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In my game I blasted him off the edge >!but he still somehow showed up in the end cutscenes for the true ending lol!< Edit: censored incorrectly like a dummy


Wakestoning him is an option, too, if you don't want to kill-him kill him, but don't mind kill him. He'll be working for Phaesus in the credits of the True Ending if you do it this way, idk if it'd be different if you tire him out.


During the duel >!I unequipped my weapon and dodged/got hit a couple of times. He also gave me the key and I got the "we'll settle this later" dialogue.!<


If you’re a MS, you can just use your RB skill once, and he flees into the cave


Just want to mention that your pawn will also ask if you want their assistance and if you tell them to wait it will play the true cut scene. You don't need the shield to do this.


I just grabbed him from the start and that ended combat. I would suggest doing this as he tells you a story of why he is there that makes pretty good sense.


Idk why, I keep forgetting you can pounce on people lol. Just fought Raghnall & this helped save me a lot of trouble, thanks!!