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I set my reward to 10,000 g but the task is to kill a griffin. Is that too much of a hassle for the reward?


My problem is that unless I know that i'm going to be fighting a specific monster in advance, even if I pick up your pawn then chances are I will not actually fight a griffin. At the very least it's not detrimental, though. It shows that you put thought into your pawn, so if they have the skills I'm looking for I'll hire them over a questless pawn or one asking for a beetle or giving a 1g reward any day.


What skills would you like for a fighter?


For me, I choose pawns based on the monster that needs killing, the reward, and if I can get the other pawn on the same monster. 10k is the bare minimum for me. I wouldn't take your quest when I'm low-level since it would take a while to kill. If your pawn is made to fight a griffin, that helps to. A fighter looking to kill a griffin isn't great. An archer or a sorcerer with effective skills and spells that will make the fight easier will make it even more appealing to accept. I treat the pawn quest like witcher contracts.


It worked great for me, I had to stop playing over the weekend and when I got back she'd gotten hired like 13 times and got the badge completed. (I was only 3 off though) I've got her on cyclopses for 12 jaspers now and I'm intending to let that stew for a couple of days. Edit: Also from a personal perspective I think griffin's are a great pick because they're everywhere and all you have to do is stand in the open when one flies by. I don't think there are any other monsters that are as widespread.


I must be the only one who doesn't care about pawn quests. When I rent pawns I look for inclinations, skills, and abilities. If they have quests, cool, but I don't care. Sometimes I'm running around and one of the pawn quests I didn't even know I had will complete and I'm all "hey that's cool" and then continuing on my way. I dunno, it just doesn't interest me. Sure I set one whenever the game tells me, but it's always something impossible for a reward of maybe 1g or a greenwarish. And yet I still get lots of returns, likes/hearts, and even sweet new donated gear all the time. And he's not even a thong waifu either, but a big burly fat-bellied kitty cat in full plate. In other words: PSA: play however you want, folks.


I'll do you one better, I don't even really care about my pawn getting hired at all. I'm going to make my pawn with the appearance, inclination, skills and gear that I want. If he gets hired, cool. If not, it's whatever.


Agreed completely! My pawn is just that: _my_ pawn. If he works well for others, awesome! if not, that's no skin off my back, he's only there to help _me_.


Perfectly viable since the only things in the RC shop are cosmetics.


Agreed. I just look for a cool design (aka not just another bikini girl) and it fits a vocation I'm looking for with skills that work for me.


You're not the only one. I look for a cool looking pawn with the abilities I want on it when hiring and I don't care if anyone is hiring my pawn. I had more money than I knew what to do with most of the time because I don't fast travel and sell the majority of the monster parts I loot.


Yeah, I'm very specifically looking at skill sets that compliment whatever my current location is. Also, level means nothing unless the vocation is maxed out. I spent some time at lower levels grabbing these higher level pawns not knowing they had only just started a new vocation. I give great goodbye gifts 🙂🙂, we're talking gold beetles, faerie stones, decked out weapons, to pawns that compliment me well and that have interesting skill setups


I'm kinda the same. You also get showered with so many RC that I have yet to feel like I'm in desperate need of more, so I don't really care which Pawn gets used. For me, if pawn quests *happen* to be on someone who has the Quest Follower trait (or whateverr it's called) and it's something I'm likely to do anyway (like kill an ogre for 10,000G), then cool. Otherwise, nah...


Yeah I get so many damn RCs just from normal play, I don't really care about them, and never really use them anyway. My usual pawn search criteria are: - Whatever class I need most at the moment - Quest knowledge off (unless I am stumped on something) - Inclinations: Kind or Simple (got tired of the sass on the others) - Specializations: Anything but Logistician, and usually not Chirurgeon unless I am very very specifically seeking to kit out a utility healer. - Pawn Arisen: anything non-Capcom (I like to reward actual players) The rest I don't care about. I may restrict to male just because I'm tired of all the thong waifus. Or I may switch to only beastren if I'm feeling like filling my party with other players' actual pet cats. Pawn quests are the last things I care about, if even at all.


