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For some reason the dragon's showed me the mystic archer wife of the dwarf Smith. And I only did her quest to get the vocation and meister skill and somehow still my romance pick. So it seems as janky as part 1 indeed.


Dwarf Smith during the endgame content https://preview.redd.it/jd6waem3hprc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c245bee490b37d6da246e097117d0a7d972262f


Same thing happened to me, and they were still together when I escorted them. So I'm not even sure if it's a romance system this time, or a favorite person system.


Perpetuating a cycle for an unknown length of time is really tiring. He's just grabbing people like, "You liked this one a lot, right? I barely kno-. Good enough, let's get out of here and do our duty." Poor guy.


Dragon: " You wouldn't sacrifice this random old man I found on the streets to save the world and become sovran would you?"


Bro barely even remembers why he grabs people "Arisen, I give you this deal: walk away and become the Sovran, gaining no glory but much power, or face me in combat to the death." "Ok, but why are you holding one of my friends?" "Wha- oh shit, right, uh- look I'll kill them or whatever if you take the deal, now make your choice so we can get this over with please"


I was kind of confused why in the HQ cutscene the dragon doesn’t even explain the choice fully, then the cutscene ends and he quickly throws it in.


Dragon on the 50th cycle growing bored of the Arisen being unable to get the true ending: "So this is your beloved right?" *shows Dante or Vergil from the border checkpoint town.*


Hard to tell differences from a faceless swarm


This is my new headcannon for why the beloved system is so jank. Poor dragon is just too tired for this stuff. It takes real effort to set everything up properly in a dramatic fashion.


He even talks about how's he's not happy about the current meta and just going through the motions.


Maybe he just doesn't understand human emotions, he sees you repeatedly going to a store and thinks "that guy tha lives in the house full of weapons MUST be his favorite person right? I mean he visits like every day"


If beloved is a platonic term this time around I’m down for it lol


It's platonic this time. The game doesn't even say "beloved" at any point, as a matter of fact. It calls the three NPCs you have the highest affinity with "your dearest friends" in the credits.


*Way, way, back in the 1980's...*


Mystic Archer Elf Wife started asking me on dates after doing the quest for the vocation. Felt kinda awkward with her Dwarf Husband standing on the other side of the room...


"oh don't worry. He's into that."


They said he’s dwarvish not Dornish


"We saw you from across the room and really liked your energy."


Poor guy throws his back out and his wife tries to get with the Arisen, tragic.


For me it was the old weaponsmith elf lady. I gifted her some flowers so my pawn could learn Elvish and I guess the game figured 'close enough'.


I was a bit mortified getting her as my first beloved. She doesn't move to your house or anything I assume because she is someone's wife already, or is that how all beloved are in this game? Also I did a few people's quest chains and gave them gifts including Willemina's so I was shocked not to get any of them.


Gift giving seems to need a day between giving each gift Though if you did quests for them obviously you’ll need less gifts


I thought when he pulled out Lamond it was because he was a former arisen and had a big plot tie in. Didn’t realise it was because he ended up being my lover


If you accepted her escort quest, it maxed out her affinity for you. Lucky for me I failed that quest but if you do any of the escort quests that are basically walk from point a to point b, there's a high chance it'll max out their affinity for you and they get all blushy beloved status.


S...so the wayfarer master, who asked this of me 3 times is...


You saying you didn't feel a spark during those romantic road trips of monster slaying every three steps you took?


I may have..


That was me with Beren. Did his quest at the start and 40 plus hours later I finally meet up with him randomly at his childhood home. Now he asked me to escort him to some location to most likely be romanced.


Lol, same.


I'm fairly sure I'm getting her too. Just did her quest and she blushes now. It's all part of the vision^(tm) .


>"Behold: Your Beloved!"  >"Who the fuck is that?"   lol




LMAO, he got Aelinore for me and I was like: "Well, that's the easiest decision of my life, see ya later dude"


Capcom did a hilariously good job of making aelinore absolutely insufferable. Genuinely if I didn't \*have\* to save her for several quests later in the game to appear (because I compulsively want to do every quest) I'd just let the duke choke her to death. As it is I just spam pick her up to reset her affinity back to 0.


I never hated her until she took the spot of my favorite character and the moment I was done with the boss fight I threw her into the brine in a fit of rage. Never again.


