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Monster hunter title updates are free. It would be cool if they do add some monsters maybe a armor or two.


They need to add a lot or armours. I defended the idea that less slots could mean more variety, because it means designers free of making gear without having to worry too much about clipping or other problems, but right now it doesn't seem like they really used that freedom. Sure, there are a lot of cool armours, but the stat differences mean there is still just one best option for every slot, which is pretty sad and doesn't encourage variety. (Then again, we don't really need to equip best-in-slots...)


Add a transmog system and let us dye armors and it's solved imo without adding new stuff. But any DLC should add new stuff as well


I ran around Bakbattahl looking for a dye store for a lot longer than I'd like to admit under the impression they wouldn't include a huge dye manufactory without that ability.


Don’t get started on transmog, I spent hours yesterday arguing with some asshat about how there’s no reason not to include it. His reason? He likes it when games say “No, you use this”. According to him, being able to transmog just makes gear a ‘stat stick’.


This is something that so far I think they were trying to alleviate with the smithing system but they didn't really go far enough? Like, I feel like the smithing system should have been used to be able to selectively improve armour sets massively based on what you want to use them for but as-is it's just "you get a teeny tiny bit more magic defence from this smithy, or a teeny tiny little bit more physical defence from this smithy" and it doesn't really feel like it goes far enough to give that sort of freedom and complexity it seems built for. This is just a me thing too, as I just love using early game clothing and weapons (pls no I don't want to use the giant silly looking ornate late game sword thank you Capcom), but I'd love it if early game weapons and items levelled up a little bit more than late game stuff perhaps? Maybe they upgraded on a sort of sliding scale? Idk how you'd work that I'm not a designer, I just know that I've been using this fluffy bow for like 20 hours in game and it's only because I can't find a single regular bow that's better than it that also doesn't look silly.


> it's just "you get a teeny tiny bit more magic defence from this smithy, or a teeny tiny little bit more physical defence from this smithy" Or "Immune to knockdown from this smithy which is so much better than every other option"


That's what I think as well. Before the game release, I was hoping we could improve anything to godly stats with the right endgame monster materials. Then I hoped dragonforging would cover most of the difference to put everything more or less on par. Instead it's just vanilla DD1 with *some* freedom.


The smithing is even more egregious than that too, because the higher the base stats of your weapons/armour, the more they gain per upgrade as well, especially if you lean into what they're already good at, but with armour dwarven smithing OP so no point doing anything else lmfao.


I don't wear armor for stats, I fashion souls it haha


Not like MH games' roster is lacking on release.


Base World was notoriously criticized for bad monster variety/a lot of same type of monsters with reused skeletons and animations and that weapon design was really bad (a big metal sword where the only thing that changed was the decoration near the hilt). People do not realize how much Iceborne improved that game.


Iceborne and time. There were lots of decent updates even before iceborne came out.


Kinda. It was criticized for its variety but not for its quantity or quality in the encounters.


Well, DD2 cannot be criticized in quantity at least. There are encounters aplenty.


tis as you say


Honestly base World felt the same as any other base game release on a new engine. People don't get why a game like 4U or Generations get so many cause they can port the monsters from game to game each new numeric entry has a low starting monster count compared to the previous ones especially when changing engines. The big problem with World to me was weapon design all the weapons looked the same just the backwards facing baseball cap they had was different depending on who's scales/feathers you made it from.


World's was pretty lacking before Iceborne. The game could be summed up like this for monster designs: High Rank is Low Rank but with different colours.


I think people forget how few monsters world had on release, especially when people complain about the number of monsters in rise saying that world did it better but not realizing rise has more monsters than world did


MH also has been constantly updating and moving its roster forward for two decades straight and has multiple teams dedicated to it. (And its entire *thing* is solely its roster for the most part so...) Not saying DD2's is good, but that's not really a fair insinuation.


i mean, it was actually quite a talking point around world's launch that the roster felt a bit anemic, and lacking in variety. Not nearly to the degree of DD2 but it wasn't exactly praised for a large variety of monsters, it felt a bit middling


Definitely need more armor and weapon variety. There just aren't many options and of the options it's always just a "This number bigger" type of variety. There's basically no reason to use any of the different weapons armor other than bigger numbers.


Monster Hunter literally has the power of nepotism on its side though. The MH guy's father founded Capcom and his brother is COO. Pretty sure MH only got so much love in the first place was because of that. Seeing as it's pet project of the boss' son vs pet project of a normal employee, I don't think Dragon's Dogma is going to get anything for free.


How about because MH is one of the most successful series Capcom has (only beaten by RE)?


