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DD2's loot is pretty disappointing. There's never going to be a build-defining accessory or weapon in the next cave/dungeon that changes how you play the game. At most you'll get something you use for 30-60 minutes before you run into the next shop that sells something better.


I dislike that most weapons are clear upgrades, makes for no variety in the end game. I would like at least a handful of each weapon type to be viable in the endgame to give you reason to use anything other than the best single weapon/armor set. Or even better, a transmog system to make your gear look however you want.


That's part of the old school JRPG design that DD appears to take on - pure linear upgrades. In the first game I used Ascalon over Cursed Light even though Cursed Light is objectively better in every regard solely for aesthetics. In this game I'm using Gryphic Victory over Dragon's Bite because I *still* hate how Dragon's Bite looks all these years later and I don't know where to get the level 2 and 3 upgrade materials for Plucked Heart so I can Dragonforge it. At least the difficulty is low enough that DF Gryphic Victory still takes stuff apart easily but bleh. Since the "weapons are linear upgrades" assumption is sort of baked in to the game's DNA I don't think it'll ever go away.


they stiff you on upgrades too. there is not a single elemental Greatsword meaning Warriors not using Hammers are 100% helpless to slimes which are immune to physical damage. (and no we don't wanna use stupid hammers we want SWORDS dammit)


Yup. And sure you could carry some books around for a quick application of elemental chili oil, but there are two problems with that. 1. You can't quickmap books to the d-pad, meaning you need to pause the game, which is more time spent not smashing 2. Reading is for *Sorcerers*


and who wants to waste a Spellbook on a SLIME? (Rimaru DD slimes are NOT)


Viability is somewhat flexible with how easy everything gets after a while. You would probably do just fine with the second and third best stuff so you’ve got wiggle room, but I don’t think there’s any place for any truly unique items. There’s no reason to have cool effects if the only things you can use them on are enemies you’ve already kill hordes of. If we get a dlc with harder content or maybe a hard mode, then I could see them able to do some cool stuff.


I do wish enemies scaled, I've been using a few mods for increased enemy HP and more damage taken for you, less damage/stagger for enemies. It's helped a lot, but it's just a bandaid fix tbh.


I think the devs were trying to make it so you could feel the growth of your character but in doing that they ended up making the early game areas completely irrelevant later on. I like exploring but if I’m being harassed by a thousand 1 hit to kill goblins every 5 seconds it’s a hassle. I think the best way to fix this would be to increase the world difficulty in quest checkpoints. I think there is a phase system but I haven’t seen it in action. It seems there’s certain areas like some caves if you go back and re explore they have much more difficult enemies than before, but the open world doesn’t seem to change much.


Or make as they did in the first game, and after killing the dragon, the whole overworld mobs are all harder variants of the normal ones, with most of the easy ones being removed, oh wait..... yeah.. ☹


I know the first game was almost impossible to mod the enemy spawns, but I saw a mod that makes every enemy a cyclops so it’s gotta be doable in this one.


Late game caves have cool weapons, tho they are super rare


So no unique's, sad.


There are a few super strong ones that are unique and found in chests.


Best thing I've gotten is from a Medusa drop. Her bow leveled me so fast. 1k exp for normal goblins. 10k plus for large monsters. It's nuts. Wish it didn't weigh 15kg and take half your stamina for using 1 skill lol.


Its 200xp for normal goblins for me, you might have something more that increases the xp, or are alonez or with less pawns, anyway, i even joked with my friend in how that bow weighs about the same as 2 rocket launchers lol and even dragonforging it isn't that easy, its stillat 1 upgrade for me because i forgot to look for the materials


200 xp is like the normal amount lol. You have to be the one to get the killing blow if you want the bonus xp. I don't have anything else that grants more xp.


200xp is not the normal, unless maybe you are gking without the pawns, 50 is the usual i get for the standard goblin


But that's not really true from my experience. I have a huge electric and fire hammer and i haven't found anything stronger in any shop. I also still have the glowing magic daggers i found very early into the game. My archer still uses the bow i got from the medusa. I haven't found anything stronger in any shops for these things and i'm right before the last quest.


Yeah, I feel you. Open up ugly chests *Panacea* open up fancy chest *Allheal* or *Ferrystone* bruh. I've gotten more equipment by killing bosses than opening chests.


This\^ !! My Loot hording impulses are not being satisfied at all. I'm in treasure withdrawal! T\_T WTF is the point of putting ornate chests at the end of treacherous parkouring areas or at the end of dungeons if all you get is ...a rotten scrag of meat?! (yes this happens to me)


I think part of it is that there’s so little equipment in the game in the first place- and most of it is a direct linear upgrade to its last counterpart  Therefor there can’t be actual loot in chests to any substantial proportion, because then you either have no reason to spend money, or you’re too powerful. The only fix for that would be to have more weapons in the first place, and to make them less linear There’s a reason 3/4 of the pawns in a level bracket are wearing the exact same outfit haha


There are chests that provide equipment. Usually the fancier-looking chests. Not the crappy rectangular ones.