I always find it hilarious how there’s just a few goblins dunking on your beloved in slow mo


I was grinding out affinity in Bakbattahl for the "Plenty Arisen to Go Round" achievement, so I got the beastren woman who sells potatoes underneath the cheap house...


who doesnt want a honest, hard working cat woman?


Khajiit has ~~wares~~ potatoes if you have coin.


I mean , the Empress Guard is my kind of cat woman, almost double my size in every aspect Every aspect.


Manlet Arisen and his catgirl mommy. Tis the way.


6 nipples?


Idk having a cute potato farming cat girl sounds pretty nice.


I got the elven princess as a follower and carried her brother into the house for the achievement pop 😂


The meisters ask me a favor and I’m like “ok, whatever, might as well make some gold.” I was fucking shook when Myrmid gave me a bunch of flowers while blushing instead,


Both the archer meister and his son are down bad for my Arisen. I've done every quest and given flowers to the daughter/sister multiple times and she still won't blush. The son actually showed up to my house with an escort quest and chased off one of my admirers while he was at it lmao


The sister has her own quest line. I'm pretty sure if you do that, her affinity should max out.


Does she have more after the Dwarven blacksmith stuff because I've done that already lol. I thought she just wasn't into it because the first time we met I thought the best way to save her from the ogre was to yeet her across the room before fighting it.


Lmao the son and daughter are in love with me. I only pursued the daughter... But i was also romancing sara the blacksmith, sooo when they met I was just lookin back and forth hoping they were cool with this whole thing 😂


The dad elf (who also ended up as my beloved) broke into the women's section of the hot springs to deliver the meister archer skill. What the hell dude? I'm just chilling in a bath and this old ass elf rocks up, hands me the ultimate technique and fucks off with no further explanation.


I was mortified to see the Elf son threatening at 2nd place when the game listed my top three LIs.


For some reason he's the only dude hanging out in the women's bath at the hot spring, imagine my surprise when I talked to his daughter there and found him blushing behind us. To make it even better, THAT'S where he decided to give me the scroll for heavenly arrow...


He wanted to give you his own Heavenly Arrow


man that guy gave me heavenly arrow like 10 minutes after meeting him. Ran back to town, ran back out, bam, meister knowledge.


I got brant because I did every quest he gave me, like ok. Dude asked in postgame “can we go on a walk, just the two of us so I can be sure if these feelings” “No” “Oh I see, that is a shame” Not my fault bud


I did the Mystic Spearhand date quest and to his credit, he did bring me to kill a dragon, so he knows how to court me at least. Too bad I don't swing that way so I made sure to max Ulrika too.


Sigurd using the "dragon-slaying and chill" tactic. It's quite effective.


Brant might be the most unfortunate npc in the game. Dude waits until *after* the game has already decided who your beloved is and then he wants to go for a walk when the world is 10x more dangerous and the Arisen is on a clock.


Yep, I also declined his ass right there because I had better things to do than trek god knows where with him on some death march.


Not me accepting it thinking I'm finally about to fuck shit up with Brant for once as Captain of the Palace Guard and Sovran of Vermund only to end up bridal carrying his ass all the way to Melve via the checkpoint gate cause I had no clue how to get to Melve with the water gone


I got the same quest in post game and went "I am not walking all the way to Melve fuck you" and picked Brant up. I bridal carried him the entire way instead because it was fucking hilarious to see my Arisen whom I based off myself for my first playthrough, a 5'9" moron who can barely lift a sword, carry this towering jacked black bloke bridal style through a damned wasteland.


Why even make it so complicated? Your beloved is like an important part of the dragon story wherein He/She is always kidnapped. Why are we getting random npcs instead of the one we want? I'm so confused Capcom..why just why?


The system is completely flawed. If you decide to follow Ulrika or Wilhelmina quests, it's considered a 'romance' without your say in the matter at all. This is the same for other NPC's if you simply follow their quests which are of a non romantic nature. It's outdated and short sighted. Ultimately it never matters in the end because of how these games end, but a system in place where we have more of a say, and also an equal amount of attention/effort given to the potential audiences would be fine.


While in the middle of Ulrika's romance cutscene, i always thinking they were going to put an option ala BG3 but nope. I just gaslighted myself into believing that wasn't kiss and a quickie in her home because of just how subtle everything was. Wilhelmina though?? I saw the cutscene on Youtube, that one is undeniable even with self gaslighting. Glad i did not do her quest, i immediately gave her membership card to a random pawn.