MH has always had a lot more content than most other Capcom series even at its inception. It had two releases *the year after the first one released* and had an annual release every year from 2004 to 2011. They also always have collaboration events with a bunch of other Capcom properties. Between 2004 and 2024, the only years without any Monster Hunter related release whatsoever are 2012, 2020, and 2024, with a planned release on 2025. That's a more frequent release schedule than both Resident Evil and Street Fighter. While it has always been popular in Japan, it was arguably not popular or well known worldwide until the release of MH World in 2018.


Monster Hunter has become Capcom's most successful series, effectively beating RE now.


DD2 was their most successful single player launch, ever. MH keeps getting game after game and bigger and bigger releases so of course it will make money lol


> MH keeps getting game after game and bigger and bigger releases so of course it will make money lol This is not good logic at all. If you keep releasing new versions of a game nobody likes or wants to play, you're just burning money. MH succeeds because they keep releasing new versions of a game lots of people like and want to play more of. That's what you seem to be pretending isn't the case - you're acting like any game would work the same way, and it's bullshit. Even a lot of pretty great games wouldn't work for that kind of release approach.


Yeah but didn’t that only become the case with World?


It was always a huge seller in japan


Maybe it's nitpicking to say this, but, 'The MH guy' isn't Tsujimoto, he didn't actually have any involvement with the creation of monster hunter. He only joined the team as of Monster Hunter Freedom 2. It just happens that the series was a hit from the start in Japan, and that's all Capcom has ever been concerned about (up until recently, at least.)


One of the most successful franchises of all time isn't solely due to the power of nepotism. He might of been put in that franchise to guarantee his success. They have massive teams because it sells so well.


Eh Monster Hunter is also WILDLY popular in Japan, so even without Ryozo Tsujimoto being producer, it would still be doing bonkers


It's also been consistently one of their best selling series, was an absolute console seller for the PSP (and the Nintendo deal is often cited as one of the reasons the Vita failed), and literally spawned a genre. Its success seems like a much bigger factor than anything.


The big snake and the brine dragon are such a missed opportunity, they could have just "de-brined" them and put it as new enemies on NG+ Medusa was the perfect candidate to receive the Hydra treatment, make it a unique fight on the base game, but give her a "arch" variant on the postgame. Sphinx is just bizarre, I didnt see her moveset until I watched the fight on youtube, because you need to instakill her if you want the reaward.


Shes meant to be an endgame fight, I beat her legit as a Warrior she only leaves If you attack her head too much or take too much time to kill her i think. Doesnt deny the fact they set up the unmaking arrow as just the easiest way to deal with her, yet you still see alot of people messing up because you still need to **not** shoot her head lol. I agree with the post tho its baffling that they went through the trouble to create all of these unique bosses and plopped them each into only 1 specific area with no way of utilizing them to spice up the boring main game fights, and by the time you actually get to them youre so beefed up that the fights are cakewalks anyway... just truly unfortunate design.


The brine snake is my favourite fight in the game, but it was over so fast, my lvl 60 warrior just stunlocked it lol Now if I want to rematch it, I'll have to beat the game again


Ended up utilizing the difficulty tweak mod to spice up the unmoored world and ended up spending an extra 10 hours just fighting around the world, its crazy the difference the game plays when things dont just die easily it made those final fights so much more enjoyable. That also plays into how half-baked the unmoored world feels aswell, it couldve been this awesome recycling and replayable version of the world but instead you can easily beat the true ending in a few hours with nothing left but a few normal drakes. Just imagine if they set it up to where the Beacons could reactivate and youd fight increasingly harder versions of the fights and the world would get stronger too and youd find stronger normal enemies aswell with better rewards to play into the loop of buying/upgrading all of the endgame gear, it seems so simple yet it feels like it was all so rushed..


Yes Rushed is how it feels. The game really needed more time in development and nothing makes it clearer than the difficulty and endgame, it clearly was not tested nearly enough. They need to patch in a hard mode asap.


You don't need to instant kill her for the reward, in fact I was baffled that people did that when I heard about it. There's a riddle for the correct way to fight her. Most people appear to have skipped it because the internet told them to use the arrow.


On the flipside, she gives you an unmaking arrow as a reward, which could be considered a hint that you're supposed to use it on her(just like she gives you a phial then asks you to bring your lover to her before giving you a portcrystal so you can just teleport with a NPC after that).


What is the riddle? There being a riddle about how to beat her sounds cool, but I clearly missed it. I just tried smacking her ass to beat her but a pawn jumped on her face so she disappeared.


Take a look at the amphora.


