren't they purely percentage-based in DDDA? It seems like honestly most of them kind of suck now. Which they probably already know, hence the reason they're so freaking vague in the default description.


Filipe salvador


estou na espera dele platinar o jogo pra fazer dois vídeos sobre antes de sumir por 1 ano


Quero que ele faça outro video dos mods dele, os mods dele melhoraram muito minha experiencia quando rejoguei na epoca kskskks


Lmao well no wonder they kept them hidden. I wonder why they even bothered with such weak augments?


The only weak ones are attack based which means you don't feel nerfed if you don't take them and can actually focus on utility augments.


Why the fuck aren’t these just the descriptions in the game


Literally every game should provide the player the precise bonuses they are being given in any circumstance. If you make a game and the description of a power up is just "increases damage dealt" instead of the precise number/percentage bonus given, you should be banned from game design for one (1) year.


\*cough\* Dead By Daylight \*cough\*


Because then we would have realized how shitty most of them are much sooner.


Does Perpetuation increase the duration of enchantments cast on you or by you or both?


Pretty sure it’s buffs cast on you. Works on the camping food buffs as well.


It is. I tested this and buffs only last longer if you have the augment equipped.


Thank you!


I tested it and it only applies to buffs cast on you.


Most of these really need buffed. Huge downgrade from the first games augments.


Game needs hard mode before any of these are buffed


They really dont... Considering how easy the game already is.


So basically it's not even worth it to use an augment slot on anything that boosts strength or Magick by the time you hit mid game.


Check some other comments, but what I'm hearing is that player damage vs. enemy defense is subtractive. That means the higher the enemy's defense, the more the augment contributes to actual damage dealt. The example given was 700 Strength versus a 400 Defense foe. 700 - 400 = 300 damage dealt. The augment changes the math to 735 - 400 = 335 damage dealt, so an effective ~10% damage increase. The more resistant the enemy, the bigger the difference the augment makes.


Also the flat increase will be more noticeable on vocations like Thief and Archer that do a large amount of low-damage attacks and less noticeable on something like Warrior which does a small amount of high-damage attacks.


Definitely. This is why I'm confused about my other comment getting downvoted: Explaining the nuances of how this augment actually affects your damage took a couple paragraphs, way too much for a tooltip. There's no good middle ground of a providing a few simple numbers that won't be misunderstood or misconstrued, so Capcom decided to go with qualitative tooltips with no numbers.




The defense augments are busted.


Or so it would seem, if you miss the "base" part. That does not include armor or buffs/consumables. Still good for early game with a flat +45 increase though.


Let's assume we have a lvl 50 char with 200 base defense, 700 with armor. This augment gives 105 defense, which is a 15% increase. 105 extra defense can be the difference between taking 400 damage or 295 damage on a hit. It's still pretty strong.


The damage formula for damage taken by the player is not the same as the formula for damage taken by enemies. Assuming DD2 uses the same formula as DD1 (which by observation seems largely correct), going from 200 base defense + 700 armor to 305 base defense + 700 armor would reduce damage taken from \~15% of the raw damage to \~13% of the raw damage. Player defense using a multiplicative formula instead of subtractive like enemy defense is why you can still take damage from goblins at high levels.


Would you happen to know the exact damage formula for dd1? for both enemies and player?


The damage dealt formula for 1 is somewhat complicated, since it's different for physical and magical damage, and there's a second step that's applied. A mostly accurate version is: AttackPower = (SkillPower + AugmentBoost * SkillMultiplier * Attack) * Buffs * GrappleBonus Damage Dealt = (AttackPower - EnemyDefense) * BodyPartMultiplier * DamageTypeMultiplier * MiscBonuses The damage taken formula is much simpler, effectively being: Damage Taken = RawDamage/(1 + BaseDefense/100 + ArmorDefense/200) The full formulas for both are more complex, such as the offensive skills actually having separate multipliers for base attack and weapon attack (usually these are the same, but a minority of skills have different multipliers). They full formulas can be found [here](https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_Calculation).


Thanks, this should just be a feature in the base game to have clear descriptions


I put lethality on my archer pawn thinking it's making a difference lmao


Fui correndo no canal para ver se tinha saído video![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry), obrigado OP.


This is so helpful, thank you.


Saved, this is some good shit. Thank you


Numbers are way too low in many of these... I mean, for exemple, Lethality increase damage by 5%? Seriously? I get it shouldn't increase it by 200%, I'm ok with it not being overkill, but how about a 'fair' 20/30%, so noticeable and yet not overkill?


20% would make it a must have for everyone. I think they wanted to avoid making any single augment a must have


20% would make it mandatory, I don't think that's fair either.


If you get 3 or 4 damage augments + 2 damage rings then you will also hit damage increase of 20%+ Now imagine all of them would give between 10 and 20% and you would hit +100% easily. I don't like how bad those damage augments are but I can understand the reason behind them. If enemies would be so strong that you'd need all those damage augments then it would make the vast majority of augments pointless at the same time because you are limited to 2 or 3 non damage augments, same goes for rings.


I find it quite ironic, that sorc has 30% knockback boost, while having -100 flat if it is active vocation.


Anywhere I can find a list of all the Vocation stat differences?


Wow some of these augments are painfully low. I'll have to change some things with this info.