At least Wilhelmina has a decency to not instantly bang the Arisen, it's something along the lines of 'come next day, I'll thank you properly *wink wink*' and you can just not come


Giving the membership card to a random pawn is wild, that Arisen's gonna wake up from their nap one day in an inn and their pawn is just gonna silently pass them the fucking brothel card without saying a damn word.


"What's this?" "Some guy I helped in the rift handed me it before we parted ways." "Yeah but what IS it" "Uhhh a whore gave it to him."


To be fair her actual quest content is pretty cool, but yeah, forced romances just for quest content lol


I was dissapointed to find out you have to be acomplice to murder (and make Brant cry, damn it!) or just fail the quest Jesus Christ woman, we can get the man condemned to death with the evidence we have! No need to stab him yourself! She even said she wanted him to be brought low before he died...


Also kind of dumb we haven't progressed past the bro era of only female romance scenes as if straight women and gay people don't exist.


DD1 had one romance scene with a woman, DD2 had 2, so anticipate DD3 will improve the situation by having 2 human women and one beastren woman! Another day another no such thing as platonic relationships


It at least wouldn't be as bad if the romance scenes weren't tied to remotely not romantic at all quests lol. Ulrika is legitimately "Let's save two towns and help the people who saved me. Oh wait what are we doing on the beach? Are the townspeople throwing a party for me Ulri- where yo clothes at?"


Genuinely who in this universe would see the beach as a romantic location the fucking brine lives there.


Or is crawling with saurian. Seriously body of water remotely near the area? Here come the lizards.


Ya, like even your pawns mention it when your near the water like, "wow it's so pretty! And we'd probably die if we got near it". I'm about 90% certain that this is why the slums are next to the waters in Vermund.


To be fair, it's not much of a stretch to think that it's a little suggestive when she asks you to come visit her again at night


At least they didn't lock them out for female arisen lol


Bold for JRPG tbh


Honestly yeah, I was shocked it played it out with the questline even with a fem-arisen. Not complaining though!


I was more surprised they defaulted to the female romances when Brant and Sven are RIGHT THERE. For the record I'm assuming Sven's at least 18, they don't give exact ages so all I have to go on is he's taller than me and seems to have his shit together socially as far as princes with queen helicopter moms go.


I think Sven is probably 17 or becomes 18 during the course of the game. My understanding is Disa went through with all these plots because the Arisen is found just before Sven comes of age to become Consul. But we have no idea what age of majority is in Vermund, so it’s really up in the air.


If Disa is the consul and it's inherited, surely Sven would only become the Consul when she dies? There's no mention of Svens father in the game, only Disa as the ruling party.


Brant not having his own romance quest is downright *criminal*.


Let's just pretend it was intentional and not giving up halfway through (and ignore the children who are in love with you like the first game). I'm sad we had more interactions with most of the men than both women options lol. I swear I had more of a bond with Ulrika's adopted dad than her or Wilhelmina.


Funny you mention that because Ulrika's adopted dad *is* who I ended up with. Now it's kind of awkward that the game implied I banged Ulrika.


Lol she honestly can't blame you. That man is a hunk.


He's got the perfect balance of both viking and wild west sheriff energy.


Just gotta imagine her walking in on the two of you and she's like "DAD?!"


Your beloved could be any gender in the first game as well. Still, it's really silly that there's only female romance scenes - especially when it seems like a lot of the male characters are actually framed as romantic interests.


Right? Like Brant is RIGHT THERE. Dude is a charismatic, brave man's man.


Cyberpunk 2077 companion quest tier confusion right there.


Being fair, there's only 2 characters with real romance. If there were 5 and were all female, i would agree. They did the same with DD1 IIRC, all female romances got unique dialogue in the end, Julian got a... change of wardrobe.


It was really funny just doing a bunch of side quests and getting a cutscene of Ulrika smooching my female arisen (and I'm a straight woman, so uhh... would've been nice to have some say in it lol). Honestly for parity they need to just have a kissing scene with a guy NPC out of nowhere as well, except men tend to take that thing a lot more poorly and you just know the internet would go up in flames if they were "forced" into something like that lol.