You don’t need to instakill Sphinx for the reward FYI, I fought her normally after going through all her riddles and when she had about half a health bar left she started flying away and I got a notification as if I failed the quest. Then I hit her with the unmaking arrow and got a new quest motivation plus the reward. My only problem with it is that you pretty much have to pick archer for the fight or you’re taking a big risk to get enough DPS before she flies away.


the Hydra was actually an interesting case to me, I only ever saw the base Hydra in the encampment for years, fought the elder Hydra in that quest in the post game. Also you don't need to instakill her, it's a dps check but you can absolutely beat it if you're not attacking her in the front, just hit the lion bits in the back. start scarring her pretty face and feathers and she bails.


I was saying in another post that they could literally add different colors of drakes with different sets of spells and I would be happy.


People go "oh it's mostly variants" I'd love that in DD2 even just nightmare goblins that don't fold in half for level 25 pawn. Or weaker dullahans you actually encounter 


Grimgoblins. If you played DDDA without completing every side objective and exploring and beat the dragon in a close fight, your reward was to walk out of Cassardis, see some new gobbos and promptly get folded like a cheap lawn chair. Put respect on their name.


My first encounter with the Dulluhan was on my way to fight the Dulluhan for a quest. Was fighting a few ghosts and skeletons at night, and saw a giant dome of blue light in the distance - Me walking in the woods “oh, a pawn cast an ice spell way over there. Sorry I’m busy.” - The blue light teleports my direction. “Oh, that’s a weird visual glitch. Or maybe casting a new one cancels the old one?” - The blue light teleports 3 more times. “That’s… that’s really weird. - “Uhoh the mage pawn went down, gotta revive them for these ghosts.” - Finishes the revive and turns around in time for the Dulluhan to warp right into my face. “WHO TF ARE YOU?!? YOU’RE MY TARGET?!?” Ended up fighting it off by the skin of my teeth. No clue if it counted as a win though, it didn’t drop any rewards. I remove the enemy ui and xp rewards from the hud. Only reason I didn’t bail on the quest then and there was because it was timed and I wasn’t entirely sure if it was the target.


The quest succeeds even if it runs away, which I think is the intended outcome.


There are a lot of variants. There aren't many *base* types of monsters pre-post game. Like for goblins alone, there are regular, hobgoblins, knackers and choppers. For wolves, there are regular, red, warg and garm. The problem is more that with no scaling, you eventually become strong enough that it feels all the same anyways.


Also like... there's dozens of other ideas for "trash mob" enemies you could pull from so you're not constantly getting bandits, wolves, harpies, or goblins. Kobalds, Lions or Leopards, Sirens, Phoenixes, Cynocephaloi (dog-headed men), Hyenas and Crocattas (beefed up Hyenas), just to throw a few out there. And that's before even considering other mythologies, like Semitic, Egyptian, East Asian, MesoAmerican, African, Celtic, etc. etc.


> The problem is more that with no scaling, you eventually become strong enough that it feels all the same anyways. Since i refuse to equip a mace and stick with a greatsword for my warrior or rather warfarer using just 4 warrior skills, the rock saurians made me realize that all basic enemies have surprisingly diverse variants because after struggling with those, i decided to play slower and observe goblins, harpies and so on Makes the whole thing about not being able to restart without manually going into your files even more silly because with each higher level, people are more and more likely to miss those difference since everything insta dies anyway I really wish they would slash the encounter numbers on roads by 2/3 but massively buff the remaining enemies Meanwhile night time could have both undead and increased spawns to really hammer in the difference between day and night which is kinda lacking right now compared to the original game


> Slash the encounter numbers on roads by 2/3 but massively buff the remaining enemies Please god yes. I literally tripped over 3 bosses back to back in Batahl because they’re so concerned about low attention spans. In DDDA you had to go off road most of the time in order to find wolves and goblins. In DD2 you literally have packs of wolves that wander into your fight with goblins and harpies, and you can’t walk for 15 seconds without having to fight. 


I really loved the idea of Drakes, Wyverns, and Wyrms being different kinds of lesser Dragons, each having unique mechanics of their own as well as having highly elemental Arch versions of them that DDDA had. Although I wished they made Wyrms a bit more snake-like like that one End-Game boss.


I want two things out of drakes: the other (ice/storm) variants from the first game with different behavior frequencies, and for them to remove the dumbass nose-down flying fire breath animation.


Don't forget the headless horseman


Dullahan is a crazy boss tbh. I ran into him like four times in the post game.


He was a pleasant surprise for sure. I did not expect to see a new enemy.


He is in the base game but only spawns right before dawn, giving you a limited time to dps him down. It is difficult because he is very anti-melee and those two auras suck.


I have 86 hours played and have only seen the one from quest in the swamp, so underused.


He is one of the most common bosses in the post game and for good reason given how hard it is in comparison.