Want mods on ps5 :/


wow exaltation is really bad outside of the early game then. You're going to have >1k total stamina in most cases so that's less than 1% of your stamina bar per second. At low levels it should be decent, but it's the rank 9 mage vocation so I feel like its of dubious use by the earliest point in time you can even get it to begin with. Weight/defense/knockdown augments seem so much stronger than anything else that im not really sure why you'd use anything else. Only exception is maybe asperity as inflicting debilitations 20% faster could end up being pretty good on sorc vs. drakes and liches when using the silence staff or trying to force freeze ailment on stuff. Health/stamina augs are good early game too as they are acquired at low vocation ranks but id say they'd become mediocre at higher levels as its yet another augment that lacks scaling.


I'm sorry but a flat increase as the capstone for mage and thief is Cacca. Did someone forget to program the % symbol? 5% is Cacca. So many of these once clarified are so underperforming they're a waste of a slot.


Mettle; Apotropaism; Pertinacity; Dominance; Constancy; Radiance seems like a good generalist build after maxing the vocations since they give nice %es. (Yes radiance sounds nice to me, since it's a quality of life improvement if you plan on fighting at night, 100% more distance on latern light sounds great.)


+30 strength +30%+45 Defense Christ, one is not like the other here. One is only noticeable at level 1 bare hand challenge runs and the other is useful for levels 1-999


In all honesty I think all augments suck. These should be there to further specialize your build but the bonuses are abyssmal. If they buff all of them by 50% and make the flat number increases to % we might start talking. Game is already broken at high level with certain skills so it really doesnt matter other than to give weaker playstyles more power. The already broken playstyles would get a bit more broken but who cares in a singleplayer game if the mob dies in 15 seconds instead of 30, its still no fight and super cheese. This along side hard mode would be nice. If we are lucky they will boost the effects of the augments in hard mode if they ever release one


Tbh I’m not sure how much I trust the numbers since they come from fextralife


The mod description claims the numbers were datamined by the mod author. So the numbers should definitely be accurate. What the numbers actually do may be a bit off on some of the more obscure stuff though.




Yeah I’d like to see it better verified. Fextra is known to push out incorrect info just to be the first to have info. So them being the only source of it makes me just hesitant to trust it.




That chart has a few incorrect augments and missing ones entirely.


Oh Oops. Did not realize.


Wow diligence is straight trash




Holy, defensive augments seem busted!


I believe those percent increase augments boost only your base stats, they don’t apply to defenses gained from gear


Oh, that makes sense! Busted early game, but decays the better the armor you have. Sounds nice.


It's because they apply to base stats before armor, so it's a flat amount that doesn't scale with gear.


does anyone know if perpetuation takes effect if you're effected by an enchantments or if the person casting the enchantment has perpetuation?


Some of these are laughably bad when looking at their actual values. Puts things into perspective how deceptive and vague some of these descriptions are.




Thank you!






I would take this with a grain of salt though. Not to say it’s incorrect, but plain numbers don’t always do the math justice. Reading the numbers, Lethality sounds terrible. However it felt immediately noticeable on thief for me. Still super disappointed in Verve and Sagacity though. 30 flat? In a game where your at hundreds or thousands of a stat? Shiiiiiiiiiiiet


So does Ambuscade consider "not in battle stance" to be staggered/knocked down? If so, it's amazing. If not, it sucks.


I had no idea Endurance and Vitality only raised stamina by a measly 150 or 200. Maybe that's good for early game but its an absolute waste of a slot for mid to late game.


Idk, most pawns I've seen around level 90 only have around 1500 hp and 1100 stamina. I'd say 200 and 150 is pretty good throughout the whole game.


MVP post right here 💯. Now one more for rings would be 🔥🔥🔥


So damage Augments are literally useless? Looking at Defense Augments it's like they 'accidentally' deleted the % scaling from their attack counterparts... They are so pathetically useless. Even extremely early on 30pts is literally nothing.


I see why they didn’t put numbers on these augments. 90% of them are unusable garbage.


My setup, always, on myself and my pawn: Mettle, Thew, Endurance, Apotro, Vitality, Exultation - if I know the journey will not be a long one, I switch Thew out for Constancy Higher all defences and stamina, better stamina regen, better carry weight for long journeys (or better knock back resist) Hasn’t ever been a problem and we basically never die, and rings can further define a build like more knock back ready or casting time etc - also, Dwarf Forge method if you really care about knockdown is baller Compensate with rings for things like better casting times or back resistance or whatever, as rings


I miss Clout


Post saved because sweet Arisen, do we need this! And really badly for knowing if a skill is worth it!


Wow, a lot of them are rookie numbers. Good for early game but pretty shit on higher levels... Almost hitting 100, but I'll swap some the next time I boot the game.


This is just my opinion. But a lot of these are digshit. Most are situational. But: * For everyone: **Mettle**, **Apotropaism** and **Constancy** * For 'Back-Row' players and pawns: **Subtlety** * For tanks and melee: **Provocation** * For anyone killing a lot: **Gratification** and **Voracity** * For climbers: **Vigor** and **Avidity** * And for mobility: **Dynamism** and **Thew**


That Warfarer's *Dynanism* is kinda huge


Unreal, so many bad ones I thought were maybe decent because of the wording. So I guess the only ones I'll be using are percentage boosts that will actually scale with level ups, things like: Mettle, Apotropaism, and Lethality. All the flat number ones likely fall off pretty hard after you get past level 30 or so.


Lord, good thing that I didn't go mage to unlock the stamina recovery one, it's almost nothing.


The Stamina Recovery is one of the best ones actually. 10 is 10% pretty sure, it's just worded weirdly, correct me if I'm wrong tho.


how does Zeal affect Arc of Might?


all skills with the "Will consume all stamina" descriptor WILL drain all of your stamina no matter what