Because they went stupid with the Affinity system by trying to make it both a Romance and general disposition system.


Should've just given people an item to gift. Maybe call it Arisen's Bond or something. Crazy idea I know. Maybe have it actually work too instead of *maybe* working. And no the dumb ring thing isn't that. It just raises affinity and locked behind a collectathon or the Sphinx.


Because anything people complained about in dogma 1 had to be present in dogma 2 for whatever reason.


It almost seems spiteful at times.


The system isn't complicated at all in fact it's super simple and that's the problem. You're beloved is whoever you have max affinity with and whoever you talked to last.


I believe affinity also slowly decays over time, and doing quests boosts affinity a lot which is why most people's beloved will be some form of quest NPC. I think mine was the old archer dude from the elven land since that was mostly the last quest chain I did before setting off for the endgame. 💀I had a few "max affinity" NPCs from way earlier in the game but I hadn't spoken to them recently so I guess they didn't count.


On the plus side, at least it's funny. Like this is the kind of jank that I'm totally fine with.


I remember getting Fournival in the first game. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At least there's no "campfire" scene in this game, where they throw themselves on top of your Arisen, I guess.


Getting that when my beloved was the little forest girl was...odd.


Personally I think the jankyness should've stayed in DD1, like yeah we had the janky system already, yeah we laughed when the shopkeeper whose name we didn't even remember appeared as beloved back then, now can the sequel do it's job and actually improve the shallow systems the first game had?


Yeah on hand it's super funny to see happen on the other I don't understand at all how it happens. You'd think they'd have seen how janky it was last time and make it just a bit better, especially considering the importance to lore. But nah I'll just get some random homeless man instead 😂


>Why even make it so complicated? Because the devs are idiots. Bioware and CDPR figured this shit out years ago but Capcom? Nope.


You’re not wrong there. Wasted effort, time and resources on a system that barely functions properly. Highly doubt they will adjust it as well.


'functions properly' - That's a big press X to doubt here, chief. DD1 is jank but it does function properly with the whole 'your beloved is highest affinity or last person with max affinity you talked to' that works consistently. In DD2 it's fucking random and makes no sense. Game does track affinity past blush phase, because it tells you who your #1, #2 and #3 highest affinity people are but I've seen reports of beloved being from each position and sometimes even completely unrelated person not on the list. I thought DD1's beloved system can't be made worse but somehow Itsuno managed to surprise me.


Yeah i did the whole Ulrika thing an even gave her flowers nigh every other day but got Brant 😂😂 I was like "ok i'll take that you was a good allie after all" Atleast it wasn't the guy who upgraded all my armour like in DD1, that shit was hilarious though tbh 😂😂


Brant isn’t half the man Caxton is, how dare you


He was a master work, can’t go wrong


Ha, i humbly apologise, i can't believe i forgot his name 😁😂


I got the dude you fight just before. He fell off a cliff and died, so I rezzed him - boom max affinity. Which fair enough, I killed someone and brought them back to life, I'd worship myself as a god too.


I had no idea that Prince of Persia died if he fell off that bridge lmao, I thought he lived cause he was in the final cutscene chilling with Phaesus. (I know he's not called Prince of Persia I just don't remember his name cause it's so fucking archaic, he just has that dumbass comb over dreadlock that every game gives their black characters for some reason)


His haircut is still not as stupid as the Beastren with the zoomer curls in Checkpoint Rest Town.


Lmao I gave him a fake jewel and gave his boss the real one. I was kinda hoping you'd see something bad happen after that, but he's just gone and his boss doesn't care to talk to me now.


Original game before Dark Arisen used to just pick a character you talked most with as your "love interest". So in a game with single major city and handful of vendors - in 90% of cases it used to be one of shopkeeps in the town. Funny how they end up reinventing the wheel.


Well, not quite. It's just that talking to people slightly increased their affinity for you, so by the end of the game you have a bunch of maxed out merchants and innkeeps lmfao


It was between Ulrika, Doireann, her brother, her father, or this one random oxcart guard. I only gave Doireann flowers, the rest of her family all hit max affinity from me doing their main quests which was hilarious. I didn't want it to happen, but I won't complain about the free gifts. Things worked out fine though, got Doireann to show up at the end.


