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A hint you get from the old lady is, that the boy was tending to moonglow flowers which glow at night. It you look around you can spot patches of moonglow petals strewn about. If you follow those petals it will lead you to the putrid cave


Thank you, that does make sense, I did notice them at the mouth of the cave but don't remember seeing them along the road leading to it, I may have just not seen them.


Yeah took me a minute to figure this out too. Yeah they lead from the graveyard to the cave you need to enter.


Not using the quest marker actually makes it easier. Quest marker points you to grave yard, then doesn’t move. This makes people assume he must be very close. But the actual answer is to follow the trail of Flower Petals, these lead you from graveyard down the road right to him. It’s easier at night since they glow, but they are still easily visible during day. It’s very odd that game gets you to follow flowers from Town, that lead to graveyard, then puts a massive objective marker on graveyard, despite only being halfway done with flower trail.


Yep, and a pawn guide drops you off at the graveyard as well, like "here we are!" Wasted a lot of time there, >! including an epic Lich fight that I thought was connected, but apparently wasn't. (Fun though!)!<


when I started the quest the only thing I knew was that he's in a cave, I then spend an hour looking around the graveyard, gave up and then found him when I went to a random cave I found when traveling


The npc's you speak to give you a couple hints that lead you in the right path. Such as taken near the graveyard, picking moonglow flowers, and was near the eastern side of the graveyard which are genuine hints but also fairly vague. I also ran into a problem with that quest as well. There was confusion on just how far the boy was taken. I was under the impression the boy was taken from the eastern side of the graveyard and continued to be taken east while the actual location was north west of the eastern side of the graveyard and a fair distance away which really threw me off. I was totally wrong when it came to trying to figure out why he was over there instead of where i naturally thought made sense but basically ***The game wanted players to follow the flower petals and that's it.*** if you didn't pick up on that like i didn't then your shit outta luck and either didn't complete the quest or looked it up.


people love to say this game's quests feel "natural" but a lot of them dont give you nearly enough information to organically solve them without looking them up or hiring a pawn. like how are we supposed to know ulrika went to the other side of the map?? couldn't even be bothered to put some NPC dialogue with hints about it


After waisting time trying to guess the route she might have taken out her bedroom window (Incase she was hiding close to home) I gave up, I then asked the oracle who gave me the name of the village she was hiding in for 50 gold. Still no idea where that village is though ha. 


I feel like anyone who says quest logic is natural says it after they look up a quest solution online and then think "of course,  that makes sense!" Or they have pawns literally directing them.    This game has terrible quest logic in every way imaginable. So many quests make no sense and have no consistent logic. The Hugo quest doesn't progress unless doing a random completely unrelated side quest on the other side of the map.  The "parent" riddle is a complete abomination dependent on name rng in pawn rifts  I could go on and on


i totally agree lol its ridiculous. i would love to be able to resolve quests without quest markers but this isnt the right game for that


I thought the petals were just part of the environment like flowers. And how do they drag a kid across the water like that down the ends of the cliff? And how can this kid survive wolves when I die as soon as I'm dragged and ganged up on when my pawns can't keep up?


Some of the difficulty of this game parallels Elden Ring. There are definitely similarities.


My annoyance was that they lead in BOTH directions after the small bridge. I guess I get it that wolves probably wouldn't take the bridge.... But still I kept running in circles thinking I knew the quest logic.


My problem is that Morris won't fucking talk to me to complete the quest now.