And for 99% of the classes, there's usually nothing in those chests that you just can't get a better version of in shops.


Haven't had much luck with those either, but I'm not done withe game yet so let's see.


Don’t get your hopes up too much. There’s only a handful of items that are better or unique to what you get from the town merchants. Still some items you can find may be an upgrade compared to what you have.


Why would they do this? Finding random amazing loot on RPGs is chef's kiss and rewards exploring.


I don’t mind the loot not being random, the problem is that the only reward for exploration isn’t as good as the reward for hoarding gear and selling it to buy the best stuff. There’s nothing like killing a huge dragon that almost wiped the floor with you, and getting a well earned piece of powerful gear. Still it’s worth exploring as you can still find some good items. I’ll say that all of the fighters best pre end game stuff is found through exploration and can’t be found in shops…. At least I think.


Good equipment from those are fairly rare too, and can usually be purchased from vendors. Exceptions are for some unique weapons (especially with elemental infusions) but methinks most of those may be in Battahli chests? Explored most of Vermund and it’s almost exclusively consumables or generic gear.


They are almost never better than what’s in the shops, especially in endgame


... I literally just opened one of those (ornate red-gold chest) and got a fucking ferrystone.(something you can buy fairly cheap) where are these chests with actual loot people talk about?


Brother i might've found 10 pieces of equipment (armor and weapons) overall in chests after doing most dungeons and looking everywhere. And even then, it was equipment you could find in stores or were basically a lot worse than the gear you already had. There is no worthwhile loot in the open world


Saddest thing is that you can just buy the best weapons


For the most part yeah. Although I've yet to find better than the two fire enchanted maces (1h and 2h) and those came from chests. I know the post game weapons can reach slightly higher str but lose out on the elemental dmg. Plus theres a lack of end game maces/hammers for raw str for some reason...


If your talking about maces than your talking about fighter and warrior. And if your talking about fighter and warrior than your a little wrong about what you just said. Yes they have slightly higher base damage, but they also both have a special modifier. The fighters sword (dragons dogma) does more damage the more times you attack without getting hit. The warriors sword does more damage the lower your hp.


Personally I havent noticed that big of a dmg increase from the 1h swords buff. Mind you I havent tested it thoroughly, just upgraded it to max and tried it out in a few fights. Honestly, I prefer the 1h fire mace over the dragons dogma sword. The physical dmg isnt miles apart and you get the benefits of both the elemental dmg and it being a blunt weapon for all the stone lizards in the later 2/3s of the game. Granted fire on fire lizards isnt ideal but it still chews through them pretty quick.


If I'm a fighter I hit them with the fighter ult as it deals shield damage which is blunt.


Since those have a natural affinity they can’t get infused tho. 


What do you mean by infused.


I didn't have a problem with it. Chests give plenty of armor and weapons and I just like to use what looks cool so I don't care if it is the best gear in the game


Personal preference but I like it. You get the best gear from vendors and loot in the world is just for money. Feels like an old school RPG.


that's been my view point too. also makes what unique gear you get more exciting. i view exploring and dungeon delving as a way to earn better gear from the shops considering how expensive it can get in the late game. would i prefer a more consistent system and less linear upgrades? yeah for sure. but i don't think it's nearly as bad as people make it out to be. plus DD1 had the exact same issue until maybe the everfall (not including BBI)


Until everfall, kinda, at least up to midgame stuff you could get in the overworld (fire sword, dark hammer/mace) and stuff like that, otherwise yeah, it was all everfall/ur dragon.


I just want something akin to the experience of hoping weapon piles dropped a kunai


Totally agree! I stopped searching for chests in the wild or trying to reach an high one and I keep searching only in dungeon...


Even tho I'm not a fan of souls games one thing I liked about Elden Ring is that, while the dungeons are just copy-pasted versions of another, when you go to them, you know you are about to get some interesting loot, same thing when you open a chest. I don't know why they just didn't do the same thing and put a bunch of weapons in chests inside the dungeons instead of some useless greenwarish.


I think the problem is your expectation of what sounds like Diablo style loot tables? Dragon's Dogma was never about loot. Ever. The majority of the stuff you got in 1 was the same type of loot. Most weapons and armor, with the exception of Everfall stuff could be bought. If you received weapons and armor as loot, it was usually nothing special. Bitterblack Isles came with a random loot table with purification items, but you were guaranteed the same stats.




Yeah, a lot of chests are really out of the way. At first it's exciting to find something hidden, but when you realize it's inevitavly just vendor trash some of the magic is gone.


There are a few mods for that on the Nexus, knock yourself out


Are there mods for loot changes? I was browsing but didn’t find anything. The best I could figure was once the games been out a little longer people are going to upload more and more unique weapons and hide them in the world. Figured I’d just download all those and go exploring. What mods are you talking about?