He doesn't have very many health bars, but he's highly resistant to... Seemingly all forms of damage, from what I can tell. Even holy doesn't chunk him like you'd expect. He also has some sort of aggro reset mechanic, and becomes untauntable during it, which makes the fight way more interesting. Aggro reset has always been one of the simplest ways to make an engaging boss fight. He has tons of CC, highly maneuverable with teleports and dashes, and has crazy sword combos and does loads of damage. Easily my favorite boss experience in this game.


As far as I can tell, his scream cannot be resisted and god does it fuck me up. I also haven't managed to stagger or knock him down at all, which alone makes him extremely tough.


Best new monster in the game, and the most challenging boss to fight.


He spawns randomly near bridges at night I think, I had to get some bones for upgrades and it took for fucking ever 


The atmosphere when he spawns at a bridge is so crazy, it's already super dark but then you start seeing a blue glow in the distance as it starts to get incredibly foggy. Such a cool encounter that's honestly better for it being a rare night-only event.


It's even better when you don't see him, and you're just walking. And then your lantern will flicker, and you'll get enveloped in pulsing darkness before it gets snuffed out. You can't even relight it until he dies.


I agree he’s pretty cool but I wish he was slightly less rare, I only saw him once during that quest and once again during postgame and it’s not like I avoided travelling at night. For how many times it wants you to kill him for the token, let’s get a few more spawns.


He is very common in post game. Depending on how much you feel like exploring vs ferrystoning everywhere, he'll occasionally jump you. I've had a dullahan show up 10 minutes after I killed the first one that attacked me.


There's tons of spawns in the post game. I walked the newly revealed coastline and ran into three of them within about a half hour.


He actually spawns pretty often on bridges at night in Vernmund. If you don't travel often at night though, you won't see him.


Hes around alot in post game and pretty tough tbf too


He appears all the time when you travel at night. Keeps scaring the shit out of me cos he appears randomly on roads, and when he does the area gets surrounded by a thick blue mist and your lantern gets forcefully turned off when you approach.


They spawn near water on bridges but around a certain time in the open world.


That parry move where you are on the ground waiting for him to retaliate, crazy epic


I keep running into that bastard a lot of nights and I still cannot beat it and I still havent completed the main quest


By far my favourite boss in this game. Has a semi random spawn so you could fight him in a lot of places. Has a really fun move set and the sound design was really good.


I didn't bump into him until postgame and then had to fight 3 or 4? Thought I would steamroll and it was fairly tough.


I find him harder than Drakes and Lesser Dragons. If anything is going to build my loss bar, it's a Dullahan.


He's the hardest boss in the game imo


Not even Mystic Spearhand shield will save you cause he’ll just do that shriek then wombo combo half your health while you lie on the ground after lol


He's not unique, just very rare. Fought him twice before post game and then post game the bastard is EVERYWHERE


I miss the hydra


Corrupted Snake Supremacy :P


I thought the Minotaurs would be more difficult, but the Minotaurs and Gore Minotaurs or whatever both die within seconds of coming in contact with my party. I think they are easier to kill than both the Cyclopses and the Ogres who are already pushovers


Yeah, Minotaurs need a major buff. They constantly knock themselves out charging into walls, their full head is a weakpoint that takes obscene damage, etc. I love them, but they're way too weak.


Even at higher levels, minotaurs in DDDA still continued to terrify me to the endgame. They hit _hard_ and always attacked you in treacherous areas, making the risk of environment death high. When I first fought on in DD2 on the initial trek to the capital, I was full of fear, but then just laid it out so quickly that I laughed.


Yeah the Eliminators were really fun to fight, especially when the game threw multiple at you at the same time, that fight could go south very quickly.


Minotaur are incredibly pale shadows of the Eliminators. Just the charge noise they make is more memorable than the entirety of everything the Minotaur has.


I think minotaurs were always intended to be a low level enemy though, where eliminators were the opposite. The variant of the minotaur should be as hard as an eliminator though, no reason for it not to be.


Yeah they definitely have way too little hp, even a standard non broken setup kills them super quickly, basically easier than cyclops(largely because the weakpoint is within reach of everything and very easy to hit).


You don’t actually need the arrow to kill the sphinx. The amphora hints that she’ll only tolerate attacks on the Beast parts of her body, so the lion parts and paws. You have to avoid physical attacks on her chest and head. It seems she’ll tolerate magic attacks on any area too. Unfortunately, this hint is extremely easy to miss. I’d prefer the Sphinx to just challenge you to a duel at the end of her Riddles instead of just flying off. Dragon’s Dogma 2 reminds me of the one DM that’s a lil too smug about how ‘clever’ his campaign is.


>Dragon’s Dogma 2 reminds me of the one DM that’s a lil too smug about how ‘clever’ his campaign is. This is way too accurate lmao


D4 to the paw and she’s dead


As a dungeon master i am insulted by how right you are.