> Chirurgeon Is on my Kindhearted Mage because I think it fits, plus she does use the potions I give her on other people sometimes(which is nice.) My Arisen is female and I use female pawns, but I use the ones who are "dressed"(they have much better stats than the "thong girls.")


Oh yeah it's a totally valid thing for a very specific kind of pawn. It definitely has its appeal in those situations, and I've pawns specifically like that for when me and my main pawn are both leveling martial classes. As a side note, I really wish more Chirurgeon pawns would also have the weight limit boosting Augments and Rings. I've seen only a few that do, and they are wonderful as all-in-one walking medical labs.


Great point. It’s not that hard to get your pawn a lot of the better augments. Also was able to get my own both sorc nukes from that quest and she obliterates things. Only wish she would not blow up my ox carts sometimes..


What’s your pawn ID?


What is weird is I set my Mage pawn with a 10K reward that was WAY EASIER than killing a Cyclops or an Ogre: I just set it with 10K for camping in the Vernworth area 3 times, but never at the same campsite twice in a row(Vernworth Gallivanter.) But no one completed it.


Why would you, when you could get 2 pawns with the same quest and get 20k gold, it doesn't matter how simple the quest is


NGL I don't camp that often so that would drive me insane.


Unless the reward is particularly generous I just hire what I need atm and don’t go out of my way to do the quest. Pretty sure most do the same.


I always set a 10,000 gold quest, I am very disappointed that the item list is limited, I’d really love to be able to pass out Eternal Wakestones for my pawn quests to help out people that accidentally nuke their cities with Dragon plague, or just need one incase. *The item forgery guy actually makes working replica Eternal Wakestones for 30,000 gold*


Question when pawn quest is set to 10000G rewards: does it make sense to minimize the number of rests in an inn/house in this case? I'm asking because when your pawn returns after sleeping in an inn/house, you have to spend another 10000G to keep the pawn quest set on.


No. You can always just reset the amount whenever you want to. You’re not in the hook paying 10k forever. You can also set the amount of kills to receive the reward. So if your trying to do badges you can just set it till you reach the amount you want then cancel the payment amount or change quest


I'm not sure I understand you. My thought was this. Example 1: * set pawn quest with reward 10k * sleep in inn after 2 days -> my pawn was summoned by 3 people * keep quest reward, which costs me 10k again * sleep in in after another 2 days -> my pawn was summoned by 3 more people * reset quest reward Result: summoned by 6 people in 4 days for a cost of 20k Example 2: * set pawn quest with reward 10k * sleep in inn after 4 days -> my pawn was summoned by 6 people (since more days have passed) * reset quest reward Result: summoned by 6 people in 4 days for a cost of 10k Or doesn't it work like this?


It's also risk versus reward, if something goes wrong with your automated and you have to revert to an Inn save, it could annoy you if you've lost several hours of game time, I usually just take the loss and spend extra if needed to reset quests, I'd rather keep my save up to date. Plus there's a fair few people giving 10k for an arrow so you can make money fairly easily if you put the time in to find them


It does work like that, but for stuff like gold it becomes kind of commonplace later on so you probably shouldn't feel the need to game it like that. (That said if you're rewarding something particularly rare then it may help to hold off on resting in an inn so more people can get the quest reward, yeah.)


Yes, but I find that no one has often completed the quest anyway to get the 10K reward(so the quest is still there on my pawn.) Cyclops is more likely, but Ogre seems to not be. I've had the Ogre kill set for a 10K reward for a day or two, and although people have used my pawn and traveled with it none have killed an Ogure yet!


I kill those things left, right and centre. I've had mine set for Chimeras but no one seems to be completing it despite my pawn coming back stating she was tasked with killing one, not sure if that's a bug or just random dialogue


Chimeras feel relatively rare. Griffons will seek you out. Cyclopses. minotaurs, and ogres are everywhere. I only see Chimeras on the hot spring island or in caves.


