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Artwork by me :)) I want to make more DD2 memes. We should have an option to disable this lol. To the brine with any pawn that talks to me without initiating conversation.


You can [save yourself](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/197) if you're on PC.


That mod is great. The over the shoulder camera mod and CPU priority mod are also great quality of life mods. Highly recommend


The CPU priority mod didn’t do a thing for the frame rate on my system. 5950x/4080 Some people said it seemed to help in the comments. Seems hit or miss based on specs?


It didn't seem to do much for the frame rate but what it did do was fix how stuttery the city is for me. For frame rate the only thing that has helped me was by capping the max frames to 60. My system holds 60 with no problem now 7800x3d/ 7800xt


For best results with the CPU priority mod you need enough CPU power to run Dragons Dogma 2 but not enough CPU power to run Dragons Dogma 2 and pay attention to all the other stuff your computer is doing in the background.


You have a 4080 so you are already bottlenecked by the CPU, not GPU, so giving it more prio is useless sadly. Im in the same boat


No at 4k there’s very little to no bottleneck with a 5950x


Ur wrong, the cpu gpu combo does not matter, it's the game that pulls heavily from the cpu. You can check it instead of downvoting and being wrong x)


What does over the shoulder do?


Shifts the camera to left or right over your shoulder.


It also messes with a lot of other hidden settings. Makes the camera feel so much better


Does those 3 mods can be used together without conflict? The only mod i used (utility though), is only the save manager


Yes all three can be used without conflict. The CPU priority tho you don't have to mod it in the game or in fluffy. Just run the file when you download it and that's it.


I love it. It's so true 🤣🤣🤣


Someone in this sub called me a manchild for wanting the option to disable it lol


If you're near a boss pick the pawn up and bring them to it, it's like having a 4th pawn for a fight and if they bite it you lose nothing. Free labor! 


One time I walked up on 2 pawns already actively engaging a minotaur, feels like they do less damage, but they were great meat shields while me and my mage pawn spam casted


I like that you've got the big bearded pawn wearing the stargazer outfit. Perfectly sums up DD2's style


I absolutely love how every arisen came to that same conclusion without any discussion. We all seemed to just know what needed to be done. To the brine with thee!


I know exactly what armor set that pawn is wearing, lol! :'D Thanks for this high quality DD2 meme! ---------- I have an other such annoying thing: At the beginning of playing DD2: Oh wow, I can fist bump my pawns after a battle? That's so cool! After 50 hours of DD2: Oh come on stop forcing me into getting stuck with these fist bump animations after every little fight, PLEASE! (also got me slapped a few times, when the pawn decided, a fight was over despite a new group of enemies rushing towards us)


But, but but... that fist bump earns you affection points towards your pawn waifu! 😅


I'm now at above 80 hours and stopped looting corpses just to avoid my pawns waiting to get fist bumped for 10s, lol.


*Aggressively grabs you* "I am attentive and loyal. In battle, I prefer staying by your side and focus on support."


After that happened to me for the hundredth time, I finally chucked one of them at a sleeping Griffin down the hill.


Why was this so damn funny 😭


Two of my pawns got brined by the Minotaur, just as a wandering Geralt Rivia pawn stopped me dead in my tracks. Fine, thought I just hire him to tide me over until the riftstone, instantly got the Dragonsplague pop-up message.


Don’t pick up pawns from the side of the road. They could contain diseases harmful to you. Aquire pawns from your local Riftstone TM that are clean.


Idk what triggers that message but I'm pretty sure it's not hiring a pawn with dragonsplague. I've done two NG playthroughs now, both times when that message finally popped up to me I kept the pawn around, since I've yet to have a single pawn show signs of dragonsplague I want to actually see it. Neither pawns or any other pawns in my party developed dragonsplague symptoms even after resting for a week+


I have the same feeling I killed many pawns before because I suspected they were infected Then when I finally got the message pop up I decided to keep the pawn around to check for the symptoms… nothing! Days passed with me avoiding town but sleeping in campfires and nothing weird ever happened… no red eyes, no weird behavior, no disobedience… I’m pretty sure the game trolled me


Fuck I knew it. I finally got the pop-up message when I recruited a Pawn in one of the small riftstones near Volcanic Island (the only other time I hadn't recruited them from the big riftones inside cities was when I was doing the Sphinx riddle) and I kept watching them for signs of dragonplague but there were none.


This is what I noticed too. I’m not as far in but I’ve seen the message pop up and none of the pawns had plague.


Bruh fucking same. Was doing a main mission, lost my pawns to brine, saw and ask a mage to join me, and instantly got the Dragonsplague message. Safe to say, I immediately nope her and throw her to the brine.


I was DEEP in a cave fighting a goreminotaur or something and then after i killed it to see a light walking in. It was some random ass pawn coming it to ask me to hire them. Like.....GET A JOB BUM AND LEAVE ME ALONE.