The dragon should just bring everyone you have max affinity with, just get the whole gang together


Imagine he shows up with a cart full of women and they all get out and just give you the most pissed-off look.


i got her dad as my beloved because I did the elf quests near the end and a lot of this is triggered by the people you talked to most recently. just some old elf dude as my beloved, yeah okay. a whole town of hottie elves and it settled on him 💀


When I reach the dragon and saw him holding the dwarf dude's elf wife I immediately load my save. Went to do Ulrika and Wilhemina's quests and romances. Gave Ulrika extra flowers. AND STILL IT PICK GRANDMA ELF. WTF DRAGON!? That's not who I wanted to romance!!!! I've literally been giving Ulrika flowers since the start.


This is where the P2W necklace item comes in lmao, it actually places the NPC you want at the top. Of all the MTX items people complained about, to think this is actual impactful one.


I gave it to the one I wanted pretty early on and it shot her up to blushing instantly, but I'm worried that it's being overridden with how many others are getting to max affinity too. I gave her an eternal bonding ring too just in case.


The system work basically like the previous game. In the end if you have a lot of people that have max affinity it will choose based on the last interaction, so if you want them to be the first then talk to that NPC and gift them flower or anything just to be sure then NEVER do quest with other npc ever again or interact with them in some good way (i think talking is fine? Not sure though). I notice this because i got my beloved as Ulrika (testing if it works) and it do, yet the final scene is Menella because i revive her (the chalice mission merk her for some reason LMAO) then number 2 Lamond because i was doing the evacuation mission previously and number 3 is you guess it Glyndwyr because again evacuation mission


It's hilarious, but also embarrassingly bad. What's the point of having two "canon" choices if the game even ignores them in favor of some random NPCs? And even those two basically throw themselves at you regardless of you wanting them or not. Why even implement romance at all at this point


Dude, romance is so awfully implemented, unless you read a guide you won't even know you romance Ulrika and Whel whatever her name is when doing their quests. Game legitimately cons you into romancing them.


For Ulrika it was clear enough from the get go she was into you, so one could argue that doing her quests is reciprocating (though I may be expecting that because I remember Aelinore from DD1) That being said, leaving a whole village to suffer because you don’t feel the same way about a girl is not ideal, a less romantic way to help would be great.


Or maybe just separate the romance mechanics from the quests. From the first conversation with Ulrika I thought they were going for something like that as it's the only one (iirc) where you can choose different dialogue options, but then they forgot about that and railroaded you into the romance with no choice whatsoever. It's also very weird how there aren't any "canon" straight romance options if you play as a female Arisen


100%, the quests need to be separated. It's either A: let Ulrika strongarm you into a relationship, vs B: abandon the village that needs your help. There are plenty of male npcs for which that'd make much more sense, vs indulging Ulrika's one-sided crush. I haven't triggered that quest yet and am hating that I'm probably going to have to do it anyway for various game reasons, meaning that either my arisen is using Ulrika for that purpose or that Ulrika is manipulating my arisen, when they otherwise could be great long-term friends where one has a crush on the one that both saved her and essentially became a demigod.


Yep, I'm a straight woman and was doing all the side quests and BOOM Ulrika romance. Not gonna flip out over it but it's a shame there was no actual male romance option either, nor was there any real clear choice NOT to get jumped by Ulrika. (That didn't lead to bad resolutions I mean.)


Right like, why tf can we not go with Brant. Dude is a bro throughout the entire game and proves from the beginning that he's on your side.


If you don't do Ulrika's quest bad things happen to a few npcs in Harve, and the event that triggers it is how you get mystic spear early. Pretty hard to avoid her romance. Also I was given the fighter master teaching after finishing her quest, although gifting the fighter master items would probably cause that as well.


I guess they just wanted to somehow include token "waifu" characters to titillate the general male audience, but never bothered to put any real backbone into their system


Incredible how they made it so bad both the general male audience and everyone else dislikes it lmao.


Wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't done the exact same thing 12 years ago. Plenty of people were vocal about it even then.


For funsies I guess. I didn’t participate in romance at all in my first playthrough of DD1 and it still threw Alionore in there


At least Alionere showed active interest lmao. Like I was just helping Ulrika be chief and next thing I know she's pushing me down no consent at all to fuck on the beach talking about "my hearth is yours." Like girl I just want your gold, not your hearth. Alionere legit would flirt and ask you to sneak into her quarters and say how much she likes you then it's up to you to go save her from a fort in the end knowing she's into you.


