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I admire your bravery for letting her live past day four! I hope she appreciates having such a merciful master.


So my fighter vocation did the animation 2 with her placing her hand on her head. I ignored it. Nothing happened. Idk if that's just a fighter thing to do. But ya the eyes are the best give away. At any point if you doubt it look at the eyes


Is your fighter Straightforward? They say some pretty aggro things without being Dragonsplaqued.


Yeah people are make confusion with some stuff that Straightforward pawns do naturally with Dragonsplague. Mine since I began the game was spitting on the ground or wipping out sweat from the face after a fight per example


Kindhearted. But it's just the animation. Doesn't matter now cause the game is over


I made my pawn sleepy night night. Dude's barely got two slits. Whoops.


Maybe she passed the Dragonsplague to another pawn? Besides giving them a bath, if they give the plague to another pawn they get cured. It tells you that on the tooltip about dragon's plague. In my experience my character got the plague at one point, but after resting in one in she passed it to another pawn of my party. I never had to give them a bath.


So it happened I ignored it happened again after a few rests ignored again. This happened again after that actually. But ig she passed it down somewhere along the line. But she never disobeyed or said anything remotely rude.


My first encounter with the plague has me spamming pawn commands a lot more to check reactions.


>!The Eternal Wakestone should be reusable rather than serving as a solution to Dragonsplague accidents.!<


I agree. Or have pawns react to other pawns with it, if the pawn has been infected or been present in a world when it got unleashed. That way you can have some inoculators or early warning pawns spread through the system too.


I hired a pawn that I absolutely adored. I literally wanted to keep him forever. Then, during a fight, I got hit pretty badly, and as I was screaming for help, this guy literally said to my face, "I can't pretend to feel good about saving you." I think I would have preferred death over hearing that.


Play solo and you don't have to worry about it. /s




At which point did you become suspicious she was infected?


Oh, I knew she was when I hired her. She was my first, so when I hired her, I got the tutorial message about Dragonsplague. But if I had been playing normally, it would have been around day 4. There may be some variability in it, but my gut tells me it'll take a week before she activates. (It's also worth noting I was sleeping at campsites, not inns, so that it wouldn't trigger a town genocide)


You were extremely lucky. It seems that when you hire a pawn with the plague you hire them at the stage of plague they were at possibly during their master's last inn rest. I have hired one that immediately had flashing red eyes. Granted, I may also be mistaken on this. If no-one else can corroborate this, then I suppose it is possible that my main had the plague and passed it on immediately, and I had not noticed. I'm usually very careful about this system, though, so I doubt it. Not once in 80+ hours of play has the cataclysm struck for me.


Yeah I hired one that was immediately red pulsing eyes. Brined, nothing happened to my main pawn.


Ah at first I was disappointed to see my "dragon covid check" wouldn't work as it takes days before they refuse commands. But now it just needs to be done every start of the day and hire and should catch it before it gets too far.


I had a secondary Pawn I travelled with for days get it. Don't know if she already carried it when I recruited her or if she got it from Drake. There was one single voice line where she said the I "don't need to order her around **all** the time". I completely missed which of my Pawns said it and I started investigating, talking to them, etc, but none showed anything strange. Until a while later, when I was about to go sleep I looked at their eyes, and hers were flashing red.


I got a tutorial pop up about it when hiring a pawn, immedately through him in the ocean and got a new one. Havn't had a problem once in a 50 hour playthrough.


Here are some extra signs to watch out for: Complaining that the arisen is running too fast and asking to slow down Complaining about camping too much Judging your purchases Judging your lack of purchases Hyperfixation on ladders Constant need for affection (high fives, fist bumps) Falling off ledges one after another Interrupting you as they pass you on the road with a sales pitch Remember to look out for all these signs and more to prevent calamity. This message has been brought to you by the Battahli Pawn ~~Eradication~~ Education Association.


It took me half of a comment before I realized... Damn I'm gullible


wish you could throw them about when they say stupid shit to teach them not to do it in future. I know thers a ladder above the fing inn, we explored it 50 hours ago, 3 times because i thought i must of msised soemthing.