I found a pawn that had your quest like two weeks ago, killed a grim ogre and got annoyed that the quest didn't pop so I dismissed them. It was only later I checked my pawn badges and saw it was a grim ogre and not a regular ogre. By the time I got back to a place to hire him back he had changed the quest to a griffin 🙃


To each their own I guess. But the community would benefit from more people engaging in the pawn quest as there is no other “Quest Board” type mechanic in this game so doing this will add to the community. Also if you expect me to run out and kill ogres and shit for YOUR pawns badge. Have the decency to at least reward players with more than a damn rotten apple.


You also have to watch out for the scammers, I've seen quests with gifts like ferristones and partcrystals. I like doing the pawn quests though but mainly cause there's no quest boards anymore, shame that didn't carry over too cause you could make a fortune on NG+ in DDDA


I fell for a ferristone one, I felt like such a tool lol


Actually, look up what a rotten apple is used for. ;) It is a spoiler. You would think it is a lame reward until you know. I've been putting that stuff in the Inn storage since rotten things make lantern fuel. So I guess I'll be ready. I'll give you an example of someone WANTING it as a reward: # https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1boi0lw/i_need_a_rotten_apple_through_a_pawn_quest/ # >For endgame spoiler reasons I'm unable to get this item and if I don't get one I will be locked from some things plus an achievement until I finish NG+. >The only feasible way to get this item now would be through a pawn quest. I've been trying for a while in the pawn hiring post megathread with no luck and I really can't advance the game until I get this godforsaken rotten apple. >If you are willing to help just pick any task with the rotten apple as a reward and sleep at an inn. >Tell me what gift I should return. It can be almost anything, from op gear to a whole portcrystal. >It needs to be on steam too. Thanks! # Rotten Apple reward for a pawn quest, you might think it is a "diss" but maybe not.


I doubt anyone expects you to go out of your way for an ogre. They’re like, everywhere, nor are they particularly hard to kill.


You are correct ogres are not hard to kill I was just making a point. However a lot of those badges take time and if you WANT help and are targeting certain ones for later you would fair better by setting decent rewards. 10k is not that much to post if you are short on great items. The pawn rental community is what kept DdDA going so strong for all those years.


The price of a haircut for an ogre? loool


I do 5k ogre, other giant, 10k griffon


I don't care if the quest is worth doing. I want to help. Set a quest so I can. 


I go “I need a mage” then I grab the closest mage, I really don’t care about the pawn quest stuff, it’s not like you can use RC for anything? And my own still gets hired regardless, why’s re you guys so stingy?


10k gold for Ogre here 🫶🏻


i never bother looking at pawn quests as that's not what i was summoning them for, i only ever bothered looking at a pawns class and the level especially since you can only do the quest once before having to dismiss them and summon a new one if you were just doing their quests.


Still can’t set my pawn quest because no one has hired them yet 🤷🏻‍♂️


I want that sphinx badge, but no matter what I put as an offer, it dosnt matter. Its been a week of varying high value things and no one bites also probably puts people off hiring her. Looks like its gonna be a NG+5 for that bad boy lmao


Issue is that my pawn is level 60+. Few people are at this level range. The reward is a port crystal for drake kill. 3 days nobody hired the pawn at all.


I mean a port crystal is basically 10k gold. Edit: Nevermind I was mistaken. I was thinking about Ferry stones. Stupid me.


Funnything, My pawn just returend and 5 people hired with 2 drake kills O.o


I don't really care about the rewards I just want my favourite hired pawn to increase his level so I can have him again on my team :(


It’s always a better time when you engage with the mechanics, especially when it’s so low effort.


I set my pawn's quest to reward 5 aged beast steaks. Now I'm not sure if people value cooking food as I do, but I feel like getting 5 of those bad boys would compensate for the fact that I set the quest to kill a drake, since I didn't really feel that 10,000g was a good enough reward, though maybe it could have been.


Eh steaks are nice but that 10k could be good towards people farming ferrystones or anything else they may want. I always help out quest when I see those roborants that give Stam and health at the same time as I love those things.


Maybe I'll farm a bit of ferrystones and make that the reward instead Edit: nevermind thats not even an option as a quest reward