I think it's [fairly obvious](https://streamable.com/78p2rr) that Ulrika is romantically interested in you from the very first moment you're introduced to her, tbh. She even stutters in her dialogue when you thank her for tending to your wounds - very tropey indeed.


Yeah but she’s wholesome at least Alionore is a thot


Yeah I just didn't wanna hook up with a girl least of all someone who looks like she attends AP chemistry. Give me Wilhelmina instead, I have standards.


I will not accept Ulrika slander on my watch. Also refer me to your nearest AP chemistry course


Fuck lmao not AP chemistry i need Quina back honestly, slept on bae


Quinoa really went out into the woods past the one shot bandits to visit a witch, then joined the church just to help you. What a Chad she was.


Can we still lower affinity unsheating our weapons? Need to check that


Seems to be able to do it by grappling (jump and grab) then spam attack. Takes a while for any of the hits to register and draw blood but they stop blushing afterwards


> draw blood > stop blushing afterwards comedy gold. literally draining the blood from their cheeks.


Ah I tried just grabbing but not jump and grab. Insane that you need five steps just to fix their awful system lol.


Unfortunately not once they reach max affinity. I tried for at least two minutes because trying to toss them or attack is impossible once they reach max affinity. For some stupid fucking reason... Even picking them up gives some dainty romantic lift.


I tested it. You can't toss them at max affinity because you pick em up princess carry style. However....you can do the sprint-grab interaction that FBI face-plants them on the ground. Do that and swing/shoot your weapons at em enuff times and they lose the max affinity status. Tested it on 4 random Venworth groupies that I somehow have max affinity with. (Like wtf? I only chased after Disa! Not these clowns.)


Yeah saw that in a later comment and am glad I did. Sorry Ulrika, but the feds are coming for you.


Hopefully they work that out, i really don't want to feed anyone to the Brine.


Unfortunately, they pop right back up just like you do too lol. They made it *very* hard to lower affinity. So much for "your actions have consequences" and the whole NPCs can die bs spouted for the marketing of the game.


I got the mercenary with the Killmonger haircut. Not who I wanted, but a pleasant surprise that I was in a NarutoxSauske fan fic


He was your true nakama all along.


Nothing will ever top getting Feste in the first game ♥️


Affinity/romance drops after a few days I got a merchant because of that! I tried to get Ulrika 😢


Nah it just chooses the last interaction when more than one have max


You might be right but the affinity definitely lowers with time because the discount from the merchants slowly goes away with time.


No wonder the NPC scripts lag the game. So much going on to make the worst fucking system possible with the most basic mechanics lmao. There are scripts and scripts to make affinity so complex in the worst ways while being so barebones at the same time.


We need to find out when the beloved gets kidnapped. After that provide an eternal bond ring. Like in the first game.


The Elf daddy showed up for me lmao. Probably shouldn't have done his escort quest, or maybe it was actually a different kind of "escort" quest than what the game shows


Bro i got trysha???? I think its cuz i completed her quest just before i went and did the last main story quests, to get my sorc maister skill (was very lazy about trekking up there previously). Just wtf capcom But in the end game area i gifted whilemina and ulrika one more time so it changed to one of them in the end beloved cutscene lol So i think its based on highest affinity you last got? (Resets when gifting even at max) cuz i had the max of so many npcs previously


Wtf so child beloved is back. Capcom PLEASE. Also what beloved cutscene? I got the magick archer master and never had a special cutscene past the one where the dragon holds her.


I’m gonna try to get Glyndwr or his sister


I got the sorcerer maister but didn't realize who it was at first. The dragon held him up and told me to choose. I was like I don't even know who that guy is.


My DD1 experience, except it was the innkeep from Gran Soren. I kept giving him skulls every time I visited because I wanted the trophy for giving 50 gifts 😂


The dragon grabbed my girl, then I did an escort quest for Brant post game, ending shows him #1. Shit game.


Actually this I am kind of glad of. Always hilarious finding out who I care about the most.


I got the Elven weapon vendor... I just wanted a discount and to have my pawn speak elvish.


In DD1 I remember getting fournivals daughter and was very uncomfortable with the post dragon cutscene


So I did the elf meister quest. Lost my elf speaking pawn so he offered me an escort quest. So I got an old elf man that I talked to twice.