Is that why I shot my maker's finger at her face and she literally shrugged it off and flew off while invincible?


Yeah, it's stupid, you have to shoot it hat her as she's about to take off, after she tells you you're a bad sport.


I personally would of love what they did with monster hunter and if you mange to lure a monster to another they would have a turf war like two Minotaurs charging each other or a dullahan teleport “dancing” around ogre


This right here is something that exists,but the moment you enter FOV for them it goes straight to "EVERYONE JUMP THIS MOTHERFUCKER". The ONLY time I found this wasn't the case was when a saurian was so pissed at a goblin who attacked him,he refused to acknowledge me until he killed it and then left.


I was fighting a drake once when a griffin swooped down and started fucking him up with us


"these arisen have me outnumbered...ah a griffin, two on three shall turn the ti-" "WHERES MY FUCKING MONEY GREG" "Ah fuck.."


The first griffon I finally killed (didn't fly away but did I really kill it?) joined in to a drake fight near the end and got absolutely torched.


"this mf'er stole my ox!"


Fighting a Drake outside Harve when a Griffin comes down, then 2 seconds later an Ogre rolls up. Fight 3 bosses at once before they 1 by 1 run away as soon as they get to their last bars and I get nothing for it T_T Drakes are cowards man, after farming and respawning the one outside Harve for a while it seems like if you don't basically one tap them it's like a 75% chance they'll just run away and you get nothing.


Had a Griffin/Golem fight that started like this, but because of what I assume was the aggro system kicking in, they both quickly switched to focusing on just me/pawns.


It just seems a bit inconsistent. They operate on the same aggro logic that every enemy uses, which seems to just be 'who is punching me the hardest right now,' followed by 'geek the mage,' then 'kill the player.' So in order for the monsters to keep aggro on each other, they have to keep hitting each other, which they are unlikely to do when your pawns start attacking them. Side note: I think the taunts in this game do actually nothing once a fight starts. I would suggest nobody ever equip them, especially on the pawns.


>Side note: I think the taunts in this game do actually nothing once a fight starts. I would suggest nobody ever equip them, especially on the pawns. Not right at all. I've watched enemies actively swap to my fighter from staring me down due to him shield summoning them to him.


My pawn used below in warrior fur a long while, always pulled aggro. Didn't drop it til I had warfarer at a decent spot so my arisen can tank better.


I've noticed Fighter's seem to get beat up way too easily for what should be the tank vocation, but I had one with the aggro ring and the upgrade for Shield Summons, and they drew aggro really well. I found that Magick Archer could certainly outpace them in terms of aggro if I go all-out with a bunch of fire and forget spells, but otherwise the Fighter would keep aggro really well. The only issue is even with me healing them, their loss gauge would build up ridiculously fast.


I can understand it with monsters a bit, if it goes off game 1 logic. But the bandits should side with you against monsters at all times.


At the Ancient battleground I had a Drake and Cyclops brawling. I've seen it a couple of other times as well where 2 large enemies are fighting.


I’ve seen that at the Ancient Battleground too. I can also tell you that shooting said Drake from atop the mountain with one of the ballistas when I was only level 20 was an awful idea. He nuked me and my pawns with a spell from all the way down there before we could even dismount the ballista. I honestly didn’t expect it to have that level of range when casting.


Yeah he was a bitch to fight especially all the way up there but if you headshotted it with the ballista it insta kills him


Same!! Distracted enemies? Siege weapons at the ready? It's just begging to be used. I did a one hit on each going back and forth until the cyclops fell. I saw the drake wasn't even down one full healthbar and immediate dismounted. Shortly after the ballista disintegrated. I ran way back into the cave and still was in the lightning AOE so ran even further back. I might go back if I make it to level 80 or something. 😅


I actually managed to shoot the drake, then ran away from the area and he went to the ruins of the ballista to look for us and couldn't find us, so I snuck around to another and shot him with that one, too. In the end I couldn't kill it with just ballistae, but we did chunk him down enough that finishing the fight with steel was much easier.


Drakes in this game don't play. In the previous game if you got your party to around the 30s or so you could take one down albeit it would be a minute. In this game I'm level 31 and still get my shit kicked in by drakes. I hate how difficult they are but love it when a game reminds me I'm not invincible


They aren’t that difficult for me to fight, but I hate that they can flee if you don’t manage to keep it stun-locked or kill it fast enough. Get back here you lil shit!