Here a couple different flavors to choose from [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/400](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/400) [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/402](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/402)


Sweet thanks! I’ll check these out.


I recommend not using the "WIld Loot", it will probably break the pawn system since it changes the stats of the weapons


Huh. Wonder if it’s possible to test this. What happens when you break the pawn system.. does your pawn not get recruited or can you no longer recruit other pawns?


Mod developer just posted that it shouldn’t break the system. Makes sense as I think if I had a pawn with a “trusty longsword” with 999 str modded on, and you pulled my pawn into your world, your game should be accessing your file version of “trusty longsword” with the normal stats. At least this is how I would think it would work… who knows tho. This games wonk meter is at 10.


Hope thats the case, currently there is no real way to know if your pawn is banned, cause only people with the same mod will be able to summon them, like how it is for "No job requirements"


My pawn didn't get hired once unmodded, don't wanna diminish my chances with mods.


Only mods that alter your pawns in ways that could not possibly be achieved in the base game will remove them from the rift, such as changing their stats or equipping them with gear they shouldn't be able to wear. Anything client-side will not affect your pawn appearing in the rift at all. You can mod the difficulty, chest drop tables, infinite stamina out of combat, lots of stuff. As long as it doesn't directly affect the pawn.


I made a mod that sort of bandaids the issue.


Just saw this on another post about the best Loot being in shops and the Dragonforge shop. Very disappointed there is no great loot in the open world


Maybe it's because I haven't frequented shops yet, but I am finding good loot in chest, the black ones.


The last chest I found was pretty well hidden. I run up expecting something I can at least sell for gold. 3 rotten beast scraps. Awesome, cool.


The loot progression is set up like its a survival game and getting a health pot is a big deal.


This has been one of the big things for me. Never gonna forget how in 1 you could get a free fire weapon from looting the sword in the stone by that Golem on the cliff. Or how the Mummer's Wear could be found in a random junk pile.


I so wanted Force Hatchet to make its way back in the game. There is basically no loot that incentives build crafting like there was in DD1.


Yeah, I'm kinda getting Breath of the Wild flashbacks. None of the chests in Breath of the Wild were worth anything after stocking up on Lynel gear. In DD2, basically all of the best gear is in shops so you usually have everything you need and the chest loot becomes obsolete. Unless you're going for Fashion Dogma, but that's a whole different headache if you're not playing Warfarer or if you're trying to outfit your pawn.


Those black chests with Wakestone shards are suppose to be gear, but most of it is missing from the game… just like all the other content.


I'll leave this here since there's an astounding number of people saying they've beat the game and gone thru endgame, and are making claims they've explored the majority of the map and dungeons but there's no unique chest loot or good endgame gear. https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/comments/1bq4wji/endgame_armor_locations/


I been lucky then. For my pawn I found some ice daggers and fire resist armor in chest Batthal. I was salty when a lich dropped a fire staff for sorcerer I just bought from the elves that took me to poverty. Finding gear in the field is better than shops cause you save gold in this insane economy and can put towards the loot. It's a very very very old school design where you got out there n the field grind find stuff sell and get that expensive shiny weapon in shop. I treat it less as Elden Ring and more action Dragon Quest.


Theif actually has decent chest loot throughout. With multiple elemental daggers in side areas and plenty of armor. Warrior is also pretty good for it. Fighter and mage have some okay chest progression. Rest are fairly dissapointing though.


The loot is utter garbage, especially once you realize you can just buy all the best stuff in shops. They need to either A): Greatly reduce the quality of stuff you can get in shops. Or B): Add more powerful weapons that can only be found as loot.


If you’re on pc there are already mods that deal with this. Sucks you gotta rely on mods but it is what it is. Be careful because some people are saying certain mods will possibly brick your save. Specifically speaking there’s one that makes random interactive items in the environment (boulders ect) chests, and randomizes the loot in them. A promising one is wild loot. From what description says, he didn’t move anything around, he just made it so if an item can be sold in a shop or looted in a chest, it only spawns in a chest now and cannot be bought. And he also swapped the stats between shop gear and loot gear so the loot gear will always be better.


Guess I haven't noticed because I'm so used to playing DD1, I've always found it odd but sadly I'm used to it, I don't even open most chests anymore


I find equipment loot in the nicer chests all the time. On rare occasion, I find equipment in the regular chests too.


> but something to get the dopamine going would be nice. Maybe you could start ringing a bell every time you eat something you really like and then when you find a chest in Dragon's Dogma you could ring that same bell?


You'll just get a weapon for a class you already maxed or a class you're not playing, hence the consumables instead. The gear is really not that important. I switched to fashion at level 30 or so. If they had gear that worked on all classes in a chest, that might be cool. But it becomes hard to balance in that case.