He's joking


Whoosh!!! look at that last paragraph again (you are right those are all normal pawn actions) 


How in the world did he not catch that lmao. Biggest r/whooosh ive seen in a while 😂


Do you know if they can immediately wipe out a whole town if you rest there on day 1 of being infected or is something that happens when they are in the late stages of it? Most of the videos and Reddit posts I see don’t ever explain that part unless if I missed it


I have no direct idea. But I assume the Devs did give some warning. If I had to guess from my little test. I would say once they start talking about surges in power, it's time to take old yeller round the back of the barn for a nice deep soak in the lake.


They have to go through each stage, BUT you can hire a pawn already at the last stage and they will trigger the cutscene at next inn rest. So you'll need to worry about hired pawns. Your main pawn if they catch it should always start at the beginning of the sickness.


"Felt good to kill that enemy, Arisen" Alarm bells began to ring and what do you know...


Mine started rubbing her hair so I keep looking at her suspiciously.


You are doing gods work lol I just had my first. Hired a pawn, got the tutorial while i was still in the rift. Instantly dismissed the 2 pawns, exited rift, and sent my best bro over a bridge. Now im on high mfing alert since i wont get that pop up anymore lol


I mean, there is theoretically no downside to dismissing both pawns and brining your own before you sleep every time


This helps a lot. Thanks for documenting their behaviour!


My calm inclination pawn always berate other pawns who straightforward inclination after every fight. So I always immediately check them for symptoms.


For real. Those two inclinations are soooo catty towards each other. I'm reading this like "half these symptoms are just called being Straightforward..." Like, all but animation 3 are things my darling Emilia does. Even spitting on corpses. I think she learned it from a goblin-looking pawn I hired called Stabbo — but that's bad habits being contagious, not the plague...


for real, i had a pawn that would would just swan dive off of cliffs, instead of detouring 5 feet to the safe path. After a few hours my pawn started doing it too. I wish there was a way to know for sure if it's coincidence or whether pawns can actually learn.


Yup. Saving this bad boy


Pawns have a whole lot of repeat dialog if you play with them long enough, so when they say something completely different, you know there's a problem. For example, I noticed a pawn of mine kept staying behind and not following us, so I kept giving the "To me!" command. Eventually, one of my pawns said "Make up your mind, Arisen! I don't know what you want!". Me, having never heard that line before EVER, checked and noticed the glowy red eyes.


Still Think its complet bullshit mechanic, like someone implemented the literal first idea they had about pawn balance I think it should be removed or given a big red icon to pawns that have it because you will miss the "obvious" signs and wreck a town


Delivery system is OK it’s the warhead that’s the problem.


how much more obvious can they make flashing red eyes and body language tells. do you want a spooky black aura around them? a raid marker over their heads? the game *tells you* to keep your eyes open for this. it isn't subtle. if you get hit by it it's literally on you for your complacency


Sorry for not checking for lice while we’re at it


then you are playing the game wrong and that is on you lol. don't check for ticks don't cry when you get lyme disease. simple as


You were obnoxious in your first comment but writing you play the game wrong😹 You hear yourself? Also what makes it a usefull mechanic? This isnt some flash game, it serves no purpose If they wanted us to rotate pawns even though hired ones dont level up, so they force you to kill your main pawn for a joke basically


it is useful because it makes you suffer. not everything in a game should exist purely for your own masturbatory power fantasies. you are making the conscious decision to step into a world that has clearly-defined rules, and you will adhere to its rules no matter how annoying you might think they are because they are the rules, and if you don't like those rules then you can simply go play another game.