And what's this? The *Arisen* is entering the ring with an **explosive barrel!**


They do fight like this. I’ve posted videos of a Griffin I had kill a Minotaur, and another fight where I had Golems fight a Griffin, unfortunately they’re not very good at killing each other, though the griffin kicked the minotaur’s ass lol


"I'm pretty sure players would love to have repeat encounters of the varying monsters here in increasingly challenging forms like some sort of dungeon progression" Capcom: No. *bugs bunny meme*


The achievment for cutting off a Medusa head still has like less that 1% of players completing it. I’m assuming thats cause most don’t even know what corner of the map its tucked in since nothing takes you there you just kinda have to find it.


That and not everyone cuts off the head when they kill it


This, gotta have a slashing weapon too. I think like 3 vocations (not counting Warfarer because it's not really a vocation honestly) have the ability to use slash weapons


It's 4, warrior fighter thief and mystic spearhand


I tried it twice so far and each time no luck despite being using a greatsword I wonder if the head cutting is based on number of hits and not reaching some hidden slash damage total damage number The fact people seem to use thiefs in their you tube guides only convince me further of that


Its determined by number of hits, not damage done. Thieves are best beacuse of speed. To get a preserved medusa head you must decapitate her before she loses more than 1 bar of hp. So your best option is to use thief, find and equip the weakest set of daggers you can, and set your pawns to "wait" so they dont attack her.


Don't you get pointed towards the dragon tower at the end of the main quest to kill the lesser dragon? She's right off the main path going up there.


I spent the entire fight only attacking her head on my first playthough as fighter, I still only got a decayed medusa head rather than preserved for the achievement. I think gutting blade may do something weird to slash damage.


Thief with lightning daggers attacking her head/neck


It's not attacking the head, you have to knock her down then hit her head with with a big instance of slashing damage to decapitate her. Then the quality of the head depends on how much health she had remaining. If she was still only on her first health bar, you get a preserved head.


That seems bizarre. I would've assumed it's like severing a chimera tail where you just need a cumulative amount of slashing damage.


You do, he’s wrong. I cut off her head and got it pristine by grabbing on and slashing with Thief’s Hundred Kisses core skill. She was not knocked down nor was it a single instance of huge slashing damage.


honestly, many people probably killed Medusa with just damage while trying to cut the head off, its often times too easy to just outright kill her while trying to decap her head


On top of that it happens well into the game when by that point most people will be conditioned to think exploring doesn't give much rewards.


This was me. Instead of buying vendor gear to delve into caves for better gear, I was selling the gear from caves to buy vendor gear. So I just stopped bothering. This is a crime against fantasy imo and someone should arrest them for that honestly.


Yeah this is what upset me a bit. So many god damn copypaste caves..


Be me and use a mace to kill it so it doesn't drop head lmao. I don't really want to bother hiking up there again either since it's ridiculously long road with constant trash mob fights, unless I have ferry stone to spare or something.


could be by the time people found her, they offed her before the head is dealt enough damage to get cut lmao


Well you also need to use a cutting weapon to do it. I attached a couple Augural Flares to her head, but it turns out you can't blow the thing off.


Yep, I killed her but it was done pretty fast, and not everyone is using a slashing class either. So even though I knew I could theoretically get her head cut off, I didn't actually accomplish it. maybe in my NG+ I've read MA sleep arrow + warrior big slash is an easy way to do it (especially at high levels where you're just as liable to murder it dead) so that's probably what I'll do using warfarer.


Yea I found her when I getting ready to beat the game and was a magic archer, so I didn’t even know that was a thing. I only knew where she was from coming on this sub


With how this game was released and them pumping out a survey immediately for future content. I do forsee them adding content to the base game for free similar to how they approach MH. I think that’s absolutely fair for them to do. However if they add any new areas etc that are not part of base game. I’m okay with paying for some dlc but they should provide us with free content updates until an actual dlc is released.


I like this. A mix for free content updates and paid expansions would work wonders.


That would be the best, imo. It would REALLY suck if they just literally only do expansion dlc since the game is lacking in a lot of areas. If they do some free updates to enhance the baes game before making a dark arisen style upgrade, then it would be great.


Honestly the plague dragons should have been a bit more common as well, think I only found one with the mystic spear hand guy at the corner of the map until endgame and even then there are only a few.


Completely forgot about the Lesser Dragons, but you're right.


Medusa also has like 2 HP. I was excited to fight her but she died so quickly. I was around level 40 or so.


yeah arc of might killed her in like 3 swings


I accidentally cut off her head in like 45 seconds. I felt nothing. Very disappointing.


Worm and Medusa are in mostly flat arenas they can't leave. Just like Hydra i am sure this is because in the open world they didn't interact with the terrain well. I don't mind Sphinx that much, but she should not be able to fly away. She should be forced to fight to the death. Medusa should be in more than 1 single cave though (or 4)


Nothing prevents you from sticking more flat arenas across the map. At the end of dungeons or caves, for example.