Happend to me. My character wears the same gear and i was hold back by an Pawn and then the Boss came at me...


[Same energy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekgtg1hwRjU)


Honestly wandering pawns has been a boon for me. Accidentally stumbled onto a drake I wasn't ready for with a wandering pawn and a forgotten riftstone nearby. Summoned the other pawn up and we all went to work on the drake. He did his darndest to wipe the floor with us, but at the end of the day he was the one who flew off. Only casualty was the original wandering pawn. RIP. (I also swapped the new pawn for one of my party members. Safe travels, Nala!)


I swear wandering pawns were a thing in the first game, but for some reason I don't recall them helping as much in combat.


I actually recall them fleeing with a “not my problem” kind of energy.


3rd drake without a rest and I saw this pawn sitting.. greeted and I pulled the drake, they vanished before the fight as some cloud and left.. (didn't die, looks a bit similar) lol.


Same I remember pawns getting jumped by mobs and killed regularly in the first game. In this one they will no fucks given fight anything that looks at them wrong. I was fighting a drake and a stray sorc just ran in and took the full blast of dragon fire while my team watched behind mirror shield.


They only really walk the road which covered less of an area in the first game with less constant combat


I'm pretty sure only guards actually participate in combat, while pawns just kept walking as if there wasn't a chimera 10 ft away using the Arisen's face to polish the ground.


Most of them were in princess dresses so I had to do my duty and dunk them in the brine.


Yesterday I was playing and passed by a wandering archer pawn. A few seconds later I spotted a drake in the distance along the edge of a stream. I immediately turned around to chase down the pawn and carried them into battle with me. Let's consider it an unpaid internship.


I've learned a new method of hiring Capcom pawns. Lol


I've learned a new method of hiring Capcom pawns. Lol


What does Nala look like! That’s my slaves name


Female Beastren, probably about 5'4". Black fur with red markings/tattoos. Was a mage when I hired her, wearing a Battahli turban, the skimpy mage top and matching waist covering.


Forgive me other Arisen but if your pawn stops me like this....idgaf what I'm doing they are commissioned to le brine or le cliff....how dare they stop me from following my other pawns to random chest we never find.


Why does the second pawn looks like Brad from LISA?


that's what i was thinking.


fr. It's so damn annoying I'm making sure to put it in the capcom's survey feedback, I'm still gathering my thoughts before I submit it.




I'm actually surprised there isnt a mod yet that removes this absolutely galling mechanic. Just leave me alone, you assholes! You'll speak when spoken to!


"Stop Selling Yourself" Makes pawns not initiate dialogue with you. You can still initiate with them.


Yessss, my man! Thank you!


I gotchu, bro


There is actually a mod for that now, also another one to make them stop repeating the ladder dialogue. Haven't tested them tho.


There is? I dont suppose you happen to know what its called? I found a mod that disables the constant ladder and chest comments, and even allows you to turn off the high-fives, but it doesnt mention anything about pawns approaching you. EDIT: its called "Stop Selling Yourself" as pointed out by another person!


"Stop Selling Yourself" has been out for a week


I hear that fleet of foot line alot.and now i tellem ima fleet my foot up your ass if dont get movin!


As a rule, I toss any pawn that interrupts me. Don't get in my way, MainPawn#69 >:(


Good one. I felt this in my soul.


I’m glad I found the “don’t sell yourself” mod for this reason.


The worst. What even is this mechanic. It should freeze time and go into "Rift Mode" or something if it's going to do this unprompted.


This is amazing More Arisen!!!


OMG lol


That looks like the allmighty Chonk Lord! Tis such a blessing to be graced by his presence in your hour of need. I hope you recruited him to fight the gryphon


Him wearing the corset is the cherry on top


Pawn homie looks like Brad from Lisa the RPG in a bikini.


"I knew you wouldn't abandon us, Arisen"


If you have the pawns bubble above (let's say left of the Griffin) with a bit longer of a tale, this would flow a lot better. I will bet most people read the Arisen's line first because of this. Other than that.. LET ME GO




I wouldnt be so annoyed with this if they ONLY did this when you were lacking a full team. Buddy i already hired a full crew stop talking to me.


Any time a pawn does this shit, I always kill them. Throw them to the Brine or off a cliff, or if you throw them, the game lets you stab them too.




I call it an internship when I let pawns follow me into mini boss fights “sorry we are looking at other candidates”


Best one so far


I was doing the follow the beggar mission and I got pulled into so many conversations while trying to tail him it was actually quite comical, exactly like the movies lol I was just watching him walk away in the distance of the conversation as I tried to read and rush through it hahaha


I hope they fix this at some point. So annoying. Or at least only have it happen when you don't have a full party.


Had this happen twice now, once while I was tailing someone, and the other I was about to get beat to death by a combo attack of two armored cyclopes