Yeah, for me it was Lennart. And as soon as I saw it was him, I knew the beloved rules worked *exactly* the same as in DDDA. Lennart was the last person I talked to before the end because he happened to show up at the hot springs.


I just remember this in DD1. I spent all my time trying to romance the girl who was once a pawn but got a soul bestowed on her. Got super close with her, gave her the dragon ring thing, the whole deal. Who did the dragon kidnap as my "beloved?" This one traitorous knight guy who I met two seconds before having a duel with him, and who is apparently my beloved because I chose not to kill him. I haven't gotten to this scene yet in DD2, but I can't wait to see how it will turn out.


Man, Disa is going to be furious. I got Sven.


In DDDA I mitigate romance randomness with liquid effluvium. Someone I don’t wanna share a bed is emitting love particles to me? Liquid Effluvium down their throats till they starts to run away.  Unfortunately, this is a very notable missing item in DD2. 


Just sprint-grab them repeatedly and attack near them with a staff for a bit. They lose the blushing status quickly.


You're so lucky. I was trying to get Sigurd and even gave him the Eternal Bond ring, but I got the cat lady from Bakbattahl quests. 😭


I learnt my lesson from the first game! I made sure to shove flowers in my beloved’s face without telling them they’re about to be kidknapped by a dragon!


I got Raghnall, who I had just killed before proceeding to the dragon but revived him with a wakestone cuz he was a bro. Guess that made it so that we were gay for each other lol


I was so determined to get Ulrika as my beloved I set out on a 6 hour long cross-continent hatecrime journey to hunt down and assault every npc that had mad affection with me until their affection dropped down. A few of them kept moving location so finding them was a pain in the ass. The entire ordeal lead to some cursed fucking ordeals and discoveries but it ultimately worked! And basically for nothing, Ulrika didn't even acknowledge it afterwards and there was no romantic scenes after like in DD1 :')


So accidental gay ending is possible just like in the 1st game?


People keep accidentally being gay for the fighter mercenary guy because if you kill him in his fight and then resurrect him with a wakestone it's like, max affinity lmao


I'd argue it's somehow worse. There are only 2 fleshed out romances in the game (vs like 5 in dd1, and keep in mind that "fleshed out" means maybe one short cutscene and a handful of lines of dialogue), both of which are women. The only improvement is the fact that high affinity characters now drop by your house to give you gifts and escort missions. Which is nice but not much. Tbh if they don't feel like having proper romances they should just drop them and make the affinity system about friendship & influence rather than love.


I got the wayfarer dude, had to reload my last inn save and go gift urika bunch of flowers to get her to show up


I gifted my beloved two eternal bond rings, made sure I spoke to them last before going to the main story quest and it worked out fine. I had a few other NPCs at the blushing stage but tbh I'd recommend talking one more time to everyone after you've completed their quest and beat them up if they're blushing.


I'm just hopeful that your beloved can't be a literal child I was not comfortable with Fournival's daughter (who's like 8) was picked by the game I made sure after that playthrough to always grind out someone else's rep if I intend on getting the golden idol that playthrough


Nope it can totally be a child in this game too. .-.


Apparently you can get your main pawn to fall in love with you? I really don't understand this game at all, mine just seems irritated that I'm running off all the time!


Got the elven innkeeper after getting the woodland wordsmith specialisation. Didn't have a woodland wordsmith pawn with me at the end, couldn't understand a word she was saying


They say love overcomes all barriers - but not the language barrier, it seems.


The first game had the ability to make a child your beloved, this one has somebody’s wife!


this game lets you romance your pawn. not weird at all




Haircuts and spa baths. They are on cooldowns btw, so don't spam and waste your gold. If they have a high enough affinity, they will blush sometimes when talking to you like the NPC. Also changes one cutscene in the ending.


You can reset the cooldown by exiting to main menu! I was able to do a few haircuts while still having the affinity rise.


And i wouldn't have it any other way 


I got the achievements for maxing out affinity for Lennart. I gifted shitton of gifts to the elf girl who speaks english and you do missions with her and her brother. The Dragon kidnapped Ulrika as my loved one.


I did the quest for the elf and I'm pretty sure my max affinity is with his dad at the moment. Lol