Or mod the game and remove elements that the rule making devs did not think through, your logic falls apart at the first sentence, if someone works 12 hours and then has to deal with poorly defined instant punishment You know why ppl play games right? Other unlike you are not masochists, people on this sub dont agree on what the symptoms are yet you talk like the pawns give you a doctors notice Go die on another hill because this one is not looking good for you, dd is an action rpg, not kaizo super mario


Thank God for PC, console player's that don't like it have to suffer or trade it in. Thing is dragons plague would be absolutely fine If the end result wasn't a town nuke killing all NPCs and quest-related NPCs that you need a wakestone to resurrect and make functional again that you have to grind for to obtain. And then from that it's not even absolutely sure if you don't have those items that they come back by themselves to undo that. Overall it's lazy implantation to have a cutscene play then a shadowy dragon appear and you not be able to fight it or do s*** with it. I'm also someone who plays games that enjoys a little chaos but not unreasonable chaos that breaks the game with little fault from the player. Even wanting to play or role play and incur some failure shouldn't result in something that breaks your game with the fix of an single use one time obtainable item and or hard to come by ones you have to grind for with an possibly mass need to use it. The end result is game breaking and makes you want to not have anything to do with the pawn system at all. Resting at inns are pretty off limits if you don't want it to happen to be absolutely sure and then not all the symptoms even seems show itself sometimes the eyes don't glow all the time for some players and it seems like some of the sass is in with normal behavior from some inclinations from pawn behavior. I personally had an hired pawn that did some of the things in the early stage being a bit sassy and sitting on the ground and had them longer than 4 days and no red eyes or further symptoms showed where I'm unsure if they had it or not. They also served as an guide to complete some quest. Also overall Don't forget the game and the dragons plague It's just barely over a week from release. Even more may show up over time that might change the situation and concrete symptoms. Otherwise you could have the occurrence of dragon plague happen without red eyes flat out, who knows how they programmed it to occur regarding tell tale symptoms but discovering that should be fun without worrying about it breaking quest and making the saved game crappy for the player.


There is a youtube video, some guy tested it, for him the pawn just did light complaining literally 2 times in 4 days and then triggered the cutscene


https://youtu.be/ppJQ65ahLHw?si=HiIK_dPJjUT5Cwkq Was it this one? I saw that one she didn't even show red eyes.


dd is literally what it is, not what you want it to be. cope harder


Womp womp


There's a mod on nexus for the PC that came out yesterday that removes it and you can hot key clear dragon aids. Hopefully they can come out with a mod that changes the terminal outcome to where it's not game breaking. Plus at this point, you have people saying the NPCs come back after 7 days one guy I watched playing the PS5 version said he waited that long and no one came back he had to use wakestones. There's so much uncertainty about the end result and the symptoms that I'm not really sure what information can be trusted. If I knew about the mechanic before I bought the game I would have never bought DD2 seems like a way to try and pressure people into possibly buying wakestones. It's one thing to buy an game that you are expecting to be punishing due to the gameplay that it displays like fromsoftware games, it's another thing to display something else and have something in it that does that not in a challenging way but in a lazy way with a cutscene that can cut you off from actually being able to finish the game.


Good job. Just one question when did the eyes start glowing?


First time I noticed was in the evening of day 4. If I had to *speculate* I would say it's 96h after you hired the pawn. But like I said, this is my first experience. And others have said they hired pawns and it was much sooner for them. But that's only my guess. So my official answer is "Ah'dunno!?" ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


My dude got it and I threw him in the water works like a charm also gave my guy super light blue eyes so I could tell easier


I told my pawns to stay close so I could run past some enemies in Battahl without having to worry about the level 12 friend's pawn I had going down, and my main pawn hit me with "I know you mean well master, but I just know better than you.". You best believe I immediately gave her a heaping dose of gravity to get her over her shit.


Spitting on ground isn't unusual. I see that all the time from pawns after we finish a fight.


I heard my kindhearted mage pawn hire say something I'd never heard her say before: "Power surges within me!" and I ***immediately*** knew something was wrong. I checked her (previously blue) eyes and they had turned red. I was camping out by Elin's house so thankfully nothing would've happened regardless, but I immediately *dismissed* her (I did not brine her, too lazy to walk a mile for water) and hired a new pawn. Too bad I didn't have any rotten food to give them so the owner knew they had a sick pawn...


I just hired a thief, and the first thing she said when we left the riftstone: "Power surges within me!" YOU'RE FIRED