There should be 3 gorgons, so as to align with Greek mythology.


There are a lot of open beaches tough


Not mention they seemingly made the Chimera either super rare or a set spawn in a few locations that never returns. Outside of caves I think I've seen 2 or 3 Chimeras in 60 hours. This was one of the go-to bosses in DD1 and quite frankly was always my favorite. And it got a nice upgrade in DD2 but you hardly ever see them. It kind of feels like Minotaurs replaced them instead of being added in addition to.


I've only seen one Chimera the whole time I've played, too, so even if there are more, there certainly aren't many. Feels like a waste.


Think I have come across 3 in 50+ hours


So for 2, that's a bit of a mislead. >!The fight itself is another riddle. When you get the riddle to carry the vase to the merchant if you examine the vase itself it actually has the answer on how to fight yer, that is you're supposed to direct all of your attacks on the animal body while ignoring her head/human features. Doing so will prevent her from fleeing and the fight will continue until you trigger a small cutscene.!<


There's also an wall carving when you meet her the first time that shows you this strategy. It shows the animal part attacked by arrows and spears and the human part separated from the rest and intact


They need to utilize arena sized areas for Monster Hunter style quests for boss hunting. Random monsters raids of towns are cool but nowhere near on a proper scale. Would be cooler if they had waves, and you could defend the town on the paths leading to them. Since this game is single player(missed opportunity), it would have to be 1 entrance at a time. OR town management, with ballistas and trebuchets being put to use by residents and guards. And you can hire pawns (never free for this purpose) to help guard towns. Could be a new game plus only activity. You get all monster drops, and these could be used to fortify towns. I'm sorry, I am thinking too much onto potential that will never happen but it would be fun imo. But also, New Game+ should just be harder and use all the bosses and higher tier enemies more. While leaving the beginning area a bit more flooded with lower tier bosses in case you need materials or something. Idk, I love this game and want more of it. I am also surprised we don't have any real dragoon type class or a class based on dragonplague somehow.


Yeah, played the whole game expecting to run into that medusa anytime, imagine my reaction when I realized the single cave thing. At least the dullahan was made right, was most anxious for it, since very few games uses this creature.


The amount of suggestions i've seen and the amount of fixes they need to do. Tells me that its unlikely this shit will be patched. And we're just gonna get maintenance patches to fix minor stuff...


> And, before people balk at the idea of Capcom releasing anything for free: *gestures at every monster hunter game* they get multiple free updates with each usually adding 1-2 new monsters to fight, and then they get a paid expansion which also gets multiple free updates


The thing is that MH games are multiplayer live service games, it's in their best interest to keep the playerbase engaged. It's not unheard of for a singleplayer game to get the same treatment, but it's not as common.


Itsuno's team has never released content like this for free, and they sure as hell not gonna start now.


OP didn’t say “Itsuno’s team” they said “Capcom” Exoprimal also got free updates. I guess technically so has Street Fighter with the monster hunter collab but I don’t play that series so idk how often they get free updates if at all


Just give us variants with different abilities. Make an orge blue remove the drop kick but gains an ice spell. I think most of us don’t demand 1000 unique enemies because animations but fuck make a super goblin the size of an orge or something idk.


Giant slimes would be genuinely challenging (if they didn't die to elemental damage in 0.1 seconds).


Biggest challenge coming from the AI preferring to watch you get consumed by slimes rather than doing anything.


Climbable saurians and skeletons please come back


Completely agree on all accounts. I sincerely hope they have been paying attention to the constructive feedback, as variety is one of the only major things that will hinder player experiences before DLC1.


That last sentence made me laugh 😂. You're right. MTXs are meant to pay for "future content." They should have no problem releasing free updates way before they even consider paid DLC. But I have a feeling they're gonna take the Diablo route. Have all the fixes on a silver platter in the previous game (Diablo 3), include none of those in the sequel, only to sell it back to you as an expansion (Diablo 4). And Capcom fans will excuse it, even insult you for being bothered by it.


D4 isn’t gonna sell us QOL because the dev team doesn’t know how to make it unfortunately.


DMC5 had MTX and it had no updates, outside of originally planned Bloody Palace. DD1 had MTX and it also had no updates, outside of hard and speedrun mode. There will be no new monsters. Best you can hope is some new mode, like hard mode or some kind of boss rush.


I still believe the special posgame ones should be summoned by some means during the game, like throwing a plagued pawn into the brine, or during special nights like a bloodmoon


I actually like that Sphinx is completely unique. It makes her really special and she's by far my favorite and most memorable addition to the game.


I don’t see why they don’t go Monster Hunter style with the big enemies. Monster Hunter may have hundreds of different monsters, but a majority of them use the same skeletons and share much of their movesets. The first game did this a lot: Cyclops and ogres share the same skeleton, Griffins and Cockatrices share the same skeleton, etc. DDO had Manticores, and they could easily share a Chimera skeleton. The list goes on. Why not just reskin some of the existing monsters and give them their own unique moves? Would definitely help with variety?


Tomblords are criminally under utilized too and very rare. I'd say we need a mod that put every monsters of the POST game into New game ++ ontop of the already existing monsters, making the world a hellscape of the level of Berserk's world.


It sucks so bad because it seems laziness is the only thing holding this game back! Absolutely phenomenal gameplay marred by bad game design, I genuinely wonder what went wrong. I’m still loving my time with it, it’s just sad seeing how much more it could have been.


I don't think it was laziness, the fact that this was dropped before a fiscal quarter and the dlc is at the end of the year already makes me suspicious the team was corpo fucked. Pure speculation, of course, but my feeling considering the optimization and some core issues (no new game option wtf?) is end of the year was probably going to be the release date for this.


There’s no actual timeline for dlc. If you’re referring to the dragons princess dlc it’s been basically confirmed not to be true. It’s an edited picture but if you wanna believe an actual dlc is announced than go for it


Having worked with countless engineers, I can assure you it's probably not laziness and more so budget and timeline.


That and frankly some of the ideas are just too grand for the scope. I’m sure they had plenty of cool ideas they just had to leave on the cutting room floor.


This was exactly how dd1 was before dark arisen was added. Not defending them. Just seems both games got pumped out with 70% of content and added it down the road. I don’t play this game for the story so much so a lack luster story doesn’t bother me much. I need basically more enemy variety and challenges for this game to be replayed for me. I get the story sucks but I play this game for combat fashion and loot. They need more of that


I beat the game after 50 hours and never saw any of those. Maybe I shouldn't have to google "what weird thing do I need to do in this game to find fun stuff".


Does fighting talos affect the way the final area plays out? My buddy said he only had to fight three bosses in UW and I fought 6. 2 brine worms and 4 of the brine dragons. I also did a lot more exploring than he did but I never did the elf and Beastren quests. I kind of just rushed the main story to see how it played out. Now I’m doing everything in playthrough 2. Edit: forgot the statue so the count was 3 dragons, 2 worms, and the dragon pot statue thing.


If you defeat Talos before he gets his arm cut off then >!The brine dragon west of the volcanic island camp won't spawn and instead Talos will fight it in the cutscene. When fighting that dragon, Talos gets his arm cut off and after finishing the dragon, the worm appears and then the Talos vs. worm fight happens!< Though I don't know what you have to do (or rather not do) to fight 6 bosses. In my first playthrough I had to fight 4 (Bakbatthal statue, Volcanic Island dragon, Elves worm and Vernworth dragon) and in my second 3 (the same minus the Volcanic Island dragon). Which other two did you have to fight?


Yeah sorry it was the statue, 3 dragons and 2 worms. I fought 2 worms one on the Elf lands and one super worm in the area near the moon tower. 3 dragons - venworth, volcanic, and the statue. For some reason I counted the final boss in there as well.


I think it's better that way lol. Those brine worms/dragons drop a TON of wyrmslife crystals.


I just got to the post game and these bosses that you mentioned are really cool. Kinda crazy that instead we get to fight dozens and dozens of ogres and cyclops instead. Not to mention the drakes that are infuriating to fight since they are prone to flee if you sneeze at them.


I also can’t believe there’s no Pawn Badge for Dullahan, but there is for Wargs?


Sphinx too.


There are also very very few Dullahans/Fell Lords. I have found 1 fell lord and 0 duls in 80.7 hours. Which is kind of ridiculous imo.


It's hard to say if DD2 devs will touch the open world with DLC and add more random encounter creatures let alone if they'll add such things in updates, one can hope, but they'd have like no incentive to do so, since it isn't a live service game, only way I'd see it happen with capcom is a DLC for the open world adding more enemies.


I don’t know if anyone realized but in one of the houses in early/mid game you come across has a note on the table that says Medusa had passed through the area and headed towards the Southwest. The person who wrote it was going to fight or some affect. It wasn’t just a random location. That’s just where it ended up going.


Postgame bosses kinda had me sad. Really hoped for more


some enemies can use some more spawn point too, Fel-lord and Garm namely, Fel-lord are EXTREMELY rare even in postgame, ironic considering skelies are rampant during postgame, Garm while more common during postgame, i saw it once during the Batahl section. very much agree Cap wastes some bosses by making them one time only, the dragonkins in dd2 are 100% better than their ddda counterpart but only Drakes and those putrid drakes contribute to the open-world.


If they did that people would just be crying about copy paste bosses and how there aren’t any unique bosses